The first hit || Benny Rodrig...

By Ghost_Skeleton101

23.4K 302 41

When a girl move to California from Arizona everything changes for her, when she meets the best people of her... More

Moving day
Camp out
Happy birthday
Phone call
The date
The AccidentοΏΌ
Wake up call
Broken nose
Your out
Like a light
The almost kiss
Morning sunlight
I love you too
Night Drive
10 years later

Pool hotties

732 10 0
By Ghost_Skeleton101

July 3rd
    It's been 2 weeks and I have been going to the sandlot everyday. Also tomorrow was the forth of July and Benny might be doing something special. We finally got the approval of my doctor that I could play sports and do normal activities again but I have to be careful. Today was going to be hot and I knew the boys were going to somehow bribe Benny to go to the pool. So I grabbed a bathing suit.

I shoved the bathing suit in my bad and ran downstairs yelling. "Baseball!" Luke was in the kitchen eating toast and I grabbed it from him and ran out the door. He just laughed and chased after me. H caught up to me right as I ate the last bite. "Dang it!" He yelled. "Haha!" I laughed. We walked in and all the boys were in the dugout but squints and yeah yeah weren't there. "Where squints and yeah yeah?" I asked. "Getting a ball." Benny answered. "Well I am finally free!" I yelled putting my hands in the air. "You can play!" All the boys yelled excitedly. "Yup as long as I'm careful." I said nodding once. "Of course the one day it really hot, we're gonna be miserable." Ham said putting his head back. About 5 minutes passed and Squints and yeah yeah still weren't there. Finally they came in, yeah yeah was dragging squints by the arm. "Where you guys been we were waiting here forever already." Benny said. "Ah squints was perving a dish." Yeah yeah said putting the ball in Bennys glove. "Shut. Up. I wasn't." Squints said annoyed. "Yeah yeah you were your tongue was sticking out of your head and you were SwOoNiNg, oh Wendy peffecorn my darling lover girl!" Yeah yeah mimicked. I tried as hard as I could not to laugh. "I said shut up. I've got a lot of things on my mind." Squints said putting his glove on the bench. "Yeah like Wendy?" I said trying to embarrass him. He glanced at me then looked away. "This pop isn't working Benny I'm baking like a toasted cheeser, it's so hot out here." Ham said throwing his glove down. "150° degrees outside you can't play baseball, you gotta call it for the day."
"You gotta listen to him Benny man."
"Yeah yeah."
All the boys complained.
"Vote then! Anybody that wants to be a cant hack it, panny waist.. who where's there mommas bra raise your hand." He said trying to discourage them. I didn't raise my hand but everyone else did. They all looked at me. "What?" I asked. They all looked away quickly. I just chuckled. "Come on its Brooke first time being able to play baseball." Benny said. "Hey don't bring me into this I don't care where we go, And Squints it's not 150° out here." I said laughing. "Whatever. Anyways you heard her Benny she doesn't care!"  Squints yelled. "Fine! Fine! Fine! Be like that, so what are we gonna do?" Benny asked annoyed. All the boys looked at each other smiling. Then yelled. "The pool hotties!" I just laughed and Benny rolled his eyes then smiled a bit. "The pool hotties?" I asked. "Yes every girl that goes there is hot." Ham said. I raised my eyebrows at him to make him nervous. "Y-you will also be hot- I mean not like that- but you know what I mean." Ham stuttered. all the boys were nervous now thinking they said something wrong.
"Y-yeah you also look good."
"Mhm amazing."
All the boys said trying to find what there mistake was.
"So you all think I'm hot?" I laughed and took a sip of my water. "W-well uh- yeah I guess." Benny stuttered. I just started busting up laughing. All the boys looked at me questionably. "I'm messing with you guys." I laughed. All the boys sighed in relief and started walking to the pool. It wasn't very far. "Don't you need a swim suit Brooke?" Ham asked. "I have one." I said trying to hold on a laugh. "Wait what how did you know we were going to the pool?" Benny asked. "I know you guys to well." I said finally letting out the laugh. All the boys just laughed with me until we got to the pool. I payed then went inside the bathroom. I wasn't a very insecure person with my body it was my face I was insecure about. I knew I was fit especially now because I played sports. I walked out and the boys were all playing in the water. It wasn't hard to spot them because they were about the only ones in the pool. I sat on the edge and put my legs in the water. I closed my eyes and put my head slightly back to soak up the sun. Ham was first to spot me and he got all the boys. They were all staring at me besides Luke. "Stop being pervs boys!" Luke yelled. "We were right Brooke is hot. They must have not really seen me much last time because I went straight to the water. I took my hair out of the bun it was in and letting it fall. I shook my head to let it fall perfectly to my waist. I looked at the boys and noticed they were staring. "Stop looking at her like that creeps." Luke laughed quietly. I waved at them and they looked away quickly. Ham got out to get snacks. He came back with nachos and sat next to me. "Want some?" He asked. "No im good." I replied. "Good I wasn't gonna give you any, anyways." He said taking a chip and eating it. I laughed and laid my head back again.
"I hope you know all the boys are staring at you. I looked at him and giggled.
"Yup I know." 
Ham laughed and kept eating his nachos. He finally got done with his nachos and went to go throw them away. Then he walked back flirting with the ladies. "Heyyy, ohh sexy, I remember you." He said pointing at all the girls. I giggled until he yelled. "Cannonball!" And splashed me. "Ham!" I yelled. He looked back a smiled. "You jerk!" I then dove in and splashed him. We had a splash fight that all the other boys joined in. I inhaled water like the dumb person I am and started coughing. All the boys stopped. "You alright?" Luke asked. "I'm fine I just inhaled water." I laughed. "Okay."
"I'm gonna go get a drink be right back." I said getting out of the pool. "Wait I will come with you!" Benny yelled. I waited for him until he got out. As we walked there was a group of boys and they all checked me out or whistled. It made me kinda uncomfortable and Benny noticed. He put and are around me and gave dirty looks to all the guys. Then he saw one particular guy and stopped. They both stared at each other for a few seconds. "Come on Benny." I said pulling him away. "Sorry." He said looking down. "It's okay..who was that?" I asked. "That was Phillips and his little annoying gang of terrible baseball players."
I laughed and went up to the drink stand.
"You want anything?" I asked Benny. "I will just have a water." He said handing me a dollar. "No, no it's okay I got it." I insisted. "No it's fine just take the dollar." I shook my head and ordered. He rolled his eyes playfully and smiled. "Three waters please."
"Three?" Benny asked.
"Yes three or Luke's gonna take mine."
Benny nodded. I pulled out my money and tried to give it to the boy working the stand. "No, no it's on the house." The boy winked. I smiled and looked over to Benny he had a jealous look on his face. I rolled my eyes and gave him a water. We started walking back to the pool. "Jeez I never get free stuff." Benny said sitting on the edge of the pool. "It's called pretty privilege." I laughed. "What's pretty privilege?" DeNunez asked swimming up to us with the rest of the boys. "Getting free stuff for being pretty." I said taking a sip of water. "You got free stuff!" All the boys yelled.
"I never get free stuff." DeNunez said dramatically.
"Are you pretty?" I asked. 
"I can be." He laughed. I laughed with him and so did the other boys. I then finished off my water and splashed the boys. "Oh it's on." Ham said. Then all the boys started splashing me. "Okay okay you win!" I laughed and they all stopped. "Hold on I will be right back." I said getting up. I grabbed my empty water bottle to throw it away. I walked by the same group of boy and the started whistling again. I glared at them and the boy in the middle walked up to me. I quickened my pace to throw away my water bottle. "Hey I'm Jake Phillips." He said to me as I walked. "Uhm I'm Brooklyn Stone." I said. "Now what's a pretty girl like you doing with a bunch of slobs like them."
I looked over to the boys staring at me and Phillips. I gave them a look that said help me and they all came running. "Leave her alone Phillips." Benny said giving him a death stare. "What I'm just making a little conversation with a pretty girl has nothing to do with you."
"Well she does happen to be my sister so it does have something to do with me." Luke said stepping forward. I could see him clench his jaw and his fists. I grabbed his arm to calm him down because I knew he would punch him there in the spot. "Pft whatever, let's go boys." Phillips said motioning his "gang" to follow him. "Are you okay?" Luke asked. "Yeah I'm fine." I said then walked back to the pool. They all followed behind me. We went back in the pool and played around until something caught the boys eyes. A girl she had dirty blonde hair and bangs. She was wearing a lifeguard bathing suit. She was rubbing lotion on her legs and arms. "Awe man."
"Yeah yeah to cruel."
"She don't know what she's doing."
"She don't know what she's doing."
"Yeah she does she know exactly what she's doing."
"I have swam here every summer of my adult life!" Squints said taking off his glasses and cleaning them. "And every summer there she is lotioning, oiling, oiling! Smiling, smiling. I can't take this no more! Move!" He said pushing past us and swimming away. "He's an adult?" I said but the boys ignored me. They were still looking at the girl. I laughed "Guyss, Guysss...?" I thought of something that would make them look. "I'm taking my top off!" All the boys looked quickly. "Oh wow." They all flushed red of embarrassment. "Wait what's squints doing?" I asked as squints made his way out of the pool. "What's wrong with him?" He went on the diving board. "Three summers of this I think he finally snapped." DeNunez said. "I don't know but that's the deep end and squints can't swim!" Yeah yeah exclaimed. Squints took off his glasses and waved at Wendy. He then plugged his nose and jumped. "Squints!" Everyone including me yelled. We all swam to him and Wendy jumped in. We all got out and ran to him. "Somebody help him!"
"Help him!"
Everyone yelled.
Wendy then grabbed him as we yelled. They picked him up and payed him on the ground. "Pull threw buddy!"
"Come on!"
I saw a little smile on Squints face and knew that it was all play. He just wanted to kiss Wendy. She started giving him CPR. "Come on squints!" Everyone yelled
"Yeah yeah he looks pretty crappy."
"Oh god he looks like a dead fish."
He then opened his eyes slightly and smiled. All the boys were confused.
Squints then grabbed the back of Wendy's head and kissed her. "Little pervert!" Wendy yelled.
"Oh man he's in deep shit!" Wendy grabbed Squints arm and dragged him out of the pool. All the boys tried to pull him back. "And stay out!" She yelled throwing us out. "Sorry." I whispered before running with them. She gave me a smile and walked back. Everyone threw us out clothes. Of course my clothes were soaked. "Here, here's your shirt." Ham said to squints. "Did you plan that?!?!" Ham yelled. "Course I did been planning it for years." Squints said proudly. I rolled my eyes a giggled. "You guys he planned that, he knew what he was doing!" Yelled ham. Squints stopped and looked at Wendy threw the fence. "Damn my shirt is soaked!" I yelled. "Here you can wear mine it's dry." Benny offered. "But then you won't have a shirt?"
"It's fine I don't need I'm a guys obviously." He laughed. I took it and put it on it went down to about a little above the middle of my thigh. "Thanks." I smiled. All the boys smirked at Benny and then squints came back. All the boys laughed. "Shut up!" Squints yelled as we ran back.


This ones really long 😂 word count 2256! Have a good day/night.

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