Our little secret

By Wild_Imagination_00

7.9K 308 179

Miranda and her Best friend Benjamin make a pack while visiting their families after some years More

Chapter 1
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10

chapter 2

698 33 5
By Wild_Imagination_00

"YALL KISSED!!" Callie screamed out

"Yes Torres tell the whole world why don't you" Miranda said pulling her best friend into a empty on call room.

"I'm sorry I'm just caught by surprised you and Warren kissed how was it I've always thought he would be an amazing kisser just by the look of him that man is gorgeous." Miranda glared at her "I know he is your best friend but you can't stand there and tell me he isn't a gorgeous man and don't get me started on his lips.." Callie was interrupted by Miranda.

"Are you done or would like to continue to gawk over my best friend or can I continue you to tell you what happen and why we even kissed to begin with." Miranda said placing her hands on her hips and giving Callie her famous Dr.Bailey stare.

"Okay okay all I'm going to say is that if I wasn't absolutely in love with Arizona at the moment I would totally be trying to hit that so what's your excuse Miranda." Callie said crossing her arms and giving her look back at her challenging her.

"HE'S MY BEST FRIEND CALLIE I..I CANT." Miranda yelled out in frustration making Callie roll her eyes and click her teeth giving Miranda are you serious look.
"Miranda you and I both know that just because he's your best friend doesn't make you Blind that man is one fine Specimen I know it and you know it Miranda, but hey if you want to pretend that he isn't that's all you girl." Callie said to Miranda throwing her hands up heading towards the door.

"Where are you going I haven't even told you all that happen." Miranda said turning around Watching her best friend leave. Callie turned around "Are you gonna be honest with your attraction for the man or are you gonna still pretend to pretend he isn't sex on wheels." Callie told Miranda making her scrunch up her face to side and roll her eyes at her best friend refence "sex on wheels".

"TORRES" Miranda whined causing Callie to roll her eyes and give in "go in head Miranda tell me why yall kissed and why you are freaking out." Callie said sitting on the small sofa in the room.
Miranda gave a weak smile and walked to the small sofa and sat down facing toward Callie. "Well my mother called me when I was scheduling my time off to go down there and visit them. She had asked me why I took off for so long and I assured her it was because  I wanted to catch up and spend some time with them, but she just assumed that I was just lonely and didn't want to be alone. I Quickly assured her I was not lonely that in fact I had a male friend." Miranda said putting a finger in the air.

"MIRANDAAA!!!! Callie screamed as she began to laugh uncontrollably causing Miranda to scrunch up her face and hit Callie on arm. "Ouch Miranda, but why on earth did you say that you don't have a male friend." Callie said rubbing her arm. "Do you think I don't know that Callie why do you think Benjamin got in the middle of it." Miranda said scoffing "how did he get in the middle of it all Miranda and what lead yall to kissing?" Callie questioned making Miranda roll her eyes she was getting there if Callie could just be patient.

"Well Torres if you could be patient and let me get to that you would find out now wouldn't you. Callie snickered and rolled her eyes at her best friend's statement. Well so after I said that I had one my mother proceeded to tell me that I was lying and that I didn't need to because there was nothing wrong with being lonely because everyone goes through that. Well I proceeded to tell her that I wasn't lying and that I do in fact have a male friend so she asked for his name and I blurted out Benjamin's name before thinking and she told me that she was looking forward to meeting him and asked if I was bringing him when I come down for my dad's party already being in so deep I said of course I am."Miranda said placing her hand on her forehead shaking her head at her own stupidity. 

Callie stared at her best friend covering her mouth so that she could hide how hard she was trying not to laugh at her. Miranda noticed that she was trying not to laugh at her and she blew out some air. "TORRES it's not funny what the hell was I suppose to do." Miranda said snaping at Callie.

"Um I don't know maybe just tell the truth." Callie rebuttaled back making Miranda click her teeth.
"And let my mother know that  she was right I think not  Callie you know better than that." Miranda told Callie as she hit her leg.

"Okay whatever what happened next to lead you and Warren suck face." Callie said rushing Miranda to continue on with the story.

"First off we didn't suck face just light kissing that lead to intensify kissing  to me on my back and him on top of me his hands roaming causing us to moan in the moment then immediately pull away saying goodnight." Miranda explained getting lost in  the memory of her and Ben's kiss Callie brought her out of her journey down memory lane.

"Damn Miranda im hot from hearing about it ik your body had to be on 100 cause oh my god." Callie said fanny her self blowing out some air.
"It was Callie that's the thing I don't know if I could do this, like my body reacts now to the sound of his voice by my ear as he whispers it never did that before or at least I thought it didn't but I don't even know at this point. You don't think I'm falling in love  with my best friend, maybe it's just because my body hasn't been involved with such intensity in such a long time right?"Miranda said trying to convince her self.

"Absolutely not, of course it's just your body being woken up from a long dry spell you are not falling for your best friend." Callie said trying to comfort her best friend as she saw that she was freaking out. Miranda nodded and smiled big giving Callie an hug and getting up to head home once Miranda walked out Callie dropped her head and began to shake it "Miranda girl you are screwed you are so falling for your best friend".

Miranda walked into the attending lounge to change so that she could head home. "YOU ready?" Miranda heard a deep voice ask in her ear sending a wave of shudders through her body. She knew who exactly who that was just from the voice "for what exactly Benjamin" Miranda said blushing uncontrollably and thankful that he was behind her and he couldnt see her face.

"Tomorrow Angela's engagement party the day where we begin our acting debut as a love struck couple, I'll be at your house to pick you up around 5:30 pm text me when you make it home safely." Ben said wrapping his arms around his best friend from behind placing and kiss on her cheek and squeezing her tight before walking to his locker and grabbing his stuff and headed out the door.

Miranda released the huge breath that she was unaware she was holding, her body was on fire why did he have this affect on her. Miranda rolled her eyes and blew out some air "you gotta get your self together he is your best friend you can't react to his touch like this." Miranda mumbled to her self changing out of her scrubs and out the doors of the hospital she went and on her way home.

Pulling up in her drive way Miranda turned the car off and went in she was beginning to dread their little plan why did their parents have to be so nosey. Part of her was excited because she loved the thought about learning more about her best friend meeting his family and seeing where he grew up and how he Interacts with them.
Another part of Miranda dreaded going and pretending to be a couple were they ready enough to make it believable could they really fool them into believing they were in love I mean yes their were each other's best friend and they almost know each other like the back of their hands so there was no doubt thay they had love for each other, but in a platonic best friend kind of way nothing more nothing less. Miranda just hoped they were both good enough actors to pull it off, because even though she didn't know Ben family she felt like they would be easy to convince. Her family not so much they are so skeptical about everything and since they didn't know anything about Benjamin until Miranda's mother brought up her being lonely. She knew it was gonna take  a lot more than  hand holding and few cheek kisses to make them believe and she just hoped they could pull it off. 

Miranda pulled out her phone and sent a text to Benjamin letting him know she. Made it home safely before she hopped in the shower. Miranda got out the shower and dried and lotioned up her body slipping on her night grown over her body.

She walked into her closet looking over her clothes she clicked her teeth she didn't have anything to wear tomorrow she didn't want to show up to casual or to formal so she needed the perfect out fit not to formal not to casual, but just right.

Miranda picked up her phone and called Callie "Hey girl missing me already." Callie said answering  the phone making Miranda roll her eyes. "No in order to miss someone you have to like them and I'm not sure I like you at the moment" Miranda said into the phone making Callie laugh in return making her laugh as well. "Well Miranda what do I own this pleasure." Callie asked  Miranda blew out some air "I don't have anything to wear and it's tomorrow Benjamin gonna be to get me at 5:30 tomorrow so I need your help to find the perfect outfit. An outfit that says I'm in love with your son and this isn't all a lie because we are tired of our meddling parents." Miranda said rambling off into the phone she was so nervous it was unsettling.

"Breathe Miranda of course I help you but I doubt I could find a outfit to say all that maybe let's start with hey my name is Miranda Bailey a kick ass general surgeon who dates your son." Callie said calming Miranda down and boosting her confidence back up.

"Your right I am Dr Miranda Bailey a  Extraordinary surgeon who kicks ass on the daily basis saving lives I got this there is absolutely nothing to be scared of they will love me" Miranda said  Confidently.

"That's my girl we will go to the mall tomorrow and pick out the perfect outfit Miranda you got this girl love you I got to go I'm being paged." Callie said hanging up after Miranda said she loved her too and that she would see her tomorrow.
Miranda inhaled and exhaled walking out her closet turning off the light and getting into bed "Tomorrow is gonna go great" Miranda told her self before cutting off her lamp on her night stand and sliding down her bed drifting off to sleep.

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