waiting for you ➨ poe dameron

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Her head was spinning, her mind swirling around with questions and thoughts. Tears spilled out her eyes uncon... Meer

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⭑・*:༅。.。༅:*゚:*:✼✿  ✿✼:*゚:༅。.。༅:*・゚゚・⭑

Eliora looked at the book in front of her and groaned. Her head was pounding from all the reading, and now the only thing she saw were random letters. She couldn't concentrate anymore. The brunette laid down in the grass and looked up the sky. Black clouds were spread across the scenery, making the planet darker. Eliora heard some distant thunder, and it was clear that rain would probably come soon. The brunette looked up at Aayla, who was still concentrating on the book. Eliora wondered, how Aayla hadn't have a headache yet. They were probably studying for hours now and exhaustion overcame over Eliora's body. Eliora groaned, before letting the book fall into her face. This was way too much for her.

Now she only listend to distant voices from the Resistance base. Aayla and Eliora had wanted some privacy, so they had searched a place. And they had been successful, because they had found a beautiful green meadow, filled with dandelions. It wasn't far away from the Resistance base, so Eliora knew that many people would know this place. Because of the bad weather tho, only Eliora and Aayla were there. Eliora's eyes shut for a short moment, but when she felt some raindrops fall on her body, the girl immediately sat up. It didn't rain much on Tatooine, and it certainly hadn't rained for a few month there. So now Eliora enjoyed the little refreshment.

The brunette looked up at Aayla, who didn't seem to be bothered by the rain. "You know the books can get wet.", Eliora told her, voice slightly quivering. She really enjoyed the rain, but wasn't used to this temperature at all. The girl hugged herself, before letting herself fall into the grass again. "I'm almost ready. Just one second, alright?", the curly haired girl begged, which made Eliora chuckle. Aayla was surely one who enjoyed studying. It wasn't like Eliora hated it or was bad at it, but she simply needed breaks between studying. In contrary, Aayla could learn for hours, without being bothered.

"There you are!", Eliora heard a soft voice exclaim. Her eyes, that had fallen shut again, opened quickly and she sat up. Now she was looking up at her new friend Chloe and smiled. Eliora's eyes immediately shifted to the people next to Chloe and came in sight with Yolo, Poe and Snap. The brunette rubbed her forehead. "Hi.", she simply said, putting the book on the grass and smiling at Chloe. "We wanted to study a bit.", Eliora shrugged, looking at Aayla, who was still concentrated on her book. "Looks like it turned out with one of you studying and the other one sleeping. Again?", Snap teased, gaining a glare from Chloe. Poe and Yolo laughed at his statement. Eliora just rolled her eyes, now kicking Aayla with her feet.

The curly haired girl's head now shot up. "Let's go.", Eliora announced. "It's quite alright, we can stay with you until she's finished.", Poe smiled down at Eliora. All three sat down on the wet grass. Raindrops were still falling and when Eliora looked up at Poe, she saw how messy his hair looked. "So where you've been?", Eliora asked Chloe. "Yolo showed me around for a bit and then Poe and Snap joined us. I guess they were a bit bored.", Chloe chuckled. "Of course they are. They'd rather go on missions.", the blonde boy, Yolo, added. Eliora glanced up at him and smiled. Eliora just then saw that Yolo actually looked good. Maybe his sharp green eyes, or dirty blonde hair? She saw how the boy looked at Chloe and knew that he definitely already liked the girl. Maybe Chloe did too?

Poe just shrugged, roaming his eyes over Eliora. The girl was trembling and her lips were purple and blue. "Not used to these temperatures, huh?", Poe asked, raising his eyebrow. Eliora's eyes met Poe's, which were filled with concern. "I guess you're right. Tatooine is nothing in comparison to this. It'll take a while to adjust to the temperatures.", Eliora explained to the brunette boy. His eyes immediately widened. "You're from Tatooine? That sand planet?", he asked amazed. "Heard this many times today.", Eliora said chuckling. "No, no! I mean that's amazing." Eliora cocked an eyebrow at the young pilot. "The best rebel pilot was from there.", he announced." Eliora bit her lip. "Wasn't he a Jedi?", Chloe asked concerned. "Doesn't matter. Luke Skywalker's from there!", Poe said amazed. "Also heard this many times today.", Eliora chuckled.

"That doesn't mean I'm special. Tatooine's really boring.", Eliora shrugged. The girl knew of the Skywalker. Many stories were told on Tatooine. He was a war hero, a legend. "What happened to him anyways?", Chloe asked concerned. "General Organa, Luke's twin sister, is currently searching for him. Because we need him in this war. He's the last Jedi we know of.", Poe explained calmly. "Why'd he go?", Eliora asked. The young pilot just sighed. "I don't know. I think only the General does. Their family is a big secret", Poe answered, looking directly at Eliora. The girl now hugged herself, because she was still trembling.

That's when Poe took of his jacket and handed it to Eliora. She looked at the jacket. It was a light brown leather jacket, two red stripes on the upper side. Eliora's gaze turned to Poe, looking at him confused."You need it more than me.", he smiled softly. Eliora took the jacket and put in on. The girl took in the scent of the jacket. It definitely smelled like him. She smiled at him. "Thank you.", she said shyly. She didn't even know that people could be that nice. On Tatooine she was treated like nobody, but here, she actually felt worth it. The young pilot admired the girl. Chloe raised an eyebrow at Eliora and smirked. "Tatooine's definitely better than Jakku.", Snap tried to reassure Eliora, who just laughed at him. "I guess you're right.", the young girl winked at Snap.

Just before Eliora walked into the cantina, she took off Poe's jacket and handed it to him. "Before the girls get jealous.", she acknowledged, then turned away from the pilot and walked to a table. Poe watched in amazement as Eliora stepped away from him. His mouth was slightly agape. She was definitely something. Jess and Karé were already waiting at the table. Aayla immediately sat down besides her and grinned widely. "Why are you all wet?" Aayla just chuckled softly. It was true. Eliora's clothes and hair was completely flushed with water. The same with her other friends. "We were outside. Aayla didn't want to leave, so it's completely her fault.", Chloe laughed, settling herself besides Yolo. And just then, Poe sat himself next to Eliora, grinning at his friend Jess. She gave him a knowing look, before turning her attention to Aayla.

The group of pilots, or going-to-be- pilots sat there and laughed. Like old friends, who had known each other for a while. But that wasn't the case. Eliora still wondered why they were all so nice to her. Deep in her thoughts, she didn't notice when someone sat himself next to the brunette. "Hi sister.", the person greeted, turning his attention to Chloe. Chloe raised an eyebrow, but then smiled at her older brother. Then also Eliora looked up. There sat Derik. Blue eyes looked intensely into her brown ones and just for a moment, a single moment, she felt like she got lost into them.

But then the girl remembered who he was, and quickly snapped her head away. "I wanted to apologize.", he smiled at Chloe, who gave him a nod. "It was a stupid bet.", the boy just shrugged, then looked at Eliora again. "I should be the one having respect for you. I mean you acted pretty tough.", the blonde boy pointed out, having a cocky grin on his face. Eliora blushed slightly, but then raised an eyebrow at the boy. "I'm always acting like that." She wasn't wrong with it. The girl was shy, yes. But that was the real reason she acted like that. Because she didn't want to look like a weak girl in front of others. So she tried acting tough. And she obviously succeeded.

"That's all I wanted to say. I'm really sorry. I hope I didn't ruin the chance of friendship with you.", he was supposed to talk to all three of the girls, but his gaze was fixed on the brunette girl. Eliora smiled shyly. "Let's see.", and with that the boy walked away, winking. Next to Eliora, Poe shifted nervously in his seat. He knew these types of guys, and he was definitely saying all that just to get near Eliora. Karé and Jess just looked at each other, smiling. Snap and Yolo gave each other a confused look and Poe, Poe had a blank expression on his face. This wasn't right. Not at all.

"What the heck was that?", Aayla asked turning her attention to Eliora. The brunette just laughed awkwardly. "I don't know." Eliora bit her lip. Did that really just happen? Did a man show affection to her? "He definitely likes you.", Karé laughed from across the table. "I mean he's kinda hot.", Jess smiled at Eliora. "For a boy of course.", she quickly added. "I officially give you permission to date my brother.", Chloe winked at Eliora. The brunette kicked the blonde's leg from under the table and shook her head. "You're crazy. He just wanted to be nice." Then she heard Yolo chuckling from across the table. "That's why he offered you his friendship." The brunette girl, put her wet hair into a ponytail, titling her head. "He offered his friendship to all three of us.", Eliora whispered, looking at the boy from the distant. His eyes were on Eliora. Things definitely happened way too fast for her. The young girl then turned her attention back to Aayla and Chloe, who both raised their eyebrows, definitely not pleased by her answer. And meanwhile Poe just sat there, watching the boy looking at Eliora. He didn't believe how everyone just trusted Derik. Poe definitely knew what type of guy he was. And that was not one to have a relationship with.

Eliora sat in the empty cantina, legs brought to her chest and a frown on her face. She knew she needed to concentrate on the books in front of her, but all she could think about were her the last few days. She met so many new people, who all really seemed to like her. She met someone, who after making a sarcastic comment, actually apologized to her afterward. And flirted with her? That would have never happened on Tatooine. Not once did someone apologize for their mistakes there. The brunette then thought of the amazing people she met, her roommates Aayla and Chloe. Jess and her pilot friends. Poe, the one offering her his jacket. And well, Derik?And the girl still couldn't accept the fact that everyone was nice to her. Was she dreaming? No, she definitely wasn't.

Deep in her thoughts, she didn't notice when someone sat on a chair besides the girl. "What you're doing up so late?", a raspy voice brought Eliora back into reality. She snapped her eyes open, coming into sight with Chloe's brother. "Just studying.", she grinned at him. Derik let out a small laugh. The moonlight shone into the cantina, allowing Eliora to only see the outlines of Deriks face. But one thing couldn't be overseen. His sparkling blue eyes, exactly the same color as Chloe's. "No wonder why you're always sleeping.", he smiled, leaning his head back on the chair. Eliora just shook her head. "That was one time!", she defended herself, only gaining another laugh from Derik. "And I could ask you the same question. What are you doing here?", Eliora smirked at the older boy. "Couldn't sleep. I thought no one would be here at this time. Now we are two."

Eliora chuckled at the boy. She glanced out the window, watching the stars that were shown in the sky. Every single one was special. On nearly every single one was life. "So, did you accept my apology?", the blonde asked hopefully. Eliora's head shot back to him. She now grinned widely at him. "I did." The boy sighed in relief, then smiled at the girl again. "So, so you like it here?", the blonde broke the short silence. "I absolutely love it. I met so many amazing people here. I'm no one special tho, but it still amazes me.", Eliora stated, looking at him dreamily. She really loved it here. More than anything. "No one special? You're special! Besides everyone is jealous of you, my sister and your other friend.", he laughed. Eliora raised an eyebrow. "Jealous?", she asked sarcastically. "Especially the girls. You're hanging out with the best looking pilots in the resistance. Not to forget, they're also the best pilots of the resistance. And heroes."

Eliora bit her lip. "The best pilots of the resistance?", she asked innocently, not closing her book and putting it on the table in front of her. Derik shock his head and laughed. "You really don't now much about the resistance, do you?", he asked. "You don't learn much on Tatooine.", she smiled at him. "Well, the black squadron are the best squadron of the resistance. And some of them hang out with you. Besides, you know Poe Dameron, right? He's the best pilot of the resistance. Or that is what's rumored." Eliora's eyes grew wide. Poe Dameron was the best pilot? Why was he even talking to her? Why were they all even talking to her? They were probably real heroes. Then she remembered him offering her his jacket. She actually wore the jacket of the best pilot in the resistance. She actually spoke to the best pilot of the resistance.

"I'm confused why they're even speaking to us.", Eliora said honestly. "You're all definitely something. So I can understand them.", he smiled at the younger girl. "Well I got to know Jess and then she sat herself on our table. Of course all her friends followed her and that's why they're sitting with us. Still, it's not that special. They're probably only talking to us because of Jess. Even tho I think that one pilot got a liking in your sister.", Eliora chuckled at the end. "Tell me who it is! She's my little sister, I have to protect her.", the blonde stated sarcastically. Eliora only laughed at him. He was so much different than she expected him to be. He was also so much alike Chloe. Funny and nice. Not what she expected at all.

"What inspired you to join the resistance?", the brunette asked the blonde full of curiosity. "Probably my sister. And my parents of course. You know my parents really lost their belief in the galaxy. They didn't know whom to trust anymore. They didn't know who the good were and who the bad were. They thought there's never going to be peace, so me and Chloe wanted to prove them wrong. To show them that there's still hope-" "Because there's always hope.", Eliora interrupted him. The blonde boy gazed into her beautiful brown eyes and smiled. "You're right.", he whispered. "There's always hope. And I'm convinced we will win this war.", the blonde stated optimistically. "What about you?", he asked. "Story for another time.", the brunette answered, smiling softly at him. "Another time? So that isn't the last chance I get to speak with you?", he asked excitedly. "Maybe.", Eliora winked, then burst into laughter with him.

"One last question.", she broke the laughter. He smiled widely at the girl. "Everything.", the boy answered. "What made you apologize?", Eliora asked. The blonde thought for a short while. "Well, I thought I didn't need to apologize you know. In the end it was me who got embarrassed and I thought you didn't have to apologize for a joke. But then Poe Dameron told me not to disrespect women and gave me an hour speech about it. I thought a little joke wouldn't affect it, but I got proven wrong. So I decided to apologize.", he smiled. "Wait, really?", Eliora asked amazed. She didn't think Poe would do something like that. "Yes."

"Now everything makes more sense. But he didn't told you to apologize right? Because I know for a fact that he didn't look quite happy when you did.", Eliora asked. "No, he didn't. He practically just told me how stupid I was.", Derik shrugged. Eliora just smiled. "Do you get along with him?", she then asked. "I think he doesn't like me. But he's the one teaching me flying, so I think we should get along.", Derik answered her. "That's why I saw you standing with him.", she whispered. "I guess it is.", the blonde shrugged. Eliora looked down her hands and smiled. "I think it was really nice of you to apologize.", she then said, looking into his eyes again. She noticed some freckles spreading around his whole face. "Why thank u.", the boy smiled, looking back at her. Eliora now knew for a fact that Derik was actually a
nice guy. Maybe they would become friends.

⭑・*:༅。.。༅:*゚:*:✼✿  ✿✼:*゚:༅。.。༅:*・゚゚・⭑

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