Hollywood Stars

By hessunshine

3.3K 55 10

Sophia is a struggling actress who is all too familiar with the famous heartthrob Harry Styles, reputation. W... More

Chapter One
Authors Note
Chapter two
Chapter three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty One
Chapter Twenty Two
Chapter Twenty Three
Chapter Twenty Four
Chapter Twenty Five
Chapter Twenty Six
Chapter Twenty Seven
Chapter Twenty Eight
Chapter Twenty Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty One
Chapter Thirty Two

Chapter Seventeen

73 2 0
By hessunshine

//Sophia's Pov//

I wake up the next morning in Harry's bed, the cold comforter covering me and Harry's arm still wrapped around my waist. "Harry. Babe wake up," I say and he groans before sitting up.

"Good morning beautiful," he says running his fingers through his hair. His other hand never leaves my waist. "I have an important question."

"Okay. Shoot."

"Do you regret last night?"

"Harry a lot happened last night," I say and he sighs.

"Do you regret sleeping with me?" He asks and I shake my head. "It's okay if you do. We have been moving quickly."

"Harry. I don't regret it."

"You don't?"

"No Harry," I say and he bites his lip.

"Are you sure you don't regret it?"

"I'm sure."

"But what about my reputation as a womanizer?"

"What about it Harry? We both know that's not who you are."

"So you really don't regret it?"

"No. I don't regret sleeping with you because I love you, you big idiot!" I say regretting it as soon as the words leave my mouth.



"Did you just say-"


"You did!"

"What did I say?"

"You said you love me. Or did I hear that wrong?"

"I love you Harold Styles," I say and he smiles.

"Say it again."

"I love you, big dork. And I'm not saying it again so don't even ask," I say and he smiles.

"It's alright cause you said it," He says and I roll my eyes. I pick up my phone and my eyes widen. "Crap Harry we're gonna be late and I don't have clothes!"

"What about the ones you wore to my house last night?"

"I wore them yesterday."

"Nobody will know. Just throw them on. You'll have to get into costume as soon as we get there anyways," Harry says and I nod.


Harry and I make it to the soundstage at the same time and he tosses me a water bottle. "Thanks!" I say and he smiles.

"Why are you two late?" Avery says, causing me to jump.

"I overslept."

"There was traffic."

"You know what it really doesn't matter, get your asses in place," Avery yells and I sigh. Harry smirks and I shake my head. "This isn't funny."

"It's a little funny."

"We're gonna get caught eventually."

"No we're not," Harry says and I sigh.

"How can you be so sure?"

"Hey, my lead actors, less conversation, more acting!" Neal yells and Harry shrugs.

"Bryan I think I may have found Jack."

"What? How?"

"It's a long story but I think I know where he is!"

"Let's go!"

"Bryan no-"

"Why not?"

"We need to be smart about this okay? In most of the photographs I have, it looks like he's there by himself."

"So maybe the bad guys just aren't there."

"He's not tied up, he's completely free to roam."

"So maybe the people that took him just aren't there."

"Or maybe Jack disappeared cause he wanted to," I say and Harry shakes his head.

"No Jack wouldn't just disappear."

"Bryan look at this photo," I say and push it towards him.

"Maybe the woman is the one who made him disappear"

"Yeah or he-"

"He what?"

"He could be having an affair Bryan."

"No Jack wouldn't do that to Carol."

"You'd be surprised what people do."

"Just get ready we're going down there to check it out."

"And if I'm right?"

"Then you can say 'I told you so' now let's go," Harry says and I reluctantly follow him outside to the car.

"Cut!" Neal yells.

"Hey you good?" Harry asks and I nod.

"Just tired," I say and he wraps his arms around me. "Harry."


"People will see," I say and he sighs. He lets go of me and I sigh. "Maybe we should just tell people about us."

"We've told people about us."

"Harry you know what I mean," I say and he sighs.


"What? Your reputation? Harry we can't keep this a secret forever."

"Sure we can."

"No Harry we can't and you know that."

"Why can't we?"

"Well one you're a celebrity you can't stay out of the media forever and it's not like we're really being discreet."

"I thought we were."

"Maybe we were until today. You don't think people found it suspicious we were both twenty minutes late Harry?"

"I mean I guess but nobody knows."

"Okay but if they don't know they could figure it out. It's better people find out from us don't you think?"

"Yeah but can't we keep it a secret a little bit longer?"

"You're lucky you're cute," I say and he smiles. "I mean it's your reputation so I understand but you have to know this won't stay secret forever." He sighs and intertwines our fingers. "We can try," He says and I roll my eyes. His phone rings and he takes it out of his pocket. "Hello? Gem, hey!" He says and I smile.

"Tell Gemma hi for me," I say before walking over to my chair. I pull out my phone and text Addison while I wait. "Yeah love you too. Uh I'll see if I can get off for a few days next week. What? Okay bye sis," Harry says before hanging up.

"You're asking for days off?"

"Yes. To go home and visit my family and I'd love for you to come with me."

"Oh Harry that's so sweet I'd love to go with you."


"But how is Neal going to let me have days off, yours are for family?"

"We'll figure out something beautiful don't worry. Now let's go get some lunch," he says and I smile. "I'll race you to the car."

"What are you five?" I laugh and he takes off sprinting. I shake my head before running after him.

"Did I ever tell you you're beautiful?" Harry asks and I smile.

"Only every day," I say and he shrugs.

"Well you are," he says and I roll my eyes. "It's true."

"Thank you," I say and he smiles.


"Alright people let's try this one more time!" Neal yells and Harry clears his throat.

"Are you gonna ask him today?"

"You mean while he's pissed we were late?" He asks and I nod. "Probably not. We can talk about it tonight and ask tomorrow." I nod and go back to try the scene again.


I lay in bed staring at the ceiling and sigh. I crawl out of bed and walk into Claire's room. "Claire you're still awake?"

"Sadly. I have to finish this for work," she says and I nod. "What's up Soph?"

"What do you mean?"

"I mean you don't ever come in here this late unless you need to talk. What's up? Wait before you answer that did you make up with Harry?"

"Uh yeah," I say and she gives me a look.

"What aren't you telling me?"

"I might've also sorta kinda slept with him."

"Oh wow."

"Yeah and then I told him I loved him."

"You what?"

"I told him I-"

"Y-Yeah I heard that Soph! Oh my gosh that's great."

"I guess."

"What do you mean you guess?"

"Now if he breaks my heart I'm the idiot."

"You're still worried about that?"

"Well yeah."

"Soph he's told you so many times that he's not gonna hurt you or play games with you."


"But what?"

"But actions speak louder than words," I say and she sighs.

"Oh god I'm too tired for this."

"Well good thing you're my best friend and you have to deal with me."

"Just explain this to me you slept with the guy, you told him you love him and you're still worried he's gonna break your heart I don't understand."

"Yeah I guess it sounds crazy when you put it like that," I say and she nods.

"Look you said it, it's out there and you can't change that. And besides you wouldn't have said it if you didn't actually feel that way."

"I know but-"

"Oh my god no more buts Sophia Paige! Harry is a cute, sweet, funny guy who can sing. What more do you want?"

"You know that's not it."

"Yeah I do okay look, it's good you're being cautious and since you've been through this already with Chris now you'll know the warning signs and you can stop things if Harry starts playing games."

"You're right," I say and she shrugs.

"I always am," she says and I roll my eyes. "Was that all you wanted to talk about?"

"Harry doesn't want to tell people we're together."

"Um I think some people already know."

"I mean everyone ya know?"

"Okay why?"

"His reputation, he wants to protect me but I told him that he couldn't keep us a secret forever."

"True. But try looking at it from his point of view. He's been in the spotlight for years he's used to the headlines, and comments and the ignorant paparazzi. He's just looking out for you."

"Eleanor said he's also worried about himself."

"Okay maybe he is."

"It doesn't make any sense."

"Uh maybe not to you. You have to remember names hurt, just because he's a celebrity doesn't mean he's any different," she says and I sigh. I throw myself onto her bed and grab a pillow to scream into. "You done being dramatic yet?"

"Not sure," I say and Claire rolls her eyes.

"Look I'm sure Harry will tell the media and fans eventually but until then you have to be patient and remember it's his life being affected too," she says and I scoff.

"I hate when you're right," I say and sit up.

"I know but I love it," Claire says and I roll my eyes. "Goodnight Soph."

"Night Claire," I say before heading back to my room to try and get some sleep.


I pull up to the lot the next day and see Harry leaning up against my trailer door and holding two cups. I get out and he shakes the iced latte. "Who has the best boyfriend?"

"Mm Gemma?"

"Wha- no you," He says and I laugh.

"Oh yeah you are pretty great," I say sipping the coffee.

"No say I'm the best boyfriend ever."

"Mm I don't think I'm gonna do that,"

"Fine I won't tell you the good news then."

"What good news?"

"Say it," He says and I roll my eyes.

"You're the best boyfriend ever. Now tell me."

"Neal's giving everybody a few days off next week. Which means you can come with me to visit my family."

"Oh yay." I say and Harry nods. "Wait so how did you convince him?"

"I simply said that five months of filming every day is a lot and we all deserve a break."

"And he just agreed?"

"Yup. He has a couple of daughters and wants to spend those days with them."

"Nice job mr Styles."

"Why thank you miss Knight," he says and I smile.

"So we finish out this week and Monday and then me and you fly out of here Monday night."

"Sounds great," I say and Harry smiles. "I gotta go get ready babe."

"Okay. I'll see you in a little bit," he says and gives me a quick hug before going into his trailer to finish getting ready.


"No! Damn it you need to keep a straight face!" Neal yells and walks over to me and the actress playing Carol. "And Harry you need to be quicker getting in there. Let's try it again people. And Avery fetch me some aspirin."

"We're the ones who need aspirin with all this yelling," Harry whispers and I elbow him.

"Don't be rude."

"I'm not being rude," he says and I shake my head.

"Places!" Neal yells and Harry walks off the set. "And action!"

"Carol I think there's something you need to know about your husband's case."

"Okay. Um where's Bryan?"

"He's back at the station doing something. Look it's important I tell you this."

"Okay what is it?"

"You might want to sit down," I say gesturing to the couch.

"Oh no did something happen?"

"No as far as we know he's still okay."

"Then what?"

"I think Jack might-"

"Carol!" Harry yells as he walks into the room.

"Bryan what's going on?"

"We have to decrease our time table. Chiefs orders."

"But she was about to tell me something about Jack."

"We think we might have a lead on Jack and possibly who took him," Harry says and Carol smiles. Harry looks at me and I shake my head.

I walk out of the house and unlock my car. "What the hell?"

"Oh don't even Bryan."


"She deserves to know!"

"Know what? That you think her husband isn't actually missing and he's just having an affair? I mean-"


"Until you have proof that he willingly went missing and that he's having an affair you're not gonna say a word to her about your theory okay?"

"Fine," I say as I get into the car. I slam the door shut and Neal calls cut. "Great job beautiful," Harry whispers and I smile. "Want to go to my place and watch Disney movies?"

"Yeah," I say and he smiles.


I meet Harry at his place and when I get there he has food, beverages and blankets all ready to go in the living room. "Harry. You're too sweet."

"Is there such a thing as too sweet?"

"No, I don't think so," I say and he smiles. He picks me up and I laugh. "Harry put me down." He plops me down onto the couch and unfolds one of the blankets. I get comfy and he lays a blanket over us and I smile. "I really do have the best boyfriend,"

I say and he smiles.

"Yes you do," he says, hitting play on the movie.


Harry begins dozing off halfway through Sleeping Beauty and I smile. I move his arm and get up. "Mm. Sweetie lay back down and let me hold you."

"Harry you're about to fall asleep. We're both exhausted and I need to go home so I don't wear the same outfit three days in a row," I say and he holds out his hand and I notice that he still has his rings on. I intertwine my fingers with his and smile. "Goodnight Harry," I say and he smiles.

"Goodnight sweetie I love you" he says and I let go of his hand and walk outside. My phone rings and I pull it out. I roll my eyes when I see who it is. "Yes Harry?"

"I miss you."

"Harry I just left.."

"And your point is?"

"I'll text you when I get home, okay?"

"Fine," He says and I hang up.


'Made it home' I text Harry.

'Good. But I wish you were still here'


'Clingy or loving?'

'Maybe both'

'Goodnight love'

'Goodnight Harold'


I pull up to the studio and walk over to Harry's trailer. I knock on the door and the door swings open. He pulls me inside and I smile. "Good morning angel," he says wrapping his arms around me.



"Look I know that it's not just about me but how much longer do you want to hide this?"

"Just a little bit longer please," He says and I sigh.

"It affects you too so I'm not gonna say we have to put it out there now but ya know eventually someone's gonna figure out the fact that we're in a relationship," I say and he pulls me towards him. I lay my head on his chest and he sighs. "Shh."


"Shh," He says and I roll my eyes.

"I gotta go get ready. I'll see you later?"

"Goodbye beautiful," He says, still holding my hand. I let go and walk out of his trailer. I shut the door and take a deep breath before going to get ready for the day.


I have to reshoot some of my scenes so I don't get to see Harry as much as normal. They call lunch and I walk over to Harry's trailer. I hear a noise inside but I can't tell what it is. I lean up against the door and it sounds like a guitar is being played. I quietly open the door and see Harry sitting on the floor playing his guitar.
He stops and scribbles something in his journal and I clear my throat. "That was lovely."

"Oh uh Sophia hi."

"What were you playing?"

"Just something new I'm working on," he shrugs and I sit down beside him. He slides his journal towards me and I look down at it then back at Harry. "Oh no I couldn't."

"I want you to," He says and I slowly pick it up. I read the lyrics he wrote, taking in every word. "It's beautiful Harry."

"It's just a rough draft but-"

"It'll be great," I say and he smiles.

"Yeah if I can ever get into the studio," he says and I move closer to him.

"Well you could always go to the studio instead of planning dates for me," I joke and he rolls his eyes.

"But I like spending time with my girlfriend," he says and I smile.

"Good I like spending time with you too. But you don't have to be with me all the time if you wanna record then go record," I say and he sighs.

"You're great," He says and I nod my head.

"I know."

"Cocky," He says and I laugh.

"Actually confident," I say and he leans in to kiss me. There's a knock on the door and we jump back. "Great," I mutter as Harry stands up to answer the door. He opens it slightly so that way he can see who's at the other end but I'm not within eyesight. "Here's the schedule for the rest of the day. If you hadn't answered I was just gonna tape it to your door," Avery says handing Harry a piece of paper.

"Great thanks," he says before shutting the door. "Where were we?"

"I believe you were about to buy me lunch?" I say walking over to the door.

"Wait I didn't agree to that!"

"Come on Styles," I say and he sighs.

"You're lucky you're cute," he says and I smile.

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