MIND ; wildcard *EDITED*


56.4K 871 296

"π–πž 𝐝𝐨𝐧'𝐭 𝐦𝐚𝐀𝐞 𝐭𝐑𝐚𝐭 π›πšπ 𝐨𝐟 𝐚 𝐭𝐞𝐚𝐦" Mind the daughter Diego Hargreeves goes on a missi... More

𝐂𝐀𝐒𝐓 + ππ‘πŽπ‹πŽπ†π”π„
01-𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐍𝐄𝐖 π†πˆπ‘π‹
02-𝐓𝐇𝐄 π‡π„π‘πŽπˆπ‚π’ 𝐇𝐀𝐕𝐄 𝐅𝐀𝐋𝐋𝐄𝐍
04- π“π‘π€πˆππˆππ†
06- 𝐓𝐇𝐄 πŒπŽπ“π‡π„π‘ π’π‡πˆπ
08- 𝐅𝐑𝐄𝐄
09- 𝐍𝐎 𝐖𝐄'𝐑𝐄 ππŽπ“
010- π“π„π€πŒπ–πŽπ‘πŠ
12- ππ‘πŽππ‹π„πŒπ’


2.9K 66 17

We all got back on the mat and got into fighting positions "that's good, back in formation" Anita says walking behind us "keep training" she continued.

I notice Wildcard tying to use his powers, I sighed and walked up to him "relax first" I said as he relaxed "good now focus on one power, focus on it's energy, believe in yourself" Suddenly purple lighting started to come out of his fingers.

"See you did it!" I cheered and he hugs me, it felt weird since it's almost been 2 years since we last hugged "sorry" Wildcard realized what he was doing and quickly pulled away.

"I don't know if this is the right time to hug right now" Guppy says pointing to the sky there were helicopters "uh Wheels" I told Wheels, when he turns to me I point to the helicopters, Wheels went to where Anita and Missy were.

"They sure found you fast" Anita said "they wanna take us back to headquarters" Face Maker said "well to bad,we've got a world to save" Missy says confidently Anita hums and presses a button on her cane and the bush opens up.

"Go through the tunnel, I'll hold them off,go,go,go,go,go!" We all go there and there's a slide, I slide down and Face Maker and A Capella catch me then Missy comes down "guys? come on" Missy says.

"It sure is dark in here" Guppy said scared "Ojo can I borrow your flashlight for a minute?" Missy asks taking Ojo's Ipad and uses the flashlight "we just to stick...together" Missy starts walking straight.

Me and Wildcard walk next to here "yeah and find a way up to the mother ship and defeat the aliens who defeated all the Heroics" Wildcard says.

"What can we do differently from our parents" Wheels ask "everything, like lure the aliens out of the cities so that we don't destroy more buildings" Missy says.

"She's right" I say when I heard a beep coming from my watch it was a message from my dad saying 'why aren't you at headquarters' when I remember he tracks my location "our parents always have huge brawls in the middle of the most populated cities" Rewind say.

"Don't we need superhero costumes" Guppy questioned "all superheros have costumes Pad, fake muscles, tons of useless buckles" Fast Forward saysB"Underwear on the out side" "Masks you can barely see out of" "that's why they were able to pick out our parents so easily" "Because they were easy to spot" Missy adds.

I heard a beep from my watch and saw I got a message from my dad say why I'm not a headquarters when I remembered my dad tracks my location "and I think we are in trouble" I said "how come?" Wildcard asks "well I just remembered my dad tracks my location, and h realized we're not at head quarters."

"Well that's just great" Face Maker says sarcastically throwing his hands around "we have to blend in be..." Missy pauses as she swipes through the drawing and we saw a drawing that shocked us "stealth" I finished for her still in shock.

"How?" Wildcard asks "just trust me I have a plan" Missy says.

We got to the end of the tunnel "where? what plan" I heard Wildcard ask "I'll show you, Mind come here" I go over to Missy, Missy started whispering the plan to us and mad sure no one else could hear.

"The plan is we're gonna sneak on a bus?" Wildcard asks then Missy starts whispering to us as Wildcard swipes to the drawing me and Missy saw earlier "holy...doo doo" Wildcard almost cusses when he saw Guppy and then at Ojo.

Guppy rolls her eyes "I mean, yes, very interesting Missy continues to whisper to us "uh-huh, okay, makes sense,Yep,okay wow that's really smart" Wildcard snatches the Ipad from Missy "ok everyone Missy, Mind, and I figured out a way for us to do this, check it out Ojo drew us a clue a supply ship" Wildcard shows the others the drawing.

"So what does that mean" A Capella asks "it means there's probably one near by that we'll sneak in board and pilot up to the mother ship" Wildcard explained "that's actually a good idea no matter who thought of it" Wheels says.

"Thank you" Wildcard says, Guppy groans and I roll my eye "come on, it's time we show these aliens what's what" Missy says we all start running "hurry up Slo-Mo" Wildcard shouts

Suddenly we find the supply ship "look there's the supply ship just like in Ojo's drawing" Missy says as we stand behind a giant rock, we see tentacle coming out of a bush "Eww!" we all exclaimed.

"Shh keep it down" Missy says "wait" she continues "wait a second... let's go" Missy finishes.

We all run to the ship "now shut the door and let's get the fu- heck out of here" I almost said fuck when Wildcard gives me a 'don't say it' look "Wheels can you-" Wheels cuts Missy off.

"No! We're not all here" "What? Who's missing?" Fast Forward asks and sighs

We all turn our heads and se Slo-Mo still running "Slo-Mo cut it out run" Wildcard shouts, the tentacles rise from the bushes, turns to Slo-Mo's direction and the tips opens "hurry they're coming back" Guppy shouts.

"Ten to one says he's tentacled" Facemaker says to Wheels "dude" me and Wheels say.

We all started shouting for Slo-Mo to hurry up and A Capella starts vocalizing 'Chariots of Fire' as we continue to shout.

The tentacles start to get closer to Slo-Mo "Alright hold me down" Noddles says, Wheels and Facemaker holds Noddles down, Noddles stretches his arm and wraps it around Slo-Mo as the tentacles get closer to Slo-Mo.

He gets on the ship "yes" we all shouted, Wheels presses a button which closes the ship as tentacles slam onto the glass and we all scream.

"Wheels tell me you figured it out" Missy said in a scared voice "it's actually incredibly intuitive" Wheels presses the green button and the ship starts shacking, we all shout and hold on to something Wheels presses another button and the ship starts shacking more "please just choose a button" I shout "it might be one of these" Wheels says pressing another button when the ship stops shacking.

More tentacles slam into the glass causing it to start cracking, we all scream and Guppy runs over and presses the red button and the ship starts flying, we all look out the glass viewing the view "but now what?" Noodles asks "don't worry, any minute now Ojo is gonna draw a picture of all of us smiling and hugging our parents isn't that right Ojo" Missy turns to Ojo and Ojo shakes her head 'no.' "Oh that's just great" I said sitting down

Facemaker comes and sits next me and grabs one of my knives "why did you even bring these, they aren't gonna useful?" he asks me "so I can stab somebody if I have to and that person is you if you don't give me back my knife because you know how much I hate when other people touch them, you saw what I did to Wildcard earlier when he took my knife and I'm not afraid to do it again" I turned to Facemaker and sarcastically smiled putting my hand out for him to give it back, he slowly hands it back to me "I'm scared of you."


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