One girl , six friends: A Fre...

By Magic_Musician

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Fred and Jamie were friends but they wanted more. Jamie had two dreams in life. one to start a band with her... More

About O/C and characters.
Chapter 1 : Start of the Winter holidays.
Chapter 2:First night in the burrow.
Chapter 3: The Joke shop and confession.
Chapter 4 : Back to the burrow
Chapter 5: The Music room
Chapter 6: The question ?
Chapter 7: Christmas day.
Chapter 8: The idea.
Chapter 9: Sleepover.
Chapter 10: Morning after
Chapter 11: New years eve.
Chapter 12: Caught.
Chapter 13: Date
Chapter 14: Rhiannon and George.
Chapter 15: Moving day.
Chapter 16: Shopping.
Chapter 17: Valentines day.
Chapter 18: Ron's Birthday.
Chapter 19: Holiday Pt.1
Chapter 20: Holiday Pt.2
Chapter 21: Home time.
Chapter 22: Pregnant?
Chapter 23: Big news.
Chapter 25: Date night.
Chapter 26: Twins Birthday.
Chapter 27: Girls day.
Chapter 28: Party Time
Chapter 29: Friends
Chapter 30: Rhi's Birthday.
Chapter 31: Trouble in paradise.
Chapter 32: Invite.
Chapter 33: End of a era.
Chapter 34: Reunited.
Chapter 35: Best friends.
Chapter 36: Ginny's Birthday.
Chapter 37: Getting ready.
Chapter 38: The Ball.
Chapter 39: Fun day at Burrow.
Chapter 40: Fun times.
Chapter 41: The office
Chapter 42: Double date.
Chapter 43: Romeo.
Chapter 44: New addition.
Chapter 45: Rose Weasley.
Chapter 46: Hinny.
Chapter 47: Clubbing.
Chapter 48: A Problem.
Chapter 49: Theme park.
Chapter 50: Jamie's Birthday.
Chapter 51: Winter days at the Burrow.
Chapter 52: It's the most wonderful time of the year.
Chapter 53: Beautiful girl.
Chapter 54: New year.
Chapter 55: Family time.
Chapter 56: Marriage.

Chapter 24: Family.

23 1 0
By Magic_Musician

(T.W: Sexual content. Like most of the chapters. :) ) 

"Jamie, Jamie dear." Molly said to Jamie while trying to wake her up. 

Jamie groaned and opened her eyes to see Molly stood next to her. 

"Morning." Jamie said to Molly.

"Morning dear. I know it's early but will you help me make breakfast. Bill and Fleur  and Charlie have turned up." 

"Yer I will be down in a min mum." Jamie smiled at Molly. It was weird calling her mum but Molly  practically was her mum. She raised Jamie. 

Molly left the room and Jamie got out of Fred's grip. She found one of Fred's hoodie's and put it on. She then kissed Fred on the forehead and headed downstairs to the kitchen. 

Jamie walked into the Kitchen to see Charlie sat at the table. 

"Hey, there's my fav Weasley." Jamie smiled as she walked over to Charlie and hugged him.

"There's my favourite sibling who is not my sibling. I seem to have many of those." Charlie smiled referring to Jamie, Harry and Hermione.

"I better be. How's Romania?" Jamie asked picking up a mixing bowel to help Molly with breakfast.

"Good. We have a bunch of new dragons that have just come. As soon as I got a owl from Ronnie I knew I had to come and see if the news is true." Charlie said as he also started to help in the kitchen.

"Well the news is true. You are going to be a uncle. I was there when the pregnancy was confirmed." Jamie told Charlie.

"Well your going to be an auntie to. You and Fred are piratically married when's the wedding." Charlie laughed.

"Shut up dragon boy. At least I have a boyfriend. I don't see your boyfriend anywhere." 

"One day I will have a boyfriend. The men in Romania are not ideal." Charlie wagged his finger at Jamie and the pair laughed.

"Will you two actually help. Chop these for me." Molly said handing Jamie and Charlie food to chop.

"Will do mum." The pair said at the same time.

"Mum ,now eh." Charlie nugged Jamie.

"She is my mum. Molly did raise me from the age of  12." Jamie told Charlie. 


Breakfast was now ready and Jamie and Charlie were sat together at the table chatting. Jamie and Charlie became really close when the pair met. Jamie was the first one to know that Charlie was Gay and Jamie and him were always trying to find him a boyfriend.

Slowly all the Weasley's that were at the Burrow were coming downstairs to eat. Ron and Hermione sat next to each other. Harry was sat with Ginny and Jamie and Charlie were sat together messing around. Fred was still yet to surface. Bill and Fleur were sat at the head of the table with Molly, Arthur chatting away.

"Jamie will you go and wake up Fred." Molly asked.

"Yer." Jamie replied and stood up. Jamie walked straight to Fred's room and opened the door. Fred was still asleep snoring lightly with his mouth open. 

"Freddie , babe wake up." Jamie nugged Fred. He didn't reply and rolled over. 

Jamie walked to the other side of his bed and bent down to his level. "Fred you need to wake up. Breakfast is ready and your brothers are here." Fred just opened his eyes slightly and grabbed hold of Jamie and pulled her into bed. "Fred come on." 

"Morning." Fred said into Jamie's ears with his morning voice. Jamie wouldn't admit it but his voice slightly turned her on.

"Morning. Do you want breakfast?" Jamie asked Fred.

"No I want you." He smiled.

"Well you aren't getting me. Breakfast is ready and your brothers are here to visit." Jamie told Fred. 

Fred pulled Jamie closer to him and gave her a kiss. Jamie obviously kissed Fred back. Fred then moved so he was on top of Jamie. He was kissing Jamie and was moving his kisses down her neck nipping at the skin. Jamie was enjoying herself but she knew that the family was downstairs and her breakfast was waiting. But before she said anything a voice came from the door.

"Come on brother. Breakfast is ready." Charlie said from the door way. Jamie smiled at him.

"Really. I have been told, now leave. " Fred said to his brother.

"Fred come I'm hungry." Jamie said sliding out from underneath Fred. Fred got out of bed without bothering to put his shirt on. 

"Your backs a bit scratched." Charlie giggled from the door way. "Sure you don't wan to put on a t-shit." 

"I don't care." Fred said connecting hands with Jamie. The three of them walked downstairs. Fred sat on a chair and pulled Jamie to sit on his lap. Jamie went to get of Fred lap when she felt that he was hard so she stayed sat on is lap so no one noticed and so he wouldn't get tormented by his brothers and sister. 

"So what you guys doing today?" Arthur asked the kids.

"I'm just going to chill today." Bill told his dad.

"Me and Mione are heading to Hogwarts to tell Ginny about Hermione being pregnant." 

"When George and Rhi turn up. Me, George , Charlie and Harry are going to mess around on the brooms." Fred said.

"I will join, Rhi will to most probs." Jamie told the group.

"Who's Rhi? " Bill asked.

"Oh my best friend Rhiannon she's also George's girlfriend." Jamie told Bill. 

"wow George has a girlfriend." Charlie said shocked.

"J got them together." Fred told his brother.

"I only recommend to George him and her would be a good match." Jamie told the boys.

"Well I better be off to work, bye guys." Arthur said standing up.

"Bye." All the group shouted to Arthur. 


Hermione and Ron had gone off to Hogwarts. Bill and Fred were doing something upstairs and Jamie and Charlie were sat on the couch.

"So When you going back to Romania?" Jamie asked Charlie resting her head on his shoulders.

"Don't know. Can't stay here to long though can I got dragons to look after." Charlie said in a sad tone wrapping his arm around Jamie.

"I miss you all the time. You are the most calm Weasley I have ever met." 

"Well thank you. My family is crazy." 

"Yup." Jamie laughed.

"So how's your relationship with Fred?" Charlie asked.

"Good. I love him." Jamie told Charlie.

"well someone has to. I still can't believe it took you so long to tell each other." Charlie laughed.

"Oh shut it. " Jamie laughed back. 

While the two was talking Jamie fell asleep cuddled up to Charlie. She had woken up earlier than normal and had been doing things all day. So a nap would have to do until Rhiannon and George arrived. Charlie didn't dare move so he stayed as still as he could while Jamie slept as he knew she would be annoyed at him for waking her up. 

Fred had gotten dressed and shown Bill some new items for the joke shop while Jamie was sleeping. When he came downstairs and saw Charlie's arm around Jamie and it pissed him off. Even though he knew his older brother was gay he was still jealous of Jamie and Charlie together on the couch. After sitting in the kitchen waiting for Jamie to wake up or George to arrive Fred kept thinking about how Jamie was snuggled up to his brother in the living room . So he decided to wake Jamie.

"She still asleep?" Fred asked his brother even though he knew the answer.

"Yup." Charlie replied.

Fred walked over and sat where Jamie's feet where. He shook Jamie a little while he called her name. She woke up and looked at Fred.

"Hey babe." Fred said to Jamie.

"Hi sexy." Jamie smiled.

"Rhi and George are going to be here soon. You need to go and get dressed." Fred told Jamie.

"Yer I do. Do you know when they are going to be here?" Jamie asked.

"No clue. You never know with them two." Fred said back.

"True. Come on babe." Jamie said as she got up from the couch. "Thanks dragon boy." Jamie smiled at Charlie.

Jamie walked upstairs to Fred's room with Fred following her. Jamie stripped and put her clothes on not caring if Fred was watching.  She then brushed her teeth and hair than sat on Fred's bed with Fred.

"You alright Freddie?" Jamie asked.

"Yup." He replied.

"You sound a bit annoyed." Jamie told Fred.

"Really." Fred said sarcastically.

"Why are you annoyed." Jamie said as she put her arms around Fred and placed her head on his chest.

"You fell asleep with my brother on the couch." 

"Really Fred." 

"Yes really. It's like me falling asleep with Rhiannon on the couch." Fred said 

"I wouldn't mind that because I know you and Rhiannon don't have feelings for each other. Plus why you annoyed that I fell asleep on the couch with your brother one we are friends second he defiantly doesn't fancy me he's gay . Third I was really tired and I fell asleep while talking." Jamie kissed Fred's jaw.

"I know. I was just jealous I guess I wanted you to fall asleep on me." 

"I do nearly every night." 

"I know. Because your mine ." Fred smiled.

"Yup. I'm yours." Jamie said giving Fred a kiss.

"I love you." Fred told Jamie.

"I love you." Jamie said back to Fred.

The Jamie laid on Fred talking until George and Rhiannon arrived. It was around twelve in the afternoon and Fred was getting annoyed his twin wasn't at the Burrow. Eventually around twelve thirty Bill shouted to say that George and Rhiannon had arrived. Fred and Jamie ran downstairs.

"Yo, why so late." Fred asked his twin.

"We had things to do." George replied Jamie looked at Rhiannon and her expression said it all. They were shagging.

"Yer thinggggs." Jamie smiled.

"Oh shut it Jam." George said as he gave Jamie a hug. Jamie left the twins to talk to Rhiannon.

"Hi, you alright." Jamie asked.

"Perfectly fine." Rhiannon smiled.

"Perfectly fine shagging George." Jamie laughed and Rhiannon laughed to. "Anyway you need to meet Charlie - CHARLIE." 

Charlie came out of the kitchen and walked over to Jamie."Hi, you must be Rhiannon." 

"Yes I am, you must be Charlie." 

"Indeed." He smiled.

"He's a right fittie isn't he." Jamie playfully nugged Charlie.

"Jamie your boyfriend is right there," 

"So. Plus Charlies gay so he won't steel me from Fred."  Jamie laughed.

"Yup i'm gay and single so if you know anyone please hit them up."  Charlie smiled

"We will have to go boyfriend hunting , you are pretty handsome." Rhiannon said to Charlie.

"You hear that boys your girlfriends think i'm fit. I think I might steel them." Charlie shouted at the twins.

"Oh really." Fred walked up to Jamie kissed her then fireman lifted her. "Well I just stole her from you." Fred laughed then ran out the house. The others just watched it happen.

"Freddie. Put me down I'm going to fall." Jamie said as Fred ran through the garden. Fred stopped running near the pond.

"I think you need to have a swim." 

"Fred I swear to got. DO NOT PUT ME -" Before Jamie could finish her sentence Fred had dropped her in the pond. "FRED" 

Fred just giggled. Then he stripped down to his boxers and jumped into the pond. Bill, Charlie, Fleur , Rhiannon and George watched all this happen from near the back door.

"He is bloody crazy." Bill said to the others.

"They are in love. Let em be." Fleur said to Bill. 

Now George had done the same to Rhiannon and the four of them were swimming in the freeing pond. Jamie swam up to Fred and she wrapped her legs round his waist and her hands were round Fred's neck. Fred went into kiss Jamie and she kissed him back. The kiss deepened and they started to make out with each other forgetting that there were two others in the pond. 

"You two get a room please." Rhiannon splashed water at the couple.

"Will do." Fred smiled and splashed water back at Rhiannon. Fred picked Jamie up and got out the pool. 

"Fred put me down please. We are not having sex when your family are in the house." 

"It's not stopped us before." Fred said putting Jamie down.

"What. You had sex in the house when we were home." George said as he over heard getting out the pond with Rhiannon.

"I can tell you one time. New years."  Rhiannon told George.

"How she knows that." Fred asked Jamie.

"She knows everything. I look at her and she knows." Jamie told Fred. 

The four dried off with a spell , the boys put their clothe back on and got the others to play quidditch. Hermione and Ron had returned home meaning that group could play quidditch but without a snitch because the Weasley's didn't have one. 

There were two teams. Team one was Rhiannon as keeper, Charlie and George were Chasers and Jamie was the beater. Team two was Ron as keeper , Bill and Harry as Chasers and Fred as the beater. At the back of the Burrow on the field there were goal posts. So everyone mounted their brooms and Hermione released the balls.

Everyone except Bill had played on quidditch teams during their time at Hogwarts however Bill was still a really good player as he grew up playing with his siblings. George had scored three goals and charlie had scored five. Bill had scored three and harry had scored three goals. Making team one win at the moment. Fred nearly hit Charlie wit the bludger on multiple occasions but Jamie always hit the bludger back at one of the chasers on the other team. 

Everyone was getting tired and the game was getting boring. Jamie saw a bludger coming at George so she went to hit it away, however she got hit right in the stomach and nearly fell of her broom. Jamie being hit was the end to the game nobody wanted to play no more and nobody wanted any more injury's. Everybody landed and Hermione ran over to Jamie to see if her stomach was alright.

"Jamie are you hurt?" Hermione asked.

"I will be fine Hermione. I played as a beater for six years at Hogwarts." 

"But it was a big hit." Hermione told Jamie lifting up her top to see the damage. "Jamie you are already bruising."

"I'm fine. Bruising is nothing." Jamie smiled with pain in her side. 

The others had come over while Jamie and Hermione was talking. 

"Sorry J." Fred said while he walked over to Jamie and lifter her top to see the damage like Hermione did.

"It's alright. Was a accident." Jamie smiled through the pain. 

"I think you have broken a rib." Rhiannon pointed out.

" I will be fine." Jamie told everyone.

"I think you should go to mum she will check you out." Ron mentioned.

"Fine. It's not like I played as a beater for six years." Jamie huffed as she walked back into the house to Molly.

"Mum." Jamie said trying to be really nice to Molly so she would get shouted at for getting hurt.

"Yer dear." Molly said back. Jamie lifter her top to show Molly the already bruising stomach.

"I think I have a broken rib. Anything to fix it?" Jamie asked.

"Of course. Next time dont get hit." Molly said as she walked over to Jamie. Molly muttered some spells and gave Jamie a pain relief potion. "should be back to normal in a couple of hours. But the bruising will stay for a couple of days." 

"Thanks. I love you." Jamie kissed Molly on the forehead and left to sit in the living room. Everyone came back in. 

"I'm showering first." Bill said as he ran up the stairs. 

"I'll be back in like a hour. I'm going to shower at mine." Rhi said as she took the floo network to her's and Jamie's flat. 

"Same with me. Sorry Fred." George took the floo network to the twins place. 

"I tax the other shower." Ron said as he got up. Hermione and Harry followed Ron upstairs. Signalling Harry wants to shower after Ron. 

"Well i'm showering after Bill." Charlie said.

"Please do you stink." Fred told his brother.

"Charming." Jamie said. Fred pulled Jamie closer to him on the couch. "Ouch, Fred I am still in pain." 

"Sorry darling." Fred said giving Jamie a kiss.

The group talked in the living room until Bill came downstairs and Charlie left for his shower. Jamie and Fred went upstairs to get their things for their shower and to wait for Charlie to get out. 

"you having a shower with me?" Fred asked Jamie.

"Yer if you want." Jamie smiled back at Fred. 

Once Charlie was out the shower the pair went into the bathroom started the shower , undressed and got in. 

"Turn around I will wash your hair." Fred told Jamie. She obeyed and let Fred washed her hair he made sure to massage her scalp. Jamie re-paid the favour by washing Fred hair. 

"Wanna gift?" Jamie asked looking at Fred. 

Fred smiled at Jamie "What kind of surprise." 

"A surprise where my lips are around our cock." Jamie whispered into Fred's ear. Fred just smiled and kissed Jamie. Jamie kissed Fred and trailed kiss all down his body till she got his v-line. 

Jamie wrapped her hands round Fred's already hard cock. She then started to tease the tip of Fred's length with her tongue. Fred let out moans letting Jamie know he was enjoying it. 

"Shhh Freddie. You don't want the other to hear." Jamie said battering her eyelids at Fred. Fred pulled Jamie's hair as she sucked his cock still having her hands around the base. Fred was very large and Jamie wouldn't be able to take all of Fred well she though so. Fred pushed Jamie's head so she could take more of him and she took in most of his length letting out a gag as he hit the back of her throat. 

"Fuck J- You do this so good." 

Jamie just carried on taking in Fred's length letting out small moans so they vibrated through him. She felt Fred's cock twitch. 

"Babe i'm going to come." Fred said through gritted teeth. Jamie carried on and moaned on Fred's dick until she felt a warm salty liquid hit her thought. She swallowed and stood back up.

Fred kissed Jamie. Fred's kisses got deeper and he started to kiss Jamie's neck. "I can't let you miss out on the fun. Jump." Jamie jumped and her back was pushed against the cold tiles on the wall. "remember to be quiet." 

"Don't worry I will be." Jamie smiled and kissed Fred. He aligned his hard cock at her entrance and pushed into Jamie filling her up. Jamie knew she wouldn't last long as she was really turned on. 

Fred kept thrusting into Jamie hitting her g-spot every time. Jamie griped onto Fred's arms digging in her nails Fred liked the pain. Jamie was already close and Fred could tell she was a she clenched her walls around him. 

"Fred, i'm close." Jamie moaned in Fred ear.

"Come for me." Fred said. With a couple of more thrusts Jamie came muffling her moans into Fred's shoulder. Fred came for the second time quickly after. 

The pair of them cleaned each other and got out of the shower ad quickly walked up the stairs to Fred's room so no one saw them. However they were seen by Bill as he was coming out of the room he was staying in.

Jamie and Fred shut the door of the room and started to get changed. While Jamie was changing Fred looked over and saw the bruising from the bludger. 

"You are bruising bad J. Looks sexy on you though." Fred said kissing Jami's bruises.

"Well thank you. You always look sexy when you were bruised or damaged from a game." Jamie smirked and kissed Fred. 


Everyone was now clean and sat at the table for dinner. Everyone was hungry and Hermione looked like she could eat a horse. 

"Hungry Mione." Jamie asked.

"Very. "She said back.

" The Kids' gonna turn out like Ron and eat all the time."  Fred told Hermione.

"oh I hope not. I cant have two of them needing food all the time." Hermione said. 

"What's wrong with eating food all the time." Ron said.

"Nothing. But you eat like there's no tomorrow." Harry told his best friend. 

"I'm just wondering are you and Ron together." charlie asked.

"No, she won't take me back." Ron told his brother. 

"Yer because when you asked me out again you said we should date cause you knocked me up." Hermione told Ron. Everyone Ooo'd at Hermione's comment. 

"You are meant to say take me back because I love you." Jamie told Ron. 

"Noted." Ron said .

Molly dished up dinner and everyone gulped it down. The table had all sorts of conversations going on. After everyone had finished Jamie helped Molly clean up like normal then went back upstairs to the twins room. Rhi, Fred and George we all chatting to each other. 

For the rest of the night the four just chatted about the old times and future plans for the shop and themselves. When it got late the four became quiet Rhiannon and George had fallen asleep in George's bed. Jamie and Fred snuggled up together in bed. Fred wrapped his arm around Jamie and Jamie held onto his hands. 

"How's your side?" Fred asked.

"Good. Doesn't hurt no more." Jamie said as she gave Fred a peck on the cheek.

"Good.Night babe." 

"Night Sexy, love you ." 

"Love you." Fred and Jamie fell asleep in each other's embrace. Jamie dreamed about what the others were talking about earlier the future of the four of them.

(A/N: This is the longest chapter I have ever wrote and it is like the most boring one. Oh well I do want to start making my chapters longer. Hopefully over half term I can write more as I dont have online lessons. Hope you enjoyed xoxo) 

(Word count 3755 words)

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