By herefornoreasons

280K 5.7K 22.7K

Camila didn't care about education nor the tasks that came with it, she'd always dominated her peer group in... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30

Chapter 15

7K 174 1K
By herefornoreasons

Flood my ego with comments or Santa won't visit this year🤸🏼‍♀️🧯🧽🖍

The next day Camila arrived a full 20 minutes early avoiding any body roaming the hall as she slipped into her favourite teachers class with a hesitant but warming smile replicated back with a set of calming green eyes

"What do I owe the pleasure? A little early for you baby girl?"

"Everyone woke up on time.. I was actually kind of worried about what Fallon's sister said.. if I didn't ask the principle to let her come back she'd expose us?"

Lauren lift from her desk with a knowing sigh realising even with her strict words of encouragement that the girl couldn't shake the anxiety of having their agreement blown up for the world to see.. she brushed her fingertips over her warm cheek with a smile perching back on the desk with a deep yet calm breath

"Fallon's little sister was on her final warning for violent behaviour.. shocking I know.. but turns out their daddy is a high up business man who has a reputation worth millions? A little whisper in her ear and we had a deal!"

Camila laughed back in shock pacing forwards with a pair of hands settling over her teachers knees as without even the details she knew somehow that the woman had saved their backs for a moment..

"A deal? What kind of deal.."

"She keeps her mouth shut about us and I'll convince the principle to let her stay in school.. if she gets thrown out for being a scrappy little cunt her daddy will be known for having the runaway daughter unable to keep her fist in her pocket.. she almost cried so disappointing daddy is obviously a big thing for them.."

Lauren smirked running her hands over the girls relieved shoulders with a gentle press into the muscle catching her falling head with a gentle sigh of content, the anxiety lifting from her brain while lavishing in the sweet smell of her teachers expensive perfume

"How are you so fucking smart seriously.."

"Telling me things isn't scary Camila.. believe it or not I can actually help sometimes? Communication is something we need to keep on top of so no matter what is bothering you I should be the first to know ok?"

"Ok, makes sense.. you said there was gonna be revenge though? When's that happening?"

Camila asked lifting to look back at Lauren's stare, her eyes hiding some inner feelings as she let out a deep breath to gather herself, the younger couldn't tell she wasn't intending on hugging it out but still held intrigue into what exactly she had planned

"Like I've said before, you don't have to worry about that! This technically is between me and her at this point so just trust me! Besides I think we need to forget about it for a minute.. you wanna do something tonight?"

"We can go to a club? Grind on each other and talk drunk shit?"

Camila laughed mockingly rocking back and forth on her heels while her hand remained strapped up in a painful support, the medication however taking away from her agonising jolts, Lauren nod back with a cocked brow liking the idea of letting her hair down but shocked Camila with the answer as she simply said


"W-Why? It would be fun!"

"I can't take you to a club! You're underage.."

"Seriously? The age card?

Camila let out an aggravated huff throwing her head back in a tantrum before the elder pulled her chin down with a laughing smile, the beaming orbs indicating she wasn't entirely opposed to the idea..

"Listen to me! I can't take you to a club.. if you happened to turn up at the same time as me though... that would be different!"

"Ohhh! You're a sneaky bitch then.. ok! I see you!"

"Good! Now go and sit down before people start showing up!"


"Kind of weird coming to a club with you.. last time I was here you were sucking face with that pointy nosed bitch!"

"Ai! Let's not talk about that.. besides I didn't bring you here remember.. we just happened to be in the same club at the same time.."

Lauren smirked guiding the girl over towards the bar in which they lent absorbing the bounding bass that flood the room like a tsunami forcing them closer just in order to hear each other, the elder slapped down her cash speaking into the waiters ear to order a few drinks that placed prized and centre in front of their well dressed chests

"Role playing is hot you know.. we should try it!"

Camila smouldered running her fingertips up the lengths of the woman's rib cage reaching her other hand out to grab for a shot glass shocked as the elder only pulled it back with a cocked brow, the look of playful disgust sinking over her cherry lips before her teachers body slowly strut into her own with the glass in hand

"I can't buy you a drink.. you're underage remember?"

"Seriously? Come on! Stop playing around!"

Camila giggled letting out a bratty huff as she watch the woman sink the shot into her mouth before grabbing for her chin to connect their lips transferring the liquid skilfully smirking as the younger swallowed back with a rising pulse

"Doesn't mean you can't have one though.."

"Do you have a cheat sheet for this sexy shit you keep pulling? I'm just trying to take notes right now.."

"Take note of this"

Lauren healed pulling the girl back into a sensual slow kiss that fell heavy with wondering palms, scratching fingernails subtle however amongst the crowded space, Camila didn't look 18 thankfully enough with her dominating makeup and slick curve hugging dress, the eyes would never notice the gap as the pair shamelessly taste each other's lips

"I forgot to note down that thing you did with your tongue.. can we do it again?"

"If you dance with me first?"

"Fine! But your leading!"

Camila smirked rolling her tongue over her teeth as the elder grab for her hand dragging her into the centre of the floor to wrap her palms around the base of her back almost calming her in the space which flood with deep rumbling music, sensual enough to dance too with a raunchy aftertaste that took kindly to the way Camila pressed her hips forwards into her teachers

"You tell me I'm leading but you're the one grinding right now Cabello?"

"Sucks that you're a closeted bottom huh? Not your fault!"

Camila laughed running a few fingers up against the side of the elders neck pulling her down into a kiss while her spare hand snuck into the V slit of her dress cupping just under her breasts lavishing in the way Lauren's breath caught in her mouth at the shock touch

"You can't top me for longer than 10 minutes niña! At least I'm not a pillow princess!"

"A pillow princess? What the fuck does that mean you weirdo?"

Lauren shift her lips to sit beside Camila's ears smiling against the skin with a small kiss while her palms grip just below her shoulder blades forcing her into her stature with a dominating hold.. territorial

"A pillow princess is someone who takes.. takes and takes! Someone happy to let the other person fuck them until they can't move anymore.."

"Well maybe it's your turn to be the pillow princess.. I still am yet to fuck you with that toy you like using.. I'd love to see you helpless in my bed begging for me to go deeper.."

Lauren cocked a brow with a shocked gasp not at all opposed to the idea of her student taking the lead.. she'd never felt this way before.. comfortable enough to give up the power but she had her methods.. she got under your skin and burrowed.. the elder knew that now.. she wasn't mad about it either

"We'll grow some and do it then! I'm not saying no!"

Lauren laughed back spinning the girl around with a wide beaming smile before noticing her lips close with a hesitant gulp, the look over her shoulder giving her all the explanation she needed as beside the bar stood Fallon with 3 girls just staring smugly...

"Lauren.. did you know she was gonna be here?"

"No! But I'm kind of glad she is.. go and find Sam and I'll be back ok?"


Camila shot quickly pulling the elder back into her body, her lips reaching forwards to passionately lock with the elders making sure to press her tongue visibly into her mouth while Fallon only rolled her eyes with a heavy offended scoff

"What are you gonna do?"

"Don't worry about it ok? I mean I wasn't planning on confronting her here but I guess it's as good a time as any!"

Lauren winked offering a reassuring cup against her cheek before pointing Sam out in the distance talking aimlessly with another man latched securely by his side, the elder held back watching as the mousy brown escape into the bathroom, her feet following confidently to trail a few feet behind

"Hey Fallon! What a coincidence seeing you here?"

Lauren spat with a wide beaming sadistic smile as she strut forwards with a high lifted chin and a model like poise, her thick black hair tumbling over her shoulders while her skin tight dress expose every powerful curve she had to offer, Fallon only turn around from the mirror with a wide eyed scowl and a gentle stutter in her breath

"A little public to be taking your illegal sex date out don't you think Lauren?"

"Correction..That Latin spice is 18 years old and more than legal, your jealousy never fails to entertain me Fallon!"

Lauren shot leaning down against the bathroom counter with a posture so powerful and confident the mousy brown realised quickly this wasn't just a passing visit.. she hated the woman.. despised the younger.. the woman in front very obviously sharing mutual feelings as Fallon stood already somehow backed into the corner between the sink and wall of the dusky low lit club

"Jealousy? You're funny!"

"I am very funny but that's besides the point! That's all this is.. plain simple jealousy! All because I fucked you in the back of my car and went about my day as if I'd never met you.. crazy it's been what like 3 weeks now and you still can't let it go?"

Fallon screwed up her face at the point of being exposed as she paced forwards as if ready to confront the woman gasping as immediately a sharp hand shoved her forcefully back into the wall, her shocked expression lifting a satisfied fire in the elders stomach now stood more than smug in her position

"Don't you ever step into my personal space! Disrespectful little bitch? Just admit it? Admit you're jealous of an 18 year old and I'll leave!"

"That's all you came for huh? To mock me?"

Lauren chuckled to herself with a shaking head stepping forwards slightly to stand now directly in front of the former math teacher, the small corner her back was pressed against not leaving her much room to move as the elder only smiled on sadistically, she wasn't afraid nor worried about any kind of altercation.. she grew up in the roughest care sector in the US.. she could more than stand her ground..

"I came here actually to wonder why you sent your little shit of a sister to corner Camila in a bathroom? Shove notes through her locker and almost break her hand? See now that Fallon is some shit I can't walk away from! That is the kind of shit that deserves justice!"

"I guess my little sister knows some bullshit when she sees it? Honestly I'm proud of her initiative, the notes weren't my idea but after she decided it was ok to hit me I thought maybe a taste of her own medicine would be substantial!"

Lauren didn't like that comment.. she knew Camila well enough now to see that the incident in class was nothing more than Fallon expertly pushing her buttons.. only recently did she discover however exactly why that was..

"A taste of her own medicine? Wow! Mature qualified teacher sending her little rat of a sister to beat the shit out of a student because she got herself fired! Classy!"

"What did you just call her?"

Fallon interject quickly slamming forwards once again before this time two palms struck her shoulders sending her back into the wall with a heavy slap, the look in Lauren's eyes less calm and more sadistic now as she growled her lip to remain in close proximity with the mousy brown woman

"How many times Fallon? Don't you ever front up to me like you could win any kind of a fight against this bitch! I raised myself in a world that was against me so don't question the idea that I'd be afraid of getting caught stood over your bloody fucking cheekbones!"

"If you came here just to intimidate me you can pack up and leave Lauren! This shit is so obvious.. you crave control! Where better to get it than an attention hungry 18 year old? She wouldn't dare talk back to you and you love it! I get why you didn't wanna be with me now! I fight back!"

Fallon boldly shot.. it was a stab in the dark but one that very blatantly missed.. Lauren only laughed as she placed an arm either used of her body, one on the wall and the other against the counter completely blocking her path as she showered her with a look of sadistic disgust.. Lauren had her methods and loved to lull in a false sense of calm.. Fallon right now felt confident this would only be handled with words..

"That's where you're wrong baby girl.. I crave control yes but control only works in a consensual environment! That girl gives as good as she gets I can assure you both in and out of the bedroom.. see unlike you she turns me on.. makes me stupid with lust... I made you cum Fallon.. that was it! But I fuck Camila! Make her scream! It's sad that at 18 years old she is so much more than you will ever be!"

Fallon gulped uncomfortably, the blatant intention to fuel her jealousy working as she shuffled her feel in front of the powerful woman, the elders tone of voice now riding along the line of explosion as she lift her chin sadistically to examine her prey from in front

"She's just a cheap and easy lay for you Lauren and you know it! She deserved every ounce of pain she got when my sister took charge! She really is a slut!"


Lauren widened her eyes at that comment, her stomach burning with rage as she reached forwards to grab the woman by the throat slamming her other fist across her jaw not once letting go of her neck making sure she stood in her agony against the wall like a criminal.. the mousy brown let out a painful grunt lifting a hand to her now throbbing jaw just below the line of her stitched bruised lip

"Don't you fucking dare talk about her like that! The only filthy slut around here is you so immature and caught up in your petty little games that you'd strike at her instead of me.. smart girl I must say.. you knew you'd loose right?"

"You don't scare me Jauregui!"

Fallon panted with trembling eyes and a painful mouth, the grip around her throat as she stumble her hands for support on the counter failing her quickly as Lauren drag her ear only inches from her glossy poise lips

"I don't want your fear Fallon! I want your realisation... realisation that you're a spiteful, childish.. piece of shit!"

Lauren hissed before slamming a surprise fist into the centre of her stomach as hard as she could, her body dropped into the floor heavily with a gasping moan of agony, the same punch Camila took from her younger sister.. Lauren was furious.. more than furious in fact as she sank down into a crouch to grab for the woman's Fallen chin

"You can come for me all you want princess! But you ever lay a finger on that girl again and I'll loose more than my career putting you in your fucking place!"

"She's not special Lauren! She's a student! No job no money! Rude and hungry for attention! Thinks the whole f-fucking world revolves around her!"

Fallon was in an intense flood of pain, her stomach throbbing and her jaw already swelling.. Lauren didn't care, that's what made her so dangerous when she'd loose her temper.. almost like Camila in fact?

"You really don't know when to shut your mouth do you Fallon?"

"See! You don't even have a comeback! You know she's just a pussy to fuck! You can't even tell me why she's so special! So worth loosing your entire life over!"

Lauren lift her fist for a second time, her choice of location now against her stitched lip that immediately began to bleed upon contact as she whimper out in pain like never before.. the elder now too far gone to stop as she reach a hand into the top of the mousy browns hair to slam back into the wall staring her directly in the eye with a look indescribable..

"She is special because I love her! And I have never loved anybody in my entire life so trust me when I say that this shit confuses me too! But even without that she is 18 years old raising a family after watching her dad die while the other packed his shit up to leave! The ONE fucking place she had to escape was school but shitty power tripping teachers like you made it impossible for her to heal! Instead you took her anger and used it against her! Like a fucking weapon! None of this is her fault only yours!"

Lauren began with a thumping chest, her rage inside so heavy and debilitating she didn't even notice the strength of her grip within Fallon's hair, the agonising squirms and pants not bothering her for even a second as she leant down further to finish her well structured words

"You have a problem you take it up with me! It's me your mad at not her! I fucked you and left you because I CAN! Touch her again.. even look at her with the slightest disrespect and I will slit your pretty little throat in your sleep and take the sentence! Understood?"

Fallon didn't respond only grunted in pain as the elder release her hair to stand, her wiggling fingers nursing the pain that came with slamming the pure bone jaw in her fit of rage.. the woman didn't move.. only slumped in a bloody mess as Lauren strut from the room and back towards the bar, a brief stop in the centre forcing her to recall the words she had just said for the first time out loud..

"I love Camila..."

Lauren after a few moments ventured back towards Sam and Camila with a fresh painted smile and an act to ignore her words she had mulled over for the length of time it took to greet them, Camila's arm wrapping around the woman's lower back with a look that almost ask what had happened

"She deserved it.. but we need to leave.."

"Well I'm staying with Rodriguez... some hunky fireman from Texas.. you guys are getting a ride home right?"

"We will be fine Samuel.. have a good time papi!"

Lauren usher before sinking a cheek kiss into his gram stepping back to guid the younger by her shoulder into the cold Miami night


Later that night the girls returned home opening through the door gently leaving the aunt upon the sofa to rise from her position with a grateful smile, she was stunning and bold in stature.. very evidently made of money as her glittering watch and pin straight hair strut to cup the younger girls cheek with a warning gaze

"Good night Mija?"

"Mhmm, I'm super tired though!"

Camila giggled kicking off her heels beside the couch with a yawn stumbling backwards slightly caught by Lauren propping her back up against her feet, the aunt now glancing over at the raven haired beauty with a cocked examining brow

"This is your friend you told me about?"

"Oh yeah, sorry Lauren this is my Aunt Lena.. Lena this is Lauren"

"Nice to meet you"

Lauren ushered with a yawn extending out her palm to shake the powerful looking woman's hand smiling gently as she pulled back to wipe her hand along her tight jeans.. Camila didn't see it but Lauren had.. she immediately took offence as she straighten her back out with a slim finger readjusting her dress

"Camila why don't you head on to bed?"

"Oh Lauren's coming too.. saves her driving"

"She'll be in with you don't worry, I just want to ask her something"

Lena spoke shocking Lauren slightly as Camila happily nod to walk away strutting down the hall to disappear leaving the two unfamiliar faces to wallow in their awkward silence before the aunt walked forwards to roll her eyes up and down the tall girls stature

"Friend? Is that what you are? Excuse my tongue but you look to be a little older than her?"

"I'm 22, we met on a school function.. age doesn't really matter when you care about someone I guess"

Lena nod slowly at the statement folding her arms over with a suspicious gaze before stepping forwards again to lift her chin, the red knuckles by her side noted mentally while Lauren only gulped awkwardly

"Parker mentioned a friend named Lauren is here a lot.. rather obsessed with you I must say! He's very young.. impressionable.. I'm sure those knuckles were a result of an accident?"

"You're waiting for me to tell you I'm a tear away who likes to fight right? So you can come back with the fact I'm a bad Influence on your niece and nephews?"

Lena cocked her head at the cocky well thought out statement, the power in the younger woman's voice riding through her train of thought more so than she'd expected..

"Well you're smart I'll give you that Lauren? This family is no place for someone unsettled you understand that right?"

"I don't mean to be forward with you but the amount of times I have been here handing money over to feed those kids without even a glimmer of you? Shocking! Doesn't look like you're short on cash with that flashy watch and the Gucci heels beside the door?"

Lauren spat folding her arms taking the protective stance as the woman part her lips with raised offended brows.. the audacity of the teacher immediately judging the woman poignant however called for.. Lauren had a skill for examining intentions.. it was her job after all

"Excuse me? Who do you think you are?"

"The girl who shows up? Who are you? Because from what Mija tells me you're hardly ever there to take care of her anymore.. she's 18 you know? She shouldn't be raising these kids begging for money when her aunt is living it up in the Maldives.."

"You want me to give up my family to take care of another? Child you don't know me? You don't know our situation... this is the first I am meeting of you and you talk to me as if I have ruined your life?"

The woman scoffed forcing Lauren to pace forwards with an equally as cocky grin, she never backed down and could be considered worst than Camila in confrontation.. this situation however was one the younger never realised.. never questioned.. Lauren had noticed..

"This is your family? 5 times I've had to bail her out for food money this month? You live 2 blocks away apparently so why aren't you here? Paying for your family! She's still in school for Christ sake?"

"That child is not my blood! Nor are the others! My son took them on because he was a good man but he is gone now! They are not my responsibility! I help when I can but I have my own life to lead!"

Lauren released her arms with an angry forward pace, the woman she had only just met already an enemy as she so blatantly disregard her relationship with the 5 bodies only just down the hall..

"You really just said that didn't you? Can afford Gucci but not the love and compassion needed to be there for your sons kids!"

"Did your mother not raise you with any manners? We met only 10 minutes ago and already my impression of you is poor!"

"I don't have a mother! I like Camila and the rest of those kids were forced into a system of people like you! Inconsiderate selfish dicks! I don't need your sticky seal of approval Lena! Just leave! I can tell you don't wanna be here so fuck off!"

The woman furrowed her brows with rage as she slam down for her keys to slip on her heels turning back with a showering glare that Lauren was more than in the mood to challenge if needed

"Watch your step Mija!"

"I'm not your fucking daughter!"

Lauren slammed closing the door swiftly behind her locking the key in place with rolling eyes as she slid the dress from her shoulders to venture into Camila's room, her tired body just slumped into the bed still fully dressed.. red cheeks and flowing messy hair..

She wondered over towards her side of the bed reaching around to pull down the zipper over her back before gently dragging the silk down over her hips making sure to be careful as she slid it from over her resting feet, the slightly smudged makeup on her face removed by a rag the elder took care to wipe softly crouching down beside her pillow with a smile lavishing in the small sleepy grunts tumbling from her lips

"You're so beautiful without makeup.."

Lauren spoke basically to herself as the girl was more than already in a deep sleep.. she knew that however.. it was the only reason she was saying it.. it was like a way of expressing how she felt without actually having to deal with a response..

"You're beautiful all the time actually? But I don't think you know that.. I wish you did Camila.."

She finished with a small chuckle realising how dumb she sounded talking to herself but it felt like therapy? Her hand placing the rag down beside the nightstand replacing her fingertips to trace over her hot sleeping cheek with a look of adoration

"You're so brave and strong and funny.. I sound dumb right now but I'm too scared to tell you this shit when you're actually listening?"

She paused for a moment with a deep breath just staring, her eyes rolling over her glossy lips and long lashes.. tiny details upon her face she'd never noticed until now.. like the way her hair fell when she laid.. the way her cheeks dimpled when she clamped her jaw..

"I'm not gonna let anyone hurt you again even though I know you're made of strong shit.. just because your strong doesn't mean I can't take care of you right?"

Camila was more than in a deep sleep as the elder trailed her fingertips down to hover the painful bruises against her knuckles from the stamping foot that almost broke her hand.. the touch not even eliciting a flinch which soothed her anxiety that she may have actually been listening..

"I love you Camila.. It scares me so fucking much but I do.."

Lauren finished with a smile leaning forwards to press a single kiss upon her forehead before venturing back slowly towards the other side of the bed claiming in behind her body just to stare at her toned caramel back.. soft skin and gentle breaths calming her into a well deserved sleep

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