The Great Escape Preferences

De CelestialDeamon

9.6K 303 175

preferences of the 1960s movie. I don't expect anyone to read it because the fandom is obscure and very small. Mais

how you meet
His First Thoughts Of You
couples songs (oldies)
Your first kiss(Roger) (plus a little extra because I got really in to this one)
First kiss
Would they cheat?
when did they realise they liked you?
Who else likes you?
top or bottom?
Little Things You Do That They Really Appreciate
Letters from war
Who said i love you first
what sort of father are they?
favourite body part
"How much do you love me?"
when you're angry at them
Your relationship as a Beatles song
secrets they have
kisses- public affection (gifs)
You have a surprise for them
something he hates being called
relationship as a Neffex song
Family Homes
they get into a fight
Quick Question
them as vines
Something that turns them on
their reaction to kisses
they are never gonna...
"I love you"
How You sleep
One fact about your kids
Their Worst Trait
Saying goodbye (At least for a while)
age differences
That did not last long...
The moment they realised they wanted to marry you one day
The moment you knew you wanted to marry them
A song you would dance to
imagine (V.H)
"Daddy, please"
If you were crying
When he misses you
If You Died Young
Married life HCs
He wants another baby
"I want another baby"
Romantic, Cute or playful?
You send them a picture in a letter
your child gets sick
SFW Alphabet- Roger
SFW Alphabet- Virgil
SFW Alphabet- Eric
SFW Alphabet- Hendley
just a weird realisation
if you touched him in public (wink wonk)
How would they describe you to someone else
most to least likely- getting hurt doing something stupid
Engagement Rings
SFW Alphabet- Willie
SFW Alphabet- Danny
SFW Alphabet- Mac
NSFW Alphabet- Roger
NSFW Alphabet- Virgil
NSFW Alphabet- Eric
how he looks at you
their favourite outfit on you
NSFW Alphabet- Hendley
Dancing With Them
what were you before the war?
most to least likely- Starting a fight over you
NSFW Alphabet- Willie
NSFS Alphabet- Danny
NSFW Alphabet- Mac
Language you speak to each other in
They Hold Their Child For The First Time
Come Home Alive (E.AP)

What You Fight About

164 3 7
De CelestialDeamon

Roger Bartlett

The only memorable thing you and roger fought over was when your daughter, Virginia told you both that a boy had asked her to a big school dance.

Given that Virginia is his only girl, he is obviously quite protective... and this was no exceptions. He had a small rant about why he didn't want her to go with a boy he hadn't even spoken to, telling her that he wouldn't allow it.

You stepped in when you heard her exclamation of "what?" and disagreed with him

"well, I think its quite nice that she wants to go with this boy. Besides, Roger, it's just a dance," you turned to your daughter, "Of course you can go sweetheart"

He grunted in frustration, "No, no. She's not going until I get to know this boy. And I'm the man of the house, so what I say is final!"

You crossed your arms, raising your eyebrows, "Is that right? Look here, Roger, you may be a captain in the army but right here, in this house- in our house- you are not. I- "

"you are MY WIFE. You're supposed to be on my side!" He stood up straight, raising his voice slightly. Your daughter had long since stepped out from the middle of you two.

"And you are HER FATHER. You're supposed to be on her side!" You argued back, meeting his vocal challenge.

"I know that! That's why I'm saying this, woman! She's my only daughter and I want to make sure she is safe!"

"And you think I don't, Roger?" You ask, incredulously

"With how you were acting, no, I don't think so! How can she be safe if you don't check?"

Suddenly, the air changed. There was silence. He sighed, reaching out to you, realising his words may have offended you.

"Its alright, mum, daddy," Virginia sighed, looking down at her feet, "I'll just tell Valerie that I'm not going to the dance."

She walked away, closing the door to her bedroom.

You scowled at your husband, still hurt by his statement, and turned away from his outstretched hand.

"Roger Bartlett... Those children are half of me as well. I love them and you know it " You stated coldly, striding furiously to your shared bedroom and slamming the door shut.

He huffed, feeling guilty for forbidding your daughter from going. He knew you were quite upset with him which made him a little bit unsure. He'd never had this happen before so he wasn't sure what to expect. He hoped you would calm down and forgive him.


That didn't happen. At least not right away.


 He had come to bed that night to you reading a book in bed. You didn't give off any signs that showed you had even seen him enter the room but he passed it off as getting very into the current page. After completing his nightly ritual, he laid down beside you, on his side, facing you. Once again, you paid him no mind but closed your book and rolled onto your side, turning the lamp off and plunging you both into light darkness.

He could see the faint outline of your figure in the darkness, reaching his arm out to slide around your waist and clasp your hand. You rolled your shoulder, pushing his arm off and shifted away further, confirming that you were in fact still very much annoyed with his behaviour.

The morning was just the same. You made breakfast as usual but continued giving him the cold shoulder. Even the boys noticed this, Andrew telling him, "Dad, you've ballsed that up".

He apologised to Virginia, telling her it was okay to go to the dance, hoping it would appease you but your anger with him was deeper than that.  

He reconciled with you by apologising when you were doing Virginia's hair in the vanity. He leaned on the doorframe, silently watching, feeling the last of his pride crumble away.

"Roger, what are you doing?" you asked, speaking to him exclusively for the first time in two days. You weren't happy with him but your voice was still as beautiful as the day he met you.

"Darling, I miss you... And I'm sorry I said that... I know you care about them. I was just rather frustrated... But, I do love you and I'd like to hold you in my arms again tonight. That is if you'll let me?" He looked you in the eye, eyes pleading, betraying his oh so stoic and assured nature.

You took a moment to take in his features, from his yielding cerulean eyes all the way to his lips, pulled into a tight line, trying to show no vulnerability. 'He should know by now that I can see exactly what he's going through' you thought, smiling at him.

He saw the sides of your mouth twinge upwards and found himself smiling just a little bit.

"Roger, It's all right. I know you didn't mean it, sweetheart. I was just frustrated because of it all. I'm sorry, too. I was also being unreasonable"

He clasped your hand tightly and pulled you into his chest. You let your free hand trail up to his cheek, cradling it like that night in the tunnel and pulled away slightly to look up at his face. Only the sound of your breathing was heard as you looked into his eyes, his beautiful blue-lightning eyes.

Slowly, he leant down, dipping you slightly in the small glow of the vanity. He planted his lips firmly on yours, loving the feeling he had missed so dearly.

Your daughter rolled her eyes, crossing her arms at the sight before her, "Mummy, daddy! Could you at least have the decency to take your canoodling outside of my room?" She joked. Roger pulled away, pulling you upright once more and chortled at her mock disgust.

Virgil Hilts

You have minor disagreements like most couples but don't normally have a notable argument. The worst was probably when you and he were debating; if you were pregnant, that you would either stay in England together, to be closer to your family or move to America to be closer to his family.

It ended up getting rather heated, you telling him, "what if I don't want my kids to grow up without knowing their other set of grandparents, Virgil!" You asked, feeling a little bit frustrated with the whole dilemma.

His eyebrows furrowed in and he crossed his arms, "well, maybe I don't want kids with you... at... all" He trailed off, realising what he was actually saying. He felt his whole stomach drop when your eyes filled with tears. You stood up from the sofa you had been sitting on with him and stumbled away, feeling a little bit winded by the offending words.

Before he could say anything you sniffled, "Virgil... You should have just said that I'm not the right person because..." You wept, wiping your tears with the back of your hand, "You prolonging it has just made it harder on me... I love you, Virgil. What is so wrong with me? Why am I never enough?" You cry, feeling the tears roll down your cheeks.

All throughout, he could feel his heart shattering to pieces. He did you love you, so why had he said such a thing. He would hate to feel what was going through your head at that moment.

"No, no, no, baby! I-I didn't mean it! I promise I would never mean that. I love you! I've loved you since I met you.  In fact, I'm not sure why you'd want to spend your life with me when you could have someone like Bartlett or-"

The tears still poured down your face. How could you tell him now? It all seemed so daunting all of a sudden. You couldn't really hear what he was saying. Everything just sounded so far away now.

"Virgil, I'm pregnant! That's why I brought the topic up" You gasped, still bawling, "I'm sorry..."

His eyes widened and he felt like his breath was knocked out of him. Had he really just told the mother of his unborn child that he didn't want to have kids with her? Everything seemed one hundred times worse now. He could see you panicking, tears streaking your face and he now couldn't speak.

He did the only thing he could think of...

He rushed forward, gripping you by the waist, and pulled you into his chest. His hands weaved into your hair, holding your head against his chest and he could feel the vibrations of your panicked hiccups. He burrowed his head into the crook of your neck, feeling his own tears begin to overflow from their ponds.

"Honey, I'm so sorry... I didn't mean it. I swear I didn't. I love you and I'll love this baby just as much"


It was a fairly intense moment but you both cleared it up without any other complications. He still looks back and feels terrible for making that happen.


Eric hates to make you upset so any argument you guys have will be diffused as quickly and efficiently as possible. The tensest argument you've ever had was about deciding whether to have an outdoor part or an indoor party for the bois.


"What about outside, sweetheart?" he asked. You shook your head instantly.


"Well, why not?" He pouted slightly

"Because it's supposed to rain today and I don't want you boys getting colds or hypothermia. You stay inside where it's warm"

Robert Hendley

they aren't ever very big fights, but sometimes you get frustrated with his class-clown attitude. He doesn't normally take much seriously and is very playful so sometimes, when you want to have a serious talk it gets a little bit annoying.


Danny also doesn't like to upset you, because when you get upset, so does he. Normally, if you're ever annoyed at each other, it is just eye rolls or mumbles before making up.

Willie Dickes

Willie is actually a little scared of you when you're angry so he tries his best to make sure there isn't any reason for arguments. You aren't violent or anything, he just gets scared that you'll get too frustrated or tired of him and leave him for good. 

You wouldn't though

because you love him, right? Yeah, you do. Everyone loves Willie


The only sort of arguments you have is purely tactical. You both have clear ideas of how you would go about certain things. You are both very thorough so sometimes your plans will conflict with each other's but you never bring work home with you.

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