Till No one Remains

By Codename_M707

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[Being revised atm] 30 survivors... A mansion... 3 teams Watch the story unfolds as 30 survivors tell their p... More

Author's Note
Chapter I - The Murder Mansion
Role Mechanics
Chapter II- Kill, Accuse, Vote
Chapter III- Trust, Bonds and Rivalries
Chapter IV- Deception and Secrets
Chapter V- Side Effects
Chapter VI- To be with Them
Chapter ??? - A Deal
Chapter VII - Detached from Reality
[Don't Skip] Announcement
Chapter IX- Fall Apart
Chapter X- Knocking on Death's Door
Chapter XI - False Hope
The End (?)

Chapter VIII- All In

102 1 1
By Codename_M707

[Annie's POV]

The lights have flickered out.

"The lights went out. Should we go back?" I asked.

"Let's stay here for now." Alex replied.

"They'd be busy doing stuff in that mansion." He continued.

That makes sense, I guess. Though we still have to use our abilities. We can't be idle when we can get killed at any moment.

"You have your tablet, don't you?" Alex asked.

"Yeah, why?" I showed him my tablet, the one I use for spying on people.

"Bug Natalia." He ordered.

Natalia, huh...

She has been hiding for a while now. She didn't show up after that announcement and she doesn't show up during discussions. I wonder why is she hiding. She could be a special role like Alex, or she could be-

"I'll go read on Kim-ly. Her actions are oddly suspicious for me, even though I barely got out of my room until yesterday." Alex added.

"Okay then." I nodded as I selected Natalia to bug on.

Even though it's midnight, I can't rest now, since I have this responsibility... to save ourselves from this killing game, even if it cost others' lives.

[Austin's POV]

"Took ya long enough." I muttered, as I felt a presence coming by. I can already tell who they are, and what they want with me. Seems it worked.

I grabbed myself a knife, as I know where this is headed.

"Heh, ready to die?" They laughed.

"YOU FIRST!" I screamed as I rushed in to stab the murderer. Surprisingly, they avoided that attack well. They must have like, night vision or something. But, I may have missed my mark given that it's dark here.

I only have few lights open that are dim enough to be noticeable. Using that as my guide, I should be able to predict the murderer's movements. I bet they won't notice it much if they can really see in the dark.

"Trying to kill the murderer, huh?" They taunted me.

"The rules don't say you have to be the murderer to kill." I replied as I tried to land another stab, but to no avail.

"Guess we'll be having fun tonight." They smirked.

We both exchanged stabs that misses their marks. I can feel their murderous intent through me. But, that won't stop me from killing them. I'll end this killing game with my own hands!

"Pretty good for a detective. I wonder why haven't you caught me by now."

"I noticed that the clues don't pile up, but point out to numerous people. I can also guess that your teammates hid some of the clues, so that I would be forced to reveal my role. That trick won't work on me." I replied, as I try to catch my breath from avoiding their attacks.

"Is that so? So that's why the clues are in paper. Pretty impressive, Mr. Detective." I was given a compliment.

Tchhh... Acting casual as we fight to the death... It ticks me off.

[Medic's POV]

I hope our plan works. I know it's risky, but I have to gamble on someone's life if I want to save people.

I still wonder how my ability works. It's weird that I don't need to physically interact with those I want to heal, yet... they actually get healed. How did I actually save Kim-ly back then with just a tap? Is there someone out there who does the work for me? Could there be accomplices among us?


No time to think deeper about it. I should use my ability on him before it's too late.

Please work... and please... be safe.

[Austin's POV]

"Can I ask you something?" I asked as the murderer countered my attacks.

"Sure thing, don't get killed now."

"Why are you killing everyone here?" I questioned the murderer's motive.

"To protect someone- This game won't end if I don't kill anyone."

"Then, give up already. Whoever you're protecting, I'll protect them."

Of course, that's a lie. My friends died because of you. I'll make sure to return the favor.

"I don't trust you one bit, so not HAPPENING!" They laughed as they lunged at me.

Ughhh... that was close. I got a cut near my shoulder. But that won't stop me.

"Tchhh..." I groaned.

"For a detective, you seem hellbent on killing me. I wonder why's that."

"Isn't it obvious? You killed them." I tighten my grip.

"Oh. I forgot your friends died. Such a shame."

"Is it that funny? Oh, right- you're just a bloodthirsty murderer."

"I wouldn't say that if I were you, but I agree with that, just a little."

"I'd like to talk more but, time's UP!" I got tripped by a sweep kick from the Murderer. I lost my grip of my knife.

"Any last words?" They looked right into my eyes... I can perfectly see who they are now.

"Huh? Why- can't- I-?" The murderer's hand is stuck on midair, as if a barrier is protecting me. Must be the medic's work.

Looks like our plan worked.

As the murderer was distracted, I managed to land an attack. I rolled down, so I can stand up, making the murderer lose balance in the process.

"Tchhh... You win this time. I'll be back." The murderer immediately rushed outside.


I should have chased the murderer, but I'll get suspicious if someone elses see me with bloody clothes and a knife.

Luckily, I didn't get hurt much. I gotta thank the medic for that. After waiting for 5 nights, I can finally set my plan into action.

"If I can't kill you, might as well get you executed." I grinned.

Wait- Something's wrong. If it's actually [REDACTED] then... Does that mean he's-

I have to get rid of him first. I can't be saved by the medic if I get killed by the assassin.

[???'s POV]

Hmmm... This is a first. Two leaders fighting to the death.

The detective has noticed that they can also kill since the rules don't say that you can't kill if you're not the murderer. Leaving so many plot holes in the rules create so much possibilities, doesn't it?

I want to see another one like this again. Too bad most people here are cowards who would only kill when they're the murderer or the assassin.

I'll give a special extension of the night, just for this occasion. Murderer, Detective, do your best!

[Murderer's POV]

Tchhh... I need to get healed, fast. I can't show myself injured, or I'll get killed sooner or later. The detective knows my identity now, so I'd expect myself to be accused any moment. I can't fake being attacked because the medic knows who they healed so I'll get exposed by both the detective and the medic.

Where's the rest of the evil team when I need them the most?

I went to my room and see that the assassin's already waiting there.

"Failed?" The assassin asked.

"Yeah, and worse, got injured." I replied.

"How? Did he fight back?"

"Yeah. He almost got me killed." I groaned.

"Seems I have to get you healed."

"OUCH!" I screamed as a wet cloth was pressed on my stab wound.

"You're the murderer, why would you get killed?"

"Supposedly, there's no rule saying that you can't kill just because you're not on the evil team." I sighed.

"Wait, really?"

"I may get killed at this rate. Any plans?"

"Eliminate the psychic first. I'll take care of the detective next night, while you take care of the medic."

"You already know who's the psychic?"

"Yeah." The assassin nodded.

"Shouldn't we take out the medic first?"

"He's more... important. Besides, I don't know who's the medic yet."

"Tchhh... Fine." I sighed.

This is going to be a rough night. Can't believe I fell to his trap...

[Annie's POV]

For some reason, it feels safe here in the garden. Sure the lights are out here, but the stars are shining bright that it fills me with relief.

"Alex, got any news?" I asked.

"Wait, almost finished-" He replied.

I want to know where Natalia is, what is she doing and if she's a special role.

Natalia visited: No one

You will now be informed of Natalia's location for the rest of the day.

Seems she didn't visit anyone, but I atleast have access to her location. I need to find out what she's up to.

"Hey, Annie. I found out something."

Ohhh, the lights are flickering back on. Great. I wonder what is he gonna tell me.


"Kim-ly's Evil."

Wait, what?

[Lukey's POV]

The lights have been restored.

It feels unusually eerie these recent nights. I keep seeing shadows of people passing by during lights out, recently. I don't know if they're really just passing by, or someone is like... guarding something.

Taking a look outside, I saw Colleen passing by. I wonder if she's a special role.

No one has died tonight.

Ohhh... Good! I hope the medic keeps this up. We might win at this rate, although, there's still the execution part. Whether we catch another one will decide if things will turn out better.

You may now investigate.

I wrote the sixth entry for the day, marking that I still survived. From what I found out so far is that the one of the clues are consistent. This could probably mean they're real since the detective didn't point them out being fake. I'm assuming either Omar or Elizabeth are a special role.

Okay. I should investigate now. I'll avenge Odette, and stop the murderer fair and square.

[Kim-ly's POV]

I have a feeling someone figured me out by now. Of course someone will, since I framed Viola that one night. I can only hope it's the dark psychic or I'm dead.

I don't really socialize with the rest since I know they'll check me out, then expose me for being evil. Seems it's backfiring at me too.

I need to avoid getting voted out. If I must, I'll gather all the clues I have so far and frame another one again.

I should ask Colleen about this though, because she might get voted out in the process.

[Colleen's POV]


How should I think this through?

"I'll be off now." Jackson left the room.

"Uhhh... Colleen, can I ask something?" Kim-ly was just waiting at the door.

"Sure, come in." I replied.

What does she want though? I have a feeling that she might be voted out next, but that shouldn't happen.

"Colleen, I need help framing someone." She told me bluntly.

Should I involve myself with this? I might get caught by the process, but I also needed to frame someone. I wonder who though.

"I don't care whoever, but someone who will take my place tonight." She added.

Oh... the way Kim-ly tells me all this, she really trusts me in this one. I still doubt her, but I guess I should help her out.

"Fine. So what do we do?" I asked.

"I have clues... right here. Uhm... it's up to you if you'll use it, because you might also... get framed..." She handed me a clue saying [Green eyes]

She's right, we might get framed by this. This is a double-edged trump card. The detective might accuse us too, especially if they found out these are fake.

"Just so you know, these are legit clues from the detective. So you don't have to worry being caught by the detective. And besides, even if someone accused us, we can just vote them out first or let the murderer kill them." She added.

"You really thought this through, huh?" I sighed.

"Yeah. I can't actually find anything that counts as evidence, so I thought this might do."

"Based on these clues, you, me and Jackson, Austin, Trey, and Charlotte would get framed right?" I asked.

"We're focusing more on Charlotte, since she knows too much. Maybe we should frame her." Jackson added.

"We should just go with the flow for now. Who knows, we might get a chance to get someone voted out." Kim-ly replied.

"Let's hope the opportunity rises though." Jackson sighed.

"Well then, I'll be off now. I have to take a nap before the discussion." Kim-ly left the room.

I just need to play this safe. I've got Jackson and Kim-ly on our side so we may actually eliminate her.

[Prasiddhi's POV]

I'm not sure if I could make it out alive here... I mean, if someone found out I have these powers... I'll get killed for sure...

I don't want to give up though, there's so much I can do for them... so much I want to do...

Why did I get involved with this murder game anyways...?

"Prasi, you good?" Amani asked.

"I-I'm okay..." I sighed.

"You seem to have been thinking too much laty. True that we're stuck in this sick game, but we can't help worry about our loved ones, right?"

Wait- She exactly read what I'm thinking right now. Was she able to read my mood or- I mustn't jump to conclusions. She won't admit it here in an open space, anyways.

"I can relate to that. I wonder why they're all fixed up on catching the murderer, with no speck of mercy."

"I'm assuming the game got them. This is what the mastermind wants anyways. I'm still sane enough to feel bad about their mistakes because I wasn't able to defend innocent people from exexution. I can't do much with a single vote, I'm not really great at analyzing stuffs and I can only look out for you guys."

"That's rough... I don't even know what exactly I am fighting for. If it's to get out of here and go back home, or to catch them." I sighed.

"Don't get those two mixed up. Sure catching the other team is one of our ways to get out of here, but there are other ways so."

"What do you mean?" I raised my eyebrow.

"I'm still trying to find any hidden exits, or break my way out of here. Though it's still not working out for me." Amani sighed.

"Are we even allowed to do that?!" I asked.

"Apparently, there's no rule that says we can't. But... the last rule does that we can only leave once we finish our goals."

"That probably means that we can't break out of here."

"Don't lose hope though. We'll make it out. We can't let the other's sacrifices go to waste."

"I guess so." I sighed.

Amani sure is optimistic, yet a realist at the same time. Noticing such a loophole...

Wait, it might actually work. Escaping without shedding more bloodshed... I have to cling onto that hope. So I can meet them again.

Amethyst, I'll definitely come home for you.

[Jackson's POV]

I'm quite glad things are going well. First, someone evil got votes out, and second, no one died tonight.


But that doesn't change the fact that we still have to vote someone off. As of this moment, we can't risk doing what were here for because we can't guarantee our safety just yet. We might get framed for it, and end up getting voted off. However, in this certain scenario, it'll give us the best alibi once we get out.

"You coming?" She opened the door after knocking.

"Wait a minute." I replied.

I'll just wait for a perfect opportunity for us to make our move.

[Cash's POV]

I'm having trust issues right now. I can't believe Marley is evil, and worse, killed... I did consider the fact that she could be evil, but her role to be entirely different as I thought it would be... It's like all the roles are assigned at random.

Did I trust her too much? I mean, she did change my life... If it wasn't because of her... I-

Please proceed to the living room for a special announcement.

New dialogue, huh? Something bad will happen, huh? I'm not sure whether if my luck will help me this time. I bet some of them think that I'm also evil since I defended Marley.

But still, I don't believe she's really evil... she helped us, the good team, before. Was it all so that she can survive or to betray us?


I should get going. After all, it should be discussion time by now.

I don't know who to trust anymore...

[Annie's POV]

I wonder why there's an announcement. I hope it doesn't interfere with the discussion.

We need to get Kim-ly voted out. She's evil. Who knows, she could be the murderer.

Coming together with Alex for the first time, many people were wary and confused of who he is.

"Who the heck are you?" Prasiddhi asked.

"I'll introduce myself. I'm Alex." He stated.

"Where were you?" Omar asked.

"Stuck somewhere else for four days, Annie helped me get out." He stated. I nodded so that he won't get suspicious.

Seems everyone is here.


That blonde girl in ponytail... It feels like I saw her somewhere else.

"What're you all looking at? Tchhh..." She averted her gaze in disgust.

Is her name... Natalia? If I ask, she might get more pissed off.

The detective believes Omar is the Murderer.


That's a new. And... WAIT WHAT?

"I believe the detective on this one." Charlotte stated.

"Evidence. Prove it to me before blindly following the detective's accusations." Omar raised his eyebrow.

I don't think Omar's the murderer. That night when Kim-ly was attacked, he didn't visit someone. He wasn't even close to Kim-ly during that night.

"The clues. It's undeniable that the first three batches of clues all point out to you." Charlotte explained.

"But does the evidence keep up with the clues? From what I remembered, Lukey and Odette concluded that the murderer has brown hair and is multilingual, right?" Omar replied.

"Yeah. Those evidence point out to me though." Lukey nodded.

"People can lie about whether they can understand a certain language or not. That means, it's not just Lukey who's a possible suspect of murder. I bet everyone else here is." Omar concluded.

"Don't generalize who you're going to accuse. The amount of brown hair found fortifies the fact that the murderer has one." Charlotte disagreed.

"Who the heck has their hair fall down during murder?" Omar clarified.

"It's so obvious that they're only framing people with brown hair. I bet the detective was so sure that it could be one of us that they even got tricked by the murderer." Veronica added.

Omar's fighting Charlotte's accusations very well. I know he can't be the murderer because the time that I checked him, he didn't visit anyone. It'd be impossible for the murderer to kill without visiting them at some point.

"I believe Omar. He didn't visit anyone on the fourth night. He could very well be a survivor." I spoke up.

"Annie... Yeah, I didn't visit anyone during lights out at that night. That destroys the possibility of me being the murderer." Omar was surprised for a moment.

He may have not expected that I'd help him avoid Charlotte's suspicion. We just need to find am opportunity to redirect the suspicion to Kim-ly then we'll finally be one step closer to escaping this place.

"You're all getting sidetracked just because of the detective's accusations. I already found out who's evil." Alex stated.

"IT'S KIM-LY!" He exclaimed.

"EHHHHHH! W-W-Why me?!" Kim-ly squealed.

"Don't play dumb. I know you framed Viola for your selfish desires. You might have even faked being attacked back then!" Alex added.

"But what if she was really attacked then? How would you prove she faked it? Or even, why are you accusing her?" Colleen defended Kim-ly.

"I got proof. Annie, show them." I nodded as I showed everyone my notes.

"That certain night where 'she was attacked', Annie found a knife in Kim-ly's room. Mind explaining?" I showed them the knife Alex is referring to.

"No, I didn't! I swear! I-I was attacked, and I didn't knew that Viola w-wasn't the one w-who attacked me."

"Don't you think Kim-ly's suspicious? She's acting like she's scared but she's deceiving you all. Making you think she's really a victim."

"Alex... you might be pushing this too-" I was interrupted.

"W-Who the heck doesn't get afraid when they're being accused? You know that if everyone here votes for me, I'll die. I DON'T WANNA DIE! Please believe me... I can't do such a thing..." Kim-ly cried.

I feel bad though... If she's really evil, then why did I find this knife in her room... was she framed? But Alex said she's evil... I hope he's not the dark psychic.

"Ughhh! If you all don't vote for her, we'll all die at this rate." Alex whined.

"You all really just disregarded the detective's accusations. You all know that they have all the clues, so you should know better to trust them. I propose to vote Omar!" Charlotte interrupted.

"Why are you so convinced that it's me?! Don't just vote me off just because the detective told you so. I think that we should vote out Alex! Accusing people right off the bat after showing up." Charlotte added.

"Bruh, Kim-ly's evil. We should vote her out before something worse happens." Alex raised his eyebrow.

"I'll trust Charlotte on this one. The detective might know better." Austin sighed.

"You all have shallow claims." Natalia smirked.

"All of you are really dancing on the palms of the mastermind." She added.

"What do you know?" Trey asked.

"I already figured out who's the murderer." Natalia sighed.

"Who?!" We all asked.

"Oh, wait. I bet you all won't believe someone who just showed up. It's fine, keep going with your pointless accusations." She smiled sinisterly.

"Tchhh... Don't go hogging all the spotlight if you have nothing important to say." Veronica whined.

"What'd you say?!"

"Ughhh! You're annoying."

"You're enjoying this, don't you?" Natalia grinned.

"What do you mean? Who the hell enjoys this killing game?!" Veronica exclaimed.

"You enjoy these arguments from a distance, don't you think?"

"Huh?! Don't go comparing yourself to me! I'd better die from the Murderer if I'm compared to the likes of you!"

"Oh, really~?" Natalia smirked as she approaches Veronica.

"Stop fighting, we're all getting off-topic here." Elizabeth blocked both Natalia and Veronica.

"Who will we vote off?" Cash asked.

"KIM-LY!" "OMAR!" "ALEX!" They screamed.

"Decide on one thing, will ya?" Cash sighed.

"It's Omar! The detective and their clues say so!" Charlotte exclaimed.

"He fits most of the clues and evidence so far. Put the puzzle pieces and it points out to him." Austin added.

"No, it's Kim-ly! She's tricking you all by making her look like she's a victim! " Alex exclaimed.

"Seeing this knife, she could be faking it. She must have framed Viola just because they're rivals. " I added.

"She might have did that so that we would waste our votes and delay us from finding out who's the murderer." Alex continued.

"I believe it's Alex. I bet you hid for the last few nights so you wouldn't get suspicious, like Natalia did. Then you both showed up because of that special announcement. Not to forget they fit the clues from last night." Omar accused.

"I-I believe Omar. W-Why is he accusing me of b-being the murderer when we just met?" Kim-ly stuttered.

"Omar and Kim-ly have a good point. Alex seems pretty sketchy, if you ask me." Reza sighed.

"I swear Alex's on our side. It's not him." I told them, but seems they're convinced that it could be him.

"I believe it's Elizabeth." Natalia stated.

"Who the hell asked for your opinion?!" Veronica exclaimed.

"Well, I didn't ask yours!" Natalia laughed.

"That's it!" Veronica approached her, as if ready to fight.

"I said STOP!" Elizabeth screamed.

"Tchhh... You're lucky that she stopped me." Veronica whined.

"Natalia, what makes you think it's me?" Elizabeth asked in a calm tone.

"Brown hair, yellow eyes, the fact that you cook for them. It all connects together, doesn't it?" Natalia replied.

"W-What do you mean?" Prasiddhi stuttered.

"Oh, right. I forgot to show evidence." She grabbed something from her pocket.

"Here's a clue. Yellow eyes. If the murderer has brown hair, then it makes sense, right?" Natalia added.

"Explain then." Elizabeth raised her eyebrow.

"The murderer dropped what you so call "evidences" on the crime scene on purpose. So they're not exactly reliable. The clues came from the detective. The detective didn't point out if the clues you all presented are fake, so it's safe to assume that they're true. The fact that she cooks for you has something to do with what happened in the third night, right?" Natalia explained.

"Now that I think about it, only Amani, Prasiddhi and Elizabeth can pull it off." Trey deducted.

"It's not her- She has an alibi for every night." Veronica came to her defense.

"The first night, she fell asleep during lights out, so it's impossible for her to kill Rosalie at that time. The second, she was with Omar around that time." Veronica continued.

"Yep. We were both looking for something in the supply closet." Omar nodded.

"The third night, she was also drugged like everyone has, as stated by Alab and Viola."

"Yeah. She really seemed more drunk there than drugged." Alab pointed out.

"The fourth night-"

"From what Alab said about what happened that time, it should be pretty obvious." Natalia interrupted.

"That she faked herself being drugged?" Amani asked.

"Does it finally makes sense now?"

"Why did you all focus on Elizabeth all of a sudden? As I said, we must vote Kim-ly!" Alex interrupted.

Right- Kim-ly must be voted off since Alex's abilities confirmed it. I need to trust him on this one.

"REEEEEEE! Not me! If I were evil, then why did I get attacked by the murderer?!" Kim-ly

"Tchhh... easy. The evil team doesn't exactly know each other at first, so it's up to their abilities to find each other. It just so happens that she got attacked." Alex explained.

"Good point." Austin nodded.

"But still- the detective said it's Omar! The evidences points out to him!" Austin added.

"Bruh, Alex didn't show up these past five nights then you all let him off the hook without suspecting him? He's way too sketchy!" Reza defended Omar.

"And worse, Alex keeps accusing me when we just met... I think it really is him..."

"Says the one playing victim. We need to vote Kim-ly. She's evil, I tell ya!"

"Uhhh... yeah... It'd makes sense since Kim-ly roams around the halls every night." Lukey added.

Wait- she does? More the evidence.

"EHHHHH?!" Kim-ly squealed.

"You must be seeing other things. As if you can tell who's there in the dark with the lights off." Colleen came to her defense.

"You do know we can use flashlights and lanterns, right?" Lukey

"How come so Kim-ly didn't notice that? Or are you actually siding with them?" Colleen asked.

"I admit that I roam around during lights out, but that's to find clues, though I barely get one."

"What an excuse."

"Says the one who randomly accused someone who they just met." Kim-ly muttered, with frustration.

"Actually-" Alex was interrupted.

Ohhh- Pardon me for being late. I'm supposed to let you vote by now. Please proceed to the voting room.

We're out of time... Who will I vote? Omar... or Kim-ly?

From the looks of it, many would probably vote either Omar or Alex. Kim-ly is confirmed evil though by Alex, but seems we just lack convincing proof to persuade them.

"Please vote... Kim-ly." I uttered as I left the living room.

I wonder if they were able to hear that.

[Jackson's POV]

I don't know why, but... thinking about it, Lukey's suspicious. I'm not sure why, but I think I can connect the dots if it really is him.

"Hey, Jackson, who will you vote?" Colleen asked.

"Lukey. I have a bad feeling about him."

"You already know who I'm voting for, right?"

"I guess so." I nodded.


I tapped on Natalia's, because I don't want my vote to be wasted. Her appearing out of nowhere as if nothing happens feels off. I also suspect Alex for the same reason, but Natalia is more suspicious for me.

Taking off my headgear, I didn't feel nervous like the previous nights. Must be the fact that I'm not accused this time around.

Alex has the most votes. This conclusion is...

I guess he's pushed his luck too far. People would get suspicious over someone who just showed up, anyways.

Incorrect. Alex was the Psychic. He will now be executed.


"WAIT WHAT?!" "EHHHHH?!" "THE HELL?!" They all exclaimed.

This is gotta be the worst night so far. With all the accusations thrown, a special role on our side got voted out.

"Tchhh- I TOLD YOU IT'S HER!" Alex shouted.

"So... we lost our psychic... huh?" Elizabeth muttered.

"Why didn't you all vote for Omar?!" Charlotte exclaimed.


"EEEEEEEK! Why me?!" Kim-ly squealed.

"If the mysterious voice can hear me, if I survive this execution, I can still live, right? The rules doesn't say that I have to die just because I was voted out." Alex called out.

Yeah, sure. If you can, that is.

"You sure about this?" Veronica asked.

Alex didn't mind her as he already went to enter the execution room.

[Alex's POV]

I can't die now... I need to eliminate the evil team so everything will end. We'll lose at this rate... so I need to do this.

Good thing they decided to agree on my request. Looking at the windows overlooking this room, I can notice Annie feeling sad- as if she's tearing up. She must have been attached to me, even though we're total strangers.

On the other hand... I can see Omar grinning at me. It's as if he planned all this. He might be evil, too. Probably the reason why he accused me.

I need to signal someone that it could be him. I wonder if this works.

I raised my hand, my fingers gesturing the "O" letter. I hope they picked this message up.

What awaits me though... is a labyrinth.

Entering inside, I can tell that they really agreed on my proposal. I wonder if I can get out of here once I complete this. But I can't leave the others behind. Sure I can't trust most of them, but those people I trust- I need to save them.

About to trip when a tile sank, it triggered a trap that shooted arrows. It was pure luck that I was able to avoid that unharmed. I realized that this won't be easy to me.

Spikes, a rolling ball, sinking floor, crushing walls; those were the various traps laid out in this labyrinth I'm in. I was able to avoid the others, but some got me injured, losing blood in the process.

Even so, I made it till the end. There was a shining light, which seems to head out to the exit.

Taking short steps, I didn't realize that I stepped into another-

[Prasiddhi's POV]

Alex got himself pierced by multiple spears, taking his life. That moment was left on a standstill, as the spears triggered didn't revert back. Blood seeps from the spears that stabbed him. It remained that way until the curtains closed.

God- I thought that he would actually make it till the end, since the voice gave him assurance that he can survive that.

I forgot that this is an execution. They didn't spare those who were voted. Viola and Marley held onto hope when their executions didn't seem that severe at first.

Seeing him being stabbed by numerous spears triggered my fear... the fear of death as one of us will get killed once the lights go out. The longer we lasted, the worse execution we might have.

I need to do something. I'll survive this, even if I have to get others killed.

[Annie's POV]

He's gone... Even though I only knew him for a few days, why do I feel like breaking up? Is it because I trust him that much? I don't have feelings for him, so why...?

"Annie, you good?" Lukey asked.

I couldn't care less to give him a response. Would it do me any good go answer him? If only they all voted for Kim-ly...

"Look, you might need time to think this through, like I did." He added.

Is this what he felt when Odette got executed? Even though they barely even knew each other like me and Alex did, is that enough reason of us to tear up like this?

I guess we only realize how important someone is once they're gone.

"Bye." I left the living room.

I need to think this through. I don't wanna give up though... cause everything that we fought for will be gone to waste. I might even get others killed because of my selfishness.

For his sake and mine... I'll catch the murderer.

[Lukey's POV]

I'm not sure if Annie trusts me in this, but I want to help her as much as I can. She did lost someone she trusted, like I did.

I should check on Kim-ly and Omar. They might have played a part in this.

Since Alex accused Kim-ly earlier, I should gather evidence that can point out to her.

If only I can find the other's journals though... The murderer would have made sure that we can't access the journals. Good thing I still have Odette's journal.

It's not much, but she did left many clues in a short amount of time. She already identified who could be possible suspects, after all.

Elizabeth. Omar. Colleen. Kim-ly. Viola. Alab. Thomas.

Yep, Omar and Kim-ly are definitely on my list.

Sorry, guess I'll frame the both of you. This is so that we can get out of here and stop you both from getting everyone killed.

[Murderer's POV]

Heh... they never even thought of alibis. It's nice securing one for every night. I can just manipulate the votes in my favor by targeting those who has frail alibis.

With that said-

"They're almost close to finding us out. We need to eliminate him as soon as possible." The assassin stated.

"Mind if I help?" A voice stated, someone who casually came with no suspicion on us.

Sh*t, did we forget to lock the door?

"I'm on your side, after all. I didn't actually expect you both to be on the same side." They added.

"What do you want?" I asked.

"Chill- That's not how you treat your teammate... I'm the dark psychoc after all."

"Is that so?" I raised my eyebrow.

"When I saw you injured earlier, I almost thought you're not the murderer. But you did so well to hide that. How did you get wounded though?" They added.

"There's many plotholes in the rules. You can kill even if you're not the murderer. But I think the fatal flaw in that is you'd be considered as neutral or evil if you do so. As if I ever saw someone did that. " I explained.

"Woah, that's new. So does that mean I can kill too?" They asked.

"You can, but I wouldn't if I were you. There's still too many good here. You might get voted out in the process." I sighed.

"Just let us do our work and you do yours. Find the last remaining evil role, so atleast we can fully manipulate the votes in our favor." The assassin concluded.

"Seems you all got this planned out. Sure, I won't interfere with your plans. I'll inform you both if I find the last one. See ya!" The dark psychic waved goodbye.

Another teammate, huh? With them, we can win this.


"Hey. I'll start the lights out now." I informed the assassin.

"You can do that?" They asked.

"For this special night, I can. Just like how he can announce his accusations anonymously, I can use this just in case. I'm saving this chance once someone else knows my identity." I stated.

"I'll prepare then. Be safe."

"We have to survive for them." The assassin left.

It's almost 11PM. I should be able to catch everyone else off guard once I make the lights go out at 12PM. It'll be enough to cause confusion. I can take advantage of the situation by killing him.

[Colleen's POV]

I need confirmation whether Kim-ly really is evil like Alex claimed to. If she's not- I can use her as my shield. She'll get voted out sooner anyways.

"Hey, Kim-ly-" I was interrupted.

"You're wondering what am I, right? I forgot to tell you my role."

"I'm the witch. Ever try to betray me and expect being weakened for the rest of the night, even if you're it."

God- she really is evil. I don't know if what she showed back then was all just a facade, or her defense mechanism. But this other side of her, it's- giving me shivers. For all my life, I haven't heard any heartless threats, only hollow ones. Guess I do now.

"Ohhh, sorry. I didn't mean to threaten you. I just don't know what to do... I don't wanna die... so I need to make it out alive. No matter what it costs." She came back to her 'normal' self.

"Don't worry. You have my secret, and I have yours. Let's keep it that way." I assured her.

"Phew." She sighed.

I mustn't provoke her... who knows what she can do...

"Hey, Kim-ly, since you're the witch... can you witch someone for me?" I requested.

"Sure, who would that be?" She smiled.

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