Light Of My Life

By calculated-chaos

341K 8.5K 1.6K

When your job title is FBI agent, getting hurt is kind of an occupational hazard. And when you're hurt, who d... More

Light In The Dark
There's A Difference
Domestic Disturbance
When Your Past Haunts You
I Wouldn't Call It A Date
Maybe Wishes Do Come True
Hard Hit
Picture Frame
Sweet And Savory
Heat Of The Moment
Water And Tears
The Moon And The Stars
The Losses We Feel
Dull Colors
Close Call
Friends Like These
Aquatic Surprise
A Day Out
Gun Point
Devyn Miller
"I'm Sorry."
Piece Of The Past
What Could've Been
You're The One
Matching Puzzle Pieces
One, Two, Three, Four
Daddy Dearest
"I Will Always Find You."
Colors Of The Body
No Regrets
Just A Rehearsal
Light Of My Life
Happy Ever After


6K 139 8
By calculated-chaos

Thanks for reading and reviewing!

Words: 1,656


Devyn thought going home would make her feel better but she just feels...empty. Spencer, bless him, is at her side the entire time, doing his best to make sure she's comfortable. Making sure she has everything she needs.

But that on top of everything, only makes Devyn feels guilty. Spencer's taking so much time off work to be there with her, he's worrying, unable to relax properly. And he's getting less sleep than she is. The nightmares wake her up often and Spencer as a result. Devyn's not sure he goes back to sleep after she does. He's the only reason she's even able to get any sleep in the first place, and now she's depriving him of his.

It's not as hard as she'd thought it'd be to convince Spencer to lie down around noon for a nap. Devyn thinks it's because he's too tired to put up much of a fight anyway. And despite him only being in the other room, Devyn doesn't want to be alone so she asks Richard over for lunch.

"I swear, I thought you were annoying," Richard groans on the couch, shaking his head. Apparently, his stand-in partner while Devyn is on medical leave is a bit to...hyper, for his liking.

"You know you love me," Devyn jokes, her lips pulled up into a small smile.

Richard sighs and nods, face more serious than before. "Yeah."

Devyn nearly freezes, her eyes scanning his face. She knows Richard cares for her, it shows in all the things he does, how he acts. He's just never outright said it before. "Don't get sappy on me now." She tells him before clearing her throat and ducking her head.

"Never," Richard shakes his head and nudges her knee. "How're you holding up? Really."

"Some days are better than others," Devyn admits with a glance towards the closed bedroom door. "The dreams are the worst. Not just because...I'm keeping Spencer up. He's suffering just as much as I am."

"You guys talking about it?"

"Yeah," Devyn nods before releasing a sigh and adding. "Trying. But...we're okay."

"Good," Richard mumbles. Things like this can always go two ways. Bring couples together, or break them apart.

"Hey," Devyn starts again, shaking Richard from his thoughts. A small smile plays on her lips and he raises his eyebrows in question. "Don't worry about the new guy, I'll be back before you know it."

"Don't rush," He tells her. "You need time to heal, don't need you hurting yourself."

"I'm fine," Devyn shrugs but Richard only gives her that disbelieving look of his and she sighs. "I will be."

"Yeah and until then, you're not coming back to work." He points to her, making his words stern but Devyn only smiles. "Or doing anything."

"Are you grounding me?" Devyn gasps, a hand resting over her heart. "I don't think you can actually do that."

"Oh, I can, and I am."

"Pft, whatever." Waving him off, Devyn grabs the remote and turns the tv volume up before leaning her head against his shoulder. She lets out a long sigh, closing her eyes when Richard places his arm behind her. Only two people in the world can make her feel this safe, this comfortable. Spencer and Richard. And having both of them with her, despite one being asleep, doubles that feeling.

With a deep breath, Devyn slowly drifts into a peaceful sleep.


Consciousness comes to Spencer slowly. He sighs and rolls over in bed, his arm reaching over only to hit cold cheats. Eyebrows furrowing, the young genius blinks open his eyes to discover that he's alone in the room.

With a quiet sniff, Spencer pulls himself out of bed. He looks out the dark window before turning to the clock. 2:38 am. Yawning, Spencer rubs his face and exits the bedroom, eyes immediately landing on the figure sitting on the couch.

"Hey," He mumbles to Devyn while moving to sit next to her.

"Hey," She whispers back, eyes shifting down to the blanket wrapped around her.

"It's late, why are you up?" Spencer can't help the yawn that breaks free but he ignores it the best he can and places a hand on Devyn's thigh.

"Couldn't sleep," Devyn admits quietly. She'd felt fine, well, mostly, yesterday but today she just...Sighing, Devyn shakes her head and purses her lips. "Did I wake you?"

"No, bed just got a little cold," Spencer shifts in his seat, moving to wrap his arm around Devyn's shoulders before pulling her into his side. Freehand moving down, Spencer slides his fingers under the hem of Devyn's shirt. "How's that feel?" He questions, fingertips tracing the rough edges of her healing scar.

"It itches," Devyn turns her head, burying her nose in Spencer's shirt, and takes a deep breath.

"That's a good thing," Spencer informs her before moving his arm to wrap around her waist. "Means it's healing."

"It won't always feel like this, right?" She's not asking about the physical wound, and Spencer knows that.

"No," He shakes his head softly before placing a kiss to her temple. "It won't but it will take time."

"I feel like I did something wrong," For the first time that night - morning? - Devyn's voice shows some emotion. The tears that fill her eyes are evident in her voice and Spencer's heart clenches.


"I knew I was pregnant," Devyn can't raise her voice above a whisper. "Richard told me I shouldn't be working but I did it anyway. It's my fault."

"No," Spencer sits up, voice stern. "Nothing about what happened is your fault. Okay? Nothing." Devyn shakes her head so Spencer brings up his hands and gently cups her cheeks. "There's nothing else you could've done." His words are quieter than before but no less strong. "And thinking about that is only going to cause more pain." Devyn's lower lip wobbles and Spencer wipes away her tears with the pads of his thumbs.

Spencer feels his own eyes stinging as he moves to wrap his arms around Devyn once again. He pulls her to him and lets her cry. He joins her soon after.


The smell of coffee is what wakes Spencer the second time that morning. He groans and sits up on the couch, stretching his score muscles. Devyn is gone, yet again, but he doesn't have to wonder for long.

"I love your bed head," She says with a smile while moving to sit next to him, a mug in each of her hands. "Or, couch head." She corrects before handing him the steaming liquid with a kiss to his cheek. "Thank you, for last night. Sorry for stealing your sleep."

"Don't apologize," Spencer nudges Devyn's head up with a finger under her chin. "Please. I'm always here for you, no matter the time."

Devyn's lips pull back up into a soft smile, her eyes sparkling. "I love you. More than you'll ever know."

"I do know," Setting his mug down on the coffee table, Spencer pulls Devyn closer to him. "Because I feel the same for you." All he wants to do is pull out that ring he bought was seems like a lifetime ago and slide it onto her finger. Let it rest there as evidence of his love. As his promise to love and care for her forever, more so than himself. But it's not the time. And he doesn't know when it will be.

Without any words, Devyn moves forward and connects her lips with Spencer's.

"I have a doctor's appointment today," Devyn says into the silence a little while later, still cuddled into Spencer's side on the couch.

"You didn't tell me that." Spencer's eyebrows furrow and he looks down at Devyn.

"I know, sorry," She shrugs. "Thought maybe you'd go back to work if you didn't know." She admits sheepishly. She's hoped he would get a good night's sleep and go into work but it obviously didn't work out that way. "I'll probably learn when I can go back to work."

"You know, you don't have to rush," Spencer says this carefully, hesitantly, his fingers running up and down Devyn's arm. "You can take more time."

"I want to go back," Devyn shifts but doesn't look up at him. She can't sit around here anymore. Of course, it's nothing against Spencer, she'd be with him all the time if she could. Well, most of the time. A girl needs to be by herself every once and a while. But these walls are starting to close in on her and she's not in the mood to just go out. Work is exactly what she needs right now. "I need to go back."


"I know," Devyn cuts Spencer off, finally turning to look at him. "I know, and I won't...shut you out just because I'm working again. Promise."

"Remember, I have a great memory, I will bring this conversation up again if I have to," Spencer says, his words light but not any less meaningful. "I'm coming with you today. We'll eat out after. It'll be good."

"Yeah, okay," Devyn nods. She doesn't really feel like getting dressed up to go out but she doesn't have to. She'll just throw on some jeans and a t-shirt. People can deal with or ignore her messy hair. As long as she has Spencer by her side, nothing else matters.


1. Richard! He came for a visit, had a talk with Devyn. Ended up helping her sleep. Adorable father/daughter moments.
2. She and Spencer had a talk as well. And they fell asleep on the couch!
3. Devyn is ready to get back to work. She's feeling restless and cooped up. Not doing anything is getting to her. I wonder how that'll go.

Thanks for reading! As always, thoughts, theories, and your reactions are welcomed! Encouraged even.



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