One girl , six friends: A Fre...

By Magic_Musician

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Fred and Jamie were friends but they wanted more. Jamie had two dreams in life. one to start a band with her... More

About O/C and characters.
Chapter 1 : Start of the Winter holidays.
Chapter 2:First night in the burrow.
Chapter 3: The Joke shop and confession.
Chapter 4 : Back to the burrow
Chapter 5: The Music room
Chapter 6: The question ?
Chapter 7: Christmas day.
Chapter 8: The idea.
Chapter 9: Sleepover.
Chapter 10: Morning after
Chapter 11: New years eve.
Chapter 12: Caught.
Chapter 13: Date
Chapter 14: Rhiannon and George.
Chapter 15: Moving day.
Chapter 16: Shopping.
Chapter 17: Valentines day.
Chapter 18: Ron's Birthday.
Chapter 19: Holiday Pt.1
Chapter 20: Holiday Pt.2
Chapter 21: Home time.
Chapter 22: Pregnant?
Chapter 23: Big news.
Chapter 24: Family.
Chapter 26: Twins Birthday.
Chapter 27: Girls day.
Chapter 28: Party Time
Chapter 29: Friends
Chapter 30: Rhi's Birthday.
Chapter 31: Trouble in paradise.
Chapter 32: Invite.
Chapter 33: End of a era.
Chapter 34: Reunited.
Chapter 35: Best friends.
Chapter 36: Ginny's Birthday.
Chapter 37: Getting ready.
Chapter 38: The Ball.
Chapter 39: Fun day at Burrow.
Chapter 40: Fun times.
Chapter 41: The office
Chapter 42: Double date.
Chapter 43: Romeo.
Chapter 44: New addition.
Chapter 45: Rose Weasley.
Chapter 46: Hinny.
Chapter 47: Clubbing.
Chapter 48: A Problem.
Chapter 49: Theme park.
Chapter 50: Jamie's Birthday.
Chapter 51: Winter days at the Burrow.
Chapter 52: It's the most wonderful time of the year.
Chapter 53: Beautiful girl.
Chapter 54: New year.
Chapter 55: Family time.
Chapter 56: Marriage.

Chapter 25: Date night.

22 1 0
By Magic_Musician

It had been about a week and a half since Hermione and Ron announced they were expecting. Hermione with the help of Molly was now on prenatal care and had been to St Mungo's Hospital to have a scan. 

Jamie had woken up and was making breakfast in the kitchen. For once Rhiannon was at home and the girls were able to spend time together well until the evening when Jamie was going on a date with Fred. 

Eventually Rhiannon woke up while Jamie was making Breakfast. Jamie was making sausages, bacon and egg ,it made the apartment smell really. 

"Morning ." Jamie said to Rhiannon as she walked in the kitchen and took a seat at the island. 

"Morning, smells good." Rhiannon replied back pointing at the food.

"It will be ready soon. Got any plans for today?" Jamie asked.

"Nope for once." Rhiannon smiled.

"Good, we can chill or do something here." Jamie said back to her best friend. 

"It feels weird not being busy." Rhiannon told Jamie. 

"You mean being separated from George. Since you two started shagging each other you haven't left each other sides." Jamie laughed while she dished up the breakfast.

"Jamie, Don't say that. I miss George." Rhiannon told Jamie.

"You have been separated from him for a day. It's not that long. Plus I'm sure he misses you."  The girl ate the rest of their breakfast talking about random things. Once they had finished Rhiannon went off to shower and Jamie enchanted the dishes to clean themselves. Jamie then went to the spare room in the apartment where all the instruments were. Jamie hoped soon they would have a proper band as she still had a passion for music and wanted to have a band. 

Jamie had gotten many letters from Ginny saying she was practising and learning the bass still and that she had become really good. She also told Jamie she had been told off a couple of times for being to loud. Jamie also knew Rhiannon had been teaching George how to play the guitar and Jamie had heard them once and he was pretty good. The Weasley's were fast learners. Jamie had taught Fred how to play the drums when they had spare time and he was getting the hang of it pretty fast. Jamie, Rhiannon and Hermione all talked and it was discussed that Hermione didn't want to be in a band as she was pregnant and would have to be soon looking after a child so Rhiannon took Hermione place as lead singer. Ron also said he wanted out so he, Harry and Hermione would all be roadies. Jamie was practising guitar she was pretty good she taught herself to play many instruments but guitar was the one she learnt first as she brought her first guitar with her pocket money. 

Jamie was still playing the guitar when Rhiannon came in with a letter. Jamie opened the letter and read it. 

Dear Jamie, 

I know your not meant to be working today but the shops really busy and we are short off staff. If possible can you please come in and work. Sorry to hassle you. 


Fred and George X

"What does it say?" Rhiannon asked.

"It says the shops really busy and they are short of staff so can I work." 

"Oh well girls day was cut short." Rhiannon said sad but understanding that Jamie had to go to work.

"I am really sorry. We will have a girl day as some point. I actually feel really shitty that i'm about to ditch you." Jamie hugged Rhiannon.

"Don't be you have to work." Rhiannon said while hugging Jamie. 

Jamie left got changed for work and said her good byes to Rhiannon then took the floo network to the twins flat.

Jamie walked downstairs and the shop was crowded. Jamie took a guess that the shop was busy because it would soon be April fools also the day of the twins birthday. Jamie didn't see the twins because of how busy it was but she could see that there was a massive line at the register so Jamie walked over and opened another till. Within the hour Jamie was able to make the cue decrease in size massively even to the point that the some of the registers were waiting for people to come to the tills. Since the tills no longer needed the help Jamie decided to restock some shelves as they were looking bare so she walked into the stock room to see the twins both bickering.

"Hello boys." Jamie said walking up to them.

"Hi babe." Fred replied giving Jamie a kiss.

"Hi, Jamie." George replied. 

"What you two bickering about?" Jamie asked.

"we're not really."  Fred said.

"Just stressed." George said finishing of his twins sentence.

"oh ok. I just cam in here to get some skiving snack boxes." Jamie replied tying to find the box.

"Over here babe." Fred pointed.

"Thanks." Jamie smiled and picked up the box, "See you guys later. If I were you guys I wouldn't stay in here to long . It's still busy." 

Jamie left the room and started to put the skiving snack boxes on the shelves. While she was about to but the last box on the shelf a young boy came up to her. 

"Miss please may you help me." 

"Of course what do you need." Jamie asked the young boy.

"Could you help me get a pygmy puff." The boy asked.

"Yes, come with me." Jamie told the boy.

Jamie lead the boy to where the pygmy puffs where and he choose a blue pygmy puff what took liking to the boy right away. Jamie went to the till and made sure the boy had all he wanted, she then rang up his bill and he paid. 

"Thank you so much." The boy said as he left.

"Bye." Jamie waved to the boy. 


After a long day of work Jamie walked upstairs to the twins flat and sat on the couch. Jamie was tired and could just do with a nap so she closed her eyes and drifted off to sleep. 

About a hour later the twins had come up from cleaning and sorting out the shop to see Jamie passed out on the couch. George said not to wake Jamie but Fred didn't care he knew they were going on a date tonight and that she would want to get ready. Fred tried to wake Jamie by calling her name but it didn't work so he shook her gently. Eventually Jamie opened her eyes and smiled at Fred.

"Did I fall asleep?" Jamie asked.

"Yer you did. I came up and you were passed out." Fred told Jamie .

"Oh shit what time is it." 

"It's around 5 so you have 2 hours till our date." Fred informed Jamie.

"Shit." Jamie stood up. " See you in two hours." Jamie kissed Fred.

"I will come get you from yours." Fred told Jamie as she took a hand full of floo power and left to go to her place.

When Jamie appeared in her living room Rhiannon was stood on the couch. Jamie greeted Rhiannon then went straight to the bathroom. She got in the shower and washed herself and her hair and cast a charm making her leg hair go making her legs smooth. Once out of the shower Jamie brushed her teeth and cast a drying spell on her hair. She then cast a charm that would curl her hair. Once her hair was perfect Jamie put on some light make up, she concealed the bags under her eyes, put some mascara on her eyelashes and put on a tinted lip gloss that gave her lips some colour. She then went into her room to get changed, Jamie found a cute skirt and a blouse to wear. After getting ready Jamie had about ten minuets until Fred arrived so she sprayed some perfume on and joined Rhiannon in the living room. 

"You look nice." Rhi said as Jamie sat down.

"Thanks gotta look good for my man." Jamie smiled.

"How was work?"

"Very busy many people buying for April fools day. But I did help this one boy get a pygmy puff and he looked so happy. However after I finished working I crashed out on the twins couch." Jamie laughed.

"Busy day to work I guess, but so cute about the boy. Do you know where you are going on this date Jam?" 

"No clue Rhi, no clue." Jamie told her friend. 


Fred had arrived at Jamie's place and the two had apperated to what looked like a field. Jamie loved the view her favourite flower was surrounding them. Fred held Jamie's hand and walked over a small hill to a picnic blanket. 

"You like it J?" Fred asked.

"I love it. We are surrounded by sunflowers and a picnic that is one of my most favourite things ever." Jamie smiled at Fred giving him a kiss.

 "I'm happy you like it." Fred walked closer to the picnic blanket and sat down on it Jamie followed.

 Fred had prepared loads of food such a sandwiches, cakes and even chocolate covered strawberry's also fire whiskey a must have for Fred and Jamie. Jamie thought Fred was being very romantic and her heart ached with love for him. 

"You hungry?" Fred asked.

"Defiantly not eaten since breakfast." Jamie told Fred. He looked a bit upset about Jamie not eating through out the day but he didn't let his opinion ruin the mood.

"Tuck in then." Fred said with a smile on his face. 

The couple ate most of the food prepared and just chatted about their day while eating. Fred apologised for asking Jamie to come into work and stopping her and Rhiannon having a girls day. But Jamie said it was alright as the shop defiantly needed her help as it was so busy. Fred told Jamie what the twins were bickering about earlier and it was that Fred and George had a argument about the shop and the staff as some of them had been slacking and not turning up to work. 

The the sun was starting to set and Jamie rested her head on Fred's lap. They watched the sun set together they did this when they had the chance. Jamie loved the sun set and all the pink and orange colours that filled the sky. The couple watched the sun set till it was completely dark.

"I love you Fred Weasley." Jamie looked up into Fred's eyes.

"I love you Jamie West. I'm never going to let you go." Fred said back to Jamie.

"Really never. I think you will get tired of me." Jamie sarcastically said.

"True maybe I should just leave you now." Fred said going along with the joke. Jamie smiled at him. "But to be real I spent so long wanting to be with you that I want to be with you forever." Fred smiled and kissed Jamie on the fore head.

"I spent a long time waiting to. Forever sounds good Weasley." Jamie smiled. She sat up and kissed Fred. 

The couple snuggled together and just watched the night sky talking about their future. Fred said he wants his own place with Jamie one day. Jamie agreed but told Fred Jamie and Rhiannon had nine months still on their lease to their apartment and to be honest after that's over the girls would either end up at the twins place or the burrow. Fred said that one day he would want to marry and Jamie just blushed she never thought about marrying Fred she just always thought they be together forever. 

It was getting really late at night and Jamie was tired. Fred could see that Jamie was struggling to keep her eyes open. So the pair apparated back to twins place. When they got in George was sat on the couch and asked if they had a good night Jamie nodded and Fred replied to his brother. Jamie and Fred then went into Fred's room where Jamie stripped out of her clothes and got into bed. Fred followed Jamie's actions and got into bed next to her.

"Night sexy." Jamie said in her sleepy state.

"Night darling. I love you." 

"I love you." 

Fred went to speak to Jamie but he heard her quiet snores. He kissed her on the fore head and snuggled up to her. Eventually he fell asleep. 

(A/N: Sorry chapter is not as long as the most recent ones. I hope you are enjoying my story. Updates might be slower as I am going to start writing another story (it wont be published for a while) It will be another HP fan fic )

(word count: 2141 words)

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