Falling For My Roommate

By swaylastories100

631K 5.3K 2.9K

'Oh come on Blair, I know you want me' 'No I dont, now let me shower in peace' I try push him but he grabs my... More

1. The Apartment
2. University
3. The Messages
5. Valentine's
6. Spin The Bottle
7. Running Into Her
8. A Breakup
9. Regret
Characters Personality
10. Almost
11. Confused
12. Mothers Day
13. A Hookup
14. Heartache
15. An Explanation
16. The Vibration Game
17. Panic
18. Horny
19. Losing It
20. The Morning After
21. Sore
22. Lies
23. Drowning
24. An Unexpected Visitor
25. An Unexpected Night
26. A Breakup
27. A Confession
29. A Decision
30. An Intruder
31. Naughty Girl
32. A Talk
33. A Ruined Date
34. A Reunion
35. The Agreement
36. A Conversation
37. Gunshots

4. Fake Friends

19.2K 174 95
By swaylastories100

I try settle down and start on Italian revision but it's all I can think about. I hear Josh come in an hour later and he comes in.

J: 'Ok I have 3 guesses on what your doing right now, studying?'

I smile at him.

Y: 'Trying too, it's just, you were kind if right'

J: 'Give me a minute, let me change first and then spill'

I smile and nod. He goes and comes back in just sweatpants a few minutes later. He moves a stack of folders off the desk and puts them on the floor. He sits down and looks at me.

J: 'So what have I been right about? I'm never right about anything lmao'

I giggle and lean back in your chair.

Y: 'You were half right with what you said this morning'

J: 'Wait you know who was telling you to kill yourself?! Give me name and I'll go hunt them down.'

I giggle.

Y: 'I wish, but you were kind of right on the fake friends, Mia was being really snappy at me today, she wouldnt stop going on about how much money I had cause my parents inheritance and being fostered by a rich family and getting a scholarship because I have a budge on how much I spend on lunch per day.'

J: 'Ok 1. The fuck are you telling her shit like that about having a rich foster family and inheritance, that's literally a person's biggest way into your life, not for you, for your money. 2. Are you ok, cause that might be a sensitive topic to talk about, your parents, and 3. There is no way shes not a gold digger and 4. Did she say or do anything else?'

Y: 'I didnt think she was like that! When she first sat next to me in class yesterday she seemed like a really nice girl who just wanted to be friends!'

J: 'Some people arent who you think they are,'

Y: 'When we went out to get lunch today, she started body shaming me cause I was gonna get a medium salad even though she got a large and said 'dont wanna get fat'.'

J: 'Tell me you got the medium'

Y: 'I got the small'

J: 'You asshole, should have got the mf medium if you were hungry'

Y: 'Kinda was'

J: 'Tell me that's it's

I shake my head.

Y: 'I saw her hide her purse in the  bottom of her bag and said that she left it in the lecture hall so I would pay for our meals even though she spent over $30, I went up to the waiter and told him we were paying separately so I played for my stuff and walked out'

J: 'Is this bitch not tired from being so rude? I mean as you should telling the waiter you were paying separately and walking out'

Y: 'I told her I had the afternoon off and she asked if I could take her back to Uni cause she couldn't be bothered to walk'

J: 'And what you did for her last night, imma go roundhouse kick her asshole'

Y: 'Dont think she'd mind since it's you lmao'

He smiles.

J: 'You hungry now?'

I nod.

J: 'Let's get takeout again, you pick'

Y: 'Ummm, I dont mind you pick'

J: 'Your so shy and easier its unreal, you gotta learn to stand up for yourself!'

Y: 'I just want a friend ok? I had no one in middle school or high school and got bullied to hell. I just want a friend that's gonna be there'

J: 'Can I be that friend?'

I smile.
Y: 'You kind of are that friend, but you have your own social life, partying, with all your football friends, I just want a girl who's there to talk to at anytime. To call when I'm sad, to spill all my secrets too, to have sleepovers, to go shopping with, to go out for posh meals and get pedicures and get our hair done and talk about our crushs,'

Josh smiles.

J: 'Could pretend I dont have a dick for however long'

I laugh.

Y: 'Your probably my only friend right now to be honest,'

He smiles.

J: 'Awwwww your so sweet'

He wraps his arms around me and ends up falling on me breaking my chair and us both falling on the floor. I look at each other and burst out laughing. We laugh for about 5 minutes until I stand up and look at the broken chair.

J: 'I'll get you a new one, I'm sorry'

You giggle.

Y: 'Its ok, to be honest I dont fancy takeaway,'

J: 'What do you want then'

Y: 'I'll go make myself dinner'

J: 'Ok let's go'

I smile and theres a knock at the door.

J: 'Shit I just remembered my mates coming round,'

I smile and nod and go downstairs to the kitchen. I hear Josh and his friend talking at the top of the stairs as I start to make spagetti. I put in a chilli sauce and add a sauce, garlic, peppers, peas and herbs.

After 15 minutes, I put it in a bowl and get a fork out the draw. I get some water and go upstairs to my room. I sit at my desk and finish my revision and get into bed. I take off my Jean's and sit in my shirt and thong.

I pull the duvet up and put on Netflix and put on after. While I'm eating, someones knocking on the door. The door opens and its Josh.

J: 'Come on,'

Y: 'Hmm?'

J: 'Come play fifa with me and Liam,'

Y: 'Nah I'm good here thanks,'

J: 'Do I have to drag you? You dont have to play you can just watch'

Y: 'I'll be boreddddd'

J: 'Then I'll teach you, cmon'

I fold my arms and shake my head.

J: 'Guess were doing it the hard way'

He takes my food from me and puts it in his room. Josh bends down and picks me up and I struggle against him.

J: 'Not strong enough, I feel bad if your in your room on your own'

I roll my eyes.

Y: 'Ok fine but put me down'

Josh drops me and I fall on the floor.

Y: 'I ment in a nice way not just drop me like that'

Josh smiles and I go in. I see another guy sat on the end of Josh's bed and he smiles at me.
I smile back nervously and sit on Josh's bed. I push myself back to and sit on his pillows. I look around for my food and pick it up. Im so quiet they forgot your there and keep playing till 10. I end up falling asleep and Josh turn around and smiles at me.

J: 'She said she would fall asleep with boredom'

Liam laughs.

L: 'Anyways I'm gonna go back to the dorm, see you tomorrow'

He nods and Liam leaves. Josh picks me up and takes me back to my room and tucks me into the duvet. He forgets to close my curtains again and leaves.


(Day of the party)

After Uni, I get in my car and drive back to the apartment. when I get up there, I hear Josh in his room. Hes on a call and I walk past to go to my room. I hear a snatch of the conversation and immediately listen in.

J: 'Ugh fine, I do like her. I'm just scared. You know what I'm like, she described me perfectly though even we did just meet. No mom I'm not. No. Look I said no, I cant! We havent known each other a week you cant just ask her out!'

He puts the phone on speaker

JM: 'If you like her sweetie, ask her on a date,'

J: 'Look mom, I only told you cause you forced it out of me,'

JM: 'Still told me, plus the way you've described her she seems like a nice girl'

I quickly lean over and lock the door but the metal shifts loudly.

J: 'Shes back, speak later mom,'

JM: 'Bye sweetie'

He ends the call and I knock on his door.

Y: 'All I heard was 'Shes back' lmao I'm not a witch'

He laughs.

J: 'Sorry, yeah I was just talking to one of my friends and it was a private conversation about him and he told me to tell him when you got home, just incase you heard'

You look at him and you can tell hes lying.

Y: 'Oh fairs, I have some studying so I'll be in my room'

J: 'Do you ever not study?'

Y: 'I study most days,'

J: 'Look its friday night, I'm going to a party in an hour, not leaving you here cause you'll get lonely, so come on,'

Y: 'I dont wanna go! I hate parties like this, there will be drugs and alcohol and most of the people there wouldnt even be legal'

Josh rolls his eyes.

J: 'Your such a goody two shoes, your coming end of'

Y: 'Social anxiety?'

J: 'If you get nervous or anything like that I'll just take you back here, and that's not en excuse to say that as soon as we get there'

Y: 'Everyone will think we are dating'

J: 'Trust me, they know I never stick with a girl long, plus they know your my roommate'

Y: 'I cant get out of this can I'

J: 'Nope,'

I roll my eyes and Josh cheers triumphantly.

Y: 'I've never been to a party before'

J: 'Then how do you know that you dont like them'

Y: 'Because I have social anxiety and studying helps, so I've always had a fear of going to parties. Plus I dont even know what to do at these sorts of parties!'

J: 'Ever heard of dancing?'

I roll my eyes.

Y: 'I really really really dont wanna go Josh'

J: 'Look, we'll go, and we will stay for 10 minutes, and if you still dont wanna be there or start to get nervous or anxious then we can come back ok?'

I smile and nod. Josh smiles and I go back to my room to change. Once im done, you see Josh waiting in the hallway swinging his keys around his finger.

J: 'Nice, let's go'

I nod and go down to his car. We get to the party and Josh parks in the dorm car park. I get out and smile at him. We go up 3 flights of stairs and along a corridor. At the end if the corrider is an open door where the party is clearly at.

Suddenly Josh grabs my wrist and turn us both around and we walk back along the corridor.

Y: 'What? Thought we were going to the party?'

Josh stops mw both and looks at me.
J: 'Do you smell that?'

I sniff and smell something very planty (that's most probably not a word but). I nod and look up at him.

J: 'That's weed, and you see the smoke by the ceiling?'

I look over and nod.

J: 'That is the toxins for the weed and other drugs they have in there. My mom always told me she didnt care how much trouble I got in at school, dont care how much of my money I waste, didnt care how many girls I've slept with, just do not get involved with anything to do with drugs, smoking or vaping.'

Y: 'Dam your mom sounds wise as hell,'

J: 'I know right, I dont want any of us to be involved with any of that ok? I didnt know that their were gonna be drugs here or I wouldn't have said I'd go, or persuaded you to agree to come, I'm sorry'

Y: 'Its fine, managed to get out of it this time!'

He laughs and nods.

J: 'Yeah you did, let's go back to the apartment. Wanna get takeaway on the way back?'

I smile and nod. We go back to the car and drive away from the drug infested party.

J: 'So where do you wanna go eat?'

I shrug.

Y: 'I dont mind, McDonald's?'

J: 'Yeah sure, luckily it's at the bottom of this road'

We drive down a really long road with lots of shops, outlets and a motorway beside it. Josh pulls into McDonald's and into the drive thru.

J: 'What do you want?'

Y: 'Chicken nuggets and fries please'

J: 'Ok drink?'

Y: 'Coke please'

Josh nods and orders and orders himself food too. He hands me the drinks and bag of food to put on my lap and he drives back home. We get in and I carry the drinks while Josh carrys the food. When we get back up to the apartment, I go into Josh's room and sit down on his bed. Josh opens the bag and hands me my food.

J: 'So since valentine's day is sunday, have you ever been taken?'

I shake my head.

Y: 'No, sadly all my month to 2 month relationships have all been around summer and autumn,'

Josh laughs.

Y: 'What about you?'

J: 'Several times, it's cute tbh,'

Y: 'Tell me pleaseeee'

Josh giggles.

J: 'So when I was 10, I was taken on valentine's day, and I gave the girl I was dating then chocolates and a teddy bear, you know the average stuff. Then we broke up a few weeks later and then I got another girlfriend when I was 14, we started dating in the January and broke up the following march so we got 2 valentine's days. The first one I got her this hamper box I designed, it was basically a hoodie of mine, a few boxes of chocolates, Ferrero and Lindt, and some other stuff, then the next valentine's day I got her loads of flowers and photos of us. Then when I was 16, It was a 2 week relationship, I just got her a box of chocolate, anyways why you so invested in my love life lmao'

Y: 'Because I dont have one and I like listening to other people's relationships'

Josh laughs.

J: 'I mean fairs, I do that too,'

I smile and eat another frie.


I wake up the next day and smile out at the sun thats going over Beverley hills. I do my normal morning routine and have yet another clothes breakdown. I sigh and end up choosing a red bralett type crop top and black Jean's. I grab a pair of red Jordan's and straighten my hair.

I put on black eyeliner and red lipgloss and smile at myself in the mirror, finally feeling confident. I remember its friday and start to think of what to do in the first school free day in LA. I go down to the kitchen and Josh is cooking breakfast as usual.

J: 'Oi cmon eat'

Y: 'I am! One sec!'

I sit down at the breakfats bar and Josh puts a bowl of fruit and cream infront of me. I smile at him and eat.

Y: 'Hey you didnt actually make this you took it out of packaging!'

Josh laughs.

J: 'Oi get fucked you,'

I snort as you put cream in my mouth and I get it all over my face and hands. Josh bursts out laughing and I quickly wash my face under the tap.

Y: 'Alright cmon you,'

Josh smiles and we go down to our cars again. Once we get to school, I see people looking at me and whispering. Shit I forgot the jacket. Definitely gonna get fucking dress coded. I mentally swear and go to your locker. Mias locker is 2 spaces away from mine and she gets out some books.

M: 'Oh look its the virgin mary, imagine being 18 and still never had sex, I mean to be honest, who would want to have sex with you,'

She looks me up and down and sniggers.

M: 'Even so, trying to flash to everyone your non existent features, trust me love, Josh is never gonna sleep with you!'

Y: 'I mean coming from the girl who has a crush on him, your literally a gold digger, the only reason your friends with her'

You point to Beverley whos standing behind Mia.

Y: 'Is because she has money, you tried using me cause of my dead fucking parents, what a disgrace. Beverley, shes friends with you for your money. Have you noticed that when you go out anywhere she 'loses her purse in the lecture hall'

She nods.

Y: 'Or constantly asks how your family made their money or just constantoy talks about money?'

She nods again.

Y: 'Shes with you for your money, not you, sorry to be the one to tell you'

I close my locker and walk away. You hear screaming behind you and Beverly and Mia are having a screaming match. I giggle and Josh watches me and smirks. He takes his phone out and I get a message notification.

J: 'We both know you started that'

Y: 'Well when someone acts like a gold digger and starts slagging you off in your face you gotta react somehow'

J: 'What was she doing this time?'

Y: 'Calling me a slut for being a virgin, like how the fuck does that make sense?'

Mia then pulls Beverlys hair and she screams.

J: 'Holy fuck, shits definitely going down over there'

Y: 'Yep, and it feels good to know that I started it and walked away pain free'

J: "As you should'

I ssmile and watch a teacher break them both up and get taken down to the nurses office. I get to class and the entire lesson felt very uncomfortable, feeling eyes constantly watching me...

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