A Simple Bedtime story(akam...

By Sundial09

130K 1.6K 1.4K

This a story about a cunning wolf a kind owl, a clever fox, a swift hare, a red eyed raven, and a sad lily ... More

Prologue pt 1
prologue part 2
chapter 1
chapter 2
chapter 3
chapter 4
chapter 5
chapter 6
azazel bio
chapter 7
chapter 8
chapter 9
chapter 10
chapter 11
kamaitachi bio
chapter 12
special: happy birthday kioshi
chapter 13
chapter 14
chapter 15
chapter 16
chapter 17
chapter 18
chapter 19
chapter 20
chapter 21
chapter 22
preparing for the end


4.3K 61 78
By Sundial09

A/n: it's time, you guys might want to sit down for this one, maybe get some snacks I'll wait...



After that eventful night, y/n got up and dressed himself leavening Akame to rest, but as she walked out he was met with Leone

Leone: how was it?

Y/n: how was what?

Leone: don't play dumb, you know what we're talking about.

Y/n: I honestly don't-

Leone pulled off y/n's shirt revealing the evidence

Leone: so?

Y/n closed his shirt and walked away

Y/n: maybe I'll tell over a drink, after all, I am indebted to you...

Leone: for what?

Y/n: helping me find my purpose...

Y/n walked back to his room to gear up. But before he left he looked at the blue mask hanging on the wall

Y/n: you deserve to see this through as well...

Y/n put the mask on and left his room

**** timeskip brought to you by chibi leone following y/n pestering him on what happened ****

As the revolutionary army made their move on the capital the perfect distraction the rest of the night raid followed Rin and Kai through the castle taking the fastest routes

Leone: there are hardly any guards here just as you said!

Rin: I wouldn't have risked it this far just to back out betray you now!

They entered a room full of heavily armed guards

Guard: Night Raid!

Akame: don't wanna kill any more than I have to, get out or get ready to die...

Guard: we will not retreat!

Akame: then you have made your choice...

???: non of you can cut it against Night Raid please fall back now!

And blonde Male walked behind the guards

Rin: Run...

Run: oh there you 2 are I was wondering where went off to.

Kai: it doesn't have to end like this.

Run: leave now, you'll just be throwing your lives away.

Guard: huh?

Run: you wouldn't help me, as a matter of fact, you'll just be in the way.

Wings appeared on Runs back as fell in the air launching feathers traffic towards them

Run: you were right you know, the empire has become rotten to its core, the current regime is on the verge of collapse.

Tatsumi: if you know that then why get in our way?

Run: because your methods of revolt are too much bloodshed!

Leone: are you saying you no different!?

Run: well, you see I was once a teacher.

Leone: how did a teacher wind up with the Yeagers!?

Run: not too long ago a group of bandits kidnapped students and murdered them, but the good didn't see it as a crime in any way, now the village I came from was poor so the bureaucrats no reason in getting involved.

Tatsumi: that happened to you?

Run: it did, and it's precisely why I despise this Empire!

He stopped shooting allow Leone an opening to strike

Leone: in that case why aren't you on our side, that's where you belong!

Run: I planned to Infiltrate The Yeagers, I thought I'd be able to accomplish more from the inside, but night raid decided to resort to violence in the name of revolution!

Leone: man you really piss me off, I guess I'll have to knock some sense into you!

Leone then threw a pillar at Run

Leone: you go on ahead!

Y/n: Leone-

Leone: I'm fine just go!

Everyone ran past her urging her not to die, they made their close to the minister's throne room but as they entered the room the guards were already massacred

Tatsumi: what happened here?

Rin examine the cuts more thoroughly and saw word's in edge into the body

" all games end here, you know where I'll be waiting"

Rin: Azazel...

Kai: he's truly lost it.

Akame: what's the plan?

Y/n: you guy's go on ahead, it's we finished this with Azazel once and for all...

The group split ways Akame and Tatsumi going for the minister while the rest go for Azazel

Y/n: why did he choose this place?

Rin: a true lies dormant, under the palace.

As they ran they were met with a giant dangerous beast

Y/n: was it-

Rin: once human yes, one of the first test subjects for that enhancement drug, is it the monstrosity were talking about no.

The thing then quickly attack the group viciously

Kai: Y/n go ahead, we can handle this!

Y/n: no, this-

Kai: there's no time to argue, you're the one he wants, not us!

Y/n: you better not die.

Kai removed his mask revealing his true self

Kai: if we don't meet each other again thank you for taking care of Mina...

Y/n nods a ran past him the beast leavening Rin, Kai to deal with the beast

Rin: think it's time?

Kai: it's up to you how you wanna deal with it.

Rin: Mr. Hissy, frenzy!

Mr. Hissy started to transform into a giant bone snake and restrained the beast while kai and Rin ran towards it got one of its arms free before it could strike kai severed it

Kai: go now!

Rin quickly jumped in the air playing at one of her old short swords stopping it in the head as it weakly crawled to rin she pressed her head it's

Rin: say hi to mom for me...

With that, it was put out of its misery

**** back with y/n ****

Y/n found himself in what seemed like a metal fleshy facility but it was somewhat dark but as he marveled at the sight he saw a figure standing Infront of him

Azazel: right on time, just like I thought you.

Y/n: ...

Azazel: not gonna talk huh? Well, I feel like talking so you'll listen.

Y/n: ...

Azazel then walking around the area and started talking

Azazel: you know I never wanted this to happen. you, Rin, Kai you're all supposed to rule that Capitol pain both sides out, but you all had one imperfection, Nano.

Y/n: she was your friend, then you betrayed her-

Azazel bent the railing seemingly angry at the statement

Azazel: she was the one who went to become a spy for the revelation, she. Betrayed. Me!

Y/n: I wondered who betrayed who first, the person who wanted to destroy this country, or the one who wanted to save it?

Azazel: it's both their fault that Elizabeth was taken from me!

Y/n: do you really think that this is what she would want?

Azazel: Oh I know so * starting to laugh * she tells me to do these things, but it doesn't matter anyway, it will all began soon...

Y/n: what do m-

The ground started to shake as Azazel started to laugh evermore

Azazel: this is their cleansing! there retribution! This is the Imperial Guardian Shikoutazer!

They were inside out it as the great Gundam thingy destroyed the capital

Azazel: * crazy face with tongue sticking out* fitting place for a final battle right!?

Y/n: how do you stop it?

Azazel: oh the true question is can you stop it!

Y/n: tell me!

Azazel: you'll have to kill me first!

The 2 there both in completely different mindsets as both of them knew that only one of them we're going I see the end of this, and that person what's a state of what happens in history as the both of there hands fixed on their weapons they drew and clashed against

A/n: and now for a chemical break while I go make myself some green tea.

A/n: and we're back!

Y/n and Azazel clashed swords only real source of light was the Sparks from there as they fought Shikoutazer was fighting Wave and Tatsumi but as it sheds its armor revealing more eyes to shot at them

Azazel: don't get detracted!

Azazel hit y/n with the blunt end of his sword knocked him to the floor

Azazel: soft, just like she was, maybe if you stayed you'd be a match for me!

Y/n reached for his sword but Azazel saw this and stabbed where is reaching arm

Azazel: oh no, you are so close yet so far~

Azazel then extended his sword lifting you off the ground and picked up the kamaitachi

Azazel: but I'll be generous, you'll go the same way as all your victims, by your Sword, say high to Nano for me as well as your parents!

Azazel then stabbed y/n's chest feeling all the pain that was supposed be to inflicted his targets as he fell limp Azazel removed his stinger from the y/n's arm and let him fall on the cold floor

Azazel: bye-bye sorrow killer...

Azazel walked off to get a better view of the chaos


Y/n quickly got up and removed his sword leaving no wounds

Azazel: Huh!?


Azazel quickly went to slash him but his blade went through his body as if wasn't there

Azazel: IMPOSSIBLE!!!!!!


y/n slashed him in the same area but since Azazel didn't feel the pain he continued to strike y/n in a bloodlust


Y/n sliced off Azazel's arm that was holding stinger grabbing the wrist and plunged it into Azazel's heart

Azazel: ach!

Azazel stumbled backward in disbelief


???- Azazel...

A familiar voice flooded Azazel the years have you turned around to see a woman with light blonde hair

Azazel: Elizabeth?

Elizabeth: you kept me waiting for so long.

Azazel's eyes began to water

Azazel: I'm sorry, I'm so sorry, I couldn't protect you...

Elizabeth looked at him and smiled at him holding her hands out

Elizabeth: I forgive you...

Azazel's for the first time felt at peace but before he embraced his mate her turned to y/n and pointed what seemed like a core and pulled out his sword and handed it to y/n

Azazel: destroy that and you destroy this terrible machine...

Y/n took the sword then saw Azazel with opened arms fall over the railing into the depths below

Y/n: may you find peace...

Y/n made his way to the core and shoved stinger into it cause the shaking to stop s for him to start falling forward

Y/n: I guess this is my fate to die here...

Y/n started remembering every good time with everyone prior and smiled seemingly accepting his fate

Y/n: I wish for just a second more goodbye...

Eye closed as everything went to black

**** with leone ****

Leone was chasing the minster through the hallways

Minister: guards, Esdeath someone, save me!

Leone finally caught up with the fat bastard and punched him down the hallway

Minster: you how are you still alive?!

Leone after being shot by the minster fused with her Imperial arms saving her giving her a little more time to finish the mission, as the minster pulled out his gun again to fire Leone caught the bullets

Leone: you've manipulated, exploited, and squeezed all you could out of this empire's people.

Leone raised her fist

Leone: and now you're the final s*** stain that needs to be cleaned!

She then punched a hole straight into the minister, still alive she graded him to the window

Minister: no please I'll do anything!!

Leone: rot in hell, you filthy bastard!!

She threw the minister through the window and into the middle of the revolutionary Army

A/n: remember that this fat pig is still alive this it will come up later.

**** with others ****

After defeating Esdeath everyone met up again

Rin: you all ok-

Rin: well that's different well I could be worse.

A/n: definitely!

They laughed they earned that much but Tatsumi realize that they were missing someone

Tatsumi: where's y/n?

The w then released that he was still in Shikoutazer when it fell and quickly made their way to the giant Mech thingy, kai who uses Trump's card to vibrate the metal enough for it to melt away in and saw that everyone was heavy damaged after a bit of looking he found y/n in bad shape

Kai: * gasps *

Kai quickly grabbed y/n and felt his cold body and took him out

Rin: oh no...

Kai rested him against some fallen Rebel

Tatsumi: Y/n!

Everyone else went to his side worried

Rin: y/n, y/n answers me!

Rin started shaking him quickly to get no response and had to hold back comforted by kai

Kai: Hey hey hey it's okay...

Akame not yet what happened to give her an attempt to Wake him

Akame: y/n, please wake up.

She didn't get a response

Akame: you promise you wouldn't die! So get up, please!

Akame hugged him as tears fell down her face

Akame: I love you...

Placed y/n down, and suddenly

???: hoo!

Everyone looked to see an owl, A peculiar thing to see in the middle of a Battlefield

???: hoo!

The owl walked over to y/n nobody seemed to stop it as it got closer to its face it sheds a single tear on his forehead

???: hoo...

Y/n's eyes slowly opened as he observed his surroundings

Akame: y/n!

Akame hugged him back to the ground and she cried on his shoulder

Y/n: I'm not dead?

Tatsumi: thankfully!

Rin: apparently owl tears can bring people back to life!

Y/n didn't know what they were talking about until he stopped the owl looking directly out of him, he smiled

Y/n: it's nice to see you again, Nano...

**** timeskip brought to you by chibi Nano petting the owl****

Together again

Akame, Tatsumi, and were brought to a clearing as they made it to a lone cherry blossom they saw a lone mine standing underneath

Tatsumi: Mine?

She turned and her eyes widened as the 2 embraced each over other promising that they would never leave each over side but most importantly

And so the dragon and the Seagull flew to start a new life on the country slide have 3 children, 1 boy, and 2 girls

**** timeskip ****


At where wave and kurome home you stood in the doorway watching Akame sleeping with Kurome

Y/n: truly a better outcome...

Y/n walked to where wave and najenda were sitting

Wave: how are they?

Y/n: there sleeping... kurome seems at peace.

Wave: the medicine Run made seems to help her the visions and her physical health but I don't think she'll fully okay, Akame?

Y/n: the Kamaitachi was able to nullify the effects of the poisonous curse, but the scars will remain.

Najenda: that's all we can do for now...

Y/n noticed that najenda was wearing Lubbock's coat and felt sad

Y/n: how are you holding up?

Najenda: using Susanoo's trump card too much has greatly shortened my life span, I have about 5 more years at most...

Y/n released something and quickly tock his leave

Wave: where you going?

Y/n: to fulfill a promise, take care of akame while I'm gone!

Y/n looked at najenda once more

Y/n: if we don't see each other over again, it was an honor working with you...

Najenda: likewise...

The flower never saw the cyclops after that night but it did know that she never married in honor of her spider friend, maybe they finally got together at one point but it did see a young spider playing with a cyclops Infront book store he frequented

As for the sea dragon and black-eyed raven they settled down, the raven never fully recovered mentally but have the sea dragon with her helped a lot

A promise

Leone was walking the town streets watching the people celebrating

Bartender: hey it's leone, come to have a drink with us!

Leone polity waved him off and continued enjoying the sights until she saw a lone h/c male standing under a light pole holding sake smiling at her

Y/n: I still owe you that drink don't I?

Leone smiled and gained him on a nearby bench and drunk and talked

Leone: we finally did it.

Y/n: yeah.

Leone: about time.

Y/n: thank you for everything...

Leone: you can thank me by lending me your shoulder for a bit.

Leone rested her head on his shoulder as they sat there watching the fires works and everyone being happy, you then rested her head on the bench using her cloak as a pillow

Y/n: rest...

The lion slept there for eternity protecting the people of her country. Eventually, they made a statue of her


Kai was a bit nervous standing there

Kai: guys I don't know about this what if she doesn't recognize me?

Rin: that won't happen...

Rin then squeezed his hand and he squeezed her

Kai: looked good with your hair like that.

Rin's face a blush pink but soon after y/n came with girls

Mina: y/n why did you bring us ou-

She stopped seeing the taller men with the same eye and her color, as she cupped her mouth with tears running down her face kai walked up to her

Mina: big brother?

Kai: hey mina...

She quickly hugged him and cried in his chest some after Tori was pulled in then Rin as y/n smiled, he was about to leave but both kai and mina pulled him into the hug

The hare and Bunny were reunited and had their celebration by going to where a pig was being brutally cut and given out for the feast as the red bunny and black rabbit had the owner of cutting the pig's balls off surprisingly it had the pair, how long after they visited the wolves and its mates Graves finally being together again, as well as owls being reunited with her mate both finally given proper burials


Y/n made it back to Wave's house and saw Akame sitting on the porch in front of the pond

Y/n: hey.

Akame: hey.

Y/n took a set next to her and she scooted closer

Akame: we did it, survived.

Y/n: so what now? The capital no longer needs us.

Akame took his hand in hers and getting his attention and they both shared a kiss

Akame: I love you.

Y/n: and I love you.

No one happened to the raven and flower some say that she built a beautiful nest out of it but know jo what really happened, she didn't build a nest out of the flower but she built a nest with the flower

The End

Father: not long after they had 2 little saplings, that turned into beautiful baby Raven and couldn't be happier...

Ayame: how did the flower make babies with the raven?

Father's face turned bright red

Kishi: yeah that's a good question, they aren't even the same type of animals?

The 2 looked at their father his face grew even redder

Father: well- y-you u-um-

???: did I miss storytime?

The kids looked at the doorway and saw their mother

Kishi: yes it was such a cool story about monsters and flowers and Raven!

Mother: really?

Ayame: yeah tell her daddy!

Mother: no it's alright I'm quite familiar with the story.

Father: well I believe it's time for you to go to sleep now.

Ayame and Kishi: night...

Mother and Father: night...

They walked out passing a wall full of pictures one with a H/c man in a suit locked arms with women wearing a brilliant red dress holding a bouquet of spider lilies and one with a picture of the 2 holding a boy and a girl with similar features and the last one

**** outside ****

Akame: telling them what happened back in the form of a bedtime story?

Y/n: they wanted his story, and our story is one that is not in history books, but they'll pass it down that simple bedtime story to their children and their children's children and so on...

Akame: wonder...

Y/n: hm?

Akame: what would have happened if things turned it differently?

Y/n: simple I wouldn't be able to do this!

Y/n pulled Akame into a gentle kiss has a screen panned out showing the Moon as an owl flow past it


A/n: I'm not at the end of this fanfiction almost here now*tearing up* I'm actually getting really emotional right now, I'm really glad that I had you guys with me the entirety of it , thank you for giving me something as precious as your time* crying * I never would have thought this story would have gotten as much attention as it would have and I really didn't say anything about it because I was worried it might have ruined my writing but at this point it only made it grow so I know I never done this but thank you for thank you for out of all the stories that you decided to read mine, a simple bed time story, you want I think I'm call it that, for that I am truly grateful, maybe I'll see you again and one of my other stories hopefully and if not I'm glad that you were at this one love you guys, this is really getting repetitive that I keep on saying thank you but I truly believe I can't thank you enough, I'm stop before start droning off, but surely I'm truly grateful that you giving me something as precious as your time if you're that thank you...


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