Heart's too bleed

By wordsinConspiracy

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Have you ever wondered why we keep on hoping even deep inside our heart we know it can't be real.. I think it... More

...Hearts too bleed ...
1) First day of college
2) Embarrassment
3) Reason for his arrival
4) His ocean blue orbs
5) searching for him
6) Finally we meet
7 ) past
8) football match
9) What love is
10) she waited that long
11) trip
13 ) hint of emotion
14) last day of trip
15) Back to home
16) Birthday planning
17 ) lunch together
18) visit to his home
19 ) Birthday party ( part-1)
20) Birthday party (part 2 )
21) gift
22) becoming friends
23) dark memories
24) Accident
25 ) fear and Comfort
26 ) Assignment
27) First heartbreak πŸ’”
28) My savior
29) He loves her
30 ) Threat
31 ) Awaiting storm
32) betrayed and Abandoned
33) poles apart
35 ) got a lost friend ..
36 )
40 )
41 )

12) Forest

43 4 1
By wordsinConspiracy

Alison pov-

We have arrived to our destination just now . We are gathered at one place while  looking and observing our surroundings . It's a forest areas so here is many greenary . Trees here are very high with not that wide trunk due to which this  place isn't that dense but perfect for camping or picnic .

We can see tress with different type of bark covering them . Some have hard bark , some smooth ,some barks are ready to detach from its roots and distinct aroma of fidging earth making this place more alive .

Rustling sounds of small animals scurrying under the thick ferns  and over the thousands of brittle branches and twigs... The constant sound of a breeze , gently swaying in its caress  ... birds flying from one  place to another and twittering .

This wet reddish and yellowish soil ...fallen leaves of trees ... chirpping sound of birds and this greenary is just amazing .

" Woo we are in forest , just look at this place "  rena chirpped with happiness .

" Yeah , it feels more alive here " I said

" You are right , this place gives an unknown peace " Ava said

" But we can't stay here like this , first we have to make an arrangement to stay " Aaron said in his husky voice . " " It's already noon and we have to prepare food too "

" You are right bro , we should start making tent " max said

They  were right , we don't have shelter here so we have to make one . Material required for making tent was given by school so it wasn't an issue . But now we have to make tent .

First we search for a plain place where all our tents can occupy and luckily after a few minutes of search we found one but their was leaves and barks scattered all-around . And there was a small river near our place which has clean water so problem of water has also solved here .

We were arround hundred students along with few students and one forest guide for safety . Now it was time to start working but all were confuse what to do first .

" If you don't mind I have a idea " I wispered slowly .

" What it is " Aaron said . It was first time we are conversaing like this . It feels good  , even though my heart was racing I forced my words to spill out .

" Why don't we make group of people and assign them different works , in that way we can complete our work early . And boys can make a tent as it requires strength and girls can prepare some food as we will get hungry after some time and it will be dark soon . "I said

" What say " I wasn't sure if it will work but I thought in this was we can do our work fast so I said what I think .

All were thinking about what I just said but when I didn't get any reply I thought I embarrassed myself in front of other's . But what he said just made my heart flutter .

" I don't think it-- someone started to say when he interrupt him .

"Great , we will do that " Aaron said . I was happy that he likes my Idea .

" Yeah that's a good idea " Julie said and followed by him Eric too nodded .

After some time

We did what we had  planned . All boys help eachother in  making tents and it's nearly finished ,  just a little is left to do . We had already cleaned ground so it can look  clean and girls are preparing food . It was really huge quantity but we managed to do that and our teacher too help us  .
Here isn't  hotel or any so we have to do everything on our own . It was new to all of us but we really enjoyed it and forest officer also guide us .


It's already dark and finally all has done perfectly within time , all thanks to God . All have done great job and it's time to feed ourselves . I am sure all of us are hungry by now .

Rena has already gone to inform boys that food is ready and they can take some rest . Honestly saying we are tired too but making tent for so many people isn't a easy task . I can only wonder how much strength and energy it would have taken .

Right now  all   girls are serving food to teachers and boys  . Ava , rena and Julie are busy too . I wonder if anyone serve him or not because last time when I saw him he was doing something . One thing I get to know about him is  that if he has to do some work , he put all his efforts to do that . His passion towards his work really inspires me .

If I am right , now  he must be checking if everybody gets enough food to eat or not before thinking  about his own hunger. 

We have make a small space at enough distance from tents Where we can prepare food . I was helping in preparing food so most of my time went cutting veggies , grilling meat etc . Now only I was here looking after left over food while all were gone to look after other .

Now I was bored to look after food so I decided to take a look at them . I go their and  what I saw really captivated my eyes . All were sitting in a circular manner eating their food while my friends were looking if anyone needs more food  and aaron and his friends were still looking after leftover arrangements . 

And in the middle of them  ,a fire was lit  . They probably gather some wood sticks from nearby trees . This view was really what I expected before coming here . Sometimes it's good to spend some time with  friends outdoor .

My friends must be hungry I thought . So I take some  food for them .
They were still working and Rena , she annoy us everytime but today she really co- operate with us well helped  .

" Rena " she  was busy doing something but when I call her and she looked behind .

"you must be hungry , I bought you food " I said and give her food .

" Thank you so much Ali , I was really hungry " she said happily but tiredness was clear in her voice . I saw her eyes getting little moist by seeing food . She really Loves food I thought and smile internally .

Likewise I give food to Julie , max , cam , Eric . They were literally tired and hungry . I feel happy when I saw them smiling and eating food . Now only Ava and aaron is left .

I take food for ava ,she was giving  food to some teachers . I approached her and call

" Ava , I brought food for you " she looked at me and smile .

" Thank you Ali and sorry for causing you trouble " she said genuinely .

" Don't think like that and you are my friend ,and it will never be a trouble to do something for you " I said Honestly . " Now you should eat otherwise food will get  cold " she nodded and start eating .

Now only one person is remaining . I am conflicting if I should myself give him food or by someone else . Whenever we encounter before it wasn't that good meet . And what will he think if i bought him food myself .

After conflicting with my own thoughts for few minutes I decided to take his food by myself . My heart is pounding furiously in my chest and my hands are becoming sweaty .

I can see him standing near a tent . He is talking to someone which I guess  forest guide . Oh god ! I should have asked someone do this . As I am getting near him , I can hear his deep husky voice getting clear . I can hear his voice  all day without getting tired .

Now he is just few steps away from me and I can hear my heart beats clearly . Why this is too difficult god !

He is back facing me and just one word and I will be facing him .

"A-Aaron " I wispered slowly . Oh god why I have to shuttering everytime , can't I just speak normally for once .
I saw him saying something to forest guide and he leave . Now it was only me and him .

He slowly turn to face me and just like that my hold on plate of food tighten . 

" What ? " He said raising his eyebrows and eyeing food in my hand . What should I say to him that I bought food for you because I thought you will be hungry  and I care for you .

" I-I " I tried to spill out word but whenever he is in front of me my tongue has to forget it's function . Isn't that what always happens .

" Say som-" he was going to say when I said

" I-I brought you f-food " his face showed surprise but that  was short lived .

"I will eat when evrybo-"

" Everyone has already eaten their food " he was going to refuse but I didn't let him . And wow I didn't shutter  this time . Well done Ali .

Why he isn't taking food I bought for him  , is he going to refuse . If he will ,  i will surely feel bad . No please don't refuse  Aaron ! Please I thought in my mind .

" Okk ! Give me food " did I hear right  . He didn't refuse , thank god . It brought smile on my face . I give him his food and turned to leave  but what he said next made me stick to the ground .

"That day  You shouldn't have waited that long "he said

I was still back facing him while my heart was beating like a madman , I am sure he can hear that even I can hear it too .

" W-what are you t-talking about "I said " A-and I didn't w-wait for anybody "

I don't know what he is talking about or I am trying to fool myself that  I didn't know anything .

"Don't act like you don't know what I am taking about , I know you know"
Now he is in front of me and I can't escape from him .

" You shouldn't have wait that long just to thank me " he said once again whereas I was looking at ground . But from where did he know this .

What should I say to him . Yeah it's right I shouldn't have waited that long   , it was really late that day but how can I explain him that that wasn't the only reason I waited for  . His eyes , I wanted to confirm if he is the one who helped me year's ago . How I am to say that the boy I fell for didn't even remember and it hurt me .

I can feel my eyes getting blurry with tear but I didn't let it fall . He can't see me like this , not now , never . Many things were going in my mind that I forgot he was waiting for my reply .

" Y-you help me w-when I needed , I-I wanted to t-thank you " I said , didnt knew what to say further .

" Hmm  " he said

Till now I was looking down , I can't look in his eyes he will surely see my teary eyes and I don't want him to .
One word from him and I was ready to go .

Once again I was stunned when  he said  which I never expect to hear ever .
" Have you eaten your food ? " I didn't eat  anything from morning .

" I shook my head still  not meeting his gaze "

" You should eat something , it's really late " he said and leave .

I let his words sink in my mind and till when I realised what he  just said he was already gone . I saw his back getting distance with  each step he take .

" He indirectly said me too eat , is he care for me " a big smile immediately come on my  face and I can feel my cheeks   getting hot . And just like that all my tiredness vanished in thin air .

Soon I eat my  food , while smile wasn't leaving my face . Everybody was literally tired so all slept early today . I was with Ava , Julie and Rena with one tent same goes with him , he was with his friends in one which wasn't that far from ours . Just like that this day finally come to an end .


"You might not remember me
But I do, each and every ounce of it ,
No matter how high your facades be
For I will break them one day till then let it reach its very height ...."


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