Classroom Of The Elite : The...

Od Crystalcursed

431K 13.9K 4.3K

This is my first fic and I've no plans to update it any sooner. And believe me, even I cringe at some parts. ... Více

Some Words Before You Start
Prologue - Is Society Equal
Chapter 1-Class D
Chapter 2-The beginning
Chapter 3-The Truth
Chapter 4-Class A
Chapter 5-A New Acquaintance
Chapter 6-The Midterms
Chapter 7-The Midterms (Part 2)
Chapter 1-Trouble
Chapter 2-The Idol
Chapter 3-Curiosity
Chapter 4-Betrayal?
Chapter 5-Trial
Special Chapter-The mysterious Kouhai
Volume 3
Chapter 1-Freedom
Chapter 2-Plans
Chapter 3-Special Exam-Part 1
Chapter 4-Special Exam-Part 2
Chapter 5-Special Exam-Part 3
Chapter 6-Special Exam-Part 4
Chapter 7-Special Exam-Part 5
Special Chapter - Aftermath of the Island Test
Volume 4
Chapter 1-The Mischievous Sprite
Chapter 2-The Sports Festival
Chapter 3-A Painful Memory
Chapter 4-Nagumo Miyabi
Chapter 5-The Thorn in our Side
Chapter 6-Ibuki And The Pervert
Chapter 7-Sudo's Rage
Chapter 8-Ayanokouji's Blunder
Chapter 9-Counterfeit
Chapter 10-The Battle between the three years
Special Chapter - The Face Of A Monster
Special Chapter - The Face of An Angel
Volume 5
Chapter 1 - The Game Of Truth And Lies
Chapter 2 - Suspicion Arise
Chapter 3 - Exposed
Chapter 4 - The End Of Peaceful Life
Special Chapter - The True Him
A.N. The 50th Chapter
Volume 6
Chapter 1 - A New Friend
Chapter 2 - A New Challenge
Chapter 3 - Beneath the Sunset
Chapter 4 - The Battle For Class A
Chapter 5 - Preparation
Chapter 6 - Not Alone
Chapter 7 - Motive
Chapter 8 - A Can Of Beer
Chapter 9 - Expulsion
Special Chapter - Someone He Can Trust
Volume 7
Chapter 1 - Secrets
Chapter 2-The Cold Eyes
Ship Confirmed
Chapter 3-The Hiyori Group
Volume 8
Chapter 1 - Something Special


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Od Crystalcursed

I stood in front of the woman who had called me to the deck. The test had just concluded and I was summoned by her. I can't actually refuse a teacher so I decided to go along.

"Honestly Ayanokouji I am impressed. Whatever means you might have used but you still managed to win."

"I believe you are satisfied then."

"Yes, for now this will suffice."

"Now I believe I owe some answers. Did that man contact this school again?"

I was sure she wasn't going to answer but I still asked as to check whether my deduction is true.

"Yeah, your father told me. Ayanokouji Kiyotaka will choose expulsion of his own accord. You are going to burn your wings just like Icarus did when he went after freedom."

I moved closer to her and stared at her with nothing but coldness in my eyes.

"Chabashira sensei stop lying. Because I was thinking why would you care about asking me to help class D. You show everyone that you don't care about reaching Class A but you are the teacher who cares the most aren't you."

Chabashira sensei flinched under my cold eyes and bluntness and that confirmed my suspicions.

"That means my father never contacted you. Because he would never bother to talk to a teacher. He would directly go to the director of this school. I know how that man thinks. He won't bother with nobodies like you at all."

Chabashira flinched again hearing my tone and words.

"That means you have been using me on your own accord. I wonder what might be the reason. You have a vague idea of my abilities considering you approached me. So, does that mean, you are trying to use me to reach class A."

I glared at her. She just averted her gaze and couldn't speak at all.

No, she can't speak even if she wants to. I just exposed Chabashira Sae in front of her own eyes.

I just turned and left, not bothering to look at the fearful expression on her face. That would give her a message, I am not the one with whom you should mess with.



I was outside with Class. Nearly All the students in Class D were throwing looks at me but I didn't care. Finally, shinohara and Karuizawa came and stood in front of me. Many more students followed her.

Shinohara started speaking, "Uh Ayanokouji Kun..."

I raised an eyebrow.

Shinohara averted her gaze and blurted out, "LookI'mSorryforaccusingyou."


Karuizawa sighed and said, "Matsushita san told us everything. How you acted on her plan. She also told us why you decided to save those Class C students. We are sorry for doubting and isolating you."

Everyone had an apologetic look on their face. It was kind of embarrassing for me to be apologized by everyone so I just said,

"Don't worry I had agreed to matsushita's plan so it was my decision but I hope we all can be friends rather than doubting each other."

With that everyone's expression lit up, "Yeah we are never doubting Ayanokouji Kun again, he and matsushita san will lead our class to victory."

Matsushita gave a nervous smile to the girls as they all flocked around matsushita praising her.

I shrugged and made my way my room. On my way I met with a pair of sharp eyes.

Ibuki Mio

"Huh you." She too looked surprised on seeing me.

"Hi" I simply said.

"Damn you. So matsushita girl was controlling you all along. Tch we should have never trusted you."

With that she went on her own way not sparing a glance at me.

Trust huh?

But Ibuki I have never trusted you, not even once.


Third Person POV

Horikita was sitting on her bed. The results were announced few hours ago. She got up and messaged a person. She wanted to know what exactly had happened. She was in her room when the results were announced. So, she was more than surprised when the results were announced. No one expected Class D to come first.

She made her way to the upper deck. The sun was setting and the sky was looking peaceful. A gentle breeze gave a touch that the Speranza was actually floating in air.

Standing before her was the man she couldn't figure out. She just couldn't understand him.

"Ayanokouji Kun what did you, No I don't want to know that. Just tell me why did you help the class when you said you didn't have any interest in helping?"

The brown-haired boy just looked at her with a calm expression, "Remember Horikita, I asked you a question in the exam. What exactly are you aiming for? Give me a reason why I should help you reach Class A."

Horikita narrowed her eyes and answered, "Because we can reach class A"

"Stop lying to yourself Horikita. "Ayanokouji spoke bluntly.

Horikita flinched at the accusation thrown at her.

"You don't care about the whole class reaching class A. You just want yourself to reach class A. you don't care about any of the classmates, you just do everything alone. But you don't realize one thing. You are actually the most useless in the class currently."

Horikita couldn't believe her ears. It was the first time someone other than her rother had called her useless. She was used to always being praised by everyone around her, continuously feeding her ego.

"Answer me Horikita, what have you done this whole exam other than slowing the class down. If someone else was the leader than we could have gone to spot hunting all days."

It was true. The leader was needed to capture a spot. As Horikita was the leader it was her responsibility.

Horikita still tried to escape from Aynaokouji's accusation, "But I was sick."

Ayanokouji didn't let her escape, "You should have not become the leader then. But you still became one to protect your ego."

She didn't have an answer for that.

Ayanokouji sighed and put a hand on her shoulder. Horikita didn't respond to the sudden contact as she was too stunned by his earlier words.

"Rely on the Class Horikita. If you can do that than I might become your ally whom you can rely on."

With that Ayanokouji left to confront the person who was hiding and listening to the exchange between him and Horikita.

Horikita realized, just how foolish she was. Ayanokouji was right, she was too busy in reaching class A that she forgot that she needed allies.


Ayanokouji POV

I walked to matsushita who had been listening to my conversation.

Once I reached there, she spoke, " You are good at lying. You yourself wanted and planned to make her a leader didn't you."

I thought about what all I had done this exam. My plan started when the leader was being chosen and Class D students were still suspecting that I was a traitor.



Matsushita looked at me and I whispered in her ear.

"Our best chance is to make Horikita a leader. She won't nominate herself because she is sick. But you nominate her."

After listening, she nodded and made her way to hirata.

"Hirata Kun, I think we should choose a person who is capable of leading the class well. Therefore, I nominate Horikita San to become the leader."

Horikita was surprised. She never expected this. All the students agreed to it. Because Horikita herself didn't have any problems. She was still keeping her tough act.

Her sickness was taking a toll on her. She might not be able to keep the act for the whole exam. But still I wanted her to be leader.

Flashback End


She was correct in a way but in truth I don't think I lied completely. Because Horikita is the one who accepted to become the leader so she was the one with responsibility.

Next, I found out where ibuki had hidden the digital camera and destroyed it to move to the next part of the plan.



Ibuki looked at me but averted her gaze.

"Why don't you get the card itself then. "I said breaking the silence.

She looked at me in surprise. "Just what are you getting at?"

I replied in seriousness, "Exactly what I mean. Steal the card."

She looked at me awaiting explanation and I began to explain my plan.

"I would create an explosive situation in the class. Then you and me can steal the card while the class is still in tension. Horikita would not suspect me and I would divert her attention so that you can do your job......" I continued to explain some more points.

After I had finished explaining, she looked at me in suspicion, "How do I know that this is not a trap?"

I just stared at her showing my indifference for her suspicions, "Not that you have any choice."

Flashback End


I had told Ibuki that I would be the one creating the explosive situation but it was a trap and she fell into it.

Ibuki was not the one who had stole Karuizawa's underwear. It was Matsushita.

I had instructed matsushita on everything and as planned she met me outside. She put the underwear in my bag as planned and we both went to sleep.

So, when at morning it was discovered that Karuizawa's underwear was stolen chaos broke. Ibuki thought that this was my plan but she was shocked when the underwear was found in my bag. Matsushita acted perfectly. I had planned to leave the camp on my own for my next plan stage. Ibuki was definitely shocked. She feared that someone had caught up to her and my plan so she became restless and made a move on the same day when she had the opportunity.

Then came the main part of my plan to sacrifice Horikita. As I had instructed matsushita to distract the whole class and take them to take away there mind from the recent conflicts. Of course, not everyone would have agreed on going to explore the place for fun but matsushita used the excuse of the dark clouds over the sky.

It was true it rained heavily on fourth day and clouds were visible on the third day. So, class accepted her excuse and went on spot hunting

Horikita didn't go as she gave excuse of guarding the spot. And then all went according to plan. When Ibuki stole the card, Horikita didn't have anyone to ask help for so she followed ibuki.

She wasn't confronting Ryūen and ibuki which conflicted with my plan.

So, I pushed her so that Ryūen and ibuki could see her.

Ibuki saw my face but I had escaped by then.

Then after half an hour I went back to find an unconscious Horikita on the floor. I took her to the teacher's camp and I used one condition put on the list

Leaders can't be changed without a valid reason.

Retirement due to health issues was a reason enough to change the leader.

Once the leader was changed, I bought necessary supplies for me using the points in the card and handed the card to matsushita.

So, when it was night I went to search for spots and secure them. In three nights, I managed 4 spots. It was easy as I already had an idea where the spots were. The boat had taken rounds of the island. From there the spots were visible.

My retirement was not announced to anyone as I had never retired. But matsushita had informed them that I have retired so everyone was surprised when they found me walk out from the forest on the last day.

Ryūen knew Horikita was retired and there were rumours that I had retired too so he found the person who had the card. It was too late to infiltrate class D again as no one would believe ibuki now.

So, he assumed that matsushita was the leader.

And that's where he lost.

The real leader was me

Ayanokouji Kiyotaka

"What was your goal? "She asked me.

My goal was simple. To remove the suspicions on me and make Matsushita the leader of the class. Everyone now believes that I saved Class C boys under the order of Matsushita Chiaki.

In short in this exam, I had neither gained anything nor lost anything. Now I am just an ordinary student in the eyes of other students, just like I wished to be.

Now if Ryūen decides to leak that photo with which he was blackmailing I would simply say Matsushita gave me the order. In short, I'm back to living my life as an ordinary high schooler.

Matsushita suddenly asked me, "Now what do you plan to do now. Next exams are going to be more hard now."

"What do you mean, I don't plan to do anything." I simply said.

She narrowed her eyebrows, "You know it right that I know all your secrets. I can expose you whenever I want."

Suddenly the atmosphere became tense. I remained silent and let her speak.

"I expect you continue contributing to the class Ayanokouji Kun. I don't mind being your tool. Because that's what you have done this exam. I was just a tool for you to remove the suspicions that you were a traitor. Now everyone believes that I was the one who saved those Class C people. I think you are good at manipulation so that's why I'm saying."

She moved closer to me and whispered in my ear.

"Stay in the sidelines if you want and take this class to Class A."

With that she left me. I was left alone there. The sun had set. The moon was quite beautiful.

Matsushita you want to be my pawn huh?

But remember one thing,

Every pawn is disposable.


A.N. Here we go guys, Volume 3 is finally complete. LoL did you think matsushita betrayed ayanokouji. Lol you all fell in Ayanokouji's trap then. I foreshadowed a lot of things as the story progressed.

So then how was this volume?Do tell me.

Credits to the owner of the image. I found it on web.

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