Together (Harry potter sister...

By briannags1

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It had been ten years since that day Anna was 3, Harry was 1, the day that their parents were killed. Ten yea... More

chapter 1 the beginning
chapter 2 meeting harry
chapter 3 preparing for Hogwarts
chapter 4 the sorting
chapter 5 Godric
chapter 7 Qudditch
chapter 8 the troll
chapter 9 the first Qudditch game
chapter 10 secret talent's reviled
chapter 11 Christmas part 1
What do you think
chapter 11 Christmas part 2
chapter 12 New teacher
New book!!.
chapter 13 the teachers
chapter 14 New pet
Help!!!!! please calling all beautiful unicorns!
chapter 15 Forbidden forest
Chapter 16 secrets
chapter 17 it begins part 1
Chapter 17 It begins part two
chapter 18
chapter 19
"love you" chapter 20
book two!!
fans chance to win!!! (Closed)
fans chance to win winner!!

chapter 6 Hufflepuff boys

8K 185 36
By briannags1

"Wait, here we are going to our lesson and I totally forgot what we had."

"Wish I could, we have potions with Snape first." George said bitterly

"The joy." Fred said with sarcasm clear in his voice

"You guy might as well get used to Snape we have had him for two years, now three and we're going to probably have him another four."

"Please don't remind us."

"Alright. " I signed. Sometimes I wonderd about them I mean Snape is not the greatest. But I don't think it's all his fault I mean something must have made him this way. Sometimes I feel it might be something to do with me, the way he looks at me sometimes just makes me wonder. Some day I will get to the bottom of this.

"In to the snake pit we go."said George he opened the door we walked in there was about ten people there already we went and sat down me in the middle Fred on the right George on the left. We sat down pulled out our books and talked a little. When the bell rang I was not surprised to see Snape not here it was normal that his first classes consisted of him being a little late. I think he did it to try and make a big entrance.

"Everyone quit, get your books out and turn to page 123."

The door had flew open to reveal Snape walking in quickly and giving orders. Just like I said a 'big entrance'.  I opened the book right at page 123. Soon Shape had given us orders to read the chapter then at the end of class he said he wanted a summery of the chapter one piece of parchment long.

"I can't believe that Snape, home work the first day." Fred said

"What can you expect, I mean it is Snape."I said

"True." Fred and George said in unison

"Well come on we have herbology." I said

We were on our way to herbology when my shoe broke

"Crap guys you go it will just take a minute to fix."

"Ok Anna we will save you a spot in herbology." George said


Fred and George went on while I fixed my shoes. Stupid shoes if they wernt my favorite shoes ever I would get rid of them but I can't they are just to awesome. So I did a quick charm and fixed them then I ran to catch up with the twins. When I heard some thing and froze.

"What is a little mudblood like you gonna do huh?"

I turned and look out and out one the grounds I saw a first year Hufflepuff boy and a group Slytherin's they had the Hufflepuff boy cornered. I hated those Slytherin I know this bunch every year they pick on the first years, well they do as long as I'm not there they know I don't like people to bully people just because they are younger or different.  This is going to stop now. I walked down to the grounds making sure they did not see me.

"Why don't we see how well he can fly ." One of them said.

My blood began to boil I had enough,but apparently I was not alone.

"Hey you why don't you pick on someone your own size!"

I looked around to see another Hufflepuff boy I think he was in my year he was walking up to the group.

"What are you going to do about it Digory huh. from what I can see there are four of us and only one of you."

"Actually two."

I walked over, the Slytherin's seemed a little taken back and the Hufflepuff did not really know what to think, I think anyway.

"Potter how long Have you been here."

"Long enough to see that you have been rather rude to this boy. Know why don't you just go on to where ever you have to be and we'll leave it at that."

"What if we don't." Said a girl she must be new to this group because I have never seen her with them before.

"Well I guess when you ask a silly question. Incendio!"

A flame burst from my wand then hit the bottom of her robes.

"Quick help me!" She sceamed

"Aguamenti!"  One of the Slytherin said.

"now why don't you go on to class now ok."

They stood there silent looking at me.

"I said ok!" Flames came out of my wand and surrounded me

"RUN!" They all screamed and ran away

The flames vanished when I started laughing.

"That was interesting." said Digory

"Thanks I think." I said I quickly looked to the boy.

"Hey are you okay?" I asked the first year

"Yeah, thanks that was amazing."

"It was nothing, but hey what's your name?"

"I'm Scott."

"Nice to meet you Scott, crap look at the time I have herbology gotta run but I will see you around."

"Hey wait I have herbology to I''ll walk with you." Digory said

"Ok lets go."

We walked to herbology

"Hey what's your name?" I asked

"Cedric Digory, what about you?"

"Anastasia Potter, but my friends call me Anna."

"So Anna." He look at me to make sure he could call me Anna so I nodded.

"Why did you help Scott, he's in Hufflepuff."

"Why would that matter."

"Well most people only stick up for the people in their house."

"Well I guess that's a difference between me and most people."

"Well I thing it's a good difference."


We walked up to the green house and whent in I went and stood with Fred and George Cedric was with some Hufflepuff's .

"What happened?, it took you a little while.' Fred asked


"Oh."  the twins said in unison

"I will tell you the rest at lunch ok."

"Ok." They said together

After herbology we had lunch and I the twins what happened. Before I knew it we had already been to our classes and were at dinner.

"So how was your first day." I asked

"Pretty good I guess." Ron and Harry said

"Hermione I trust you liked all your lessons."

"Yes, how about yourself?"

"It was good, you know I'm going to head on back to the common room and do my homework see you all later!"

I ran to the common room said the password and went to work.

After an hour I had all my work done and started reading a book on magical creatures. Soon everyone was back from dinner and we were all talking about different things.

"Guys I'm going on to bed." Hermione said

"I think I will join you." I got up and walked over to the steps leading to the girls dorms.

"Good night everyone sweet dreams." I said

"Goodnight!" Everyone said

I was up stairs I changed in to my pj's jumped in to bed got my magical creatures book out and began reading about unicorns. soon I drifted of to sleep.

Hey guys I wanted to say Sorry for the delay on the update but it's here so yay.
Now guys I really would love some feedback so COMMENT'S would be awesome I would love to know what you think and if you have any ideas so PLEASE COMMENT thanks.

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