Diamond in the Sand

By proxideus

31K 975 360

04/10/20 Just a romantic story This fanatic will be long *Warning* There will be SMUT More

A fool, but a good friend?
Gaara the Kazekage
Guest to a Lonely House
Let's go, Ninjas, Let's GO!
Eye of a Storm
Why Him?
It's only You
Sticky Situation
It's a Trap!
It's Never Too Late to Pull Out
Sick Day Off
World Against Us

Facing it head-on! (Finale)

857 36 19
By proxideus

Gaara tried to focus back on his pending work, but all he could do was mindlessly stare at the sheets of white paper while his mind kept repeating the previous scene. Remembering the feeling of Naruto's large calloused hands traveling down his chest and the wet feeling where Naruto traced funny figures on his neck. The simple thought aroused the Kage, rubbing his legs together under his desk. Gaara was so ashamed that this is what he was reduced to a horny animal by the yellow-haired ninja. He couldn't take it anymore he sat up and decided to go out and get some fresh air to clear his mind.

It had been well into the afternoon and there was a slight breeze, that created a pleasant sound as it ruffled the leaves of trees. Roaming the streets of Konoha he watched as the people passed him by in groups laughing together, and the children were eagerly playing amongst themselves in the nearby sandbox. Although he could never grow accustomed to such a different environment, he enjoyed the liveliness of all civilians in Konoha. As he passed the children a strong breeze blew his robes, which drifted in the wind in the manner of elegance befitting him. A collective wail made Gaara suddenly turn back to see a group of children no older than 6 years of age, crying because their sandcastle had been destroyed by the heavy wind. He mentally chuckled seeing the children's innocence, much like his own as a child. Gaara walked up to the kids, who looked mortified by the Kazekage not because of his past; they were much to young to know that, but because of his scary appearance resembling a black panther. Equally scared were the children's parents as they warily looked at each other deciding on whether to drag their children away from the ex-sociopath. Flinching as they saw the kage squat beside the kids, and telling them something that was out of range for the parents to hear.

"Why are you crying?" the kage asked.

"Our-Our sandcast-le.... it was blown away", a little girl responded seeing that her friends were to afraid to say anything.   

"Hmmmm.....is that so...", Gaara said, putting a finger on his chin attempting to look as if he was in deep thought, "Do you guys like magic?" he asked another question.

All the kids were easily satisfied when they heard the word "magic", their eyes seemed to sparkle. "Yeah" they all chirped excitedly in unison. 

A warm smile appeared on the man's face, "Make sure you don't look away, okay."

He extended his arm so that his hand was hovering right on top of the toppled sandcastle. Slowly the children could see the sand moving slithering around, pouring into each other morphing into walls, windows, and the roof of a much more dignified sandcastle. The toddlers giggled in delight as they saw the sand transform into two other figures, of dancing pandas. At this point, the adults had gathered around in wonder to see the Kage's jutsu in action, also in amazement. 

Naruto Pov:

Naruto had been back home after the entire ordeal with Gaara, he laid in bed trying to nap, every time he closed his eyes he had this uneasy feeling in the pit of his stomach. He finally had someone that loved and understood everything about him, yet he worried that Gaara's feelings would change. Maybe there would come a day where Gaara would no longer need him; when all his village people would accept him and he would realize that he no longer felt lonely. Of course, that could never happen Naruto thought, he would try his best to be the best and Gaara's only boyfriend. Naruto sat up and high-fived himself. From now on he felt a fire light up inside of him with a newfound determination. He quickly walked towards his door, grabbing his jacket and wallet with him only turning around to lock his door. 

He ran through the center of Konoha where shopowners, started to turn on their outside lights as the late evening was approaching. 


Gaara Pov: (hope this isn't confusing)

Gaara felt happy, his whole body felt fuzzy and warm and it wasn't until he felt the weight of a body over his, pulled him back to reality.

"Yo", Naruto said, cheekily grinning as he hugged the smaller person from behind. 

"Sorry, kiddos but I have to steal this person for a minute", Naruto said which was met with a collective whine. The blonde chuckled at the response as he pulled himself and the red-head up by the wrist and whisked him away. Gaara followed silently behind being pulled at the wrist, Naruto turned around and said, "I have a surprise for you" with the cutest smile. They stopped when they arrived at a vacant dock, which overlooked a small pond. 

Gaara stared at the taller boy puzzled. Tilting his head to show his confusion and slice of wonder at what Naruto had in store for him. 

Naruto on the other hand was bouncing in excitement and nervousness, fumbling as he reached into his inner jacket pocket. Quickly grabbing the "surprise" and clutched it in his hand. 

"What is it Naruto?" Gaara already felt anxious and physically felt the loud vibrations of his heart.

Naruto was already short of breath, he could feel his mouth growing dry as he took deep breaths, preparing for his next lines.

"Gaara, I know that we both don't really understand this whole love thing, yet and I'm just a loud-mouth loser, who hasn't even become a Chunin. But I just want you to know that I will always love you most, and become the best man out there so you will never know pain again. S-so with that said......um.....would you like to spend the rest of your life with me..." Naruto, with trembling fingers, dangled a necklace with a single diamond in his hand. 

Naruto impatiently waited for a response as Gaara tried to process his words; he noticed his usually bored teal eyes, now wore a glossy sheen. Was that a good sign, bad sign? Naruto thought.

Gaara collapsed on his knees, bawling his eyes out, he couldn't hold all that was bottled up inside his heart. What was usually tucked away in a safe somewhere deep in his heart, was easily destroyed by a couple of words by the blonde. All the uncertainty, fear, and desire he felt for Naruto was suffocating; hearing now Naruto reciprocating these wants as well made it all that hard to make a decision, for he didn't want to ruin his future with an actual family. 

Naruto was so flustered he kneeled down in front of him trying to wipe away his tears and muttering apologies. 

"I'm sorry Garra, I'm sorry. Did I push too hard?, I'm sorry. Please don't push me away again", Naruto pleaded. 

Gaara shook his head vigorously. "It's not you Naruto. Don't you want a family?" Gaara said in between sobs. 

"What? Of course, I want a family", Naruto answered confused. 

The response made Gaara want to vomit his lunch, "Naruto, I'm a man, I can give you children. I can't give you the family you want"!

"What?!Huh!? Is this what this is all about? Gaara, that doesn't matter, you don't need children to make up a family. Even if I do change my mind, we can always adopt, okay so please don't cry anymore." Naruto tried his best to comfort Gaara. 

"Adopt?" Gaara asked regaining composure.

"Yeah, yeah, we can give a kid just like us a family; someone they can go home to, wouldn't you like that?" Naruto asked.

Gaara nodded shyly, as he rubbed the raw skin below his eyelids.

"I love you," Gaara said.  

"Is that a yes?" Naruto asked.

"Only if the necklace fits," Gaara locked eyes with the blonde. 

Naruto chuckled as he jumped Gaara into a hug, half crying himself. 


It was already dark out when both decided to head back, Gaara was being carried by Naruto on his back, sporting his dainty but nonetheless sparkly pendant. They both blabbed on and on about their possible future child. Arguing whether Ciel or Ruby would better fit the child, or what they would grow up to be, whether their personality would resemble either-or. 

Gaara giggled at the funny comments made by the ninja, as he never wanted this moment to stop. The cool breeze against his back, or the silence that resonated well with Naruto's voice. Soon they approached Gaara's apartment where they awkwardly got off each other and Gaara entered his home, holding the door open as he watched the blond shyly. 

"You know the night is long.." Gaara whispered.

Naruto smirked at the comment, "Are you tempting me?".

"Was it effective?" the red-head asked cheekily.

"Extremely", Naruto answered as pushed Gaara against the wall and shut the door. 

~~~~~~~~~~~(pls tell me if you want to read what happens here, anyways onward to with the time skip!)

Naruto awoke by the rays of light hitting his eyes. Slowly sitting up he noticing, that Gaara wasn't beside him, of course, he knew that by now Garra was well into his journey back to Suna. Last night being his last day here, he spent every second of it with Naruto.

Naruto was engulfed by this bittersweet sensation of his lover leaving, yet a sweet feeling, knowing that he would be waiting for him. 

He's mine, Naruto thought.

His Diamond in the Sand.

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