Vows Of Love - An accidental...

By SFscribbles

600K 39.1K 8.6K

L&M #1 "Shravan. You are here" she asked cheerfully "What the hell are you doing?" "Relaxing! This is amazing... More

Character Sketch
Character Aesthetics
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Exciting News!
Bonus Chapter

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8.7K 605 106
By SFscribbles

"Well. What's the point of worrying over spilt milk. Come on everyone. Dinner is ready" Mrs Agnihotri said

"I will help you Mom" Kiara said getting up from the couch and Mrs Agnihotri smiled in return

"I will also help" Drishti said for a formality

"Oh no!! Please be seated where you are. Don't come anywhere near my kitchen" Mrs Agnihotri said making Drishti pout and the other Agnihotris chuckle

"What happened??" Mithran asked

"The last time she helped Mom in kitchen she burnt the parathas and ruined the tawa. Ever since then ,Mom doesn't let her near the kitchen" Abhay said

"That is because this darpok was distracting me" Drishti put all blame on Siddhu

"What did I do. Man!! I wasn't even in the kitchen. I was watching TV" Siddhu said throwing his hands up in air

"Yes. You were watching TV. Remember ?? You were watching Friends. And we were supposed to watch it together. You didn't wait for me. Instead you played, it distracting me to the extend that I had to come and watch forgetting the paratha" Drishti huffed

"Shravan bhai. My deep condolences. Just console yourself that something bigger was coming your way and you got saved by this" Siddhu said earning a kick from Drishti

"He is lucky he got to marry me" Drishti said proudly

"Yeah yeah. I hope he would be sane enough to realise how lucky he is in the future"

Mr Agnihotri's phone rang and he excused himself from the bickering youngsters

"Come on kids. Table is set"

"Last one to the table is a rotten egg" Drishti said running towards the table with Siddhu hot on heels

"What the!" Shravan looked at the two in disbelief and Mithran had an amused look on his face

"That's something she has been doing ever since the first time I met her." Abhay said chuckling.

"So who is the rotten egg??" Mithran asked as he took a seat

"Siddhu ofcourse" Drishti said smugly

"That's because you always have the headstart." Siddhu complained

"Excuses excuses"

"Drishti. Why are you sitting there??" Mrs Agnihotri asked seeing her sitting next to Siddhu

Drishti frowned in confusion

"I always sit here. This is my seat aunty"

"You have your own seat too??" Shravan asked wondering how close Drishti is with Agnihotri family

Siddhu sighed dramatically

"Don't ask Shravan bhai.She is the unwanted baggage my family has been bearing for the past one decade"

"You should have thought about this before befriending me"

"What can I do?? Bad luck doesn't give notice before coming right"

"Enough you two. Drishti ,now that you are married ,sit next to Shravan" Mrs Agnihotri said

"Anjana, do you who it was on call??" Mr Agnihotri came to the dining room with an excited look

"Who was it??"

"Raghu. You remember Raghu right??"

"Raghuswamy Anna??" Anjana asked

"Yes. Its been so long" Mr Agnihotri said with a smile

"Who is Raghuswamy??" Abhay asked

"My friend. We met while we were in Mumbai. You have seen him. Might not remember it. You were only six or seven at that time."

"They left Mumbai when his wife passed away" he added

"Oh! What happened??" Kiara asked

"She died during child birth. A baby girl" Mrs Agnihotri said sadly remembering her old friend

"We kept in touch for a while. But then we lost our gudiya- " Mr Agnihotri trailed off and the atmosphere turned grave

Shravan and Mithran looked on confused as the whole Agnihotri family turned gloomy

Shravan saw Drishti entwining her fingers with Siddharth's and pressing his hands in comfort.

He didn't understand why he was feeling uncomfortable with that.

He tried to look away from them, but couldn't

Was something going on between these two?? And she got accidentally married to him??

Shravan frowned??

Why does it even matter to him?

It's not as if they have a real relationship.

Then why was he so worried when she went missing today??

Is it just because she is his responsibility?

That must be it??

Why else would he be worried.

And if she was in a relationship with Siddhu and she wants to go back to him, he should let her do that.

Afterall, that's what he wants too....

Drishti's heart ached seeing the gloomy look on everyone's face

She knows how it feels to loose someone you love

She had lost her parents!!

And the Agnihotri's had lost their child

And the most affected one being Siddharth, as he lost his twin

"By the way aunty?? What is the girl's name?? How old is she?? Maybe we could marry off our Siddhu" Drishti teased trying to lighten up the mood

Anjana laughed lightly

"Vaiga. Her name is Vaiga. She must be twenty now. When her mom was pregnant with her, I used to tell her, if it's a baby girl, she should be married to my Abhay" Anjana said remembering the silly promise the two women made

Kiara frowned hearing that and Abhay glared at his mother

"Mom!! My wife is sitting right next to me" he reminded and she smiled sheepishly at him


"Don't worry aunty. You have one more son." Drishti said cheerfully

"Shut up D" Siddhu said rolling his eyes

Shravan frowned

Seems like they are not in that kind of relationship

By the way... Who is gudiya??

Mithran seemed to have the same doubt, but they decided not to ask remembering how they all turned sad at the mention of gudiya..

Maybe he could later ask Drishti about that. She seems to have a very close relation with them

"Raghu said he is coming to Bangalore in two days. With Vaiga. That's why he called" Mr Agnihotri said

"Wow. That's good news. You can all meet Vaiga too" Anjana said

"But Mom, we are going to Kul devi temple day after tomorrow" Abhay reminded his mother

"Oh no! How could I forget it. It's the most auspicious day and we can't postpone it. Do one thing, you two go. We will stay back to receive the guest"

"Sure Maa"

"And I think Drishti and Shravan should also come with you two. They are also newly married" Anjana said and Shravan looked caught

"Oh but I have a very important business deal going on... " Shravan said

"Don't worry. I will handle it" Mithran said cheekily earning a glare from Shravan

"That's settled then. And Drishti, you will have to wear a saree. I was thinking about going for shopping tomorrow with Kiara. Why don't you join us??" Anjana asked

"Shopping?? Why not" Drishti agreed gleefully

Siddhu sighed in relief thinking that he escaped from accompanying her

"Siddhu will also come with us" Drishti said

"What?? Why??"

"What do you mean by why?? We need someone to carry our shopping bags"

"That's the duty of a husband. Take yours with you" Siddhu said and Shravan's eyes widened in horror

"You promised Siddhu. Only spinelese jerks go back on their promises" Drishti said

"Fine" Siddhu huffed

Shravan sighed in relief drinking water

"Aww. I love you so much" Drishti cried giving Siddhu a side hug and Shravan choked on the water

"Relax! Relax" Mithran patted his back trying hard to control the laughter and Shravan glared at him


After dinner they were having desserts sitting in the living room.

"If you are close friends with Abhi bhai ,why haven't I seen you before here??" Drishti asked

"Because they don't live at their friends' house unlike some people" Siddhu answered with a cheeky smile

"Is there a country where murder is legal?? If yes ,please do tell me. I would like to fly over with this irritating waste of space as soon as possible" Drishti said glaring at him

"They used to come here often during their college days Drishti. Then Shravan went to Harvard for his PG. Mithran worked in Delhi for a while. Then two years ago they stared a business together and then everyone got busy. We just meet at clubs whenever we get time" Abhay said

"Oh cool"

"Its getting late. I think we should leave" Shravan said

"Goodnight" Drishti waved at him and went back to her dessert. She is still angry with him for what he did yesterday

Well,she was guilty for a while. But again went back to being angry.

"You are not coming??" Shravan asked

"No!! I'm staying here tonight. I already told you"

"Why don't you stay too Shravan. Drishti,I hope your room is clean. Or did you two turn it upside down again??" Anjana asked

"She has her own room here??" Shravan asked again ,still trying to come to terms with the fact that his wife is almost family for his bestfriend.

"Didn't I tell you...-" Siddhu started to repeat the same old ,when Drishti glared at him

"Enough. I'm getting bored listening to it again and again. If you really have a problem with me staying here..."

"What?? You will leave??" Siddhu scoffed

"No!! You leave from here if you have a problem with me. Anyways your family loves me more than you" Drishti said with attitude

"You wish"

"Abhi bhai. Tell him. You love me more ,don't you??" Drishti asked


"Thankgod you grew out of your crush D.I shudder imagining you marrying my brother and finally kicking me out of this house" Siddhu said without thinking and the whole atmosphere turned tense

He looked around and saw Drishti glaring at him and the other looking at him ,each with different expressions.

"Damn it"


Oops!! Siddhu is dead 🤣

Hows the news of D's crush going to be received??

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