The Siren's Song

By PurpleQueenie

399K 29.4K 23.9K

Modern day Seoul and myths don't go along hand in hand as easily as one might think. When for centuries (Y/N)... More

Chapter 1- moving away
Chapter 2- setting in
Chapter 3- quiet time
Chapter 4- I didn't sign up for this
Chapter 5- things that go bump in the night
Chapter 6- sliding and slipping
Chapter 7- competitive gamers
Chapter 8- sounds of the soul
Chapter 9- walk in the park
Chapter 10- tension and two's
Chapter 11- dancing with soul
Chapter 12- water isn't always the enemy
Chapter 13- baking buddies
Chapter 14- sweet as strawberries
Chapter 15- dancing with soul
Chapter 16- moments with you
Chapter 17- music is food of the soul
Chapter 18- three becomes four
Chapter 19- bonds become sweeter
Chapter 20- so close...
Chapter 21- and yet not so far
Chapter 22- learning truths and making connections
Chapter 23- in deep waters
Chapter 24- the siren's song
Chapter 25- will the pain ever leave me?
Chapter 26- coping
Chapter 27- slowly stepping out
Chapter 28- and staggering slightly
Chapter 29- but there's someone to catch me when I fall
Chapter 30- comfort in hobbies, comfort in family
Chapter 31-worries and concerns
Chapter 32- sweet company and invitations
Chapter 33- dinner
Chapter 34- regrets and memories
Chapter 35- familiar love, unfamiliar hope
Chapter 36- small steps, big hopes
Chapter 37-late mornings and fun
Chapter 38- the friendship deepens
Chapter 39- myths and musings
Chapter 40- a shift, a change
Chapter 41- dancing with soul right into your heart
Chapter 42- stumbling but hands are there to catch me when I fall
Chapter 43- day in the sun
Chapter 44- picnics and picking fruits
Chapter 45- revelations
Chapter 46- you give you the best of you
Chapter 47- just dance
Chapter 48- a cocktail of emotions
Chapter 49- drunk on feelings
Chapter 50- overdosed on confusion and feelings
Chapter 51- hungover with pain
Chapter 52- the aftermath of the night
Chapter 53- learning how the night passes differently
Chapter 54- dancing with inner demons
Chapter 55- cooking and cuteness
Chapter 56- lost in thoughts...of you
Chapter 57- two sides of a coin
Chapter 58- unfolding her hurts
Chapter 59- a shift, a change
Chapter 60- feelings come and stay
Chapter 61- you can't outrun your emotions
Chapter 62- and neither can you work them out
Chapter 63- the day dawns with light, with hope
Chapter 64- the start of something new
Chapter 65- a storm is brewing
Chapter 66- bring the pain on
Chapter 67- the world crashes
Chapter 68- lost at sea
Chapter 69- out of my depth
Chapter 70- if we hold on tight can we remain afloat?
Chapter 71- learning to breathe once more
Chapter 72- when I see you again
Chapter 73- old wounds don't always heal
Chapter 74- normalcy brings healing
Chapter 75- the sweetness of you, the pain in you
Chapter 76- kiss it better
Chapter 77- waves from the past
Chapter 78- and joys of the present
Chapter 79- the music of the soul
Chapter 80- dancing into my heart
Chapter 81- dancing duo
Chapter 82- the gift of each other
Chapter 83- history's cycle turns once more
Chapter 84- playing together, learning together
Chapter 85- anticipation grows and tensions heighten
Chapter 87- passion's embers
Chapter 88- building needs and curiousities
Chapter 89- the torment of waiting
Chapter 90- just you
Chapter 91- your imprint left behind
Chapter 92- stuck in the past
Chapter 93- drawn back to it again and again
Chapter 94- write to me
Chapter 95- take you apart piece by piece
Chapter 96- and let the flames consume me
Chapter 97- crumbling walls
Chapter 98- crashing waves
Chapter 99- and healing balms
Chapter 100- bruised but healing
Chapter 101- surprises
Chapter 102- curtain rise
Chapter 103- swan song
Chapter 104- puzzle pieces
Chapter 105- house of cards
Chapter 106- mulled time
Chapter 107- I'm trying
Chapter 108- steps back to you
Chapter 109- one more dance
Chapter 110- one more service
Chapter 111- undoing shackles
Chapter 112- unreeling decades
Chapter 113- pasts gone...
Chapter 114- game on
Chapter 115- challenge accepted
Chapter 116- surprise me
Chapter 117- steal my breaths

Chapter 86- dancing with fire

2K 167 166
By PurpleQueenie


Knowing that she'll step back on that stage, that she'll step back to compete, to dance once more has my heart racing with a mixture of excitement, adrenaline and sheer happiness.

Because I knew what the stage meant to her, I knew that when she danced, when she performed she was able to forget for a short while that she was a siren, she was able to remove herself from that taint she saw the label as and was for a little bit of time; free. Free from it all, not a siren, not (Y/N), just a dancer. Just someone who became part of the music, part of the dance.

And moving to sit in the audience with Mi-sun brought back that same feeling of pride and giddiness that every dance season she'd competed in had brought me. I feel Mi-sun cling to my arm in her own excitement, bouncing and vibrating with the force of her joy.

"I can't believe it. She'll be on stage again." Mi-sun says in a hushed whisper, awed and so, so happy.

"I can't either. Has it really been decades?" I ask, disbelieving. Unable to fully process that at some point, it was going to be cherub stepping up onto the stage, it was going to be her dancing once more.

It felt like my heart was going to burst out of my chest, thudding away quickly, fiercely with how nervously I was anticipating her dance, I'd already had to blink back that sharp stinging in my eyes when I'd stepped through the dressing room and caught a glimpse of her, ready to get up on stage any second. It had felt real then, that brief glimpse had been enough to kickstart those butterflies in my stomach and that sensation had only grown as we moved to sit down in the audience.

Mi-sun shifts in her seat beside me, her vice like grip not lessening on my arm as we settle, her squealing only quietens when four figures approach with smiles and equal looks of excitement on their faces. Namjoon bringing up the front with Taehyung, Yoongi and Jin following behind, sitting down in the seats beside us.

Namjoon's dimpled smile is out in full force, something I'd associated with whenever he got passionate about research or excited to share something, sitting on my left.

"Excited Habaek?" he asks, eyes sparked with warmth and giddiness.

I nod, eyes turning to glance at the currently empty stage.

"Very. I can't wait to see her dance." I confess, voice soft and full of longing, that restlessness building and bubbling away.

Excitement wasn't a word that could describe how every fibre of my being was restlessly shifting, impatiently waiting for the sight of her stepping up. Excitement couldn't describe the way my body was buzzing, my heart was racing and my mind swarming with thoughts, with countless streams of memories melding and merging.

"She's performed before? Competed?" a deep voice asks and when my eyes slide away from the stage it's to see Taehyung leaning forward, eyes bright with curiosity, head cocked at me.

"Not professionally, it's more of a passion. She's quite the energetic one around the house, we've been lucky to see her grow as a dancer." Mi-sun cuts in, voice soft and beguiling, not giving away that (Y/N) was a dancer, we couldn't give that away.

How would it ever make sense? How could we say that (Y/N) was a force that had driven the dance world when she was only meant to be 22? How could we say that (Y/N) was a dance movement, a dancing sensation in herself when no-one knew her name in the industry?

Some things were to be left as buried secrets and I was glad that Mi-sun had interjected naturally, clearing up any potential curiosity before it took root.

"She dances around the house?" Jin asks, looking so endeared by the thought, lips curved up in a smile.

I smile. She was the light and soul of the house, it was just natural to see her twirling around the house, flitting around doing chores in a way that looked like a dance in itself, graceful when she wasn't being our clumsy baby that tripped over small things.

"She does. Amongst other cute habits." I say with a smile.

This makes them lean in, all four of them peering with bright interest at me, expectantly and hopeful.

"What? You want to know them?" Mi-sun teasingly asks and when I turn to glance at her, her face is full of mischief and tease.

The boys don't even bother disguising their intentions, nodding eagerly, their bodies curved close to each other as they look at us, waiting for us to answer.

"Well shame. It's more fun if you discover the habits yourself no? Like the one where she gets all sleepy and begins to...ahh whoops. Never mind." Mi-sun nonchalantly drawls, cutting her own excited rambling off intentionally, shrugging her shoulders as she turns to face the front, effectively cutting the conversation off, lips curved up victorious and smug.

They blink owlishly, wide eyes peering at her with surprise before their faces melt, Taehyung and Yoongi grumble before leaning back, Jin sighs and Namjoon can't quite disguise the disappointment in his eyes as he turns.

It almost makes me feel bad, had it not been for the way Mi-sun smugly turns to look at me, eyes filled with silent meaning and intent.

Mi-sun was a horrific tease.

And the boys just didn't know what a whirlwind she was, a force that blew through and left behind people struggling to catch on.

And she was playing her game, her way. She was having the time of her life teasing them.

"You know I reckon cherub's not gonna be mighty pleased." I whisper, leaning in close to her side for a moment.

Her face flashes, a moment of uncertainty, before she smoothens it out.

Neither of us could bear the aching sight of a disappointed cherub, and a displeased one was just the same.

"Don't tell her then." She retorts.

I grin as I lean into my seat, the first performances having begun, legs stretched out before me. 

"Make it worth my while. Pay for my silence." I say easily, lips spreading wide at the indignant huffing on my side.

Mi-sun wanted silence, she had to buy it. And she knew mine didn't come cheap. I couldn't wait to see what price I put on it once I'd thought of a suitable payment.

Until then, I'd enjoy the performances.


The moment I hear the names of the next performance being announced, I straighten up in my seat, body jerking upright and eyes snapping to rapt attention.

(Y/N) was going to be up next. In mere moments she was going to step up and I couldn't wait to see what she brought, couldn't wait to see what her practices brought. She'd kept even the song name hidden from the two of us, wanting the final performance to be the only glimpse we got of it.

And that anticipation had built, had mounted higher and higher and the tension between me and Mi-sun was palpable, was heavy and thick on our tongues, could almost taste how close we were to seeing it.

And when the four of them stepped up, I could see already they were in the zone. Could see the fire burning in their gazes, could see the way their postures were purposeful and already beginning to set the atmosphere for the dance, slow, confident steps as the four of them moved into position, as the spotlights turned to focus on them, casting strong glows on them from every angle.

And then....then the music began. And I was lost to the dance. Drowning in that sensation of being drawn in to her dance once more.


The four of them shift out of their opening position, bodies sliding out to stand in formation, a deadly heady combination of sharp lines and soft curves as they move, shifting with this fluidity, this sharp lethal grace that has my breath catching, entranced as I watch them take control of the stage and dominate the audience with their bodies. My eyes are unable to tear away from the sight of how they're controlling the music, becoming a part of it, winding it around them as they dance. 

They move with this sharp precision, this sensual mirroring, bodies bending and curving towards each other and away, heart stuttering when I watch four of them brush their thumbs over their bottom lips, eyes sharp and flashing dangerously, tongues darting out as if to chase after their touch.

My breath seems to be stuck in my throat, eyes watching and drinking in the sight of Hobi's own moves seeming to control the others, causing theirs to shift, powerful strides and flashing dark eyes that has my eyes appreciatively trailing over him, feeling Tae's hand grip tightly at my arm, shifting beside me as he leans forward.

And when Jimin, Hobi and Jungkook twist, legs rising towards the air, sensual sharp movements that causes their shirts to flutter and rise, revealing glimpses of toned, lithe abdomens I hear a muttered curse beside me, hear the breathy quality to Jin hyung's gasp and the shifting of Joon's leg as it jostles. I bite my lip, stifling the groan at how their hips rise, pushing off the ground and towards (Y/N) who stands at the centre, who twists and moves, eyes dark and ensnaring as they look out to the audience- drawing the onlooker into the seductive trap that she represents.

The quickening and slowing of their bodies, shifting and moving in unison, turning and twisting with a controlled fastness to turn slow just as quickly has me reeling. The twist and sharp turns turning sinfully slow as their hands move over their thighs, gravitate upwards, dance over their bodies, arms covering their eyes, briefly breaking the spell only to keep it maintained with the sharp sensual thrust of hips, of thighs bending forward, possessive hands gripping their inner thighs and trailing dangerously upwards before moving to grip their belts.

There's a dangerous seductive allure with the way their hands roam their own bodies, an assured confidence in themselves, with touching themselves in a way that's hypnotically enchanting and utterly distracting. The fire that had been in their eyes now consumes them, pools heavily in their gazes that captivate the audience and reels us in, tempts us to fall prey to them. Their bodies become sin's incarnate, irresistible with the promise their moves bring, that their dance whispers to give.

At this point I don't know whether the dance is even a dance or just a lethal show that they've put on, Jimin's gaze is bold and sultry as his shoulder slips free, the smooth curve of it searing across my eyes as the three shift on the ground, rise up with him.

My head reels from the lethalness of this dance, this performance that celebrates and embodies the lust of humans, as they themselves become lust and when Tae's hand squeezes at my arm, when Jin hyung is the one to swear, voice hoarse and sweet, and Joon sucks in a sharp intake, I know that it's because of the move, the move that threatens to have that heat that their bodies burn the stage with, to pool and course like molten desire through my own body.

We watch as (Y/N) and Jungkook step to the centre, as Jimin and Hobi fall behind the two. Watch as the two of them face each other sideways, necks tilting back to expose the slender curves of throats, of the chokers that pan them, encase them in a hold and their hands that inch out, dance across exposed collars and skin to come and grip possessively at each other. Hands that mirror as they move to pan across each other's throat, (Y/N)'s hand slender and small looking undeniably certain on Jungkook's throat. And his own, larger panning across her slender throat, gripping at it. I watch in an intoxicated haze as Jimin and Hobi's own hands move to draw them down, grip just as possessively and find that heat has already seeped into skin, has already begun making its way through my body, rushing through veins.

I remembered that move. But it hadn't been like this, hadn't been quite this dangerous when I'd seen them messing around. Remembered seeing the way Jungkook's hand in practice had been teasing, sly and trying to tickle as it brushed across (Y/N)'s throat. Remembered his fingers moving to lightly skim across under her chin and tilt her face up playfully, his delighted giggles mingling with her huffs of annoyance and amusement. And had remembered the moment it had shifted, when (Y/N) had been the one to suddenly make the lightness vanish when she reached out to do the move, eyes heavy and heady as her fingers brushed across skin and settled across his throat.

I'd remembered the sizzling chemistry in that moment, remembered how it had silenced the other two and caused my mouth to part in surprise. But even didn't have the potency that it had now.

My hands move to grip my thighs, tightening and squeezing as they continue to dance, as the song reaches its last hook as that thrust of hips turns sharp and hard, heads bending, hand snapping and the song coming to an end. Bodies stilling and freezing in their final move, eyes still as sharp and powerful as they had been from the first beat of the music, chests rising and falling as they breathe heavy, looking out towards the audience. And it feels like their gazes move to where we're sitting, feels as if they sharpen and darken, as they rove over us. It feels like as the music comes to a close, their gazes promise that this performance had been for us, as if we had been the sole spectators for it.

The roaring in my ears I realise isn't that rushing of blood coursing through my body, quick and furious and hot but the sound of cheers and applause. I stagger to my feet, feeling the weight of Tae's grip even as it falls away as we clap and cheer them on, see the heat seep out their eyes and elation to fill them instead, happiness and exuberance as they bow, turn towards each other and leave, a cluster of bodies that exit the stage after having destroyed it.

And having destroyed every spectator whilst they were at it.

They'd walked on confident and assured, had annihilated the competition and walked out, leaving behind that rush of words and chatter and the cloud of amazement and exhilaration that the audience was basking in.

And I knew without even an ounce of hesitation, that they'd win. 

With that dance, there was no way there wasn't.


It feels like my body is alight, this constant burning heat that their dance had ignited and it just won't extinguish, doesn't flicker out and fade but keeps building, keeps bubbling higher and higher, this restlessness to get to them, to congratulate them and kiss them breathless. The order didn't matter.

Both. They coincided, they came together.

And that fire only briefly abates, heart bursting with pride when at the end of the night they step forward as the crowned victors of the competition, their smiles radiant and faces glowing with satisfaction, pushing away the dangerous, seductive lines of makeup as their expressions crease with giddiness, turning to hug each other, swaying as they laugh.

Because all their hard work has paid off, all their hours into preparing and practicing has been rewarded. Every droplet of their blood sweat and tears that were poured into this dance, into this lethal masterpiece and seeing the way they burned with the force of their happiness showed not only how much it meant to them but how much they deserved it too.

And there's no dissatisfaction or anger on the other teams' faces, no-one could begrudge them this victory when it was clear they'd set the bar extremely high and the others just hadn't matched it.

And when I see them moving off stage, trophy in their hands, I'm already standing, impatiently dithering as the six of us file out, moving quickly and with eager impatience towards their dressing room, so ready to congratulate them.

The six of us burst through the closed doors, walking in to the sight of their giddy laughter, of them clinging and clutching each other, voices bright and loud as they hug as a group.

A cuddle? I wanted in.

I was the first one pushing past to throw my arms around them, worming my way into the hug and smiling, cheeks hurting as I get drawn into their infectious enthusiasm, celebrating with them. So, so proud of them.

"You were stunning! Ahh...I wish I'd taken your offers up to dance. Maybe I wouldn't be suffering so much then." I lament as the group hug separates, as the pairs of overlapping arms fall away and I'm looking at all of them, breath fast and hurried, heart racing- still pumping with that rush from their dance.

"You missed out Taehyungie, it's been the best dance season yet." Jimin says, voice breathless and light, plump lips parting as he breathes, eyes catching mine, still outlined with the sultry makeup- it makes my skin prickle with want.

The others move forwards to, snapping me out of that hypnotic need that Jimin silently promises, shaking my head ruefully as the others swarm in and steal away their combined attention on me, excited congratulations, of being swept up into hugs and quieter murmurs with lips bent towards ears.

I watch as Habaek and Mi-sun draw (Y/N) close, their hugs tight squeezes that seem to linger, unwillingly unwinding arms as Mi-sun moves away to let Habaek scoop (Y/N) up. His breathless, delighted laughter feels much deeper and meaningful than a congratulations for the win, his head bent towards the crook of her neck as he spins her around, her arms tight around his neck as she burrows close. Watching them feels intrusive somehow, as if this celebration, this whirling mix of limbs and closely pressed bodies in their embrace is intimate, privy to only them, to what is exchanged as he murmurs, too low to be heard over the chatter.

And when he sets her down, there's fierce pride in his eyes, eyes that sparkle with unshed tears, his head bending down towards hers, foreheads pressed together as they share shaky breaths, as they still cling to each other. I watch, heart aching with the emotion I see between them, as those tears silently spill over and she presses her lips to them, softly murmuring to him, hand moving away from his neck to wipe at them.

It feels as if this dance meant more to the two of them then words will ever express, that something unspoken and so sacred passed in the communication of their eyes. 

"You did so, so well. I'm so proud of you. So, so proud my cherub." He says, voice hushed and wavery, peppering kisses across her cheeks and I watch as she giggles, squirming but makes no move to lean away, rather leans into the touch, so content and soothed in that moment.

And when they part, I know that whatever they shared, whatever deep bond they had was both beyond words and beyond what could be described, it wasn't something that could fit into a description it seemed. It was the briefest glimpse of something so tender and soulful and tender.

And it was only a glimpse before she was turning in his arms, eyes alight with brightness, eyes trailing over all of us, leaning contentedly against Mi-sun when her eyes meet mine.

And she slowly disentangles herself from the two.

I move forward just as she does, arms tightly squeezing her close once she steps into my hold, pressing my lips to hers when she tilts her head up, savouring the soft warmth of her mouth slowly and gently moving against mine.

"Did you like the dance then Tae?" she asks, moving those sinfully tempting lips away, the satin feel and look of them moving out of reach, her arms slung around my back, low on my waist.

My arms tighten, drifting lower to grip at her waist. Eyes now taking in the clothing up close, that tantalising v-line and fitting jacket. The same choker I'd seen Jin hyung earlier fiddle with.

"I loved. Now I'm jealous of those practice sessions. Wish I knew how to dance, wish I was the one getting personal dance practices like Jiminie is." I lament, but my words are completely true. Wistful and longing. Aching for even that one chance.

Her face turns thoughtful, contemplative but her eyes are mischievous, sultry lines of makeup as she peers up at me through lowered lashes.

She brings her mouth forward, heat curling around me as she speaks.

"I'd love to dance just for you. For all of you. There's certain styles that I don't... perform on stages, not public ones anyway." She whispers, words insinuating and words enticing.

I tilt my head.

"Is that so?" I ask, voice dropping low, so affected by her presence, by the imprint of their dance that had burned across my mind.

She nods.

"But that's a secret. And I never give them away for free Tae." Is all she says before stepping away, turning to find Jin hyung holding a bouquet of yellow, orange and red flowers- vibrant and gorgeously arranged, the tag bearing her name.

I see the other three holding their own bouquets, see them expressing their gratitude through pecks that look dangerously close of turning heated.

I see Jiminie's eyes meet mine, silently beckoning and inviting, a subtle head tilt that arches his throat slightly, draws attention to the choker that fits snug around his throat.

And I step away, watching as Jin hyung presents the flowers to her, a smile on those plump lips.

"Flowers for my flower~" is all he gets out, voice bright and cheerful.

And the sight of her fisting her hands into his shirt and yanking him forward, the flowers barely being salvaged and drawn to the side to stop them from being crushed between their bodies as she slots her lips over his, fierce and hard.

He makes a sound of surprise before his free hand goes to cradle her face close, tilting her face up towards him, easily taking control of the kiss.

The sight of them is breath-taking and distantly I realise Mi-sun and Habaek turn away, smiles on their faces and low murmurs that they'll wait outside.

The way Jin hyung cradles her close, flowers pressed against her back and lips moving languidly and deeply with hers is what makes those simmering embers burn back with full force once more.

And when Jiminie reaches over to tug me close, fingertips burning themselves into my skin as he yanks me towards him is welcomed and I find myself lost in his embrace, in the feel of those lips over mine.

As far as celebrations go, this was by far one of the more heated ones. And as my hands go to slide into Jiminie's styled strands and tug him close, I know that this dance is one that'll remained engrained in my mind for years to come.

The first dance with (Y/N).

The first dance that set a raging inferno to burn and consume us all.

A fire more sparked and heated because this time it was with four of them, because (Y/N) had been that nudge, that push to make that dance from sensational to consuming.

And I couldn't wait to see what her and Jiminie brought with their duet.

Even if I wasn't sure I'd survive it. Not if it was even a bit like this one.

But I couldn't find myself minding.

Not in the slightest.

(This move bit with Jungkook and baby siren!)



Mine is...I genuinely can't choose! Like as someone just that extra bit biased towards Jungkookie, I do ADORE reading those but the reason I write OT7xreader fics is for that very reason that I CAN'T CHOOSE! It's too hard to decide! So in my books it's ALL of them.

Borahae! 💜💜💜

PurpleQueenie <3

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