By ilovepatchcipriano03

116K 5.3K 223

Kabir Sharma is a 25 years old cop. Vansh Raisinghania is 28 years old mafia businessman. Kabir sends a under... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 3.5 (Bonus Chapter)
Chapter 4
Chapter 5 Vansh POV
Chapter 6
Chapter 6.5 (Bonus Chapter)
Chapter 7 (Vansh POV)
Chapter 7.5 (Bonus Chapter)
Chapter 8 (Vansh POV)
Chapter 9
Chapter 10 (Vansh's POV)
Chapter 11 (Vansh's POV)
Chapter 12
Chapter 13 (Vansh POV)
Chapter 14
Chapter 15 (Vansh's POV)
Chapter 16
Chapter 17 (Vansh's POV)
Chapter 17.5 (Bonus Chapter)
Chapter 18
Chapter 19 (Vansh's POV)
Chapter 20
Chapter 21 (Vansh's POV)
Chapter 22
Chapter 23 (Vansh's POV)
Chapter 24
Chapter 25 (Vansh's POV)
Chapter 26 (Vansh's POV)
Chapter 27
Chapter 28 (Vansh's POV)
Chapter 29
Chapter 30 (Vansh's POV)
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 32.5 (Bonus)
Chapter 33
Chapter 34 (Vansh's POV)
Chapter 35
Chapter 35.5 (Bonus Chapter)
Chapter 36 (Vansh's POV)
Chapter 37
Chapter 38 (Vansh's pov)
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43 (Vansh's pov)
Chapter 44
Chapter 45 (Vansh's pov)
Chapter 46
Chapter 46.5 (Bonus)
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49 (Vansh's pov)
Chapter 50
Author's note
Valentine Special

Narrator's POV (Bonus)

1.4K 80 3
By ilovepatchcipriano03

How many times have we lived a journey and had a lot of nice, cute and memorable moments. We never realized how precious they were until it's over. It's not strange but it's human. We need to digest our vivid experiences. Like William Wordsworth did in "I wandered lonely as a cloud". Just like him we all are romantic poets, who recall the moments and frame them in our mind forever.

Also our loved KaVa are having the same feeling. Let's go and check what their hearts are saying to us.

And I may or may not put real poetry in their mouth to make this experience more like a dream.


Stretching on my sofa, I remember the last week on the cruise. My mind was continuously playing the non-stop trailers of some memories from the past days.

I got drunk twice, I became friends with a criminal, I fooled a friend to win, I won a bet, I checked out a guy, I...

All my moments were related to Vansh somehow. Like the night where we both were drunk and... kissed? Oh gosh! The image of him close to me came to my mind.

No, no, no. We were very, very close, but didn't kiss. I would have known if I've kissed Vansh.

I could never forget my first kiss with Van... Hell!!! What I'm doing? No, wait. What I'm thinking.

I closed my eyes and let my heart take the word because my mind was so on Vansh and didn't want to know else.

If my mind was just thinking about Vansh, my heart was beating with his name.


When I saw you for the first time,                                                                                                                                   I hated you from the bottom of my heart                                                                                                          Because I was deeply, immensely hurt,                                                                                                             From your heart wrenching committed crime.

When I talked to you for the second time,                                                                                                            You surely weren't being a sweetheart.                                                                                                                  But, may I dare to say, you looked smart                                                                                                       During our little, collosive, bitter-sweet talk time.

After that everything changed,                                                                                                                Throughout the long and beautiful vacation:                                                                                                      Where we shared memorable moments together,

When we almost kissed,                                                                                                                                                  In which the temptation                                                                                                                                                      Was high, to sto the running time forever.


Trying to sleep on my bed and thinking how good the week was with my family. It was supposed to be a week only for my family but it turned out to be a Kabir week too. All that I could remember and smile on was the time spent with. Like who would have told that Vansh Raisinghania would handle a drunk man, for twice a week.

The night when I acted wasted was so not of me. I was about to kiss him. If he didn't pass out we would have... Okay enough now Vansh we need to sleep over it.


You were relaxing there,                                                                                                                                                      In the big swimming pool,                                                                                                                                        With water dripping from your hair,                                                                                                                        I'm sure you saw me drool.

I invited you to the party I was hosting,                                                                                                              Sending you an elegant outfit.                                                                                                                                        It was highly disappointing,                                                                                                                                        Not seeing you wearing it.

At least, do you remember last night?                                                                                                                          When we almost kissed                                                                                                                                                      Is not right,                                                                                                                                                                          Regretting the chance I missed?

But you left                                                                                                                                                                                Me, with a yawning ache in my chest.

Author's Note: I tried to do something different this time, hope you'll like it.😊                   And if you don't remember the scene go to chapter 21 and give it a re-read.👈                       Let me know your opinion on this. 😄                                                                                                      VOTE, comment and share.                                                                                                                                   Lots of love.                                                                                                                                                                         Maya💓

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