Heartbreak Hotel... and Beyon...

Autorstwa magn0liacelebrati0n

31.5K 398 64

One-shots and drabbles from Lola and Alex's adventures after the weekend of adventure. Fluff and smut. Więcej

- Heartbreak Hotel One-Shot Guide -
One For The Road
Morning Kisses
Skinny Dipping Pt. 2
I'm Yours
Champagne Kisses
Being Make Believe
Give In
The Mirror's Image (Halloween)
There's That Hotel Suite
Galaxy's Edge

Diamonds Are Forever 💍

1.4K 20 6
Autorstwa magn0liacelebrati0n

"D'yeh kno' they 'ave the world's tallest chocolate fountain sumwhere 'ere?" Alex whispered, blinking slowly through the glorious haze of her perfume, the light sweat on her skin and her citrusy shampoo.

"Why else do you think we're here?" Lola teased, setting her empty martini glass down. She gave Alex a charming smile and leant in to kiss him when he held his hand out commandingly, humming when he clamped his palm at the back of her head and knotted his fingers in her otherwise sleek, shiny hair.

His kiss was warm, appreciative of everything she was, but overwhelming in the lustful bubble of their time together, the promise of another set of adventures which though unplanned were sure to unfold and he kept her there for as long as she'd allow until her hand came up on his chest to stop him from passing out from a lack of air. When he reluctantly drew back, there was a hint of her purple pink lipstick on his mouth and she gently wiped it with her thumb.

"Dun't purple suit meh?" he pouted.

"Everything suits you," she responded, before shuffling to lean back against Alex on the velvet couch in the bar, the two of them having found a secluded corner where nobody could bother them, but the bar was never too far.

With her head against his chest and his chin nestled into her hair, Alex felt so wholly relaxed and at ease. There was slit in the material of her navy blue dress which drew attention to the pale skin of her thigh and Alex skimmed his fingers there, humming when she lifted her hand lazily to stroke the side of his face. "Affectionate tonight," he smirked, pressing a chaste kiss into her hair.

"Says you," she sighed languidly, placing her fingers over his on her thigh. Her eyelids felt heavy from the cocktails she'd been tempted into, she was tired from a day of doing nothing but enjoying his company, indulging and his scent was so arousing and easy to lose herself in.

"Joost in love wif yeh," he rasped softly.

Lola smiled, because though she couldn't see his expression she could picture it, melted at just the idea of those warm eyes and that smile which suggested he knew something she didn't.

"Lola, love..." Alex mumbled.

Lola knew he had been needily waiting for a response. "Yeah, I love you too..." she giggled, tilting her head slightly to press her lips to his chest where the silky lavender fabric of his shirt parted.

"No..." he mumbled.

Now realising an idea had struck him, Lola lifted her head again from his chest, blinking slowly at him through her lashes and knew she'd have to ask what he was trying to say because he was clearly dragging it out through a combination of playful tipsiness and deep contemplation. "Yes, Alexander?"

He parted his lips to laugh preemptively at the words that were about to come from between his lips, dragging his hand slowly from her thigh to her hip, squeezing gently. "Weh should get married..."

Lola laughed on instinct, covering her mouth as her body shook with amusement, then found his eyes again and though everything was slightly blurred and she knew that a lack of self-awareness had been induced, there was despite the smirk on his lips a genuine honesty in his expression. Her heart was drumming in her chest. She raised her eyebrows. "Because we're in Vegas?"

"No... because weh're clearleh meant teh beh togefer... 'n' it'd beh an adventure..." He leaned into cup the back of her head in his palm, tilted her face and pressed a tentative kiss to her jaw. "I know yeh're cravin' an adventure..." he rasped.

"Alex..." she whimpered softly. His touch was melting her, his words had her trembling and she leant closer, allowed his lips to roam her neck.

"Are yeh in?" he whispered gently. "Please dun't say no teh meh."

Lola closed her eyes as he continued to press kisses over her clammy skin, moaning softly against her collarbone. She curved her body into his on the corner of the sofa and her fingers twisted into his hair. "Alex..."

"C'mon, Lo... beh meh fookin' wife," he giggled.

Despite the childlike innocence in his laugh, she found him irresistible, despite the millions of unanswered questions didn't want to say no, but was enjoying the way he tried to persuade her more than anything. "Yes," she responded almost breathless, her voice a hint. "Yes."

Alex chuckled then drew back to kiss her again, this time with force, zero resistance from either of them. His heart felt swollen with pride that she had agreed to be his with a permanent tie and though the alcohol had rendered him mostly out of control and unable to separate the logistics from the sparkling, shining idea that a Vegas wedding represented, he was too lost in her to consider anything other than ending the day married to Lola Davies.

"I'm guessing you don't have a ring for me?" she whispered, the tip of her nose pressed to his as they drew back for air.

"I'll get yeh one," he promised, impatiently pressing his mouth to hers again, both hands on her cheeks to keep her close.

She groaned into his mouth.

"May I suggest summat?" he giggled, lost in a frenzy of ideas, excitement and lustful kisses.

Lola nodded but only lasted three seconds before she leant in again, brushing her lips into his, biting on his lip gently when he moaned. He was now more than ever a complete dream, tasted like whisky and fireworks and she shifted closer, threw her leg over his until she was in his lap, moving into him subconsciously before remembering they were in public and she'd have to stop.

He stroked her hair back until she was momentarily satisfied again, until her swollen lips left his with permission for him to speak and cleared his throat. "Nobodeh should get married wifout summat old, new, borrowed 'n' blue."

"Then that's our adventure?" she asked, her chest heaving as she tried to catch her breath.

He settled his hand on her thigh, rubbing gently and nodded. "Yeh." He admired the sparkle in her eyes and knew for a fact he'd never get bored of seeing it, thankful that the night was still young so that they'd still have time to pull it all off. His cheeks ached from smiling and his mind was working in overtime to make it all happen. "Weh 'ave teh register for marriage license so when should probableh do tha' first..."

"Right," she agreed, completely transfixed by his grin. She wiped the purple from his mouth again.


No less than five minutes later they'd clumsily made their way out the bar, had hurried upstairs for their IDs and had found themselves in a taxi, on their way to get their license. Alex held onto Lola's thigh the entire journey, his grip tight and tense, thumb digging into her in a way that may have given her a permanent bruise and she rolled her head onto his shoulder, allowing the lull of pace to render her of any thoughts, any worry. She was reminded of the excitement she'd felt in his embrace when they'd left the hotel together, only this time there was more certainty in it, love, trust, commitment and she had no reason not to extend that with a ring. Alex kissed her temple.

Once inside the license bureau, Alex's natural confidence and cockiness in who he was allowed him to cover for every drunken hiccup and slur. He purposely focused on the task at hand, obtaining the clearance they needed, handing their IDs over when prompted, speaking of his excitement to be with Lola without actually looking to her, worried with every second that passed she'd regret agreeing to this ridiculous idea and when they walked out with the go-ahead, Alex turned anxiously to her, taking both her hands.

"Yeh kno'... if summat goes wrong... like if..." He swallowed dryly and lifted his eyes to hers. "If summat 'appens... weh still 'ave a teh year come back 'n' get married..."

Lola shook her head, knew what he was thinking. "It won't," she assured him, stepping closer and dragging his face close to hers so that she could kiss him, trying to convince both him and herself that this was a sober decision as much as it was a drunk one, though her hands were shaking.

"Yeh're fookin' sure about this?"

Lola nodded. "Yeah."

The sparkle that crept back into Alex's eyes soothed her, though she hadn't realised until now she'd been missing it. His hand slipped into hers and he hailed another taxi.

"C'mon then... There's sumwhere I wanna take yeh."


Alex was on a clear mission as he led Lola down the street, hoping and praying that the store he was looking for would still be open, relieved when the sign on the window indicated they still had half an hour to browse, even after the car journey.

Lola looked up at the sign above the shop, then squinting in the window managed to make out rails of divine fabric, silk dresses, jackets, velvety suits, everything looking out of time and place but gorgeous, luxurious nonetheless and she ached to play dress up with zero regard for the price tag.

Alex leant in close to her and wrapped his arm around her waist, dropping his mouth close to her ear. "Fought weh could 'ave a 'unt for sum outfits for our weddin'... yeh kno'..." He licked his lips. "Summat old..." He put his hand on the door pushing it open, then nodding to the woman on the till who was clearly frustrated she had late customers. "Are weh alrehyt teh try sum fings on?" he asked.

"I don't want you seeing anything I'm trying on," Lola declared once the cashier had nodded in approval. "Needs to be a surprise."

"Tha's fine wif meh," Alex mumbled as he headed to the rail of vintage suits and left her to look over the dresses, though he instantly knew his curiosity as to what she would wear would near enough kill him.

Lola noticed the absence of his touch but surged forward to flick through the rails. The colours were stunning, jewel tones, dusky pastels that were elegant and dainty, bright shocking reds that would make a statement. She picked out several then headed to the changing room as fast as she could, hurrying so that Alex wouldn't see what she had in her hands.

"'ey! Yeh found the one alreadeh?" he chuckled once the curtain was closed.


Lola slipped out of her dress and laid it over the stool in the corner, now smoothing out the slight smudges of mascara underneath her eyes and ruffling her hair to give it that natural messiness which made her feel sexy. For someone who always paid attention to the details, it was sort of a relief that the best day of her life was so spontaneous. She liked that she would only have five minutes to fix her hair and makeup later, liked that she had to find flowers and rings before the end of the night and felt that even if nothing went as she envisioned, then it'd be perfect anyway because she'd still end up the night as his bride, in his arms, just the two of them.

The first dress she tried was a deep magenta, low cut in a way she knew Alex would appreciate, but it made her feel too prim and proper everywhere else. There was no detail, nothing exciting and she'd have felt most comfortable wearing it to a board meeting. She moved onto the next dress, a bejewelled cream ballgown that barely fit into the changing room and made her feel like she'd stepped out of a fairytale, and as gorgeous and extravagant as it was, she felt far too like a traditional bride. It didn't show any skin, didn't fit her like she wanted, didn't make her feel sexy. It wasn't her.

"Lookin' good?" Alex asked from the dressing room beside her as he fiddled with the sleeves of a purple number that shouldn't have suited him, but sort of did. "Will I wanna fook yeh in it?"

Lola rolled her eyes. "Keep your voice down," she laughed. "Don't think you'll be able to in this one. Too many layers."

"Fookin' not the one then," he smirked, preening in the mirror.

Lola picked up another dress she'd fallen for the colour of, now realising how rich the material felt. It took all of a minute before it was on her body and after she'd adjusted it, she lifted her eyes to the mirror and audibly gasped. "Now this one... I like..."

Alex lifted his head. "Yeh found the one?"

She turned in the mirror and watched the dress hug to her body, smoothed her hands over the front, feeling the silken material beneath her fingertips. It was vintage, it was elegant, it made her feel like a movie star. There was something about it that just worked, made her feel like her best self and now that she was wearing it, she was convinced she would never want to be married in anything else. Lola nodded and bit down on her lip, unsure why she felt a lump in her throat. "Yeah. It's the one."

Alex groaned, shrugging out of the turquoise rhinestone number he'd tried purely for his own entertainment purposes. "Fook, this is torture, Lo."

She laughed, already pulling the dress she'd entered the shop in back on. "You'll see it in a few hours," she said, and her heart skipped a beat at the realisation.

He smiled. "Can't fookin' wait."

"Have you found anything you like, babe?"

"Indeed I 'ave," he chuckled. He deepened his voice dramatically. "I can practically alreadeh feel yeh givin' meh the eye at the end of the aisle."

Lola cursed him under her breath, deciding not to give him the satisfaction of a response. "I'm going to buy my dress. You stay here until it's safely bagged up and out of your sight."

"Yes, ma'am," he complied, shrugging back into his suit jacket with a mischievous grin.


Back in a taxi again, Alex leant close to Lola, eager with every item they ticked off their lists to already be back in their hotel room rolling around on the bed together, bare skin, delicious moans, all the pleasure having built up with the adventure. "Summat old is complete."

"Any suggestion for something new?" she breathed, feeling the closeness of him so overwhelmingly. The alcohol induced fogginess was thick and she was sure they were both in the bubble, despite their intermittent energy levels carried in every tiny adventure by the reward awaiting at the end.

"Weh can 'ave a gamble in the casino..." Alex whispered. "Try 'n' win big to buy summat new. There's a jackpot wif our names on it."

Lola shook her head. "Alex, we're the worst with gambling. Every other time we've been in a casino, our wins have all been unexplainable luck."

Alex stretched his jaw and shrugged. "Luck is alwaehs on our side, Lola, love."


The casino at the hotel was grander than either of them had been prepared for, the entire room practically dripped in gold. Lola heard her stilettos clicking on the shiny marbled floor and hoped she actually had the conviction to sit at one of the tables with the rich, obnoxious men, practically clinging to Alex as he held her to his side with pride.

She hadn't forgotten the deafening silence and air of seriousness she'd felt the first time she'd been at a poker table with Alex and it was much the same as they approached the roulette board, Alex dragging out the stool for her to perch on, one of his hands on her lower back, the other on her thigh so that it was clear they were a team, but the glamour pulled her in, the complimentary drink placed in front of her was too sweet to resist and Alex's hopeful grin had her enthralled.

Alex collected his chips from the dealer with a respectful nod, Lola's mouth hung open as she realised the value he'd put on each. She swatted his arm and he laughed it off.

"Wha' colour yeh finkin', darlin'?" he asked, whisper quiet, slow, pensive. "We'll start easeh."

"Red," she breathed, though felt the crushing responsibility on her chest, realising that as much as she loved the wins, she hated the tension and atmosphere. Men raised their eyes skeptically at her and she bit the inside of her cheek to fight herself from snapping back at them, knew the security were ready to intervene at the first sign of altercation.

The small, minimal victory from winning red eased the tension in her shoulders slightly, but Alex's hand suddenly shifting over her leg reversed it. With every passing minute, her lust for him grew.

He straightened his back but was never too far from her side. "Fantastic. Bloodeh fantastic yeh are," he declared. "Again."

Lola picked and chose, lows and highs, odds and evens, somehow almost always finding success with red though the payouts were nothing to celebrate exaggeratedly about. "I'm ready to pick a number," she told him after a few rounds.

Alex raised his brows, though had no hesitation to support her sudden confidence. "I'm listenin'."

She placed her hand over his on her thigh. "Street. Seventeen and thirty and whatever you pick."

The chips were placed. Seventeen. Thirty. Twenty-four.

Alex winced as the ball landed on sixteen, squeezing her thigh reassuringly when their chips were raked away. "Again. Go again, c'mon."

Lola breathed nervously. "It's too risky, Al."

"Gimmeh a number, babeh," he said, unblinking, commanding, too proud to give in.

His eye contact never failed to make her body shiver and when she opened her lips to speak, the raised eyebrow and stretch of his lips had her weak for his intensity.


Four. Twelve.

Everything moved in slow motion, Lola forgot to breathe and when the ball rolled into the four slot, Alex cashed in immediately, taking his winnings and her hand to lead her away before she could even process what was happening. It was over too soon and though it wasn't a true jackpot, the high was too high to process.

"It was luck," she rasped, clinging to his arm for stability, light-headed and in disbelief at the odds, though knew she should've never doubted their magic together, the cohesion and constant wins she had just by being at his side.

"Luck shmuck," Alex chuckled. "Yeh're a genius. Joost tripled our winnin's by seventeen," he grinned, pressing his lips to her hair, just above her ear. "More than enouf for a couple o' rings, I should fink."


With their casino winnings pocketed Alex and Lola headed eagerly to the luxury jewellery store at the other end of the hotel to find rings to serve as their something new.

"I wanna find yehr engagement ring alone," Alex announced as they strolled into the store, the sparkling metals and gemstones catching their attention from every angle, the air somehow perfumed intensely. "I 'ave a vision in me 'ead. Yeh go 'ave a look at the weddin' ones 'n' I'll catch up wif yeh."

With a prolonged kiss goodbye, a giggle against her mouth and a firm grope of her ass which made her squirm, Alex left Lola and headed to the counters on the left side of the store.

The heavily made up lady behind the counter beamed at him. "How can I help you, Sir?"

"I'm lookin' for an engagement ring for me girl over there," he informed her, nodding across to Lola with a smile. "Summat special."

Purposely zoning out from what Alex was doing and focusing on her own task, Lola tucked her hair behind her ears and bent down to the counter in front of her, looking first and foremost for a silver band for Alex. Her heart fluttered at the thought of it, of her man wearing a ring proclaiming to the rest of the world that they belonged together, were part of a matching set and it didn't take long for her to settle on something elegant, shiny, something which would undeniably drive her crazy once it was a permanent installation on his hand.

But moving onto selecting her own wedding band was much harder because everything was extravagant, glamorous and she had no idea how to narrow down her choices, wondering what would work with the surprise engagement ring, almost frustrated she couldn't see it because she wanted them to work together. There were rubies and emeralds, sparkling zirconias and even an impressive amethyst stone which would've complimented her dress, but then her eye was caught by a silver band of interwoven marquise shaped diamonds, simple, classy but stunning nonetheless. With her finger hovering over the counter, she opened her mouth to ask the attendant who had just finished helping Alex for help, but then Alex's hand was on her lower back.

"Yeh found meh summat sparkleh?" he chuckled.

Lola nodded, pointing to the band she'd chosen for him earlier. "How do you like this?"

He leaned in, narrowing his eyes. "Looks perfect teh meh."

The attendant was quick to withdraw the ring and hold it out to Alex and as he slipped it on his entire face came alive with satisfaction. It was a brilliant fit. He held it up and nodded in approval. "I'll take this one," he announced decisively, rubbing Lola's back, enjoying the feeling of wearing a ring that tied him to her far too much to admit. "And summat for yehrself, darlin'?"

"I was looking at..." She pointed at the ring she'd settled on before he'd arrived, surprised how quickly he'd found something he liked. "This one."

"Oh, Lo," Alex sighed. "Yes. Tha's beau'iful."

Lola tilted her head to him. "You think?"

He smirked, patting the ring box in his suit pocket. "Babeh, if it fits... troost meh, it were meant teh beh..."

Lola hummed in understanding and bit down on her lip as the attendant held out the ring for her to try.

Alex watched her, paying attention to every detail in her expression, his heart pounding when her smile began to animate her entire face and the band of jewels was sat on her finger. Her cheeks were flushed from the exhilaration of the evening, her lipstick was wearing off in a way he couldn't help but think was aesthetically pleasing, and the way the ring sparkled in her emerald eyes as she turned to him for his approval had him swallowing to combat both his emotions and lack of self control. "Lo, 's spectacular."

"I love it," she hummed quietly.

"Meh too."

Alex squeezed her hip, pressed a kiss to her temple as she stood transfixed by the ring then drew his gaze reluctantly to the cashier. "Weh'll take bof of these, please."


Back in the corridor, Alex gripped tightly onto Lola's hand, nostalgic for the instant closeness and pushed together, nervous, clammy palms from when they'd met. He squeezed her hand and focused on every step, his head dizzied now that the extra drink from the casino was settling, feeling propelled towards what he could only describe as a wishful uncertainty.

He lifted his head, realising that there were approaching an elevator and a flight of stairs down to the lobby. He smirked to himself and steered Lola in the direction of the elevator and pressed the button. The numbers climbed, but despite his impatience, he refused to move.

"Al, there are stairs..." Lola said, confused why he was so keen on waiting.

"'m aware..." he mumbled, in the way that he usually dismissed conversation when he had an idea, something he'd already painted with a masterful hand in his head.

Lola decided not to question it and rested her head on his shoulder, eyes closed as his cologne surrounded and soothed her. Her heart hadn't stopped threatening to punch through her ribcage and out of her chest since he'd suggested they get married and with every step there were more questions, more internal problems sent to test their conviction, but never about him, never about her commitment to Alex, just whether the timing was right, but after the origin of their relationship she'd learned not to pay any attention to what seemed logical. Being with Alex pulled out her buried free-spirited nature, awakened every dream and adventure she could possibly have and she squeezed his hand, knowing that she would not regret this night.

After another minute of waiting, the elevator doors peeled open and they strode in, Lola setting down the luxury designer bag which held her dress, Alex's suit, both wrapped for privacy, and their wedding bands.

Alex sighed with relief that the lift was empty and cleared his throat. "I fink elevators are particularleh significant in our 'istoreh... wouldn't yeh agree?"

He let go of her hand and she cocked an eyebrow playfully. "I would say so."

"'ang on..." he mumbled, patting his jacket pocket and withdrawing the velvety ring box that he'd placed there. "I wanna ask yeh an important question." He sunk to his knee.

Lola couldn't hide her smile.

"I'd regret never askin' yeh properleh... because..." He took a deep breath and popped open the box and raised it slightly so that she could admire the ring he'd chosen. "...yeh deserve all the special moments 'n' fings in life, Lo."

There was something about Lola that never failed to make him nervous, her unpredictable energy, her highs and lows, the reactions he craved from her leaving him completely mesmerised. Under the warm elevator lights, the golden glow of the interior surrounding them, she was utterly breathtaking, glowing, indescribable beyond his most impressive words and when she preemptively started nodding to accept before he'd even approached the question, he felt drunk on something stronger than any drink they'd ever ordered, weaker than he was even when she was on top of him, taking control of his body, stealing his breaths, drawing him to the edge over and over.

"Lola..." His voice broke. "...love... will yeh do meh the honours of... becomin' me fookin' wife..."

Lola nodded and pulled him up instantly, her hands on his cheeks to bring his mouth and body crushingly against hers. He backed her into the elevator wall, the hand with the ring and box in, pressed against the wall behind her, his other on her ass. The way they kissed was nothing short of passionate and frantic, Lola lifting her leg so that it wrapped around his waist and the way they moved together, the heat that had built between them was almost enough to have Alex postpone the entire thing with an urgency to take her right there. She bit down on his lip and he enjoyed it too much, his entire body tingling with desire for her.

"Dun't, yeh..." he groaned, pulling away, eyes trying to regain focus on hers. "Weh won't make it teh the fookin' chapel on time..." He gave another peck as she let her leg drop again and he already missed the way her thigh hugged his side.

Lola nodded understandingly, knowing she would also struggle to stop herself if they allowed their weakness to carry out any longer and stepped back, running her fingers through her hair, holding out her hand for him.

"This is the summat blue," he said as he slid the ring onto her finger, his hand shaking as he tried to steady hers. "It matches the one yeh picked. Made for each ofer."

In the middle of a silver band and offset by a halo of small diamonds was a marquise shaped sapphire like she'd never seen, timeless, dramatic, glamorous but still with an elegance that she couldn't have chosen better herself. "Perfect," she breathed, glancing down at the irresistible sparkle in the blue stone, then back to the equally irresistible sparkle in his eyes. "Everything is perfect."


With everything they needed in the two bags they'd packed back in their hotel room, the drive to the chapel was quiet. The night had drawn fully in, it was dark, but the sky was specked with stars, each Alex found as he angled his head brighter than the previous. He locked his lingers with hers and tried to grow accustomed to the rock now on her finger, knowing there'd soon be another ring beside it and squeezed her hand whenever he needed reassurance.

Lola listened to the depth of his voice as he listed everyone he knew had been married at the chapel before, Sinatra, Garland, 'Britneh'. Her head felt heavy now, the rushing around was finally starting to set in and she would've been close to curling into him and falling asleep had the journey not been so short, had Alex not kept her awake with the eager kisses he peppered to the side of her face.

The chapel was strikingly white even in the dark, lit up and characteristic of the stereotypes she'd seen in movies, picket fences and palm trees surrounding, almost cartoonish in its obnoxious appearance.

Alex couldn't stop smiling. As they strode inside through the double doors, he was relieved to see there wasn't a queue at the desk, so hurried straight up to the lady behind it who greeted him with almost unrealistic positivity in her expression.

"Welcome to the Little White Wedding Chapel!"

"Weh'd like teh beh married," he said, beaming, squeezing Lola's hand again. "Weh're 'ead over 'eels in love."

The lady responded with a thick American accent. "Then you've come to the right place! You have your licence?"

"Me fiancée 'as it." Alex waited for Lola to dig the licence they'd been given and had it over, also handing their ID when prompted.

With a quick click on her computer, she nodded enthusiastically. "Well, I'm pleased to tell you I have an opening in twenty minutes!"

Alex looked at Lola for confirmation but couldn't read anything in her expression.

With her heart pounding in her chest she nodded.

"Twenteh minutes till marriage it is," Alex chuckled, signing the piece of paper he was instructed to and letting go of Lola's hand to let her do the same.

"Do you require a witness? We have an awesome package where our photographer acts as your witness for only an extra twenty bucks."

Lola chewed on her lip, realising she hadn't thought about photography once, instantly worried about the quality of their pictures and felt an unexplainable tinge of regret that she had no control over it, but Alex agreed that it'd be a good idea before she could question it. On the side of the desk there was a poster of a crappy Elvis impersonator and from somewhere in the back of the chapel she could hear a butchered rendition of Viva Las Vegas. "No to Elvis, thanks," she said. "Just the basic officiant."

The cheerful lady clicked on her computer once, twice, asked for payment, typed and clicked once more, then smiled at Lola and Alex. "Okay, that's your ceremony booked in! Please wait down the corridor and you'll be called when it's your turn. From all of us here at A Little White Wedding Chapel, we'd like to wish you a great ceremony and an awesome marriage!"

Alex leant forward and thanked her elaborately, then placed his hand on Lola's back to direct her down the corridor. The waiting area was small, the cringe-worthy Elvis tunes were louder from there and they were the only couple waiting, which only made each of them more nervous.

Alex leant back against the wall rather than taking a seat, looping his arms around Lola's waist and pulling her back against him, longing for her closeness.

She relaxed into his warmth.

"Yeh alrehyt?" he asked, pressing a kiss to her shoulder and toying with the strap of her bra. He was in truth worried, thought she was too quiet and questioned the last time he'd heard her laugh.

Lola nodded, though there was obvious tension in her body and she wouldn't have been surprised if Alex had noticed. "Yeah."

"Not gunna leave meh at the altar?" he chuckled, his voice a little shaky.

"Like you left me at the hotel?" she hummed, turning her head to meet his. His lips were pouty, brows furrowed and he scrunched his nose.

"I came back for yeh," he reminded her, blinking slowly.

Just then, a couple came crashing out of the doors with laughter, arms around each other, their small party of witnesses throwing golden confetti with boisterous cheer. Their Elvis clapped both of them on the shoulders with a declaration that he was leaving the building.

Lola was busy studying the joy on their faces, the red lipstick marks on the side of the grooms face, the way the bride wobbled in her heels, when Alex's sudden movement broke her from her daydream. He stepped away from the wall, sliding out of Lola's touch and striding towards the happy couple. She raised her eyebrows in confusion, about to ask what he was doing when he spoke.

"Excuse meh," he said, his voice deep. "Sorreh teh interrupt... yeh look loveleh, bof of yeh... congratulations on yehr weddin 'n' tha'..."

Lola laughed to herself, watched him swallow awkwardly then force an in-control smirk.

"Need teh ask yeh a favour... me bride-teh-beh..." He turned back to indicate Lola, who gave a polite wave. "... Sheh dun't 'ave a veil and weh're still lookin' for summat borrowed."

The veil that the blonde bride was wearing looked cheap and last minute but was decorated with silver and gold stars. She turned to look at Lola and gave a warm smile, then clearly charmed by Alex, his compliments and perhaps too drunk not to comply, she nodded and lifted the veil from her head where it was secured into her hair with a clip and passed it to Lola who had strode over to stand beside Alex.

"Fank yeh so mooch."

"Might as well take my bouquet as well, honey... y'all can't get married without flowers."

Lola took the bouquet of white roses gratefully, admiring how the aesthetic and pastel colours of their wedding were all coming together despite the spontaneity of everything. "Thank you so much. You look amazing."

"Feel amazing!" she cheered, turning to cup her new-husband's face and pressing a messy kiss on his cheek. "Happiest day of my life."

"Congratulations again," Alex drawled, pulling them both into a sudden hug. "'ave a bangin' evenin'..."

The couple didn't have time to respond before they were pulled away by their small party of friends, all cheering and clearly desperate to continue drinking and then it was just Lo and Al again, Al and Lo.

Alex cupped her cheek. "Nervous?"

"A little bit," she admitted.

"Meh too, darlin'..." he sighed, stroking his thumb slowly over her flushed cheek.

The doors opened again. "Mr Turner and Miss Davies?"

"Tha's us..." Alex chuckled, though they were the only people waiting. He held out the hand that wasn't on Lola's face and firmly shook the one that was offered.

"I'll be doing your photography and acting as your witness," the man said, lifting his camera and taking a quick snap which caught both of them off-guard.

"Rehyt..." Alex hummed, clearly skeptical. "Weh bof need teh change if tha's alrehyt, mate, wanted the outfits teh beh a surprise."

"You can come with me and change and your bride can change through the door to the left. I'll come meet her when we're ready."

Lola nodded, bit down on her lip and handed Alex the bag with his suit in.

"I'll see you in there," she whispered. "I'll be the one pretending I'm not emotional."

"I'll beh the one cryin' like a babeh..." Alex chuckled, leaning in to press a kiss to her open mouth, savouring the way her lipstick tasted and the remainder of the cocktail on her lips, in disbelief that the next time he kissed her she'd be his wife.

Lola found the strength to step away and take a deep breath, felt his hand slip from her face and focused on the warmth of his chocolate eyes, the only thing that could ground her in that moment. She turned on her heel to change, but was snapped back to him by the sudden drawl of his voice and his hand on her wrist.



"I can't wait teh marreh yeh."

Lola smiled, her cheeks twitching.

She'd been nervous before, questioning everything all night, considering every step they took together towards this moment as a potential drunken mistake; telling herself it was something that shouldn't have been rushed because of its importance, his importance and she had also been worried he'd regret it, had lost track of the drinks at dinner and couldn't gage how much their lust had enabled this idea, but with the lovestruck way he looked at her now, the soft strokes of his fingertips over her wrist and the overwhelming handsomeness he embodied, the way his lips curled into a smirk and promised her an unlimited world of excitement, everything seemed to blend into a blissful awareness. Now she saw clearly, felt the tension lift entirely and as she stepped away from him again considered that their wedding was just the two of them on another adventure, an adventure to spark a million more.


Alex checked his watch, and adjusted his cufflinks for the fifth time that minute. Waiting for Lola to be ready never got less frustrating, whether it was a dinner reservation or a party he'd requested she accompany him to and now in his anxious state he was convinced she was testing him just for a laugh, either that or she'd truly freaked, had jumped out of the nearest window and was on her way to the airport already.

Satisfied with the vintage drama of her makeup, the exaggerated, slightly smudged dark wings and flushed cheeks, Lola put her lipgloss back into her bag and handed it to the attendant who was waiting for her. She wondered if other Vegas brides had had the confidence she had now found in the wake of her fading intoxication, or if anyone had ever run down the aisle like she was prepared to just to get to him, touch him, make him truly hers. She brushed through her dark hair with her fingers and adjusted the starry veil over her face with a laugh. The dreamy dress, the pristine roses, her perfect engagement ring, the glow to her skin; it was hard to deny that she felt incredible and as Lola stepped up to the door, ready, breathless, shimmering inside and out, the chapel came into view, the music started and a thousand memories flooded back to her.

"I, I will be king
And you
You will be queen."

Before she could even take her first step, Bowie's voice, the swelling music and the emotions of it all caught her completely off guard. She threw her head back in glorious laughter as Alex turned to face her, both of them stuck on each other, studying every detail, capturing, remembering, framing mental photographs of their wedding day.

Lola took her first step, shaking her head at him and felt her pace quickening with each one, practically dancing down the aisle, too eager. She swayed to the beat, mouthing the words, her hips drawing his attention, the smile on her face lighting up his.

"Though nothing
Will drive them away,
We can beat them
Just for one day."

By the time she reached Alex, she could feel tears pricking at the corners of her eyes. She swallowed the lump in her throat.

"Fookin'..." Alex clutched his heart. "Yeh're a goddess, Lola, love..."

His own eyes were swimming with tears, the cloud nine he was floating on leaving him almost too ecstatic for any of it to be tangible.

"We can be heroes
Just for one day..."

The bright emerald green shone through the veil and Lola lifted it back impatiently as if she'd read his mind. Her makeup was dark, smoky, sultry, like a 60s movie star, her lips glossy and her dress was better than he could've imagined, non-traditional in the best way, a shiny lilac silk number which hugged and wrapped around her body beautifully, backless and tied delicately. The straps were thin and showed the moonlight toned skin of her chest and shoulders and there was a slit in her thigh too. It made her look graceful and elegant, but had him still desperate to give her everything he had, to worship her, feel her. She was wearing a necklace made up of tiny silver stars and half of her hair was twisted up at the back where the veil had been pinned, loose strands falling around her face to frame it, highlight her glowing cheekbones, draw attention to her effortless beauty.

"Did you?..." Lola raised her eyebrows to the ceiling, humming to the track.

"'Cause we're lovers
And that is a fact.
Yes, we're lovers
And that is that."

Alex pushed his tongue into his cheek with a scoff. "I 'ave no idea wha' yeh're talkin' about..."

His tux was white, embossed with flowery detail and she reached out to stroke her fingers over it starting at the chest and moving down the sleeve, mesmerised by the fit and the gorgeous pattern. Underneath was a crisp black shirt, a little unbuttoned, his chain hung around his neck. He stroked his hand back through his hair anxiously and Lola adored the fact he had had no time to preen it, it was fluffy and messy, made him look so angelic and soft despite the angle of his jaw, the arrogant smirk that refused to leave his lips.

"Alexander, you look... so good," she breathed, taking his hand and he squeezed her palm with his.

"Fanks, darlin'..." he drawled, emphasising the last word in a way that made her almost forget where they were, what they were about to do, the fact that they weren't alone.

She was completely lost in him.

"Though nothing
Will keep us together
We could steal time
Just for one day.
We can be heroes
For ever and ever
What d'you say?"

The music faded out gradually and Alex nodded to himself, trying to keep it together as the officiant started reading from a script about how special their bond was though he had no idea who they were, where they'd been and how special it truly was. Alex rolled his eyes inconspicuously and she giggled.

When the time came, the photographer handed over the rings and Lola shakily took the band she'd chosen for him, nodding as the officiant asked her to repeat after him.

"With this ring, I thee wed."

"With this ring..." She slid the ring on and Alex grinned, watching her fingers envelop his, holding his hand between both of hers for a moment just to savour the feeling. "I thee wed."

As she let go of him, Alex cleared his throat and took the second ring. He could feel her hand shaking as he took it again, but she nodded, maintaining their eye contact though it was making her eyes water.

"With this ring, I thee wed."

"Wif this ring..." He felt his voice shaking a little, all his conviction and cockiness faded as he placed the wedding band next to the glittering blue rock. "I thee wed."

He wiggled his eyebrows at her, pursing his lips and she laughed, sniffing to combat her emotional response to the finality of it all.

"I now pronounce you husband and wife."

There was a beat of silence that Alex impatiently filled, rapidly flicking his head between the officiant and Lola. "Is tha' it? Weh're married?"

"You're married," he nodded back.

Alex wasted no time, put his hands on her hips and dragged her body against his until there was almost no room and then his mouth was on hers, stealing her breath with ease, parting her lips with his. Lola's hands were on his face, her fingers travelling up into his hair to drag him crushingly to her, breathless, drunk, desperate. The kiss was purposely drawn-out, feverish, urgent, seeking only to remind her how intense the passion they had was and she moaned in response, losing herself in his taste, his spicy cologne, the way she felt in his arms, trying not to lose control of herself when his hands fell effortlessly to her ass, squeezing.

"I love yeh, Lo," he whispered against her mouth. "I love yeh."

"I love you, Al," she responded, dragging his face down to meet hers for another elongated peck, their lips brushing together, sighs of content falling from between them.

The flashes of the camera caught them off guard and reluctantly drawing away from the heated embrace they straightened their backs, their hands locking together in union, rings against skin, Lo and Al, Al and Lo.

"Married," she whispered in disbelief.

"'usband 'n' wife," he chuckled back, nose wrinkling.


"Where are we going?" she giggled, a bottle of champagne in one hand, her free arm tangled with his, caressing his bicep through the dress shirt. With her heels left at the bar, every step felt light, like she was floating on a daydream.

He chuckled at her laugh, obsessed more than ever with every single detail of her, the sparkle on her skin, the corners of her lips, the perfect symmetry of her brows, the way she leant into him, her perfume, the flutter of her lashes. "I were explorin'... found sumfin' I fink yeh'll appreciate."

Now nearing the end of a corridor, he pushed open the door, satisfied when no alarm sounded though he'd been worried the fire exit was triggered. He nodded for her to head out and up.

Lola raised her eyebrows, but after all this time had no trouble trusting him and with a quick peck which tasted like champagne bubbles, she unwrapped herself from his bicep, forced the bottle into his hands and stepped out onto the side of their hotel, climbing an escape ladder with no hesitation.

Alex watched her ascend carefully, laughing when she wiggled her bum nearing the top, then hurried up after her, carefully clinging to the bottle.

Up on the roof, the night was slightly chilly, but the glow inside his chest kept him warm. He took a swig from the bottle, savouring the luxurious sparkle on his tongue and realised how victorious he felt at her side. Her hair was blowing out behind her, glossy and in her curious eyes a thousand tiny stars sparkled, the fountains of the Bellagio danced, the world glowed.

"Lola?" he whispered, humming with delight when she turned to face him. "Yeh alrehyt, darlin'?"

She nodded. "Just remembering everything, babe."

"Meh too." Alex licked his lips and placed the bottle precariously on the ledge. "'ang on..." he mumbled, taking out and scrolling through his phone until he'd found what he had been looking for, setting it down and pressing the play button with a satisfied smirk.

"Strangers in the night
Exchanging glances,
Wondering in the night
What were the chances
We'd be sharing love
Before the night was through?"

With a smile on his face, Alex started rolling his sleeves, then bowed dramatically, holding out his hand and kept his eyes locked onto hers, watching as she moved towards him. "Dance wif meh?" He wiggled his fingers.

"About time," she giggled, taking his outstretched hand and allowing him to spin her into him.

His hand came down on her other shoulder, holding and swaying her against his chest, his lips pressing to her temple, then he spun her away again, enjoying her tipsy giggles and the way she hummed along to the song, completely off-key. When she was back in front of him, when his grabby hands had pulled her close enough so that he could feel her heart thudding in time with his, he couldn't remember a moment he'd ever been more in love with her.

"Something in your eyes
Was so inviting
Something in your smile
Was so exciting
Something in my heart told me I must have you."

"What you thinking about?" she asked, blinking slowly into his warm, chocolatey eyes as he guided her slowly across the rooftop, the two of them clumsy, giggling with every wrong step.

"Are yeh sad weh did it alone?"

Lola huffed. "No... and yes?"

Alex nodded in agreement. "I kno' wha' yeh mean. Feels special it were joost us and I dun't regret it for a fookin' second, but-"

"-Would've liked a party," Lola finished for him.

"Exactleh." He leant in and pressed a delicate kiss to the bridge of her nose, whispering in deep-thought. "We'll 'ave a big parteh when weh get 'ome... make proper vows... I want sum time teh get down everehfin' I feel for yeh..."

Lola nodded, then placed her head against his chest, closing her eyes, sinking into the comfort of his touch, the buzz of their spontaneous wedding subduing and leaving her with nothing but pride, adoration and nostalgia for the day that was already slipping away. "Are you upset I didn't change my name?" she asked softly, toying with and tangling her fingers in his chain.

Alex chuckled, his hands pressed to her back, stroking over the exposed, satiny skin as they swayed, hips pressed together. "Nah, as long as yeh kno' I'm still gunna beh callin' yeh Mrs Turner evereh single day." He laughed to himself as he mocked his own accent, kissing along her hairline as he spoke. "'Good mornin', Mrs Turner, 'ow would yeh like the sex todaeh?' 'Good mornin', Mrs Turner, can I make yeh pancakes in exchange for a couple o' kisses'?' 'Good mornin', Mrs Turner, are yeh bored of meh yet?'"

Lola hummed in amusement, inhaling his scent and everything that he was deeply, her head dizzy on the fantasy of everyday as his wife and a lifetime of adventures, everything too much to allow it to sink in fully as reality. "Never ever." Lola lifted her head, their lips met, the stars sparkled.

"Love was just a glance away,
a warm embracing dance away.
Ever since that night
We've been together
Lovers at first sight
In love forever.
It turned out so right
For strangers in the night." 

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