
By mawande002

192 68 5

Naive girls make decisions that they will regret Join Mandy in her story of her regretful decision More

chapter one
chapter 2
chapter 3
chapter 4
chapter 5
chapter 6
chapter 7
chapter 8
chapter 9
chapter 10
chapter 11
chapter 12
chapter 13
chapter 14
chapter 15
chapter 16
chapter 17
Chapter 18
chapter 19
A/N 😊
chapter 20
chapter 21
chapter 23
chapter 24
chapter 25
chapter 26
chapter 27
chapter 28
chapter 29
chapter 30
chapter 31
chapter 32
chapter 33
chapter 34
chapter 35
chapter 36
chapter 37

chapter 22

6 2 0
By mawande002

The rest of the week carries on fine. Jason and Megan have minimized their bullying because most of the time I'm with Darius and he would never let them do anything bad to me.

I haven't seen Michael at school the past three days which is so weird. What if he's sick or in hospital? Why do I even care? I swear it's the Friday thoughts messing with my mind.

Darius has been extra sweet these days and he's been taking me home because my brother takes  Sarah home and I don't want to be there when that happens.

He has been texting me everyday, kissing me randomly, always asking if anyone has bothered me or asks me if Michael has tried to contact me lately. I had told him about Michael texting me and checking up on me because he deserved to know. It was nothing serious or anything like that but I just thought he should know. He kind of flipped when he heard it and he was so mad but he assured me that it wasn't .e he was mad at, but Michael. Apparently he hates the guy cause he looks like the type that plays girls.

I was walking to my first class alone looking down at the floor as I moved. I was walking peacefully until I bumped into something or should I say someone.

I look up to find Megan holding onto Brittany and their other friend Andrea.

"Watch it cow, you don't have to go knocking us all down!" She shrieked.

Out of everyone in the whole entire school, why did I have to bump into her.
I swear she could win an Oscar for how dramatic she is.

"I'm sorry Megan I didn't see you." I didn't have the time and patience to argue with her right now. All I wanted to do was to go to class and learn.

"I'm sure you didn't see me." She sarcastically said while rolling her eyes.

"What, you think if you and I get in physical contact you might have a body like mine? Sorry to break it to you sweetie but that's not how it works." She pouted and made her best fake sympathy face.

"Megan please just move out of my way, I really don't have time for you today." I was starting to get annoyed by her. I don't know where this sudden boost of confidence came from but it feels amazing.

"Aww the cow is getting annoyed. What are you going to do about it kick me with your hind legs?" She said in her sickly high pitched voice. I swear her voice is like nails on a chalk board. I decide to ignore her and try and walk away.

"Come on now fatty, don't be quiet now. Tell me what are you gonna do about it." She said this time pushing my shoulders and that just pushed me over the edge.

"I swear Megan if you don't let me through I'm gonna take your bony ass friend and use her as a toothpick and pop those fake ass boobs of yours." I replied with gritted teeth.

"You wouldn't dare." She said moving towards me and getting in my face.

"Bitch try me and find out." I say back also getting in her face.

She just looked at me up and down then looked at the crowd that was now around us. As she was distracted by the crowd of students around us I used the opportunity to slightly push her out of my way, making her stumble and I walk past her to my class.

Oh my goodness. I cannot believe I just did that. I actually stood up to Megan. It felt amazing, and the best part is that I didn't even think twice I just did. She didn't do anything to me. I am so proud of myself and I cannot wait to tell Mr B about this at our  second break. That's when he's busy with our school garden and I usually help him out but he likes to do all the work so I just sit and talk about things with him.

I arrive at my first class and sit down. When the students arrive I notice that Megan and Jason weren't there which was strange because they are present in school today.
As the students come in I see Jen and Jer and they hurriedly walk in and greet me. They took seats opposite me on my left and right and we started chatting away. Jenny kept asking me about my brother, which I found amusing, even Jeremy found it amusing that she had a crush on my brother, but it was a harmless crush, I know she wouldn't go as far as to try something with him.

In all our classes we sat together until break time they had to leave because they always volunteer to help out with the drama club props. They signed up last year and I didn't know that help was needed so I couldn't.

As I was walking to the cafeteria, to my usual table I saw some people sitting there.
I noticed it was Jason, Megan, Brittany and the rest of their group of friends. Megan was crying and Brittany was rubbing her back as if she was making her feel better and calming her down.

I've seen this happen before, to me. I knew exactly what's going on. Megan came up with some sob story that I hit her or I attacked her and now Jason is fuming mad and is looking for me to get "justice" for Megan.

I'm not an idiot so I'm definitely not going to the cafeteria so I turn around before they can see me and head to the one place I feel safe. As I was walking down the hallways of the school I hear some footsteps from afar behind me. They sound like they were walking fast or like a jog. I start to fasten my pace to reach the music room in case it happens to be Jason following me.

The footsteps keep getting faster and faster and I see Jason looking angry coming my way. I reach the music room and enter it and try to lock the door before he comes in but fail to move fast enough.

Jason come into the room and moves towards me taking viscous strides. He encloses me in a corner and my bad falls on the floor.

"So did you really think you would get away with what you did to my girlfriend huh?" He asked in a deep scary voice and I gulp. I look into his eyes and all I can see is anger.

"J-J-Jason l-look whatever Megan said to you, is a lie.  I didn't touch her, ease you have to believe me." I plead. He was now holing onto my wrist and squeezing it hard stopping my blood circulation. It was really painful.

"Do you seriously think I would believe you over my girlfriend? I saw the red mark on her cheek. You fucking slapped my girlfriend and now your gonna pay."  He gritted through his teeth and lifted his hand and was about to hit me. I waited for the stinging hard slap he was going to give me but it never came.

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