My Duty [korrasami]

By in_jail_out_soon45

141K 4.6K 2K

Korrasami fanfiction. I'm not sure if anyone else has done this before but oh well heres my shot of it. No be... More

Chapter I
Chapter II
Chapter III
Chapter IV
Chapter V
Chapter VI
Chapter VII
Chapter VIII
Chapter IX
Chapter X
Chapter XI
Chapter XII
Chapter XIII
Chapter XIV
Chapter XV
Chapter XVI
Chapter XVII
Chapter XVIII
Chapter XIX
Chapter XX
Chapter XXI
Chapter XXII
Chapter XXIV
Chapter XXV
Chapter XXVI
Chapter XXVII
Chapter XXVIII
Chapter XXIX
Chapter XXX
Chapter XXXI
Chapter XXXII
Chapter XXXIII
Chapter XXXIV
Chapter XXXV
Chapter XXXVI
Chapter XXXVII
Chapter XXXIX
Chapter XL
Chapter XLI
Chapter XLII
Chapter XLIII
Chapter XLIV
Chapter XLV
Chapter XLVI
Chapter XLVII
Chapter XLVIII
Chapter XLIX
Chapter L
Chapter LI
Chapter LII
Chapter LIII
Chapter LIV
Chapter LV
Chapter LVI
Chapter LVII
Chapter LVIII
Chapter LIX
Chapter LX
Chapter LXI
Chapter LXII

Chapter XXIII

2K 73 8
By in_jail_out_soon45

Asami pushed open the doors to the medical room and smiled at her mother. Yasuko looked so much better since the last time she saw her. Her skin wasn't pale anymore, it was just as rosy as she was before the incident. Her eyes smiled with her lips this time. Yasuko's fever had completely vanished as if it was never there in the first place. She was well again. Yasuko soon noticed that her daughter had entered and she sat herself up on her bed , holding out her arms, which Asami gladly rushed into and so she could hug her mother.

"Hey you." Yasuko said, her voice was a lot smoother than it was the other day. Obviously the serum had worked it's miracles.

"Are you alright? " Asami questioned, pulling away to look at her properly.

"I've never been better." Yasuko replied, dusting off a piece of fluff from her daughter's shoulder. The older woman took in a breath, she had been wanting to talk to Asami about her recovery. This was probably the best time to do so. She looked around the room and her eyes landed on Sergeant Beifong and Opal. She flashed them a smile before gesturing to the door.
"Is it alright if we have some time to talk?"

Sergeant Suyin looked between the two Satos and nodded, escorting Opal out of the room too. Asami raised an eyebrow at her mother's request.
"What's wrong?" She asked , examining Yasuko's focused expression.

"I think you're wondering what the reason is behind my swift recovery." Yasuko replied, sitting up further in her bed.

Asami bit her lip as her eyes wandered away from her mothers for a split second. She knew that Korra had played a big part in it, Korra had told her face to face. But, should she tell her mother about how Korra and her had conversed many times before? Korra Smith, the assassin. Asami was too afraid of what her mother would think about the fact that her daughter had befriended an assassin . Would Asami even peg their meet ups as a possible friendship ? Would Korra do that ?
"What do you mean?" She spluttered out, realising that she had been quiet for a bit longer than she intended to be.

"Korra Smith visited me when I first woke up in this room." Yasuko explained as she pointed at the window on the far side of the room.
"She came through that window and gave me something to drink. And as you can see , it's healed me to an extent."

Asami followed her mother's gesture and she couldn't help but smile. Korra had a knack of visiting her through windows. She didn't mind it of course, after all it was quite impressive that she had climbed up to her room. The medical room window was quite high from the ground, knowing Korra had scaled those heights just to help out her mother made her trust the assassin even more. Korra has been going out of her own way to make sure that she was safe, that's something Asami admired about the assassin.
"I know.." Asami whispered softly, more so speaking to herself as she let her mind drift away.

"What?" And just like that Asami was snapped back to reality, her eyes finding her mothers. Her heart dropped to the pit of her stomach as she feared on what her mother might say. Her mother was smart, there was no way she could take it back and paint right over them with a new set of words.

Yasuko paused as she put the pieces together in her head . Her daughter had just told her that she knew about Korra's doings; which could only mean that the two have met once before. Which of course was true.
"So she's visited you too, hasn't she?" Yasuko asked, taking her daughters hand in her own.
Asami sighed, she could only nod to that question. Yasuko let out a breath she didn't know she was holding. She felt somewhat relived about this . Knowing that her daughter was under even more protection was something that made her more relaxed. Especially when the person protecting her daughter was a highly skilled assassin. However, it was slightly concerning. Perhaps Korra was onl bluffing; perhaps she was building her way up through the ranks of their trust just to stab them in the back again. But, some how , Yasuko couldn't believe that. There was something about this assassin and she couldn't pin point what.
"Korra mentioned you when she was here." Yasuko mentioned.

"What did she say?" Asami asked, leaning closer in excitment. There it was again, that weird feeling.

"She told me that she would protect us both." Her mother replied, remembering the night that it had happened.

"Anything else?" Asmai blurted out, she didn't even mean to say that. But, she so desperately wanted to know more about what Korra and her mother had talked about.

Yasuko raised an eyebrow in confusion. Her daughter was really interested about this.
"No. She left before I could ask anymore questions."

Asami's face fell. But why? What was she possibly be hoping for her mother to say?
"It's concerning that Korra has appeared out of the blue. Helping us even though she had tried to kill Hiroshi." Yasuko said, fiddling with the quilt on the medical bed.
"But, I feel like we can -"

"Trust her." Asasmi finished the sentence for her. It was true, both of the women had put their trust in the assassin; though they had only met her for a little while. The assassin seemed so honest, so trustworthy.


"Wait so let me get this straight." Jinora stopped the two that were babbling in front of her.
"They're after Hiroshi?"

"Indeed they are." Kai responded, making Korra even more panicked.

"Kuvira didn't refuse?" Korra asked, flaying her arms around in anger. That was probably the most stupid question she could've asked and Korra knew it.

"Of course she didn't. She's not the same person anymore, you know that." Kai said, folding his arms; proving that Korra indeed asked a stupid question.
"Plus, everyone knows what happened to you when you refused. They fear that it will happen to them too if they dont follow Zaheer's orders."

Korra couldn't restrain herself, her jaw was clenched in pure rage. Zaheer had completely destroyed everything that was, and still is, dear to her. He had killed her parents. He had severed her friendships. She was not about to let him do that to somebody else. She balled her hand into a fist and launched it against the wall of the alley. She winced as her fist came into contact with the hard stone, however releasing her rage onto the wall of someone's house did make her feel a little better. As she shook off the pain in her knuckles, she quickly turned herself and grabbed Kai by the shoulders.
"You need to tell the Guild about Zaheer." She ordered, her voice shakey with panic.

"Korra that won't work. No one would believe me." Kai sighed as he responded.
"Besides, Zaheer would shut me down before I could even alert half of the Guild."
She knew he was right. He was always right.

"What can we do then?" Korra asked feeling completely helpless at this point. They couldn't exactly do anything. No matter what they do, Zaheer would probably be one step ahead. Besides, how could two people change the minds of a whole Guild.

"I'm afraid we can't do anything." Kai said with a shrug. They were stuck. The taller man noticed the change of colour in the sky, he had been out longer than he intended to be.
"I should probably head back."

"Kai wait." Korra said before her old friend could walk a few more steps away from her.
"Come with me, help me protect the Satos."

Kai's lips were drawn together as he looked back at Korra with a saddened expression plastered on his face. The Red Lotus wasn't anything like he thought it was, he knew that now. But he couldn't just leave everything behind. He had friends there, he had built his life up there. He was their blacksmith. Plus, he couldn't just leave her. She would have no one left.
"I can't Korra." He said, stepping a few steps closer to her.
"Even though Kuvira isn't the same person as she was.. I can't just leave her."

Korra's eyes down casted. It made her think about her decision that she made to leave the Guild for sure. She had left her friends behind, her family but it was for a good cause. The Red Lotus was in the wrong, not her. She just needed to prove it to all of them.
"I understand." She said, pulling him into a hug.
"Be safe Kai."

The taller man smiled softly as he wrapped his arms around her.
"You too."
His eyes soon met with Jinora, who didn't really know what to say in this situation. He pulled away from the hug and took a step closer to her.
"It was nice to meet you , Jinora."

"Likewise." she replied, smiling widely which the man gladly returned.

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