Dark Mer

By ZoneRobotnik

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Rapunzel is just getting to used to life outside the tower and her short hair when a trip to the sea and an e... More



73 5 4
By ZoneRobotnik

Since he had been told by his mentor to hold off on using his powers to avoid exhausting himself, Varian camped out in the mansion pool for the next few days and studied books that his new "lackies" had found for him about alchemy, his tail lazily drifting behind him as he turned the pages and chirruped from time to time.

Though his powers had become known to everyone, only the most trusted knew of his true Mer form. Cassandra and Andrew stood guard to keep away any curious visitors so he could read in peace and Madam Tiri leaned against the pool wall next to him, also in her Mer form.

"I've learned how to control the black rocks, how to heal, how to take life and how to control water." He said thoughtfully as he read. "The rocks are earth element, water is, well, water...with those combined, I should be able to raise the Kingdom to land again. And my healing ability has to be the key to restoring the people of the Dark Kingdom."

"Interesting deduction." She said thoughtfully. "Perhaps you should try turning someone into a Mer to see if it will work the other way around first."

"I'm still not sure how that happened. I don't know if the healing power would've altered them." Varian leaned on the book with a sigh. "And, even if I was right, I'm not sure about the incantation I need."

"Look inside yourself." She reminded him. "But, not today. Today, you are going to rest and not use any magic. It would not do for you pass out from exhaustion like when you created that bridge."

He nodded. "I know. Especially since I'm planning such a big spell. I'll be fine, though."

She nodded, then pulled herself up to sit on the ledge around the pool. "You have come so far, my student. However, I worry that your arrogance will lead to your downfall. If you make one small mistake, you could end up beaten and dragged back to Corona to be used as a weapon." She reminded him.

"I know." He nodded. "I'm playing it safe, that's why I'm resting now." He grinned up at her. "They won't get me."

She smiled and rubbed his head affectionately before stroking the streak in his hair. "I sure hope not. They might torture you if they do."

"I'll be okay." He assured her gently.

"Varian!" Lance called. "I made you some cake!"

"Cake!" Varian chirruped happily, his conversation forgotten for the moment as the man set down a plate with a piece of cake on it. He eagerly dug in, his tail swishing happily in the water.

Lance smiled adoringly and sat down to watch him eat.


Rapunzel had gathered her favorite thugs (besides Hookhand, who was on tour apparently), Eugene, Pascal and Max to join her and Vigor on this trip. Madame Canardist didn't appreciate Rapunzel "borrowing Vigor", but a good amount of money changed her mind – as long as he was returned when Rapunzel was finished with him.

"So...you're the Lord Demanitus?" Rapunzel asked as they gathered around a fire for the night.

"Yes." The monkey nodded. "Before I would pass away, I swapped bodies with this chimp and preserved myself...though, it is...difficult to fight the creature's instincts. However, I have been waiting for the day you would come to me, sundrop."

Rapunzel awkwardly grabbed her long hair. "If you're Lord Demanitus, why can't you just tell me what the final spell is?"

"I...do not remember." He admitted.

"And here I was hoping you could be my mentor, like Zhan Tiri is for Varian." She said, looking rejected.

"I apologize. All I can do is...show you through the maze. The rest...is up to you." Demanitus said grimly.

"It's alright. It's enough that you're here at all." Rapunzel said, smiling a bit. "Can you at least help us decode it?"

"I can...try. It has been...so long." He nodded.

She sighed. "But we're missing three pieces...how long do you think you can be with us?"

"As long as...possible. If necessary...I can try swapping with something else, or...someone else." He said thoughtfully.

"Not it." Eugene spoke up.

"Of course not." Demanitus looked over at him. "You have...a different role to play."

"Say what?!" Eugene frowned.

"Heeeeey, maybe I can be of assistance." Shorty, the constantly-drunk ruffian that they'd brought along against Eugene's better judgement, suggested. "I don't mind being a mmmmmmmonkey for a while!"

"We will...need my machine for it. But...let's get through the maze, first." Demanitus said, nodding.

"So...what's my different role?" Eugene said, walking over and offering him a banana.

"You, who comes from the dark, must return to it to claim your rightful role." Demanitus said sagely.

"...What the heck?" Eugene blinked, confused.

Demanitus started to peel his banana. "When the Dark Kingdom rises again, you must reclaim what is rightfully yours."

"...Rightfully mine?" Eugene looked even MORE confused.

Demanitus seemed to be done talking, having started eating. Rapunzel shrugged, looking as lost as Eugene felt.

He decided to change the subject and went to sit next to her. "So, uh...Varian has healing now."

"Mmm." She picked up a stick and poked at the fire in front of her.

"Well, how did he learn that? He said that the two spells he had was all his mentor could teach him." Eugene went on.

"Maybe he was lying." Rapunzel sighed. "I don't know what to do. I'm just dancing to his tune at this point and I don't know the rhythm." She set the stick down and wrapped her arms around her knees. "He's making me sing a duet I don't know the words to – or want to sing."

"Oh, blondie..." Eugene wrapped his arms around her gently. "We'll figure this out."

"What if I can't? He's learning more spells, what if I only learn what's on this scroll?" She pulled out the piece of the scroll Varian had given her. "What if he beats me? Corona will fall. My father might be killed. I might be killed."

"Don't worry, princess!" One of the other ruffians, Big Nose, said cheerfully. "We won't let anything happen to you! We swear it!"

"Even at the cost of our own—oof!" One of the others got cut off by Eugene throwing something at him to shut him up.

"We're gonna be fine!" Eugene insisted with a nervous grin.

Rapunzel didn't look convinced and sighed, looking back at the fire. "The sundrop is in me...I am the sundrop. If he can harness the moon power in him...I should be able to harness the sun's power in me. I just...don't know how."

"Look...insiiiiiiiiiide." Shorty said before promptly passing out on the ground.

"Inside?" Rapunzel looked at him. "Inside where? Shorty?"

Maybe she should've brought her mother, but she was trying to help her father remember why he would've said such a thing about Varian and his powers and chose not to go this time.


Rapunzel stayed up long after everyone else had gone to sleep, staring at the fire as if it would give her some answers. She sighed and untied her hair, letting it hang loose around her completely.

"Look inside..." She sighed and closed her eyes. "Look...inside..."

The crackling of the fire filled her ears and she brought a hand to her heart, feeling it beat beneath her breast. She could feel...something. Hear something. Yes...she knew this tune. But...the words in her heart were...different.

"Fire, grow and flare. Let your sparks ignite." She whispered, and then opened her eyes, looking at the fire in front of her. She reached out hand as if in a trance as she started to sing.

"Fire, grow and flare.
Let your sparks ignite.
Kindle all my hopes.
And keep the world alight."

She reached her hand into the flames and, somehow, it didn't burn her. It shifted around her hand, which was glowing like her hair and eyes. She continued to sing, shifting her hands in the fire.

"Consume all that is dark.
Blaze with the sun's might.
Spread at my command.
And keep the world alight.
The world alight."

She raised her hands out of the flames and stood up, the fire lifting with her. She started to dance as she sang it again and again, feeling...powerful. What was this feeling? It was so intense. But it felt...good. Warm. Comfortable. Familiar.

"RAPUNZEL, YOU'RE ON FIRE!" Eugene cried in alarm.

She gasped and threw her hands out, the fire completely going out in her sudden panic to not get burned. "Uhm..." She looked at her hands, which weren't burnt, her dress that wasn't even singed, and walked over to kneel next to the doused fireplace. "Let's...try to fix this. With magic! Hehe..." She held out her hand over the flames and focused on her power, her hair, hands and eyes glowing as she sang again.

"Fire, grow and flare.
Let your sparks ignite.
Kindle all my hopes.
And keep the world alight.
The world alight."

To her extreme delight, the fire restarted and she moved her hand away as Eugene looked at the scene in awe. She smiled at him. "I have fire powers!"

"Uh...huh." He nodded, slowly walking over to examine her hands. "Not a burn...you're...wow."

She smiled. "I have fire powers." She repeated, happy blush on her cheeks.

"Well, baby," He smiled at her. "I've always known you could set my world on fire – in a good way." He kissed her sweetly. "But, you look tired. Let's get you to sleep."

"Mm." She smiled and let him lead her inside to get some sleep.


Varian was having trouble sleeping. Or rather, he was having nightmares. He didn't often have them, Madam Tiri usually kept them at bay, but she was currently using her powers to check in on Rapunzel for him and find out how close she was to finding the other piece of the scroll.

In his nightmare, he was a young pup watching as his mother was raised onto the ship in a lifeboat filled with water. As soon as she reached the top, she was suddenly bound in chains and thrown into a glass box full of water. He reached out with a shrill cry to the human woman who cruelly smirked at him before giving the order to leave. He tried to swim after, but his father caught him and held him tightly, the two of them helpless to save her.

Then the dream shifted and he was in the cell in the Dark Castle, the Dark King in front of him and sending fear through Varian's young body. But he wasn't the age he was when this actually happened. He was just a pup, helpless and weak.

He cried out for his father but was hauled along and put in the stone cage. He cried out and his entire body glowed before a wave was sent out and he felt himself slipping away into nothing--


He gasped sharply and blinked up at Lance, who was holding him tightly. "H-Hey..."

"We heard you screaming, they sent me over to check on you while they looked around for an intruder." Lance stroked his hair gently and looked him over. "What happened?"

"Nightmare." He looked down. "Just...just a nightmare."

"Oh, Varian..." Lance held him closer.

"Is he okay?" Cassandra walked over. "I checked the perimeter, no one got in past us."

"Just a nightmare." Lance assured her.

"Good." Cassandra knelt next to him. "You scared us, pup."

Varian chirruped a bit, smiling apologetically. She smiled and rubbed his head before getting back up and going back to her station.

"Wanna talk about it?" Lance asked.

"No." Varian shook his head. "I just want you to hold me."

"Then, I'll hold you." Lance smiled and gently rocked him.

Varian whimpered softly and clung to him, his tail shifting in the water and creating ripples.

Madam Tiri appeared next to him. "The princess is on the road, and she has learned to control fire, it seems."

"I'll douse her fire as easily as I damaged her castle." Varian said firmly. "She won't beat me. I won't be a living weapon."

Lance looked a bit worried but kept his thoughts to himself, rubbing the Mer's back gently.


The next morning, Varian started practicing controlling the water while in Mer form, under Madam Tiri's supervision. He was determined to stay five steps ahead of Rapunzel and keep practicing and making his power stronger.

At the same time, he knew, Rapunzel was probably practicing her control of fire in anticipation of their battle. It felt kind of good, knowing that she was finally taking their destiny seriously. Talking wasn't going to do anything, it would only end when one of them was beaten.

And he was determined for it to be her.

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