CONVICTED (Completed)

By writtenbytee

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What good is freedom, if my minds still convicted? More



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By writtenbytee


"We have to understand. That when God needs us to be elevated, the place we are in becomes very uncomfortable... and of course, as humans we ask 'why?' why must I lose it all in order to get to another level, why must I hit rock bottom, why must I have trust issues, why must I lose my job, etcetera. The reason is because when we are comfortable, we see no reason to change. We grow content with the now and lose sight of the future. We had goals written but since we made it half way, we feel like that's enough." He shook his head and walked across the stage. "It's not! Close enough doesn't count when we're talking about purpose. Your God given purpose, must be fulfilled whether we like it or not. Whether we're obedient or not, HE who is control will find a way to make us WAKE UP!" he shouted, clapping his hands together, "and understand that this discomfort is a reason... it's time to move."

The preacher chuckled while walking back over to the bible, "Romans 8:18, states clearly that the suffering of this present time is not worthy to be compared to the glory that shall be revealed in HIM. Once we get to that finish line, we will see... the position we thought was all that; was nothing. We were settling when there was so much bigger, so much better in store for us. I know it may not feel like it, I know you may not see it. But believe me brethren when I tell you this... hold on, keep pushing, keep fighting, don't give up because soon and very soon, you will see the rewards of your work, the flowers grown by the tears you've cried. SOON and very soon..." The channel went to commercial and leaned back in the sofa, letting out a sigh.

I looked to my left to see Maya putting the new color book I had gotten her to use, while humming a song from Frozen of course. It was peaceful to see her in a much happier place than she had been a few days back. To be quite frank, she kept me at ease during this difficult moment. My brain was scattered to say the least, but with her keeping my hands tied; I didn't have much time to really think about it. Maya was indeed, a positive distraction.

"You hungry Maya?" I called out, grasping her attention immediately.

"Not yet, Uncle Dom."

"Alright, do you know what you want to eat later?"

"Hmm." She pressed her finger against her lip and closed her eyes as she thought about it. "Chicken wings!"

"Chicken wings?!" I said in the most animated tone I could find, "You sure know how to pick some good eats. I gotta keep you around more often." She giggled, "chicken wings and fries?"

"Yes please."

"Alright, I'll order it soon so that you can have them hot and fresh when you get hungry."

"Thank you, Uncle Dom."

"You're welcome, Princess."

I took my phone out of my pocket and just as I was about to open up the app, the program I had been watching returned to the screen. "That was your Sunday special coming straight from Gospel Tabernacle located in Atlanta, Georgia, where Pastor Keith Alexander is the pastor." My jaw clenched seeing his face flash across the screen, "our phone lines are now open for those who are wanting to give their lives to Christ, donate or even just share a testimony. Our ministers are well equipped and ready to help you with whatever your struggle is. Don't hesitate, but call us right now. Our number is 555-2929. Once again, 555-2929! We'll be waiting for your call. Have a wonderful Sunday and as usual, be blessed."

555-2929. I dialed the number into my phone and stood to my feet, adjusting my sweats. "Maya, I'm going to be right on the balcony, okay? Knock if you need me."

"Okay." She said, looking up at me with curious eyes. I changed the channel to Nickelodeon Kids and made my way over to the balcony door. "Uncle Dom..." she whispered, just as I was about to step out.

"What's up?"

"... mom says smoking is bad for you, that it could kill you."

I smirked, "your mom is definitely right."

"I don't want you to die too..." she said with a pout.

"I won't die baby girl, I promise." Clearly as slick as I tried to be, kids were smarter than I assumed. "I'm just going out there to take a phone call. No smoking this time around."

"Okay." Her face automatically lit up at the sound of that, which made me smile as well. "See you soon." She waved.

"See you in a minute." I pushed the sliding door open and walked out onto the balcony, giving the skyline a quick glance before dialing the number and placing the phone against my ear. It rang for a while before it was picked up by this automated message.

"Thank you for calling Gospel Tabernacle. On behalf of this great ministry we would like to take the time out to let you know the Jesus loves you, no matter what the situation may be; he's got it all under control." I rolled my eyes and waited until the phone rang again. "Hello, my name is Missionary Hope, how are you doing today?"

"Hello, I'd like to be transferred to Pastor Alexander." I cleared my throat and began to pace."

"Uh, you have called the helpline sir. I am one of the ministers set in place to answer whatever it is you need help with."

"I understand that, but I wish to speak to the man in charge... if you don't mind."

"Well... we don't normally escalate calls to our Pastor as I'm sure you know, he's quite busy. I can assure you that whatever it is that you need help with, I am well and able to assist."

"I'm sure you are but as I said, I would like to speak to the Pastor."

"Sir, I'm sorry I can't do th-."

"Look lady... I am his son, Dominic Alexander. I would like to speak to my father, unfortunately this is the only way I can get to him. So please, can you just do that for me?"

There was silence for a moment, followed by what sounded like whispering. It was uncomfortable and made me feel on edge but before I could speak again, she returned. "Please stay on the line as I transfer your call." Music began to place immediately and I leaned against the railing, waiting.

Finally, the music faded and I heard someone hit a button on the other line. "Dominic..."

"Pastor Keith." I smirked. "Wonderful word today sir. It was really... inspiring."

"Dominic, I haven't heard from you in ages."

I laughed, shaking my head. "Look, there's no need for small talk. I just had a lot on my mind and I saw you on there and knew I needed to call in. I have questions that only you can answer."

"Well... I can try my best son."

"Dominic will do."

"My apologies, Dominic."

"Alright, it's pretty simple... I'm not close with the man above, as you can probably tell. I cuss, I do drugs, I got a whole baby on the way out of wedlock of course, I am as far from the perfect Christian as one could ever be. That was never the life for me and you know this, correct?"


"Which means, I can't just up and ask him questions out of no where. For the most part I'm sure he doesn't even know who I am. But you seem to know him well enough, so I figured it's best you ask my questions instead."

"God isn't like that Dominic, he knows you and he loves you even when you don't love him."

"Nah, nah. That right there is how I know this thing you believe in is full of bs." I laughed again. "How can you sit there and tell me he loves me when all he has done for me is cause me to suffer?! Huh?! I'm not a bad person, yes, I am not perfect but I don't do anything to hurt anyone, I got a heart bigger than I'd like it to be. But no, I am not the worst person on this planet... yet, here I am. Tired and sick to my stomach due to all I had to endure. Now tell me, if your God is who you say he is... why?! Why am I going through this?... what could be the reason behind so much hurt..."

"I don't have the answers for it all..."

"Yeah well I need an answer for this..."

"Sometimes... God is trying to get our attention and we turn it to everyone else but him. We turn to drugs, women, money and so much more but we never look up."

"Why would I look up to the person who put me in the hole I am in today?"

"No... he never put you there."

"He's in control of it all, no?"

"He's in control indeed. Which is why he never let that hole experience kill you... sometime we put ourselves in places and blame him for it. We only know him when we want to throw dirt on his abilities. Yet, when we were walking towards that hole we never asked for his guidance to stray us away, we never once sought out his help..."

"When I was in that cold prison cell, in solitary confinement where I found myself going crazy; I cried to him... day in and day out for him to let me feel some sense of peace... and look where I am right now. Turning to the man that never once showed me an ounce of love, the man that was supposed to train me up and guide me... I'm looking to you because I have officially hit rock bottom and I have no where else to go. I did that, I looked to him... it had brought me absolutely nowhere."

"Let me ask you a question so- Dominic..." he sighed, "how long did it take you before reaching out to him?"

"Does it matter?"

"We only call on God when we need him, forget about him until then and expect him just to work when we snap our fingers?"

"After all I have been through, don't you think I deserve that?"

"With all God went through, do you think he deserves that?" he shot back at me. "Dominic, be mad at me all you want for what I've done. I know, I have been the least bit of pleasant... I have been a monster if we're being quite honest. I don't deserve even a tad bit of your forgiveness if I was ever to ask... but I beg you, please don't turn around and try to blame this on God."

"You don't understand..."

"And I am not claiming to." He interjected. "I can only imagine the trouble you've had to endure, both in and out of the jail cell. I have been following the stories, I saw the news about Anaya and I am so sorry that you had to endure that. I would never sit here and water down the immense turmoil you had to endure... but, what I will say is that sometimes we focus too much on the hurt to realize that in some ways... we are healing. Shift your focus for just a minute."

"What good is there to look at? I'm still here, still in the hole that I'm struggling to get out of."

"You may still be in the hole but you aren't nearly as deep as you were before. I don't have to see you to know this, because I can feel it in my heart. Growth is never linear; you're going to have some down moment before you rise up again but the most important part is that you never give up. That has been your issue from you were young and if you haven't shake it as yet, I'm sure it's still your issue now. You don't know how to sit in that hurt until you heal! Running away from your issues, casting the blame on other things and other people aren't going to solve anything for you, son. I've been there and I've done it all before... it wasn't until I was able to SIT in my own hole, that I was able to realize that only I, with the help of God can take myself out..." a tear began to roll down my cheek, but I swiped it away quickly. "Someone else may have bound you, but you have the power to deliver yourself."

"How?" my voice broke as I asked, "I've been trying... I don't know how. Everything is just too much."

"Don't give up, that's how. Take every day at a time. Find a solution to your problems. Actually, dwell for a moment and figure it out. Do not run... running profits you nothing because as I'm sure you can already tell; problems will arise no matter where you go. No matter who you try to be, there will always be an issue whether great or small... what matter the most is that you, stand firm and fight the fights that are worth fighting. Trust me, I wish I would've done the same."

"I don't think I got fight left in me."

"Trust me. You do. The fact that you called me today is a sign, you could've left it alone. Sat wherever you were and just told yourself you were giving up; you could've literally thrown in towel but no. you came for answers because you aren't ready to throw in the towel as yet. For all you've been through, you deserve to see your way out of that hole."

I wiped away another tear and shook my head. "I gotta go..."

"Before you do. I just want to say one last thing."

"What is it?"

"You asked God for a peace, right?"

"Yes, I did."

"You ever seen a rainbow without rain?"


"Iight, well you're in a storm and God has kept you this far. What seemed like peace was just you sitting in the eye of it... the rain is continuing because it wasn't the end... but trust me, being out of the eye is a good sign that the end is near. Like I said before, don't run from it, don't run around it. Stay where you need to be until that rainbow sits where you can see it. Peace is coming, my son and congratulations, you're going to make an amazing father."

I closed my eyes and slowly dropped the phone from my ear, hanging it up and placing it back into my pocket. I ran my hands down my face to wipe away my tears and took a couple of deep breaths before turning to go back inside.

As I stepped in, Maya's attention ripped from the tv and over to me. I tried my best to muster up a smile but from the look on her face, she could already tell. "Do you need a hug, uncle Dom?" she asked.

I walked over to where she was and crouched down next to her. "How does someone like you, lose everyone and still find a reason to be happy?" I reached over and pinched her cheek, resulting in a small smile from her. "Tell me your secret?"

"I don't know." She shrugged, "because...I still have you."

"You're right." I nodded, trying my best not to cry again. As much as I hated it, this whole ordeal had turned me into the biggest softie that I had no chose but to just embrace my new found faith. I allowed to tears to fall and Maya got up from her seat, throwing her arms around my neck.

"It's okay Uncle Dom, it's going to be alright." She said while rocking me side to side.

"It is going to be alright." I nodded, pulling away to look her in the eyes. "want to know why?"

"Why?" she smiled.

"Because I'm not going to give up!" she gave me a confused face and I chuckled while standing up and lifting her up as well. "I'm not letting anyone take what's mine, it's time I deliver myself..." although she was still clearly confused, she clapped and began to celebrate with me. "Let's go home now."

"Are we still getting the wings?"

"We definitely are still getting the wings."


I sat on the edge of my bed, with my hand against my stomach. I was exhausted, from just about everything. I was tired of crying, tired of badgering Jason for answers, I was tired of feeling useless, just tired of being tired to be exact.

Last night, Jason had come up with this idea that it was best for us to clear out and relocate; being as it was clear that this crazy person knew where we lived, he felt that it was our safest bet. I tried to argue the fact that we had more security now, simply because it didn't feel right to just up and leave but, no one agreed. The entire household was in favor of going elsewhere.

We came to the conclusion that Chubbs, along with Mrs. Alexander would go with Jason meanwhile it made sense that I go with my parents. It made sense in terms of protecting me; Korea was hundreds of miles away and with my parent's status; I would for sure be secure at all times. On paper it all sounded good, it all made sense but, in my heart, it just didn't feel right. I wanted very much to fight the entire thing, but once again... I was much too tired.

I could no longer deal with the roller coaster ride of Dominic's disappearances. As much as I understood where he was coming from, I couldn't understand why I always had to be shut out. We came this far and I thought we were over this, I thought we were in this together but clearly, it was all in my head. Dominic made his decision, I had to now make my own... not just for me, but for the safety of this baby. I could stay here and wait forever, but the stress was no longer good for me.

"Knock, knock."

I looked up, smiling at the sight of my mother entering the room. "Hey."

"How you feeling?"

"Hmm, a bit tired." I pushed my hair behind my ear. "How about you?"

"Hmm, the same." She pointed towards the bed, "mind if I sit?"

"No, go for it." I shifted over a tad bit, just to give her enough room. "What's going on? Did you two find any flights?"

"Your mother's handling that..."

"Ok." I nodded, "I'd prefer first class, just so I could stretch my legs. It's going to be a very long flight and it's best that I find some form of comfort."

"Of course, Zahriah," she looked away for a minute, causing me to catch this weird vibe. Once she noticed that I was staring at her, she grinned. "I really did miss you."

"What's wrong, mom?"

"What do you mean?"

"Something's wrong... I can tell."

"Nothing's wrong, I'm fine. Just tired."

"No." I waved her off, "Please. I've been through enough, last thing I need is for you to sit here and lie to me."

"I'm good, trust me."

"Please mom." I closed my eyes, "Can you just be honest with me, for once... in this moment; it's the least I can ask of you. Nothing is going to make this moment worse; I promise. I rather get it all right now than find out something later down the line. Please."

"Fine," she looked down at her hands, "Your mother and I are getting a divorce."

My eyes opened immediately, slowly I shifted my attention over to her. "What? Why?"

"It's a very complicated story that I cannot get into at this moment but I do need you to understand that it is for the best."

"Mom. How? How could this be for the best? You guys love each other!" I shook my head, "Was it me? Did I have anything to do with it?"

"No baby girl," she quickly reached over to grab my hand. "I can assure you that you had nothing to do with this."

"But you guys were good until you got here."

"We may have seemed like we were, but behind the scenes... we weren't." she exhaled deeply. "Zahriah, this is the best decision and I can promise you a smooth transition. Your mother and I will continue to be there for you as we always have been, just not as a married couple."

"I just..." I pouted, "I don't understand. You guys seemed perfect together... is she okay? How is she taking this?"

"We're getting through it, but our main focus right now is you and transitioning back to Korea. We have decided that it's best you stay with me. Although you are an adult and can make you own mind up, I just think it's wise that you remain under my care. Being as you will need medical attention for the coming months..."

"Well, yes, of course." I said, "but are you sure she's going to be okay with that? As much as I agree. My mother is very emotional, she takes things a lot harder than you do... are you sure she won't need me during that time?"

"I'm positive that she will be okay. I'll find a place close enough for you to be able to visit."

"This is... a lot." I said in disbelief, "As much as I would like to stay with you mom... I just know her and I know she's going to need me by her side. You're as strong as they come, but her. I fear that she could harm herself. Just the thought of her without you."

"No Zahriah, it's not up for debate. I'm sorry. I need you to stay with me."

"I'm sure I can visit you and get checked up every now and then being as you'll be close enough. But until I know she's good, I can't le-."

"You're staying with me, Zahriah!" she shouted. "It isn't up for debate!" she squeezed my hand tighter, causing my brows to furrowed. "You don't understand, this is the safest bet... and I will have it no other way."

I gazed into her eyes, slowly removing my hand from hers. "You aren't telling me something."

"You just have to trust me."

"What is it that you aren't telling me. What did she do?"

"Please, just believe that I will do anything possible to protect you."

"So, this is about me? This split..."

"No, it has everything to do with her. Not you, or myself."

"Well then, tell me. What did she do?!"

"I can't."

"I am not a kid anymore, mom. I can handle the truth."

"Not this..."

"If it's that bad, I need to know. What did she do?"

"I... I can't."

"Mom! Just tell me!" I yelled, growing frustrated.

"I c... I can't." she shook her head. "I don't want you to hate her, as much as I know she deserve it. I don't want you to hate her."

"Fine, then I'll ask her myself."

"Zahriah, please."

I got up from the bed and reached for the door knob. As if on cue, Jason stood in front of the door holding up a box. "My bad. I was coming to bring this to you, it's from Judy... the gift she brought before everything went down." My eyes fell down towards the present box, "I was going to throw it out, but security said it's safe, it passed the scanner so I'm not sure if you want to take a look before I do. It has your name on it."

"My name specifically?"


I took the box from his hand and began to unwrap it. Once all the unnecessary paper had dropped to my feet, I lifted up the lid and at the bottom of the box sat an envelope. I took it out and dropped the box as well, wasting no time to tear through the thick envelope. From what I could see, it was a set of pictures along with a stack of money but on top of them sat a note that read;

My genes ruined my daughter's life and it wasn't until I lost her that I was able to come to terms of how sick I was. I've loved and I've lost but most of all, I have destroyed... I've come to the point in my life where I want better and in order to do so, I must do better. I'm a sick man and I don't have much insight on what's deemed as 'normal' but I figured this would be a good start.

P.S. I couldn't watch another child's life get ruined, due to their sick parent's outlook on life.

I pushed the note up and the moment I saw my first picture my heart dropped, I looked over at my shoulder and as my eyes met my mom's she looked away.

"Did you know about this?" I asked, stepping back into the bedroom.

"I didn't." she answered.

"And this is why you guys are getting a divorce?" She was silent, but took a look at the picture I held up and slowly nodded. "Hmm..." I turned on my heels and made my way down the hallway to the room my parents were staying in.

Without a knock, I opened the door to see my mother packing her things into her suitcase. "Zahriah, hey. I was just packing up. I was lucky enough to find a flight for us, it's in two days though. So, if anything we can just book a hotel until then. What do you think?"

"I think that's a great idea." I smirked. "because you are going to need all the space you and your phony ass can get. Because the amount of lies, could never fill only one seat."

Her brows lowered, "excuse me?" I held up the pictures for her to see and her expression immediately dropped.

"You're sick." I pointed, "and I want you out of my house in the next five minutes, I'm going to have a restraining order written up against you and if you dare come near me or my family again, I will not hesitate to press charges."

"Zahriah, I can explain."

"Trust me, I don't need to hear even an ounce of it. For the sake of my peace and the sake of you keeping your teeth in your mouth, I'd encourage you to hurry the fuck up and get out."

"You need to hear me out."

"I don't need to hear shit!" I yelled, tossing the money in her direction. "Just get out! Get out of my home and get out of my life! I'm no longer giving you the power to control me, not anymore. I want you out..."

"I'm your mother..."

"A shit one, at that." I turned and made my exit, slamming her door shut on my way out. "Please see to it that she's out in the next five minutes. Straight to the garage where her car is, I don't want her coming near me." I asked one of the security guards, he nodded his head.

My mom stood by the stairs, looking at me with apologetic eyes. "You should've told me." I let out, "you saw the extreme she could take this to... telling me would've been the safest bet. Not shutting me out."

"I'm sorry, Z."

"I am too," I sighed, "cause as far as I'm concerned. I can't trust any of you anymore... I meant what I said, when I said I'd forgive you. But this, is something I could never forget and the fact that you were so willing to protect someone that would go the extra mile to hurt me, makes me question my trust in you. I can't have that kind of energy around me anymore. I'd rather be alone than to be played with mentally." I looked away from her, as we stood in silence for just a moment. "Once she's gone, please pack your things and do the same. I'll reach out to you when I find it in my heart to do so, as for now. I just need you gone."

Without another word, I made my way down the stairs and fought the tears. As mentioned, I was far too tired for the waterworks. I had had enough and was growing numb to the hurt at this point. I just wanted this whole thing to be over and done with.

I made my way into the kitchen and heard the sound of someone following me. Once I turned around to see Jason, I pointed in his direction. "I know you're in contact with him, he would never leave without finding a way to know that I was good." Jason swallowed the lump in his throat so loudly that I could hear it. "Not sure if anyone has ever told you not to fuck with a pregnant lady? If not, let me be the first. I am hormonal, hungry and pissed as hell. So you do as I say? You get on that p-."

"I can't Zahriah."

"Did you not hear me say not to fuck with the pregnant lady?" my eyes lowered and he slowly nodded. "Give me that phone. I will do it myself."


"Now!" I shouted and he was quick to hand over the phone that he had in his back pocket. "What's the password?"

"4192." I entered it and opened up the call log, just as I had guessed; Dominic had been the last caller. I scoffed and just before I could dial it, I heard a knock at my door. Jason looked up at me, the same time I looked at him. We knew the drill, no one unauthorized was able to come to the door.

"That better be him." I said, rushing past him to go get the door.

Before I could I checked the camera to see one of the guards standing outside holding up a bunch of paper bags. I opened up the door and looked him over, "what is all of this?" I questioned, pointing towards the bag that smelt so good it had my mouth watering.

"It's ch-."

"Chicken wings and fries!" I heard a little voice shout out. My eyes followed the sound as Dominic stepped out from the driver's seat of his car. The little girl leaned against the back window wearing a big grin.

"Maya and I figured we'd come home for lunch." He said while walking around to let her out of her seat. He lifted her into his arms and shut the door behind him before heading up the stairs to meet me. The security guard stepped inside with the food, leaving the two of us on the front porch. "I come in peace." He smiled. "And I got a child in my hand, so you can't hit me."

"You think this is a joke?"

"Far from it." He shook his head and said, "Maya go on inside, Jason will get you your food." He placed her to stand and pointed towards where Jason was, "I'll be there in a minute."

"Okay!" she exclaimed, running off to meet him.

Once she was gone, he looked back at me. "You didn't deserve me leaving without saying anything. I shouldn't have shut you out and I'm sorry. I really thought that leaving would be best in order to protect you and my family. I didn't want to put any of you at risk. I knew that if I was close, the aftershock could get to you and it wasn't what I wanted. I was frustrated, I was upset... I was, a coward for running away and although I may not know how to fix this, or how to go about living safely; I know I can't begin to figure it out without you. You are my family now; we are one and I need to understand that."

"You can't keep shutting me out when things go wrong..."

"I know baby." He placed his hand against my waist, "I aint going to run anymore. This is it; we're going to figure out our next move together. I'm going to find a way to keep us safe, together. Okay? I don't want you looking over your shoulder anymore. I want you to be able to live freely, and happily."

"I'm happy, with you. I feel safe, with you!" I placed my hand against his chest, "baby... you're free. I handled that issue; you have nothing more to worry about."

"What do you mean, how... did you handle the issue?"

"Remember when you told me to trust you, with Anaya?" he nodded, "Well trust me with this. We're good to live our lives now... you're free."

Dominic laughed before leaning down to kiss my lips ever so softly. "As much as that sounds good, I am going to need some details."

"Which I promise to give you... after I get some food in my stomach! Your daughter and I are hungry."

"Fair enough, let's get some food then."

I grabbed his hand and led him inside, he paused to make sure the door was securely locked before following me into the kitchen. Maya sat at the table eating away at her food, her face immediately lighting up at the sight of Dominic.

"Are they good, princess?" he stopped next to her and asked

"Yes! Nice and fresh. Want some?"

"I'm bout to get some! You eat yours. Okay?" he pinched her cheek, then reached down to take one of her fries. "I will try one of these though."

"Sure, but you owe me a fry!"

"Fine, put it on my tab."

"What's a tab?"

"I'll tell you later, just eat up."

"Okay," she shrugged.

Dominic tossed the fry in his mouth and joined me at the island, reaching into the bag for the rest of the food. He passed a container over to me, then took out another for himself. "Jason, I got enough in here for you, and everyone else." He looked at me. "I got some for your moms as well."

"They... left." I answered.

"Already?" his brows furrowed and he looked in Jason's direction.

"Like I said, I will give you the details later." I waved him off and opened up my food, not wasting another second. "Far too hungry to speak on that right now."

"... Fine, I guess. I can wait cause this sounds like it's bout to be something."

"Oh trust me, it is."

"Alright where's Chubbs and my mom?"

"Today's Sunday. They're at church." I answered.

"With security?" he asked.

"As usual, of course."

"Alright, just making sure."

"Like I said, we have nothing to worry about anymore..."

"You can never be too careful." He said in return, putting their food to the side. "You wanna go to the table? Or just eat here?"

"I'm good right here." I bit down on a flat. Dominic smirked, pulling over one of the bar stools for me to sit on. I climbed up and got comfortable while he brought another chair over to sit by me. The both of us ate meanwhile watching Maya who sat in her own little world, grubbing as well.

"You should get the paperwork done." I said, licking off my fingers.

"What paperwork?"

"Adoption... she's comfortable with you, you seem great with her. I would hate to see the system try to ruin it."

"I'm an ex-convict." He chuckled. "my chances of getting approved are slim to none."

"well then, I'll do it."

"You will?"

"Yes, I will. Like I said, I would hate to see the system ruin something so precious. I can only assume that she's been through a whole lot, we might as well give her some form of stability."

"She's a great girl, honestly. Keeps me sane."

"Good, we need to keep her around then." I smiled while eating a bit more of my fries. "I must say, fatherhood really does look good on you."

"And motherhood looks good on you, which is why I can't stop at just one." He leaned over and kissed my cheek.

"Hmm, we're going to have to talk about that one."

"We talk forever, as long as you look that fine. Trust and believe, I aint giving up..."



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