Haikyuu Sickfics

By leethelesbian

43K 530 456

I write sickfics, I guess. I take prompts from Tumblr or my head but I will gladly take request. More

Author's Note
Momma Volleyball (Daichi x Sugawara)
The One Where Hinata Is Diabetic (Kageyama x Hinata)
Broken A.C. and Breaking Hearts {Noya X Asahi}
Introvert (Kuroo x Kenma)
Catching the Flu (Bokuto x Akaashi)
Even The Captain Needs A Break Sometimes (Pre Oikawa x Iwaizumi)
Home Alone (Daichi x Suga)
3 AM Emetophobia (Tsukishima x Yamaguchi)
I MADE A DISCORD (This isn't a chapter, sorry)
If Crazy = Genius, Stressed = Sick (Shirabu x Semi)
(BokuAkaKuroKen) Hide and Go Seek
Author's Note
Bad Thoughts (UshiTen) ๐Ÿ’œ
All Time Low (BokuAkaKuroKen)
If You're Looking For An Update, Turn Around

Lil' Bo (BokuAkaKuroKen)

2K 31 19
By leethelesbian

This chapter contains age regression. The coping mechanism, not the kink. If this makes you uncomfortable, kindly skip this chapter. I'd prefer if you didn't leave a comment about how "you should've kept this out of here" or "this is disgusting." Just skip the chapter. Thank you and enjoy (OR SIMPLY JUST SKIP, IT ISN'T THAT HARD)

Bokuto doesn't regress often. A few hours a day, a few days a week. Bokuto lives with his boyfriends, Kuroo, Akaashi and Kenma. Only Akaashi knows about his age regression and he found out completely by accident. But it's Akaashi so of course he doesn't judge. Bokuto and Akaashi made plans to tell Kenma and Kuroo soon but they haven't found the right time yet. But one day opportunity lets itself in and all of a sudden it seems like the perfect moment to tell them. Not like they had a choice.

Bokuto is sick and on the couch because he hates being alone when he's unwell. He's holding an owl plushie which he named Ace and has an adult sized, plain, black pacifier hanging out of his mouth while he was snuggled under a fluffy grey blanket. Kenma has been in his gaming room all day, a little too loud for Bo at some times. Akaashi was out running errands like grocery shopping and making sure all of the bills are paid and even doing a little shopping for himself. Neither are a dilemma when it comes to someone finding him on the couch in littlespace. It's Tetsuro that proves a problem. Bokuto fell asleep on the couch around 4 in the evening. Kuroo rarely ever gets home before 10 PM so the little set an alarm for 9:30 so he can clear the living room of any trace that he was in there with comfort items for babies. Kuroo came home around 8:45 unfortunately because this was a rare day where he didn't have a meeting to attend to.

Imagine his surprise when he sees one of the biggest guys he knows curled up on the couch with a blanket, pacifier and owl plush that he assumed was just decoration. He's confused and not entirely sure how to react. And he gets even more confused when he sees his cheeks are bright with fever. The logical thing to think is, "He's delirious which is why he's acting like a baby," but that can't possibly be it considering he would've had to have gone out to buy the pacifier and he wouldn't leave the house in this condition so the pacifier must be old and purchased online considering it's size. His mind next goes to foreplay but he shakes that out of his mind. There's no way, Bo wouldn't be into that. He's stumped already and the only solution his brain produces is to call his gunmetal blue eyed boyfriend; if anyone knew besides Kotaro, it'd be Keiji.

He steps into their shared bedroom as to not wake up the owl-like man because no matter how badly he needed an explanation, Bokuto was sick and needed rest more. When Akaashi picks up after 3 rings, Kuroo tells him what's happening and hears shuffling on the other end, as if Keiji was gathering his stuff and rushing home at the drop of a hat. He can't believe he didn't realize Bo was sick before leaving the house. And now Kuroo knows. What if Kenma knew? This wasn't the plan.

"Give me 20 minutes to get home and then I'll explain everything my love. Please keep Kenma quiet, you know how he gets if he starts losing." That's all Akaashi says before hanging up. Kuroo is even more confused but he just sits on the bed and waits. He should give Bokuto medicine and check his temperature but until he knows what's happening, he'll refrain from doing so. Akaashi was home in 12 minutes flat, most definitely breaking some traffic laws. The ex setter looks for Kuroo first before finding Kenma and dragging them both to the living room to sit down. He isn't sure if Bokuto wants him to tell them or if he'd rather do it himself so he shakes Bo awake. The second tallest man took a few moments to gather his thoughts and memories but once he did, his face turned impossibly more red and tears started to fall down his face. Akaashi wipes his tears and shushes him.

"It's okay, Ko. I think it's time baby," he soothes gently.

"C-can you d-do it?" he questions softly before bawling. "M so sc-scawed," he wails. Akaashi nods in understanding, pulling Bokuto to his chest and rubbing his back to calm him down. He starts explaining to his other 2 boyfriends that Bokuto is an age regressor and he does it to cope with the stress of every day life. At first, it's confusing but as Akaashi explains, their questions get answered and it clears everything up. Kuroo is a bit hurt that they kept a secret in the relationship but Bo explained how overwhelming it was and how not everyone accepts it. Kenma doesn't like the accepting part. Lil' Bo is so cute even if he wouldn't admit it out loud out of his own free will. But he isn't hurting anyone so there shouldn't be a problem. Even so, he knows that's just the way the world is and all he can do is support and love Bo just like he's been doing. Now all of their problems are solved. Except Bokuto is still sick.

Everything is hugging the little and he's loving the attention but the body heat is too much and he starts to whine. They all let him go when they feel his tears landing on their arms. 

"H-hot," he whimpers, rubbing his eyes. Akaashi presses a lean hand against his baby's forehead, getting a feel on his temperature for the first time that day. 

"Okay, baby boy," Kuroo says. "I think it's time you got some proper care because I'm almost certain sleeping it off isn't cutting it." Bokuto just nods and zones out. He doesn't remember what happened but he's in a bed now. The bed is soft and comfortable but it isn't the bed he shared with his lovers, he can tell by the smell. He starts whining again, calling for his daddy and Akaashi comes rushing in with medicine and the thermometer. 

"I'm here, love. What's the matter?" Bokuto looks around and realizes he's in the spare room for guests or alone time if any of them ever gets stressed or upset but that doesn't ease his mind.

"Why I all awone?" he wails. Akaashi's facial features soften and he brings the thermometer to Bokuto's lips. Bokuto opens his mouth with a pout and lets the device under his tongue. 

Akaashi explains after retrieving the number on his fever. "We're keeping you in here because we don't want to overcrowd you. And I'm sorry to say it love, but you're contagious. If we all get sick, there'd be no one to take care of you or any of us." He kisses Bokuto's forehead before handing him a cup of water to wash down the pills easier. The sick baby understood but that didn't mean he had to like it one bit. Despite Akaashi's words, he was the one that stayed with the regressor the whole time. Kuroo would come every few hours to make sure he was medicated, hydrated and at the very least tried to eat. He could only keep much down a few bites so they stuck to Pedialyte or Gatorade so he could still get some nutrition; Akaashi appreciated the efforts regardless. Kenma allowed Bokuto to watch movies on his laptop if he couldn't fall back asleep after resting for too long. He disinfected it afterwards, of course.

In spite of all this care, Bokuto didn't get better and he couldn't get out of headspace. The second one didn't bother him a lot, it was just strange considering he didn't regress as much as other littles but he loved taking care of Lil Bo and it was much easier to deal with Lil Bo than Big Bo. As for his condition, if it wasn't better by tomorrow or got worse anytime between then and now, they were taking him to a doctor.

It got worse. At some point, Bokuto threw up a little and missed the trash can, covering his onesie, the blanket and Ace in vomit. It's all downhill from here. Bokuto is so very upset and Akaashi has to take the owl plushie to the washing machine along with the blanket and his clothes but the baby boy won't let go of Ace. When he does pry it from his weak hands, Kotaro starts bawling his eyes out. Kuroo steps in when he sees his little boyfriend so distraught. He tries to explain why his owl was taken from him and calm him down because he'll get sick again if he keeps this up. He places him in his lap and rocks him but it doesn't help. And then it happens. And this is Bokuto's breaking point, the reason he comes out of regression. He had an accident. Right there on Kuroo's lap. His head spins from how quickly he hops up when he realizes his mistake. The taller man is slightly disgusted but he understands it wasn't Bo's fault. He looks up to tell him it's alright but the spiker has already started hyperventilating. 

I had an accident right on Kuroo.

He's only known about my regression for 2 days and I've already peed on him.

He's going to hate me.

Akaashi's going to be so mad.

I'm such a freak.

They think I'm a freak.

They're going to hate me.

And kick me out.

He doesn't realize how irregular his breathing is until his hand is put on Kuroo's chest over his heart. "Ko. Baby, please breathe with me. It's alright. I'm not upset with you, no one is upset with you so please, breathe with me." Akaashi walks in at this moment but Kuroo gestures at him that he's got this, that he's got Bo so Akaashi silently watches from the door frame. It takes a minute for Bokuto to synchronize his breathing with his boyfriend. Once it's under control, Kuroo leads him back to the bed and has him lean on his chest. Bokuto doesn't slip, not yet, not without Ace. Kuroo decides it's time for him and Bokuto to take a shower considering the fact that sweat, vomit and pee don't make for good body odor. The shower gets started by Kuroo and Bokuto waits patiently on the bed while Akaashi picks out clothes for his boyfriends. Once Bokuto is showering with Kuroo, Akaashi puts the owl in the dryer on fluff dry, leaving the blanket and clothes in the open washing machine to throw in the dryer on higher heat later. 

The second Bokuto is dry and clothed, he collapses on the bed, feet hanging off and left to Kuroo to move under the sheets. Akaashi places a cold cloth on his forehead with a sad smile. "Tetsuro. You're thinking what I am, aren't you?" Kuroo nods as he sits on the bed.

He sighs, "Yeah. He needs to see a doctor. This isn't getting better and I know he isn't a fan but we gotta go." Kuroo starts gathering up his wallets and keys, letting Kenma know he was leaving. Kenma gave him an "okay" before his thumbs danced across his controller again. He goes back to the room and notifies Akaashi that he's ready whenever they are.

"Gotta let the owl finish drying. He'll cry without it, especially if he slips." Kuroo hums in acknowledgement and sits on the bed, raking his hands through Bokuto's hair. Akaashi hears the thrumming of the dryer stop so he grabs the owl and puts the rest of the load in the dryer on high heat. The taller black haired male shook his boyfriend who woke up sluggishly. As a matter of fact, he had to lean on Kuroo the whole way to the car. 

"Where we goin'?" he slurs softly as being put in the back seat. Akaashi doesn't answer, handing him Ace and climbing in on the other side. The buzzing of the engine is enough to lull Bokuto off to sleep. When they arrive at the Urgent Care, Bokuto is shivering and more delirious than he's been the whole time he's been unwell. Being dragged in by his hand, Bokuto hugs his owl and follows Keiji. The smell of rubbing alcohol hits Bokuto like a truck and he comes back to his senses. His eyes go wide and he yanks his hand away, ready to run for the door.

"Oh, no you don't. You're sick and we have to figure out what's wrong with you. It'll be alright, they're probably just going to give you a prescription for an antibiotic and you'll be good as new," Kuroo says as he keeps a tight grip on Bokuto so he doesn't leave. This would've been a challenge if he wasn't sick but a sick Bokuto is a weak Bokuto. The trio is seated in the waiting room and Kuroo goes to grab a pen and clipboard. "You gotta wear a mask, babe. They don't want you spreading any germs." Bokuto huffs, putting the mask on. Hearing the nurse call Bokuto's name puts him on edge and he hugs his owl and holds Akaashi's hand. 

The nurse has to take his weight first, meaning he has to let go of his owl. The nurse has been giving him bad looks and he wants to cry. He gets Ace back for his height but has to stop squeezing him for his blood pressure. His temperature gets taken and he and his boyfriends are put in an exam room and wait for a doctor.

"I don't like the way that nurse was looking at Bo. He had a judgmental look on his dumb face," the tallest grumbles. Bokuto gives a small nod in agreement. Akaashi just sighs, feeling a little tired. The doctor comes in and takes a few more of the currently big little's vitals before swabbing his mouth. When he sees the doctor make eye contact with his owl, he tenses. 

"Who's this little guy?" the doctor asks sweetly. Bokuto may have slipped a bit.

"Um. His name is Ace. He's my owl and he never leaves my side," he tells the nice doctor lady shyly. 

"Never? Well Ace seems like a really good friend. Make sure you take care of him. Do you want me to give Ace a check up too?"

"You have to ask Ace," Bokuto comments, holding the bird up to her face level.

"Bo, don't put things in people's faces, it's rude," Akaashi reminds him gently. Bokuto blushes and lowers his toy a bit. The doctor bends down a bit to ask Ace if he'd like a check up, causing Bokuto to bring his best friend up to his ear for a response. Bokuto nods and hands Ace to the doctor, warning her to be careful and not drop him since he can't fly. She checks his heart first and lets Bokuto know it's perfect with a hum of approval. Then, she checks his eyes and ears, providing a thumbs up to signal his ears and eyes are wonderful, being an owl and all. Akaashi smiles softly because this is the first time his baby has smiled since catching this bug or whatever it is. 

"Ace is in tip top shape. You're clearly taking very good care of your friend. Let me take this swab to the lab so I can get you some medicine and you can leave soon, alright?" she says while she hands Ace back to his friend. Bokuto nods and hugs the bird to his chest, leaning against Kuroo. The man rubs his hand across his baby boy's back. 

The doctor comes back and notifies the 3 men that the medium sized one has a mistreated stomach bug that he contracted when the flu attacked his immune system. He was given medication and instructions to hydrate and be put on bed rest. The ride home was peaceful and quiet aside from Bo's snoring in the back seat. Akaashi was grateful that he was little again so he'd mostly sleep. While they picked up the prescription, he grabbed some adult diapers to avoid anymore accidents and upset babies. And who knows? Maybe they'd lock another level of littlespace. When they got home, Bokuto took the medicine sleepily and made his way to the spare room for rest. The shortest of the 3 got him into a diaper since he wasn't very aware which is why he needed it. Kuroo grabbed the warm blanket from the dryer and let Kenma know they were home. Feeling exhausted from the day, the black haired men crawled in bed with Bokuto, holding him close and breathing in all of his germs. I don't think I need to tell you what Kenma was doing for the next 3 days.

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