Wish I Knew You Sooner

By ftdtonvinyl

108K 2.1K 3.8K

"Excuse me.." a british accent greeted me. I looked up to be met with the most vibrant green eyes. "I think y... More

READ THIS! meet the characters!!
chapter one
chapter two
chapter three
chapter four
chapter five
chapter six
chapter seven
chapter eight
chapter nine
chapter ten
chapter eleven
chapter twelve
chapter thirteen
chapter fourteen
chapter fifteen
chapter sixteen
chapter seventeen
chapter eighteen
chapter nineteen
chapter twenty one
chapter twenty two
chapter twenty three
chapter twenty four
chapter twenty five
chapter twenty six
chapter twenty seven
chapter twenty eight
chapter twenty nine
chapter thirty
chapter thirty one
chapter thirty two
chapter thirty three
chapter thirty four
chapter thirty five
chapter thirty six
chapter thirty seven
chapter thirty eight
chapter thirty nine
chapter forty

chapter twenty

2K 42 65
By ftdtonvinyl

Oakland's POV

I walked up to the house, slipping through the glass door where my room met the outside. I turned around, resting my back against the glass, and leaning my head to look at the ceiling. I closed my eyes, letting out a deep breath, before standing up to go back to bed. I looked forward, jumping out of my skin at what, or moreso who, was sitting on my bed.

"Byerly! What the hell are you doing?" I whisper-shouted, since I know my parents are still asleep.

"Where were you?" she asked, skipping over my question.

"It doesn't matter... How did you get in my room? I locked it before I left." I questioned.

She reached into her hair, grabbing a bobby pin and held it up. "Do you really think a locked door would stop me?" she said. Obviously not, she could and would do anything; nothing could stop her.

"Okay... fair enough." I huffed out, going to sit next to her on my duvet.

"So..." she sang out. "Where were you?"

I twisted my lips to the side, wondering if I should tell her. "I went out with Harry." I stated, knowing, one way or another, that she would get it out of me. She always got everything out of me.

"Cmon Oak, you know that's not the answer I was looking for." she pestered. I knew she was wondering what we did, but I couldn't bring myself to say out loud, away from Harry and I's bubble, that I have feelings, and that he knows.

"We went to the beach." I said, nonchalantly.

"And what? Your clothes are wet." I looked down at what she pointed out, noticing how my tank top turned sheer from the water. I quickly grabbed something to change into, going into the bathroom, while still talking to her.

"It was raining." I said. I didn't feel like getting into details right now, so I danced around telling her about Harry and I's moment in the ocean.

I could feel her eyes narrowing at me in suspicion from behind the bathroom door. "Did the sky fall or something?" she said sarcastically, referring to how my clothes were soaking, a way that couldn't be caused by the rain.

I stepped out of the bathroom, sweatpants and a hoodie on now, tilting my head at her. "Okay fine." I sighed. "We went for a late night swim... I guess."

"You guess? Oak, what are you keeping from me?" she begged.

I huffed, throwing myself on the white bed, allowing my hair to sprawl out around me in all different directions. "I told him, B." I confessed, covering my face with the palms of my hands in disbelief.

"What do you mean you told him?" she asked. "You told him about how you feel?" she gasped, jumping from her crisscrossed position on my bed to her feet. I nodded into my hands, unable to actually wrap my head around it. "And what did he say?" she asked away.

I'd just realised that I haven't told her about the night prior, where Harry confessed his feelings for me on the sidewalk outside of the venue, after we saw Sloan. "Sit down, this is a long one." I said, referring to how I would have to go back to what felt like days ago, but was only a mere 28 hours.

I explained everything: the argument, the girl, how we felt. She seemed fully invested, and neither of us even noticed when the sun was almost fully risen, and that we stayed up talking for the past 2 hours. This is why she is my best friend. She made time feel as if it were a figment of an imagination, freezing when you want it to.

It was around 7am, my thin curtains allowing the golden light to shine through. I ended up grabbing the journal I'd gotten earlier, and wrote down my feelings, and memories of the entire trip, Byerly helping to form my words.

"Oak, I don't know about you... but Harry sounds perfect for you." she stated the obvious.

"I know, B. I don't know what to do. I can't bring myself to even think of leaving him in seven days." I sighed.

One week. One full week left, and it seemed that no amount of time could ever be enough for me to be okay with being without him.

"A forbidden love." Byerly whispered under her breath.

"Not love." I corrected her.

"Whatever you say..."

She ended up leaving my room to go back to sleep for a bit, and I did also. I laid my head on the pillow, drifting off to sleep while thinking back to my adventure this morning. How Harry could just pull me from my bed and bring me out into the middle of the ocean still blows my mind. He knows every way to make me content and carefree. He makes me a happier person.

After waking up a few hours later, I sat up and grabbed my phone off the nightstand, clicking it on for the first time since yesterday evening. I widened my eyes at the screen, seeing a million texts from my best friend back home, Aspyn.

I opened them, seeing so many words written in all caps.


She sent me a screenshot of my instagram post of Harry.

Aspyn: HE IS SO HOT!

Stating the obvious.


I wish I could.


School? Why are people from school caring about me? I'm not popular, and hide in the background of reality, passing by without saying hello.

I haven't spoken to her since I got here, but she was like my soulmate in friend form. We are the same person, but in every way we are opposite. She has black curly hair, while mine is fine and blonde. She is a cheerleader, while I dance.

I called her to explain instead of just responding over text. The phone rang a total of two times before I heard a squeal from the other side of the call.

"Oak! What is happening there?" she rushed out her words. I could tell she was out of breath.

"A, calm down. His name is Harry." I told her.

"Oh trust me. I know. I already found his instagram, twitter, and snapchat." she confessed.

Not surprised, I swear that girl needs to be in the FBI with how good she is at finding people on social media.

"He's british, Oakland." she whispered into the phone, once again stating the obvious.

"Aspyn, I know."

"Tell. me. Everything." she protested.

I let out a sigh, starting from the beginning of what felt like a story in a book, when in reality, it was just my life. I told her about the plane ride, the club, how I never expected to see him again. The whole nine.

"Okay, Oak. you better bring him home with you. Stuff him in your suitcase if you must." she said after I finished telling her about last night.

"A, I wish I could." I said to her, but also to myself. I wish I didn't have to inevitably leave, but at least I know that it is happening, so I can prepare myself for the worst.

We said our goodbyes, hanging up, but promising to continue to talk throughout the next week. I got up, going to head into the bathroom to shower off the ocean, since I was too lazy when I got home. I turned on the water, and played music from my Spotify, Jane by LAUNDRY DAY playing through the speaker.

I got in, feeling the hot water on my pinked skin. I sang all the words, feeling giddy and eager to see Harry later. We said that we would spend the next week together, so I am just assuming I will see him today. My spirits are high as I go through my routine, washing my hair and body. I finally got out once I used up all of the hot water to put on a mini concert performance to the shampoo bottle. I went over to the sink after wrapping myself in a towel, wiping off the fogged mirror to see myself. I brushed my hair and teeth, then moved into my room.

I threw on some clothes, comfy shorts and a cropped tee. I moved into the kitchen, seeing my mother already whipping up an amazing smelling breakfast. I skipped in, humming the tune of the songs I'd just listened to, sitting myself down at the counter.

"Good morning, sweetie. You're in a good mood." She cheered.

"What's there not to be happy about?" I answered.

"You aren't wrong." she said back.

She slid me my plate, consisting of eggs, toast, and some fruit. I instantly dug in, realising that I was starving. My mother left me alone, going to get ready for the day in her room. I sat there, comfortable in my thoughts, which were usually dark and dreary, were bright and bubbly today.

Today is going to be a good day.

Once I was finished, I rinsed off my plate and went to change into a bathing suit. I threw on a sage green bikini and a sheer white cover up, before grabbing my sunglasses and book, heading outside to lay by the pool. The midmorning sun hit our patio in perfect lighting, leaving me to feel warm and cozy on the lounge chair outside.

The breeze kept me from dying of a heat stroke, so I was able to sit out there forever. I laid out, reading the unusual love story that consisted of my book. A summer love that was never destined to be.

Sounds familiar.

After reading enough pages, I sat it down next to me, picking up my phone, and tilting my sunglasses down my nose to be able to see the screen. I quickly shot Harry a text.

Me: 'laying by the pool.'

I sent it in hopes that he would get the memo to come and join me on this relaxing day. I laid back down, resting my head on the poolside chair pillow, covering my eyes fully with my sunglasses, shutting my eyes while soaking in the summer sun.

I drifted off into my daydreams, not realizing how much time had passed, when my sister called out to me.

"Oakland!" she said. I sat up, bringing my glasses to sit on top of my head. She stood at the door, peeking her head out. "Your lover boy is here."

I furrowed my brows, but softened them when I saw him walk out. A grin grew on my face, happy that he understood that I wanted him to come over. He was wearing yellow shorts and a floral shirt, buttoned up but leaving the top undone, relieving his cross necklace to dangle on his chest.

One of the things I've noticed that I love.

He moved over to me, a smirk on his lips, as I laid back down to look up at the sky. "Hi, Love." he greeted. I tilted my head to the side to see him standing next to me.

I scooted over, allowing him to sit next to me on the outdoor daybed. "Hi." I softly said.

"What have you been up to?" He started light conversation.

"The usual. Reading." I shrugged my shoulders.

He tilted his head, squinting his eyes as the sun shone right into them. "What book?"

"Call Me By Your Name."

"Great choice."

"You've read it?" I said, surprised. I just assumed that he wouldn't have heard of it, but he, yet again, shocked and amazed me in the best ways.

"Well of course." he nodded his head down. "Read it to me."

I smiled, warmed at how he appreciated good literature. Reaching over to pick the blue-bound book, I shifted down to rest my head on the crook of his shoulder, him laying his arm behind my back. I opened the book to where I'd left off, starting to read aloud.

We laid there, the sound of the distant waves filling the air, as I read the longingly beautiful novel for as long as he would listen.

"There is nothing but truth between us now, and where there is truth there are no barriers, no shifty glances, and if nothing comes of this, let it never be said that neither of us was unaware of what might happen."

I spoke the words of Elio to Oliver, but every syllable could easily have been interpreted as if I were speaking to Harry. He shifted slightly under me. I took it as he thought the same thing as I.

I cleared my throat, getting up, reaching my hand out to him.

"Let's go swimming." I said, lightening the mood. He took my hand, standing up alongside me. I reached down, playing some music from my phone to further soften the energy. Flights by Twentylove played through the speaker I brought out here earlier.

We walked over to the edge of the pool, and I reached down to dip my toe in to test the temperature. It was chilly, so I stood back up to brace myself before getting in. I could feel Harry's eyes on me, so I looked up to see a mischievous glint in his eyes.

"What Harold?" I questioned his expression.

A senile smirk grew on his face, and before I knew it, I was being tossed into the pool. I reemerged, huffing at the action, looking up to see him still standing on the ground.

"Harry!" I exclaimed.

"Sorry, Love. I had a feeling that you were going to chicken out since the water is cold."

"Oh whatever." I rolled my eyes.

He sat down on the poolside, dangling his legs over, but not fully in. I brushed my hair out of my face, looking up to him, where he towered over me. "You have the prettiest eyes." I said my thoughts.

"My Angel, your eyes are like the deepest oceans, and the brightest summer skies." he told me, reaching down to brush his finger under my chin.

"You always have to one-up my compliments." I jokingly pouted, crossing my arms over my chest.

"You just make it so easy to praise you, Love."

I placed my hands on either side of his legs, pushing myself up to quickly peck his lips. As I came back down into the water, I grabbed his arms, yanking him in along with me. He jumped in, not going fully underwater, so I ruffled his hair, getting it damp as payback for throwing me in. his hair curled up, dangling in front of his eyes.

I brushed my fingers through his hair, separating the curls, allowing them to get out his face. "C'mere." I said, pulling him to the side of the pool. I hopped up, sitting on the edge, while he stood facing me, still in the water.

"Taking my spot?" he asked, since we basically just replaced each other.

"Turn around." I directed, moving him by grabbing his shoulders. He did as I said, facing away from me.

"What are you doing?" he questioned.

"Braiding your hair." I said. He abided easily.

I grabbed his hair softly, playing with it. His hair was somewhat long, not to the point to be considered manbun worthy, but you could definitely accomplish something with it. I began braiding it, him standing there, leaning back in between my legs. Humming the music that was filling the space around us, I pulled the ponytail holders from my wrist, securing his hair into three braids.

This is why I liked him so much. He's so much different than any boy I'd ever met. Probably because he isn't a boy... he's a man. He didn't allow toxic masculinity to take over. He expressed himself how he liked, and didn't let what others thought about him affect what he did. I definitely wasn't used to being surrounded by such positive and accepting energy, since every boy from my small southern town considered the slightest feminine things to be seen as a weakness.

I patted his head jokingly, saying a quick 'all done!'. He instantly turned around, pulling me back in the water, peppering kisses all over my face, allowing me to erupt in laughter. I scrunched up my face, grabbing his cheeks to pull him back, his dimples looking deeper than usual as he smiled at me.

The sun was at its peak, shining directly down to reveal freckles on Harry's nose and cheeks. I brushed my fingertips over them, admiring the small details that were painted across his skin. "You have freckles." I pointed out.

"As do you." he said, mimicking my movements on my face. "Beautiful."

We stared at each other, tracing our eyes over the other's features. We were interrupted by my mother peeking out of the door.

"Oakland, Harry, I made lunch if y'all want anything." she said.

"Thank you Mrs. Pierce." Harry responded, shooting her his notorious smile. She waved him off, going back inside. "You hungry?" he asked once she was gone.

"I could eat." I shrugged my shoulders. He nodded, both of us getting out of the pool and heading inside.

At the counter, we sat, eating the lunch prepared. The rest of my family ended up leaving to go about their day, leaving the house to Harry and I. we were already drained from the sun, so we moved into my room, laying down on my bed.

"So... what do you want to do for the rest of the day?" I asked.

"I have an idea..." he said ominously.

"I have a feeling that you won't be telling me... is that right?" I squinted my eyes, rolling to lay on top of him, resting my chin on his bare chest.

"Right on target."

I rolled my eyes.

"Before that though, let's take a nap." he offered. I nodded quickly, feeling myself already half asleep from being awake for the good half of the morning.

I snuggled up next to him, feeling his embrace wrap around me, as if he never wanted to let go.

Please don't let go.


About an hour and a half later, I woke up slowly, tilting my head back to see Harry nuzzled into my neck. His breathing was slow and deep, proving that he was still out. I took in this moment, seeing how at peace he looked. His braids loose, a few stray hairs hanging down around his ear. I tucked a strand back, framing his face with my fingers.

I dragged myself out from around him, tucking the blanket around him. I went into the kitchen, filling a glass of water, and chugging it quickly, since I was feeling quite dehydrated. I refilled the cup once I was finished, going out by the pool to grab my book before going back into my room. I placed the glass on the nightstand by where Harry laid, climbing back onto the bed, placing his head on my lap. He subconsciously wrapped his arms around my legs, gripping them like I was going to leave.

I began to run my fingers down his back smoothly, reading my book at the same time. I read the words aloud quietly, feeling the story come to life in a way between Harry and I. The feelings between Elio and Oliver weren't the same as the ones between us, but I could definitely feel a mirrored aspect in the two.

I sat there, calmly reading, when I heard my phone buzz from the table. I reached over Harry carefully, leaving his head in my lap, grabbing it as I furrowed my brows, since not many people text me. I assume it is just a member of my family or Aspyn, but my stomach leaps into my throat when I turn the screen around.

Lucca: Who is he?

He asked, me instantly knowing that he was talking about Harry. Lucca was probably who Aspyn was talking about, since he was always territorial over me in our relationship.

Me: why does it matter to you?

I asked back, wanting to cut off all ties to him once and for all, but not being able to completely ignore him for some reason. Right after I responded, he texted straight back.

Lucca: I miss you.

My heart rate began to pick up unknowingly, and anger boiled in my blood. How dare he. How dare he treat me like a toy he could play with, but leave me when he got bored? Then assume that I would come crawling back when he sees someone else with me?

I began to shake my foot, needing a physical way to release the anxiety and irritation inside of me. I wish I had an explanation as to why I get so stressed when Lucca is even mentioned, let alone communicating with me, but he just does.

I stared at my phone, contemplating a response, when I felt Harry shift, slowly waking up. He sat up on his side, leaning on his elbow. His hair was falling out of the braids, his eyes puffy from the nap.

"You okay?" he asked, his voice more scruffy than usual.

"Yea.. I'm fine." I blew it off, not wanting to draw attention to the messages.

He pursed his lips, not buying it. I let out a deep sigh, instantly folding.

I turned my phone towards him, showing what happened, but I saw his eyebrows furrow, since he probably didn't know who the messages were from. I began to explain, not really sure how to do so.

"Um.. this is.. My ex." I stated. He softened his features, taking a second to meet my eyes, but the second he did, he painted a sympathetic look across his face. He reached up, placing his left hand on my cheek, rubbing his thumb across my cheekbone. He watched his hands, changing his expression to one of admiration instead.

We didn't speak any words, talking to each other as if we could read each other's minds. Just his eyes alone could act like a muscle relaxer to me, calming me from even the most stressful of things.

I swear he could read me like a book.

I subconsciously sat my phone down, ignoring everything from outside of our bubble that I've grown so fond of. I shifted down, making Harry and I on the same level now. I reached behind him, taking out the loose ponytail holders, ruffling my hands through his hair to release his locks into perfect wavy curls. He scrunched his eyes shut and his nose up at my fingers through his hair, reopening to lean in and kiss me.

He rolled me on my back, getting on top of me while deepening the kiss. His lips were like silk, and he tasted like heaven. I drew my hands up his back, pulling his shirt up slightly in the process, bunching up at his shoulders. His skin was butter, melting under my touch.

As he moved his hands up the sides of my legs, I tensed up, freezing in my place, not being used to feeling that in such a long time. My mind flooded with flashbacks from my past, reliving the exact moment that my innocence was stripped from me. I guess he noticed, because he instantly pulled back, scanning his eyes around my face.

He shook his head slightly, whispering "sorry, sorry." moving to lay next to me.

Of course I ruined the moment with being a scaredy cat.

I sucked in a deep breath, letting it out slowly. We both laid there, staring at the ceiling in silence. I don't want him to feel bad for anything he did, because it was my own tormented mind taking control of my body. I flashed my eyes to the clock, reading 4:56pm. I turned my head in Harry's direction, him doing the same when he saw me.

"I'm sorry." I said out of habit.

"For what? It was my fault." he knitted his brows together.

I shook my head, not letting him feel any sort of guilt for touching me. "No it wasn't."

He drew his lips into a straight line, so I leaned in to peck his lips to show that I wasn't mad. He kissed me back, but limiting himself so that I wouldn't react again.

I trust Harry. I trust him a lot, and I don't want him to feel poorly about himself. I wanted to keep going with him, but my mind halted me, so I pushed everything into the back of my head, ignoring the warning signs that were put up after Lucca. I sat up, swinging my leg over him to be straddling him. I placed my hands on his chest, leaning down to resume where we were.

I could sense that he was hesitant at first, but soon bringing his hands to rest on my hips. I dragged my hands down the front of his shirt, unbuttoning the few that were still intact. He moved his hands upward slowly, testing to see if he could. I finished his actions by pulling my shirt off, telling my head that I was still in a bathing suit so it was okay.

I disconnected from his lips, looking at him for a moment before taking a chance with the man I trust.

"I want to go all the way."

I whispered, so quietly that he might not have even heard me. I froze there, looking unsure if he had just heard me correctly. I'm sure he is highly confused, since I just told him last night about my past, but there is just something in me that is telling me that he would be worth it. And since it is on my terms this time, that it couldn't be bad.

I nodded, signaling him that I was being real. He opened his mouth, but not saying anything. He glanced at the clock, I also did the same. It said 4:59pm. He threw his head back on the pillow, shutting his eyes and huffing. He looked back at me, a slow grin growing on his face.

"My plans from earlier are going to start soon, my Love." he said. I still didn't know what he had planned, and to be quite frank, I forgot about them until now. "Stay at my place tonight."

I licked my lips, pondering it for a second, before agreeing. I didn't even think of what my parents would say, but I didn't care at the moment, I just wanted to never be without Harry.

"What is the plan for tonight?" I asked, narrowing my eyes at him.

"Oh, you'll see, Angel."



I hope you enjoyed this chapter hehe!!

Don't forget to follow Oakland on instagram @ oakland.wilks

Sending all my love<3<3<3

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