You Are My Sunshine (Guardian...

By JustReadinBook5

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Not my story. All rights/credits (and whatnot) go to the author. This is only partial of the whole story. Ro... More

Chapter 1- New Member
Chapter 2- Bar Fight
Chapter 3- Memories
Chapter 4- Visiting
Chapter 5- Camping Out
Chapter 6- Love and Understanding
Chapter 8- First Date
Chapter 9- First Mate
Chapter 10- "Damn it, Peter!"
Chapter 12- Story Time

Chapter 7- Arguments

3.6K 87 31
By JustReadinBook5

Lianna and Rocket finally got dressed. Rocket was wearing his maroon suit and Lianna wearing jean shorts with a white camisole and a black, see-through over shirt. They finally reached the clearing when Peter came rushing over to Lianna, hugging her around the waist while kneeling.

"'Ey! What's the big idea?!" Rocket shouted. Peter was clutching to Lianna's outer shirt with fear struck in his eyes.

"Lianna, you gotta help me!" Peter exclaimed.

"What? What happened?" Lianna asked.

"PETER!" They both knew that was Gamora when Peter ran into the forest. "I'M GONNA FUCKING KILL YOU WHEN I GET MY HANDS ON YOU!" Gamora was stomping down the hill with wet hair and a katana in her hand.

"Peter!" Drax called out, following behind Gamora, holding on to his arm. "I tried my best to hold her back, but she had cut me with her sword."

"Why were you fuckin' helping him out anyways!?" Gamora yelled back to Drax.

"Because he said he was gonna buy me knife polish if I did!" He said, rushing up to her side.

"I didn't say I was buyin' you shit!" Peter said, stepping out from behind the tree he was hiding. "You forced me to do that part!" Soon it was the three of them in a group, bickering at each other like three clans arguing about territory.

Rocket just looked at them, thinking they were a bunch of assholes fighting over somethin' stupid, but then he heard a moan of displeasure. He looked over at Lianna, finding her to be massaging the temple of her head with both hands, squeezing her eyes shut.

"Lianna, are you ok?" Rocket asked, tugging down on her outer shirt to get her attention.

"Yeah, I just-" She inhaled air through her clutched teeth and winced. "-I just suddenly got a headache." She groaned out. Rocket knew something bad was gonna happen because of the headache Lianna was getting from the others.

He let go of the outer shirt and went over to the group. He kicked Peter in the back of his legs and he looked at Rocket.

"Ow! What was that for?!" Peter angrily exclaimed.

"Your givin' Lianna a headache you ass, so just quit all this shit already!" Rocket yelled.

"You're not part of this, vermin!" Drax said. That blew Rocket over the edge quickly.

"'Ey! You take that back you mother fucker!" Rocket growled.

The four of them now fighting, leaving Lianna on the sideline, looking like her head was gonna explode. She stumbled backwards, leaning her head against a tree. Her body starting to twitch and shake.

The argument was getting worse and Gamora lifted up her katana to strike at someone. But suddenly everyone found red hair wrapping around their waists and lifting them high in the air.

"ENOUGH!" A slightly deep voice roared. Everyone looked to see who it was, and found it was Lianna.

Lianna's body was twice its size, and her hair thick and bushy like a lion's mane. Her teeth and nails looking half as sharp as they were when she turned into her strange, monstrous form. Blood red filling her irises.

"You are ALL acting like fuckin' stupid, childish, ASSES!" Lianna growled, baring her teeth. Everyone looked away, knowing she was right. Rocket's ears went down, knowing he was foolish, too, to join in on an argument he had no business in.

"I'm sorry." Rocket mumbled, laying his head on the hair grasping him. Lianna's eyes quickly flickering back to normal.

Rocket felt himself being lowered, facing Lianna as she shrank back to normal size. She smiled to him and grabbed him under the arms, letting the hair grasping him slid back to its normal length. She sat him on her shoulder and looked back at the others.

"Now, let's try this in a less violent way..." Lianna stated, putting her hands together. "What happen?"

"Peter went to watch Gamora shower." Drax blurted. Peter glared at him.

"Thanks for being there for me." Peter said.

"Your welcome." Drax said, feeling himself being lowered. Peter just shot another glare.

"And how'd he get this?" Lianna asked, inspecting the long cut on Drax's arm.

"I did it." Gamora muttered, crossing her arms and looking down.

"Why, may I ask?" Lianna questioned, motioning her hand over the long cut to wrap with her hair.

"Because I heard someone outside the shower room and I slashed at the person there, but found Peter running down the hall and Drax there instead." Gamora felt herself lower halfway, looking at Peter, who was last to tell the truth.

"And last but not least, Peter..." Lianna pointed out. "Why did you go to watch Gamora shower?"

Peter looked away and blushed, regretting he ever did it. "I-I... I-" He sputtered out. "Ok, I DID go watch Gamora, b-but I was just checkin' up on her..... OK! I wasn't checking up on her! I was watchin' her cause she's hot! Happy now!" Peter yelled in panick.

Gamora shot Peter a deadly glare before looking at the ground. He knew he was dead once Lianna released them. The stands of hair unleashed them and Gamora quickly whipped her head toward Peter. She went to strike at him with her katana when other strands of hair gripped her wrist. She looked back at Lianna, who was giving her a look that said 'I'll take care of him'.

Gamora growled. "Fine." She was free and placed her katana in its sheathe, glaring at Peter once more before going to disappear over the hill.

"Phew! Thanks for savin' my ass, Lianna." Peter said, walking toward Lianna.

"No problem." Lianna said, letting Rocket down from her shoulders and putting her hands on her hips with a smirk. "You just gotta do me a deal."

"And what's that?" Peter asked, feeling a little nervous to her answer.

"You gotta lay off the 'Adora-Gamora' junk until Friday, a total of four days." Lianna held up four fingers in front of Peter's face, receiving a shocked look from him.

"What!?" He practically yelled.

"If you win, I'll serve for you for five days. If I win, you serve for me for five days. Deal?" She stuck out her hand to Peter, waiting for him to shake.

He hesitated for a moment, but then gave in with a groan. "I am regretting everything now." Peter mumbled, using a hand to wipe down his face.

Lianna just giggled at him with mischief, knowing she would win easily.

She turned her attention to Drax's wound as Peter walked away in regret. Rocket looked worried and aware of what just happened earlier.

"Lianna, are you ok?" Rocket asked, gently tugging on her shirt.

"Yeah, why do you ask?" Lianna asked, tracing a finger down Drax's cut.

"It's just, you know, you DID just freak out earlier." Rocket looked down and fumbled his fingers.

"Oh... that..." Lianna paused, wrapping her hair around Drax's cut. "I-I'm fine, just gotta relax for a while."

Lianna finished wrapping a hair bondage around Drax's arm. "Come on Drax." She coaxed. "I gotta get 'cha to the ship and fix ya up." Drax nodded and walked along, Rocket at the back of the group. She gave a small smirk and brought Rocket to the front with her and Drax, smiling at him as he stared at her. He smiled back, knowing she wouldn't let him far behind from her.

-Time Skip-

"OW!" Drax almost yelled as the rubbing alcohol came into contact with the cut. He struggled under the grasp of Lianna's hair pinning his arm down to the table.

"Hold still, Drax." Lianna said, pulling back the alcohol soaked cotton ball. "This is supposed to kill the bacteria in the cut."

Drax winced and groan when Lianna pressed the cotton ball on the cut, again.

"Rocket, can you get the gauzes from the drawer over there?" She said, pointing to the top drawer below the counter top. Rocket nodded and quickly grabbed them, knowing Drax wasn't gonna hold still any longer.

"Thanks." She gave him a little rustle on the head and put the gauzes on the cut. She then grabbed the bondage and began wrapping Drax's arm.

"How long will we have to stay here on your home planet, Lianna?" Drax asked, wincing a little when the bondage squeezed the cut together.

"I don't exactly know." Lianna said, grabbing a metal clip. "Depends if we were found by the science control or not." She clipped the end of the bondage on the wrap and helped Drax up. He flexed his arm a little to test the bondage out, Rocket finding Lianna staring at him when he was doing that.

Rocket cleared his throat and tugged on Lianna's pant leg, catching her attention quickly. He nodded his head toward the side, Lianna quickly realizing.

"I think I better go find Peter and Gamora." She said heading toward the open hatch. "Might be fighting or somethin'." She disappeared down the ramp and Rocket quickly whipped his face to Drax, growling at him.

"What?" Drax asked.

"You know what!" Rocket said, his tail beginning to bush up.

"I know what?" Drax asked again, getting a full heartedly facepalm from Rocket.

"I saw you tryin' to flirt with my girl!" Rocket yelled. Drax's face filled with confused shock, but then fell into a wide grin. His booming laughter filling the room.

"What?! What are you laughing at?!" Rocket yelled again.

"My furry friend, I can see you're in love!" Drax boomed, trying to quiet his laughter. Rocket's face went red underneath his fur, his ears back in guilty truth.

"What are you talkin' about?" Rocket said nervously.

"I'm talking about you liking Lianna." Drax said, squatting down to him. Rocket just looked away and blushed, but felt a reassuring hand on his shoulder. He looked at Drax and sighed, knowing there was nothing else to do.

"Ok, I do like her." Rocket admitted. "But! We aren't just friends anymore, now."

"What happened?" Drax asked, putting his other hand on Rocket's shoulder.

"At the lake, when we were washing up..." Rocket hesitated a moment. "We kissed." He face blew up with blush when he said that.

"So, you are MORE than friends then?" Drax said cheerfully.

"Yes, BUT don't tell anyone!" Rocket said pointing his finger at him. "If they find out too early, they'll think I'm goin' soft. Got it?"

Drax nodded with a smile, standing back up and heading toward the hatch. When he disappeared, Rocket quickly ran to his room. He rummaged through his dresser drawer until he came upon a rectangular bottle.

"'Working Hard', the cologne that makes you smell like you were in a ship repair shop on the annual, full day oil change." He whispered to himself, spraying about every inch of himself with the cologne. Lianna will LOVE this. He stroked the back of his fur on his head.

-Time Skip-

Lianna was outside the house, trying to keep Gamora and Peter distant from each other.

"Why can't you guys stop fighting?" Lianna whined, hanging the both of them by their waists with her hair.

"It's not my fault Peter is dumbing than a Carnak!" Gamora yelled.

"I'm dumb?!" Peter yelled back. "You didn't even know what a butterfly was!"

"Both of you stop it!" Lianna yelled, raising the both of them higher into the air. "I just had about enou-... e-...enough of... your... grease?"

A thick, pungent aroma filled the air quickly. Gamora holding her nose in disgust and Peter scrunching up his nose from the dense smell.

"Wait a minute." Peter sniffed the air and angered shock filled his face. "Hey! That's my cologne! Who's wearin' it?!"

"Oh, so this was YOUR cologne?" Rocket said sarcastically, strutting toward Lianna and the other two. Lianna quickly looked over to him, taking in another whiff of the oily, metallic smell emitting off of him.

She hummed in delight and dropped Peter and Gamora, Gamora obviously sticking the landing. Lianna walked over to Rocket and quickly swept him off his feet, nuzzling her nose against his head and breathing in the intoxicating scent.

She turned around on her heels to face towards the others, quickly sitting on the ground. She sat Rocket in her lap and inhaled more of the mechanical aroma. Peter and Gamora staring in confusion.

"What's going on?" Gamora asked, surprised to see Lianna so clingy and touchy towards Rocket.

"Well, from what I see, my stolen cologne, 'Working Hard', is being very effective on Lianna." Peter said brushing off the dirt on his pants.

Lianna just giggled and laid down on the grass, pressing her face against Rocket's back and earning low purr from him. His eyes slowly lidding from joy and pleasure as she began to rhythmically rub circles on to his lower back.

"I am Groot? (What's going on)" Groot asked emerging from the house. He found Lianna and Rocket on the ground, Lianna's face on Rocket's back and him purring in a low tone.

"I am Groot? (What's wrong with them)" He asked a little worriedly.

"Oh, it's ok Groot." Rocket purred. "She's just likin' the cologne." He let out a moan when Lianna traced the seaming of his suit up his body with a finger.

"Okay." Peter said putting his hands together. "How about we separate them before somethin' else happens." Groot nodded and went over to pick up Lianna, hazily laying in his arms like she was drunk. Rocket's purr slowly faded away afterwards and he stood up, seeming mad.

"Hey, she was just gettin' a good groove on massagin' my back." Rocket whined as he walked over to Groot.

"Well, that cologne seems to work too well on her Rocket." Gamora stated, making a sound of disgust when she inhaled his scent. "How much did you put on!?" She asked, trying to keep her nose from burning.

"Like a tiny sprit of it." He lied.

"Yeah, right." Peter jumped in, "You probably covered your whole body with it if she's goin' all goo-goo for you." A sudden idea hit Peter's head.

"Or is it somethin' else that between the both of you?" He asked curiously. Rocket deeply blushed, but kept up his anger towards Peter.

"No, it ain't somethin' else." Rocket said, almost in a pouting way.

"I would've liked it better if it wasn't so densely sprayed." Gamora whined. An idea popped into Peter's brain as he continued to stare at Gamora, but to soon receive a whip on the back of his head.

"OW!" He yelled, and turned around to find Lianna smirking.

"I may be dazed as a drunkie, but I can still see you starin' at her Quill-boy." Lianna said.

"Heh, that's my girl." Rocket chuckled.

A/N: Honestly, it's pretty obvious that there IS something going on. So, I'll just say that Peter is really stupid. =/ And if Rocket doesn't want 'anybody' to know, he should stop making it so obvious.

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