Hidden in plain sight - maze...

By Grace_mac_

27.7K 586 212

Maze runner - Newt Disclaimer - mild language, rape, grief and anxiety ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Everyone tho... More

Welcomes and warnings.
Chapter 1 - my name is...
Chapter 2 - exposure.
Chapter 3 - insomnia.
Chapter 5 - Permission.
Chapter 6 - the stabbing.
Chapter 7 - recovery or death?
Chapter 8 - Mum.
Chapter 9 - suicide attempt.
Chapter 10 - who's to blame?
Chapter 11 - new greenie.
Chapter 12 - the griever killer.
Chapter 13 - DR.A.P.
Chapter 14 - the right arm.
Chapter 15 - light.
Chapter 16 - taken or rescued?
Chapter 17 - kick.
Chapter 18 - bertha
Chapter 19 - Reunion.
Questions - please answer.
Explanation of the ending.

Chapter 4 - saviour.

2.2K 55 19
By Grace_mac_

Apologies for any spelling or grammar mistakes.
Newt's POV

I turned away in Hazel Grace's bed so she could only see my back.

I couldn't believe I met the most beautiful, strong, independent, kind girl I've ever seen, well I don't remember any other girls so.....
But I can't believe she wants me to forget about her, I have this magnetic pull to her like I need to get to know her. That when I look into her eyes I get a feeling of butterflies in my stomach.

I'm shocked she's been here all this time and I had never seen her.

She obviously hadn't been eating right as she was very skinny, probably because all she's been eating is our leftovers, and we are a bunch of blocks who eat a lot so usually there's barely even half a meal leftover. Which for some reason I feel completely worried for her, like I need to protect her...I don't know...maybe I'm crazy.

She makes me curious as to how she sneaked around without us seeing, how she was able to get onto the maze wall and went in the maze, how she seen a griever, how she built this treehouse all on her own. I just want to know more.

I heard Hazel Grace walk the other way from me. So I quietly turned back around to watch her sit against the window sill holding her knees to her chest while watching the stars from the window with her forest green eyes.

Bloody shanks I'm going crazy, she's making me crazy!!!
I know I just met her but I have this crazy pull to her, like I need her. Yep I'm definitely going crazy.

Should I do something?...Well what's there to lose.

"Hazel Grace, if this is the last time I see you will you at least lay down with me and try to fall asleep" I say a little sternly pulling up the duvet so there's space for her to climb in.

She turned around to look me eye, she hesitated like she's debating if she can trust me or not, which is completely understandable but then she slightly nodded and gracefully got into bed beside me. I watched as she untied her hair and ran her finger through it before leaning back. Im actually rather surprised I got her to lay down with me.

I decided to pluck up the courage to pull her closer.

I placed my arm around her small bony waist and pulled her close, she seemed startled at first by my warm touch on her cold icy skin but she relaxed and placed her head against my chest. I watched as a piece of her hair gracefully falls covering a part of her forehead so I gently brush the hair around her ear, and admire her beauty.

I took her hand in mine like my hand was made for hers. We just fit together so perfectly. She seemed a little confused and rather nervous, that her cheeks began to burn up to a shade of crimson red, making me cheekily smirk that I can affect her in this way. But once I started caressing her hand with my thumb she tightened her hold on mine and didn't let go. I just felt such a strong connection to her already, like we were magnets.

I was hoping she'd try and sleep, and of course a few minutes later she was out cold .
I watched her sleep for god knows how long, watching her chest rise and fall like my eyes were glued to her to make sure she was breathing that she was alive and this wasn't just a dream.
I softly kissed the top of her forehead and slowly drifted asleep.

Hazel Grace's POV.

Slowly my heavy eyelids fluttered open to notice I was still resting my head on Newts chests and to find my legs and hands tangled with his. We looked like a tangled mess, but in a good way.

I saw the bright light of the sun burn my eyes making me squint.
Wait...I fell asleep! I fell asleep!!! I FEEL ASLEEP FOR MORE THAN 3 HOURS!!!

How? Newt? Is Newt the key to my insomnia? Is it because I feel safe and comfortable in his arms?

"I fell asleep" I mumbled while smiling from ear to ear.

"I know you did" he replied with a little yawn.

"Woah newt I'm so sorr—"I say while trying to get up as I realise I'm still tangled up with him.

He cut me off "Don't say sorry, I liked it...just 5 more minutes pleaseeee" he pleaded as he pulled me down making his arm tense up, giving me butterflies, as I watch his veins pop to the surface of his skin.

So handsome yet sexy I thought. Ugh get these thoughts out my head, I can't fall for him. Although...

"Fine but only 3 more minutes" I say in cheeky tone, choosing my heart over my head.

I cuddled against him, without consciously knowing I did it. I just feel so comfortable and safe around him. It's not awkward at all, it's natural which is super weird as we just met.

"Newt, we have to get up, you need to show the other gladers your alive and not taken by a griever."

"Oh I forgot, they do probably think I'm dead...maybe that's a good thing, i fake my death and live with you" he said jokingly while getting out of bed, which made me chuckle under my breath.

I got up to got my dresser and chucked him a spare male T-shirt for him while I got changed behind a curtain.

After 5 minutes we were ready.

I lead him to the hatch for him to carefully climb down the tree, but before he could I placed my fingers under his chin pulling his face up to look me in my eyes where I gave him a slight kiss on his left cheek and whispered in his ear "thank you...for everything."

He gave me the biggest smile, not even trying to hide it and said "goodbye Hazel Grace, I hope to bump into you in the night." I felt myself blushing, so I had to look away from his chocolate truffle coloured eyes that I get lost in so easily.

He climbed down, and he was gone, back to the gladers.

I was just standing in a minute of euphoria.


Later that night I went out, you know to get things done. I cleaned up part of the blood house, watered the plants and restocked the bandages and medication in the Medjack hut.

Finally my last thing for the night, before Minho awakes to go into the maze, was to eat dinner. Usually I just ate their leftovers but when I walked inside the glader's kitchen I saw, a giant bowl of frypans stu.
I knew instantly that newt put this out for me.

I felt my stomach tie in knots as my heart fluttered. This feeling was scary and new, yet I let it control me.
I grabbed a fork and dug in, not worried about how non-ladylike I'm acting right now.

I walked out of the kitchen and then I joyfully skipped across the glade with a giant smile towards my treehouse.

Time jump (2 days later)

I hadn't seen Newt in person but I heard him talking with the others. Everything went back to normal except the fact, I couldn't stop thinking about Newt...replaying our moments together in my head.
Though he's still leaving out food for me, he even left a little note out for me. I want to say it was a poem but it was really a bunch of words that honestly didn't make sense. I began laughing at the memory of the note. He's trying way to hard but I honestly find it adorable.
Newt may not be very manly but I guess I kind of find that attractive. He stole my necklace the first time we met. He wears it, everyday. Simp.
I bet the gladers make fun of him for it, yet he still wears it showing commitment, god can he get more perfect.

It was nearly dinner time so I was sitting on my bed as I knew the gladers were out there eating, but instead I heard cheering...wait maybe shouting.

I took my binoculars and ran to the window in bare feet and noticed all the gladers crowding around the closing doors and shouting, I think someone isn't going to make it.

Know one has ever been able to survive the night in the maze due to grievers and changing of the maze.

The doors shut and everyone had there head in their hands.

Newt got up and looked right at my binoculars, like he could see me through all the trees and put his hands together pleading and mouthing "help...please help them." The desperation in his eyes was evident.

You would think I'd wait to think about whether or not I should help them, for I would be risking everything as I would have to show them who I am, when I had kept my self a secret for so long...well I didn't even hesitate, I got my gear to help.

I got 3 ropes, my grappling hook, and bow and arrow.

I stood at the edge of the tree where everyone could see me, well more like they were starring at me with confusion except Newt, he had his arms crossed smiling as he looked at me, he looked a little proud and happy. I don't know maybe I'm crazy.

I threw my grappling hook onto the wall and swung with my rope like Tarzan and landed on top of the wall.

I ran along the wall to where Minho and an unconscious Ben were. I threw down my rope and shouted "tie this around Ben's waist."
Minho looked super confused but he did what I said and wrapped the rope around his waist.
I saw a griever coming and I got my bow and arrow and shot it twice hearing the pang sound of the string, and the screech of the griever that echoed through the maze.
I pulled Ben up and over the other side sliding him down into the glade. Once the boys had untied him I pulled up the rope to Minho and he pulled him self up and walked to the other side of the wall and slowing walked down putting his weight on the rope. I got my supplies my grappling hook, ropes and bow and arrow. I jumped off the wall and landed on two feet. I was rather surprised how smoothly I landed, definitely boosted my ego. I looked up to see all the gladers looking at me speechless, I walked towards the forest till...

"Hazel Grace, the boys are going to need to be introduced" Newt said making the boys gawk at him to know he knew this secret girl.

"Meet at homestead in 10 minutes where I will introduce myself and take any questions they may have...good?" I got no reply so I kept on walking and I got into my treehouse to freshen up for the meeting.

This is not going to go well...

Thank you for reading chapter 4 of hidden in plain sight.

It seems Hazel Grace has shown herself?
how are the gladers going to take it?
Will it go well or not?
Why was newt looking so proud?

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