Multifandom Imagines

By regencyslxt

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Imagines written by me (regencyslxt on tumblr + wattpad) based on : •Bridgerton •Pride + Prejudice •Marvel •... More

GAZE (Benedict Bridgerton)
LITTLE MISS THOMPSON (Bridgerton family x reader)
A Budding Romance (Colin Bridgerton x reader)
A STOLEN SHIRT (Anthony Bridgerton x Reader)
WE MEET AGAIN (Colin Bridgerton x reader)
NEW LIFE (Anthony Bridgerton x reader)
BLESSING (Anthony Bridgerton x reader)
TO HAVE AND TO HOLD (Anthony Bridgerton x reader)
SILLY LITTLE RABBIT (Anthony Bridgerton x reader)
Let's Dance (Bridgerton x black!reader)
TIME WILL TELL (Mr. Darcy x Bennet! Reader)
SOMETHING MORE (Mr. Darcy x reader)
PROTECTOR (Bucky Barnes x reader)
COVER YOU (Natasha Romanoff x reader)
IN HIS DEFENSE (Bucky Barnes x reader)
ANOTHER YEAR OLDER (Platonic!Bruce Banner/ Hulk x reader)
WISHING ON A STAR (Loki Laufeyson x reader)
WRONG SIDE OF HYDRA (Bucky Barnes x reader)
WRONG SIDE OF HYDRA PART 2 (Bucky Barnes x reader)
WRITING TO NO ONE (Steve Rogers x reader)
MERELY FICTIONAL (Bucky Barnes x reader)
COFFEE CUP (Spencer Reid x reader)
ABOUT TIME (Aaron Hotchner x reader)

WRONG CONCLUSION (Benedict Bridgerton x Reader)

3K 40 0
By regencyslxt

The doors in front of you brought back fond memories, the boxing ring sat inside was your home away from home before you left a year ago. You had chosen to flee instead of fight, something you are sure both Will and Simon will interrogate you about should they still spend their days here. You were very well aware that there were people inside, not many but some, as the candlelight gleamed through the windowpanes onto the street. Anxiety crept into your chest as your heart raced. What if they do not want to see me? Will they be happy I am home? Have they missed me? These questions replayed repeatedly in your mind. Questions that would be answered if you could just push yourself through those doors.

You took a deep breath, grasped the handles, and made your way inside. Your eyes took in the sights before you: the ring was still there but the ropes had been changed, the benches on the side-lines looked shinier. Have they been polished or waxed? Everything had seemed to be in better shape than it was when you left. But you were not here to judge the décor, you were here to see old friends or at least that's what you told yourself. Telling yourself you were solely here for the purpose of seeing your friends once again made this less difficult than it needed to be. However, fate did not seem to be on your side as you glanced at the few people gathered around the bar. A certain man catching your attention, Benedict Bridgerton. You wish you could say you were happy to see him but as your eyes met and the look of shock and hurt made its way onto his face you couldn't help but feel small in the place where you were once at your best.


"Where were you last night Ben? I missed you very much, I had to dance with Anthony and you of all people know just how much he despises the dance floor."

"I was at home my dear, I am sorry I could not attend Trowbridge."

"Oh, but your mother had said you were not home when she returned late last night."

Silence surrounded you.

"Ben is something wrong? Is there something going on I need to know about?"

He held your face in your hands and stroked your cheek ever so gently.

"Of course not...You need not worry your pretty little head with my concerns, they are mine to deal with my love."

"If you are sure."

"I am. Now, I must be heading home before your mother scolds me for being here so late, I will see you tomorrow though yes?"

"Yes, you will."

As he walked away your heart broke, knowing that the packed bags in your room said something entirely different.


"Are my eyes deceiving me or is Y/N Y/L/N standing before me?" Will bellowed and smacked Simon's shoulder forcing his attention your way.

Your stare broke from Benedict and a smile graced your face.

"Hello old friend," you said as you embraced him.

Simon made his way towards you and wrapped his arms around you, placing a kiss on your temple.

"Come on, I'm sure you have missed the boys," he assumes as he drags you to where the three eldest Bridgerton men are sat.

"Hello Y/N," Anthony says nodding to you. Colin tilts his glass in your direction in acknowledgement before offering you a glass of bourbon.

"Hello Anthony, Colin," you reply taking the glass from Colin's hand.

Benedict on the other hand was stunned. It has been a year since you last saw each other and in such little time you seemed to have changed for the better, you looked radiant and your knuckles were not bruised and battered like they always were when you were here. You were always making use of the punching bags despite it being 'unladylike'. That was one of the many things he loved about you. Still loved about you. He stood abruptly, stalling the conversation you had started up with the other four gentlemen.

"Miss Y/L/N."

You looked at him, an air of uncertainty forming around you both.

"Mr Bridgerton. May I ask how you are?"

He scoffs, "I am very well and you? You look as though you are happy."

"I am happy to be back, I have missed London very much."

"I am sure London has missed you too."

You fiddle with the gloves in your hands unsure as to what to say next. You go to speak but he asks something before you can,

"May we speak in private?"

"Yes, I believe we have a lot to talk about."

You looked towards Will and he gave you a warm smile. Benedict nodded and motioned in the direction of the separate room in the back. He offered you his arm as you began to walk and you took it with little to no hesitation. You both found yourself sitting across from each other, waiting for somebody to speak.

"I understand why you left."

Your breath catches in your throat at his statement. You glance at him noticing his fingers tapping against his knee, a habit he had when he was nervous. Disregarding the new boundaries that may have been set, you placed your hands on his and moved closer to him.

"I understand that you felt you had to, that my being secretive led to you forming your own ideas of my activities. I just want you to know that I was never with another, I never was and I haven't been since you left and if you allow me a chance to explain I promise you everything will make sense."

"Benedict...I had to leave because we were drifting apart. You couldn't tell me what it was you were going through or what you were doing, and I couldn't bring myself to stay where I wasn't wanted."

"But you were wanted, I wanted to tell you I did but I just couldn't. I wanted to keep it to myself for just a little bit longer."

"What was it?"

"I- I was going to an art exhibition..."

"An art exhibition?"

"Yes, but I wasn't just going to see art, I was making it. I was sketching and painting and learning from Mr Granville. To improve what skills I already had."

You felt foolish. All the times he had cancelled plans last minute, or just didn't turn up he was there. And instead of trusting him you had jumped to the conclusion that he was with another woman, that he had grown tired of you. Your eyes welled and he was quick to hold your face in his hands the same way he did before you disappeared.

"Ben I am so sorry," you squeaked. Your voice barely there as you tried to hold back your cries.

"I should have spoken to you or waited until you were ready to tell me. I should've stayed. I should've. Maybe if I had we wouldn't be in this position."

"Nonsense, I should've been honest with you. This is my fault I let you get away and I can only hope that you are free from any other engagement or marriage, "he reaches into his pocket as he speaks and pulls out a small box. He opens the box and shows you the ring it holds inside. You cover your mouth in shock at the realisation of what he means.

"because I have had this ring in my pocket every day for the past year in the hopes that you would come back and bring my heart too, which has undoubtedly been yours since the moment I beheld you."

The tears in your eyes are now falling down your face, but you pay them no mind.

"I would be honoured if you would accept my proposal to be my wife, and I know this may seem sudden but I have waited not so patiently for this day to come and I simply cannot let you slip through my fingers once again."

"Oh Ben...I couldn't possibly say no."

In a moment, your lips were pressed to his thankful that the upcoming marriage would allow you to do so whenever and wherever you pleased. He was going to be yours and you were going to be his. And you were going to spend the rest of your lives making up for lost time.

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