Draco, darling

By smirk_smirk

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"What if i lose you?" "Look up. I'll always be in the stars." Draco and Meli had known each other since b... More



140 9 10
By smirk_smirk

Meli's clock showed 13:51 as she applied a last touch of blush on her cheeks. Wearing the outfit chosen the previous day and a bag with everything she needed, wand included, on her bed, she was ready to go.

She slammed the door of the bedroom behind her and ran down the stairs. "I'm going out mom!" she yelled across the living room.

"What? Wait, where are you going? We have guests com-" Jillian started but Meli was already going back up. The teenager opened the window and went down the scale.

It was a 15 minutes walk to the main road running through the area and connecting the big houses together. Once there, she wait and soon enough, the three-level magic Knight Bus arrived, transport for wizards and witches all around the country.

"Hey Stan, mate, how's it going?" said Meli when the bus' door slide, revealing Stanley Shunpike's pimples-covered face.

Stanley 'Stan' Shunpike was nineteen years old. He had been co-proprietary of the Knight Bus for three years with Ernie Prang and their Shrunken Head friend, Dre Head.

When they hadn't learned to fly good enough, Meli and her friends used to visit each other by taking the bus. Over the years, they had befriended the three owners and recently, Stan had even become Blaise's plug for cigarettes and else.

"Meli! It's going good, it's going good. How are you? Are you picking up something for Zabini? I don't recall him asking for anything" said Stan, bumping his fist against Meli's.

"I'm ok and no i'm not here for Blaise. Can you drop me off in muggle London actually? King's Road." asked Meli, dropping her bag next to her on a seat.

"Yeah, of course" said Stan before turning to the front of the bus. "Ernie! Meli wants to be dropped off at King's Road, muggle London!"

"Sure thing sweetheart! Put on your seatbelt!" yelled Ernie from the driver's seat.

Meli quickly did so and two moments later the bus started moving. Even with a seatbelt, the girl trashed around at the speed and rough turns of the vehicle. Sliding through muggle cars and making it's way on the street toward it's destination. Meli took this bus often but you could never get used to jumping of your seat at every move. It was like being put in a ball and let kids play with said ball.

As suddenly as it started, the bus stop. It had already arrived at destination. Meli checked her watch. 12:49.

"Thanks guys, see you soon!" she said, going down the little step and turning back. A serie of 'bye' echoed from the driver's cabin and after a few seconds, the bus was gone again, leaving behind it trains of colour.

Meli turned around, ready to embrace London. She didn't live in the city and that made every time she went to it amazing. The thrill of walking down the old streets, by these beautiful and ancient buildings. Every trip was invigorating. The knowledge that so many people went about their day in the same city, crossing paths without knowing what was going on in each other's lives. And nobody knew her. It wasn't the same as in Diagon Alley where people recognized her. Here, if people looked at her, it wasn't their intention. She was just another face in their day.

After a short walk, she arrived in front of the small coffee shop Louis described. It was stuck between two buildings, almost hidden. The place was in grey bricks and a blue banner announced it's name. Julia's. Meli smiled at how cute the front was and smiled even more when she got inside. The counter was at the left once you passed the door. It was in wood with a blue top and everything on it was in metal. On the wall there was a chalkboard with orders and prices written all over it. The chairs and tables were in metal too with little pillows and tablecloths. Meli scanned the room with a quick glance and her eyes locked on the one she was looking for.

In the back, leaning over a napkin on the table was Louis. His hair fell in front of his eyes and he was dressed casually but still managed to look really good. Baggy jeans with a white t-shirt that clung to his arms and torso. Like if he felt her eyes on him, he looked up and smiled. Meli felt the blood run to her cheeks. She lowered her head. No way he was going to see her blush from a bloody smile.

"Hi" Louis said when she walked over to the table. He crumpled the napkin and putted it in his pocket.

Meli sat in front of him. "Hey. Have you been waiting for long?"

"No, don't worry, I got here five minutes ago. I actually live in London so I didn't even have to come magically."

"Where in London?" asked Meli, dropping her bag on the wooden floor.

"Chelsa, with my mom. How did you come here?" Louis leaned forward and have her a menu.

Meli looked around them. The closest person to them was an old man reading a journal four tables away. "I took the Knight Bus. I live pretty far from here."

"Ouh, I took it twice and I ended up throwing up both times." grimaces Louis.

And the day went on. Meli proceeded to talk about the many times she took this same bus, how her and her friends got along with the drivers. Then she talked about her friends. The way they met and how their relationships grew through the years. Louis' face twitched when she mentioned Draco's name but it was only fair. She also pulled a face when he said Potter's friends but payed attention to the anecdotes he told about his other friends, the life as a Gryffindor. The conversation kept going until they both finished their order. A tea for Meli and a coffee for Louis. Two sugar, one milk.

Not that she particularly noticed. It was for Jane, who'll want to know all the details. Yeah, that's the only reason.

They headed out and Meli didn't protest when he said he'd pay. Gryffindor pride and all. Plus, pay gap is still a thing, even in the wizarding world.

The two teenagers walked for hours in London. They mostly stayed on the main streets and visited shops. They went to a book store in which they both bought a few books and exchanged smiles over bookshelves. Louis was impressed when Meli showed him the extended bag she had received the previous year for christmas and the look of amazement on his face made her melt inside. The kept on walking and walking and talking and talking until the sun had come down and street lamps lit up their way. It was wonderful and the atmosphere was magic.

They finally came back to where the Knight Bus would pick Meli up and as they waited, their laughter filled the silence. When the bus pulled out on the street, Meli got in and turned around.

Louis' eyes met her's and he leaned in. He was tall enough that their faces were at the same level, even with her one step higher. They were close now and for a moment Meli believed he was about to kiss her. But Louis' lips touched her right cheek and he stepped back.

When the bus was far enough that Meli couldn't see him wave with a smile anymore, she sat down and touched the spot where Louis' lips touched her cheek.


A/N: y'all i'm lonely i've never been on a date idk how that shit's supposed to go. i hope it was ok?

i finished reading They Both Die At The End and i started crying in class. my friend took a picture so i hit her. we're both well now.

please don't forget to vote and you can comment and go read my other ff too!
Hope you enjoyed,


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