The Princes Shadow

By jackalyn369

62.7K 1.3K 161

Emerin always followed her kings command. Watching over the Prince of The Woodland Realm, making sure that no... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
New Story!!!!!!
The Wedding Night
OK, NEW STORY!!!! (Again)
In the Dark of the Night

Chapter 4

2.9K 75 4
By jackalyn369

Legolas POV ~

"I will go with you..." Emerin surprised me, "If Legolas will." she finished.

Tauriel looked confused. I forgot that she didn't know about how Emerin was my guard. 

"How are we going to get across the lake?" I asked. Emerin nodded to a small boat that was hidden behind some rocks in the river,

"That boat is always there. I don't know exactly how well it will hold." She seemed to doubt that the boat was in good condition, but we had to try.

Surprisingly, the boat was in near perfect condition. We all got in. There were six paddles. Emerin sat in the front. As soon as we all had our paddles in hand, Emerin started paddling. She was incredibly strong. Even if it was just her paddling, we could get across the river in record time. Tauriel and I started to paddle as well. 

We were going incredibly fast. We would be there by tomorrow. Soon, it became very dark. Our paddling slowed,

"Emerin. When you said you would come, you made it clear that you would only join me if Legolas did. Why?" Tauriel said out of nowhere.

Emerin stopped paddling. She probably was not supposed to talk about her job with anyone besides the king, "Well I would only ever go against my kings orders if I was following his sons. It makes defying his orders more forgivable." How did she so effortlessly come up with a lie?

"Oh. I guess that's true." Tauriel seemed to be... defeated... in a way.

We continued to row the boat throughout the night, mostly in silence. Finally, the next evening, we arrived. All of us quickly went through the town, searching for the dwarves. We heard screaming coming from one of the houses, and noticed shadowy figures on the roof of a certain house,

"Orcs," whispered Emerin.

We made our way into the house, killing orcs. There were three children there, along with a few of the dwarves. The orcs realized that Thorin wasn't there, and left,

"Tauriel, Emerin, come!" I shouted as I went to follow the orcs. Emerin was beside me in moments. Tauriel however hesitated, standing beside that dark haired dwarf that was dying. I saw Emerin give her a sympathetic look. The blonde dwarf looked over at Emerin, who also seemed to now be hesitating to leave,

"Go!" He told her, "There is nothing that we can do. Thank you for helping us kill the orcs." He noticed that she had the dagger he gave her in her belt, "I see you kept the dagger," He looked up at her,

"I'm sorry... about your brother." She said,

"It's alright, go now." He urged her on.

She turned to me and followed me out the door. I don't think that the dwarf thought she would leave. For a moment, I also thought that she might stay,

"Tauriel will help him. I am sure of it." She said. The both of us made our way, chasing after the orcs, killing them as we went along. There was a point where a few orcs went in a different direction,

"I'll follow them," She said, and disappeared. I saw the big orc, and chased after him. As I advanced on him, a bunch of other orcs came out of no where and started attacking me. I killed all of them and continued to go after the other one.

I started to fight him, but he was stronger than the others. He grabbed me and slammed me into a building, then threw me across into another house. I got up and went after him again. He punched me in the face and continued to throw me around like a rag doll. Eventually, I got the upper hand. I grabbed his head and slammed it into a wall a few times. I grabbed my sword but before I could kill him, he grabbed me from behind and started to squeeze me. I could barely breathe. It seemed like he was about to bight me, when all of a sudden he let go of me. I turned around to see what had gotten his attention. Emerin. There she was, with the most terrifying glare I had ever seen. Her hair whipped around in the violent wind. A glint of fury in her eyes.

She ran towards the orc, who was almost twice her size. She turned to the side at the last second, causing the orc to run right passed her. As soon as she was behind him, she grabbed the back of his neck, and slammed it into the floor several times. I tried to get up to help her, but every time that I tried to stand up, I couldn't keep my balance. Emerin kept making swift maneuvers, escaping the orcs blows at the last second, and countering it by getting him back. However, as she went to unsheathe her sword, the orc grabbed her arm, twisting it, threw her sword about 30 yards away, and punched her in her gut. While she was recovering, he tore her quiver off of her, which she had recently attached her daggers to, and threw it near the sword.

Emerin stood up and continued to fight. At one point, she had her arms around his neck, and right before she could try to snap his neck, he pulled her off of him. He threw her into a wall, and then picked her up, and slammed her head into weapons rack. The edge of a harpoon cut her cheek, causing blood to start to pour out of it. She was thrown onto the floor again. When she tried to get up, the orc kicked her in the face. He raised his sword. No! I rose to my feet, ignoring the pain in my head and my body. I punched him with all of my strength. He turned around and threw me down again. He looked at us, and left,

"Legolas! Legolas, are you alright!" Emerin was shaking me. I opened my eyes. Emerin grabbed my arm and pulled me up,

"Quick! we must go after them." I had to take a moment to clear my head,

"Here!" Emerin walked towards a small stable, and led a beautiful white horse out of it. I mounted it and helped Emerin up.

From there we started riding after the orcs.


Hi! I know a lot of the elvish spelling isn't right, I got it from the movies. I know this chapter was a bit short. I hope you liked it. Don't forget to vote, comment, and follow.



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