Falling For My Roommate

By swaylastories100

632K 5.3K 2.9K

'Oh come on Blair, I know you want me' 'No I dont, now let me shower in peace' I try push him but he grabs my... More

1. The Apartment
2. University
4. Fake Friends
5. Valentine's
6. Spin The Bottle
7. Running Into Her
8. A Breakup
9. Regret
Characters Personality
10. Almost
11. Confused
12. Mothers Day
13. A Hookup
14. Heartache
15. An Explanation
16. The Vibration Game
17. Panic
18. Horny
19. Losing It
20. The Morning After
21. Sore
22. Lies
23. Drowning
24. An Unexpected Visitor
25. An Unexpected Night
26. A Breakup
27. A Confession
29. A Decision
30. An Intruder
31. Naughty Girl
32. A Talk
33. A Ruined Date
34. A Reunion
35. The Agreement
36. A Conversation
37. Gunshots

3. The Messages

23.1K 212 265
By swaylastories100

I read the message for what feels like a thousand times. Its a hoax. This cannot be true. Their body's were confirmed and recovered at the scene! I'm not going back to that traumatic time.

I put my phone down and put it on charge. I block the number and spend a 45 minutes writing the essay. Once im done, I print it out and out it in my homework folder.

I go downstairs to the kitchen and look through the cupboards for ingredients. Once I've got everything, I start to make a stir fry. I add in noodles to a pot and start to cut up peppers and beans. I add them in and add some chicken and add the peppers and beans. I look through the cupboards and find some chilli sauce. I put it in and then season with ginger, garlic and some salt.

While I'm adding in the seasoning, I hear Josh come through the door. He comes in and smiles at me.

J: 'I was at lacrosse practise, what you making?'

Y: 'My version of a stir fry,'

J: 'Oooooo can I have some, smells really good,'

Y: 'Yeah sure, it will probably be done in 10 minutes.'

J: 'Ok time for a quick shower'

He goes upstairs and I finish making dinner. I put it in two bowls and grab some chopsticks. I go upstairs and go into Joshs room. He opens the door and ruffles his hair. Hes only in a dangerously low towel and I stare.
He looks at you and laughs.

J: 'Earth to Blair'

I look up at him and giggle.

Y: 'Sorry, yours is there's

J: 'Oh yes and the chopsticksss'

I laugh and leave. I sit down at my desk with my food and start to eat. I stare into space thinking about Josh and smile. I accidentally start to drool and Josh comes in. He looks at me and bends down. He smiles and gently wipes away my drool and I snap out of it. I look at him and wipe after him.

J: 'Thinking of me in a towel?'

I blush and roll my eyes.

Y: 'You wish, what do you want'

J: 'To say thanks for the food and that it's really good'

I smile.

Y: 'Thank you,'

J: 'So have you done the bitchs work?'

I look at him.

J: 'Miss Green whatever her name is I dont care'

Y: 'Yes I have, shes not a bitch, shes just strict'

J: 'Of course you'd say that miss teachers pet'

Y: 'Hey that was high school!'

He laughs.

J: 'Ugh I did 146 words that's good enough,'

You smile and nod.

Y: 'If she dont let you off then that just mean'

He smiles and nods and finishes his stir fry.

J: 'Should cook for us both from now on'

Y: 'Hey not all meals!'

J: 'No I'd cook some stuff, to be honest all I can cook is cupcakes and bread lmao'

Y: 'Oooooo maybe you could make that bread then'

Josh smiles.

J: 'Yeah sure I could do that's

I giggle.

J: 'So what's your body count?'

Y: 'Where did that come from lmao'

J: 'Just intrigued'

Y: 'What's yours'

J: 'Your avoiding the question,'

Y: '0'

Josh's jaw drops.

J: 'How are you a virgin?!'

I blush.

Y: 'I have social anxiety, hate going to parties or socializing in large groups'

Josh nods.

J: '18'

My jaw drops.

Y: 'How the actual fuck-'

J: 'I went through an f-boy stage when I was 16, had sex with like 13 girls in like 6 months. The rest were in relationships'

I nod, still shocked.

J: 'I mean you know what they say'

I look at him.

J: 'Virgins are the freakiest things on earth's

I giggle.

Y: 'Most probably true, all those horny 14 year olds'

He laughs

J: 'I was definitely one of those'

I giggle

Y: 'So when did you lose yours?'
J: 'Well in Canada you can legally have sex at 16, consent to it anyway, I was 3 weeks till I was 16.'

You nod.

Y: 'I wanted to lose mine before I was 18, but to be honest I've never been in a proper relationship so,'

J: 'When did you turn 18?'

Y: '1st June'
Josh nods.

J: 'What about first kiss?'

Y: 'I was 13, it was with my boyfriend of 1 week'

He laughs.

J: 'Dam 1 week! Any tongue?'

I burst out laughing.

Y: 'Your so interested in my love life!'

He laughs.

Y: 'No, it was just a 2 second kiss on the lips. My first tongue kiss was when I was 15 with a boyfriend of 1 and half months till I found out he was sexting my best friend'

Josh's jaw drops.

J: 'Ugh I hate girls/boys like that, it happened to me when I was 16. I was with this girl, we were together for 2 months and I found out she was only with me to get closer to my boyfriend who she had a crush on'

My jaw drops.

Y: 'Thats so awful! Did you love her?"

J: 'Now who's interest in my love life?'

Y: 'Hey!'

I both laugh.

Y: 'So when was your first tongue kiss?'

J: 'I was 14, it was at her parents house ok the day I met them. I went to use the bathroom and she barged in and we made out for like 2 minutes.'

I giggle.

Y: 'I've never made out with anyone before'

J: 'Trust me, it's really nice'

Y: 'Do you get butterflies?'

Josh nods.

J: 'Depending on the girl'

You smile.

J: 'Yeah makouts are really good, havent made out with a girl in a few months,'

Y: 'Try 18 years'

I both giggle.

Y: 'I wanna makeout with someone,'

J: 'Depends on who its with'

Y: 'Oh someones asking to be made out with now?'

J: 'Might be'

He bends down and strokes my cheek. My phone then calls and you both look down. I roll my eyes and Josh laughs. I answer it and its Mia.

M: 'Hey gorgeous what you doing?

Y: 'Nothing much, talking to Josh'

J: 'Lucky, I'd kill to hare an apartment with him'

We both suppress your giggles.

J: 'Oh really?'

Mia screams.


I both burst out laughing and then the call ends. That only makes me and Josh laugh even more. After a few minutes of laughing, I start to recover yourself.

Y: 'Oh bloody hell that was brilliant'

Josh: 'Yes it was, jesus christ should we call her back'

Y: 'Yeah I will,'

I pick up my phone and call her back.

M: 'If I'm on speaker I swear, you know i have a huge crush on him!'

Y: 'I didnt actually know you had a crush on him!

M: 'Is he in the room?'

Y: 'No you scared him off with your scary voice'

She laughs and so does Josh.

Y: 'So what did you want anyways'

M: 'Hazels at a party, unsurprising ly and I got really bad cramps and I've run out of pads and tampons.

Y: 'Sis I'm on my way, I'll go to the store and get you some stuff, give me your room number'

M: 'Dorm 1, room 15'

Y: 'Ok, see you soon'

You hang up and Josh looks at you.

Y: 'Mias run out of pads and tampons'

J: 'What about her roommate?'

Y: 'Partying,'

J: 'Not surprised, there was a huge party at one of my mates house, to be honest I had a better time here talking'

I smile.

Y: 'I'll be back in an hour'

J: 'Can I come? I just wanna know something'

Y: 'Know what?'

J: 'Nothing, come on'

Josh smiles and I get my purse. We take Josh's Ferrari and go into the store.

J: 'I came cause I have no idea what to buy if you ever needed me to get you some of this'

Y: 'Haven't had mine this month lmao'

J: 'Could be the next virgin Mary'

You snort with laughter and Josh smirks. You get her several packs of tampons, several of thick and thin pads and some chocolate.

J: 'How do you even put a tampon in? That shit looks like it hurts'

You giggle.

Y: 'No, it looks like it does but it doenst that much,'

J: 'Glad I'm a boy'

You giggle and pay for them.

J: 'Tf why they not free?!'

Y: 'Welcome to girl world, where you have to pay for sanitary products even though you didnt choose to be a girl's

Josh smiles and you drive to Mias apartment. I leave Josh in the car and go up to her room and knock. She opens the door and gives me a grateful smile.

Y: 'Bought your stuff, here you go'

M: 'As soon as I find out who you like Blair trust me I'm doing the same thing'

I giggle as I remember the call.

M: 'Lmao thanks Blair, your a real one'

She goes onto the bathroom and calls you in a few minutes later.

M: 'I dont know how to get blood out of sweatpants, do you know?'

Y: 'Yeah I do, come on'

We both giggle and go into the bathroom.

Y: 'Give me those,'

She reluctantly gives me her sweatpants and I start to wash the blood out.

M: you shouldn't have to do that-'

Y: 'Trust me, I'm an expert of washing out period blood, wow, the amount of times I've had to wash out my own wow'

After 15 minutes, I smile proudly at how jve got all the blood out, apart from a tiny light red stain.

Y: 'Ok I'd better go, call me if you need anything'

M: 'Ok thanks so much'

I smile and leave.

I go out the dorms and into the car.

J: 'You were a while'

Y: 'Had to get blood out of her sweatpants'

Josh nods and pulls out from the dorms. I start to yawn and end up falling asleep. Josh looks at me and smiles and parks. He goes over to my side and gently carrys me all the way up to the apartment. He opens my bedroom door lays me on my bed and wraps me in the duvet. He makes sure I'm still asleep and goes to his room.

I wake up the next morning to the sun on my face and my phone constantly going off. I yawn and pull the duvet over my face. I reach out and grab my phone from the bedside and open it. I look at my messages and feel my heart sink.

There are messages from different people telling me to kill myself, virgin and other mean things. I sit up and throw my phone across the room. Josh walks past the room and hears me crying. I hear him knock and he opens the door. He comes over to me and sits opposite me on your bed.

J: 'I'm not gonna ask if your ok cause your clearly not,'

I sniff. Josh takes a tissue out of his pocket and gently lifts my face out from my knees. He leans forward and gently wipes my eyes and nose.

J: 'Do you wanna talk about it?'

Y: 'I-i got l-loads of messages t-telling me t-to k-kill m-myself'

J: 'Wheres your phone'

I point to where I threw it and Josh goes over to it. He comes back with it and takes my hand. He opens it with my fingerprint and looks through the messages, blocking and deleting them all.

Y: 'W-who even got my number?'

J: 'Who have you given it too?'

Y: 'O-only Mia and you,'

J: 'Well I know for a fact I didnt do this, but what about Mia?'

Y: 'She wouldnt do that'

J: 'Some people arent who they seem to be,'

Y: 'I'm gonna get ready'

J: 'I'll make some breakfast'

I nod and get up. My alarm goes off and I smile and turn it off. I get up and get into the shower. After I change into a pair of black jeans and a tight camo crop top. I grab a black leather jacket and leave my hair down. While I'm doing my makeup, Josh comes in.

J: 'Oi breakfast is ready'

Y: 'Thanks, one minute

I finish doing my eyeliner and grab my phone. I go downstairs with Josh and see waffles with whipped cream, strawberries and blueberries.

Y: 'Omg! I love waffles!'

J: 'I remember you telling me last night that this was your favourite breakfast and cause you were sad I thought I'd make it for you,'

I smile and hug him. He grins and hugs me back. I sit down and start to eat.

J: 'So when was the bitchs homework due?'

Y: 'Stop calling her that lmao! Tomorrow,'

Josh nods and I finish your breakfast.

J: 'Also one of my mates said that theres a party tomorrow night,'

I nod.

Y: 'As I said, I dont go to parties'

J: 'Please come with me,'

Y: 'Why do you need a date or sum? Cause I can assure you that I know LOADS of girls that would volunteer for that'

He laughs.

J: 'Nah, gotta turn stay at home, work work work Blair into party animal Blair'

I snort.

Y: 'No chance, come on'

I grab my bag and go down to the cars.

J: 'Say you'll think about it?'

Y: 'Fine, I'm only thinking about it so you stop irritating me'

He laughs and gets in his car. I get to uni and park in the same spot as I did yesterday. I go to locker and Mia hugs me.

M: 'Hey bestie! Thanks so much for last night, I really needed it'

Y: 'Oh come on, it's what any decent girl would do for another,'

M: 'And the purpose with Josh, I'm still pissed but mainly happy for that'

I giggle.

Y: 'Any time, what do we have first?'

M: 'Langauges, what are you doing?'

Y: 'I chose Italian, you?'

M: 'Ughhhh I chose Spanish, aw now we wont have every lesson together!'

Y: 'We didnt have every single lesson together in the first place!'

I feel my phone vibrate and it's another message. I look at it and sigh. I turn it off and look at Mia.

M: 'Everything ok?'

Y: 'Yeah, I'm going to class'

I walk off and go to Spanish. After lessons I see Mia whispering to a group of girls. She notices me and smiles and comes over.

M: 'Hey! So where should we go for lunch?'

Y: 'Where do you fancy?'

M: 'Ok I saw this really nice salad bar place, on Maine street which I thought we could go to,'

I smile and nod. We go over to my car and drive to the salad bar.

M: 'There, wow that looks so nice'

Y: 'I know right,'

I park and go over to it. I go inside and sit down.

M: 'Wow this is expensive,'

Y: 'Yeah kind of, my maximum to spend on lunch or food a day is $10,'

M: 'Nah mines more then that!? Are you poor or sum?'

Y: 'No, just saying I dont wanna blow my money'

M: 'Well you can afford to since you have all that inheritance from your parents, plus you said you were fostered by some rich people in Vegas, and you said that your here on a scholarship so your not even paying the fees so you an afford whatever you want!'

Y: 'Ok 1. Just cause my parents died does not mean I spend all their money on food, that's in a savings account. 2. Yes my foster parents were rich but that does not mean you have the right to say that and 3. I worked so hard for that scholarship, and just cause I'm not paying for my tuition doenst mean I can afford to splash my cash about, so please keep your opinions of that part of my life to yourself.

Mia shrugs and decides on a large chicken ceasur salad. I take my time choosing and Mia starts to nag me.

Y: 'I know I sound like a guy saying this and I dont mean to be rude, but your so moody today! Your acting so pissed at me for no reason.

She rolls her eyes.

M: 'Come on Blair just choose I'm starving!'

Y: 'I'll have a medium crab salad please.

M: 'Really a medium? They are big portions, dont wanna get fat.'

Y: 'Y-yeah your right, small one please'

She smiles and then order drinks. You have water and Mia gets coke.

M: 'So how was Italian?'

Y: 'Yeah it's good, I dont think it's that hard-'

M: 'How?! Spanish is so hard I literally cannot pronounce anything! I sound like some cringy American for Gods sake!'

Your food arrives and Mias eats hers so quick she gets impatient with me again.

M: 'Just put it in a doggy bag and have it later! Also can you drive me back to Uni? Cant be bothered to walk'

Y: 'I dont have lessons this after noon so I'm going home to study,'

M: 'Lucky, let's go!'

I then notice Mia slide her purse to the very bottom of her bag and she exclaims.

M: 'Shit I left my purse in the lecture hall! Can you pay for mine?'

I nod slightly and realise her food came to almost $30.

Y: 'Sorry, I only got $10, it's my budget you see, plus I saw you slide your purse to the bottom of your bag'

I grab your bag and go out my car. I get in and see Mia run across the road to get in. I suddenly pull it and drive off leaving her behind. I drive back to the apartment and get inside. All I can think about is one thing. Josh was right.

Please remember to vote, comment and follow for more! Stay safe xx

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