Bruises [L.S]

By laurenxtomlinson

162K 4.1K 11.2K

hes always smiling... TW// self harm, abuse, depression, eating disorders, suicidal thoughts This is my first... More

Punching bags
Big brother
I'm yours... i hope
I'm sorry
on my own
mark (again)
two of us
id love to
shots n tattoos
the move
ink n skin
coming out with blood
dancing queen
hammer to the head
little things
head over heels
the concert
a safe place
the sitters
the last day
shots n tattoos: ziam pov

you and me forever

2.5K 67 381
By laurenxtomlinson



hes adorable:)

longer chapter!!!! like longer than "the concert" chapter:)

TW// self harm, suicidal thoughts, eating disorders, abuse, depression

^so i know many chapters have no mention of these, i just automatically put them there! because i never know if something might trigger someone! im just being safe, and im sorry if something was mentioned that wasnt apart of the tw during this story.

also nialls albums in order for the story: flicker, 1d albums, hbw!


2 years later:)

"now may i president to you the class of twenty-thirteen" we all cheered and threw our caps in the air.

we did it. we fucking did it. we made it.

i looked over to maya "five years in prison and we are free" i hugged her.

"oh harry im going to miss you"

"bitch im not going anywhere, emma is a big oart of my life. i love her to bits"

she sighed "i know! but once i get i good amount of money im moving."

"yeah but not out of donny" i replied walking over to our families. "true" she smiled.

"ma... ma" emma urged out in excitement. the almost two year old was in the arms of her super dad. "hi my precious" maya cooed.

liam has made one of the best dads ive ever met, so has zayn actually. hes always helped out being a step dad you could say.

"little bro" gemma gave me a bone crushing hug. "im so proud of you"

"oh move out the way, i want to see my son"

i laughed pulling away from gemma "hi mum" i kissed her cheek hugging her as well.

soon i became bombarded by a set of eight year olds. daisy and phoebe had pulled me into a hug. "harry!" they cried. "hi girls" i crouched down to be at eye level with them.

"louis isnt here! he left a few minutes ago" mark came out of the crowd followed by lottie and fizzy. i gave him a questioning look. "dad! you werent suppose to tell him yet" fizzy complained.

"yes i was louis told me to!" he cried. my eyebrows still furrowed in confusion as to where my boyfriend was. "sorry harry, im taken you to your man" a voice spoke behind me.

"niall!" i turned around to hug him. "where have you been?"

"sorry for recording my second album, geez" he laughed, hugging me back. "i have a life you know"

"no shit, a pretty big one if you ask me" i rolled my eyes.

"right, your special someone awaits" liam spoke, everyone was trying to usher me out. as much as i love him this was just a surprise date.

i hold them for him all the time. whether its a concert or a small picnic at the park he loves them. i mean so do i, he holds them for me sometimes to. not as much as he used to since hes caught up with uni.

i kissed emma goodbye, getting my hair pulled by her. we bid our goodbyes to everyone as we walked to nialls car.

a few screams of girls in our grade or their younger sisters, even some guys. niall has become quite the catch to the entire world.

he lives between london and LA, currently most of his time is in LA as he is recording his second album. midnight memories. its a completely different style of music from his first album.

we all enjoy it, emmas quite the fan actually. if shes screaming and crying, nialls singing calms her down. she definitely has favourites.

"what your wearing is perfect" niall spoke as he helped me out of my gown.

black jeans and a red floral button up... which was really buttoned up. i was tossed a white bandana to tie around my curls. thankfully it matched the shirt, making the small whites of the flowers pop more.

"where are we even going?" i asked getting into nialls mercedes which isnt a rental this time. he tsked at me not telling me.

i ended up falling a sleep even though the car ride wasnt that long. when i woke up i saw louis standing outside of a familiar building.

"come on harold, go see him" ni unbuckled my seatbelt for me. i got out and louis immediately came up and kissed me.

i had grown taller over the few years which meant lower seemed shorter than he was when i first started dating him, i find it incredibly cute.

"hi baby" he whispered out of the kiss. niall lead us inside. i remembered exactly what this place was. there were few people, mainly nurses walking around with carts.

some people who looked like teachers said hello to louis, we waved back. niall had left us as he said he was doing a small meet in greet with a few therapy groups.

we entered one of the back room. it was privatel, small and quiet. "the program?" i whispered.

"thought we would come back and visit, they made us dinner" he smiled. "well i did, they lemme use the kitchen"

louis had come back to visit this place a few times every month, helps out here sometimes. hes getting a degree is psychology so when they asked him if he wanted to help with group therapy he gladly accepted.

"harry!" another familiar voice called. i turned to the door of the room to face briana. "foods here" she smiled placing to plates down on the table. there were some candles lining the shelves of the room.

"great to see what you did with my old room" bri laughed, she gave me and lou a quick hug before leaving again. "soooo why are we here... with all this?"

"sit" lou said pulling out my chair. i immediately sat, him following. "chicken stuff with mozzarella, wrapped in parma ham with a side of homemade mash" he did some hand gestures which some how made me fall more in love with him.

"and am i not aloud to surprise my boyfriend with a celebratory dinner after he just graduated?"

"i suppose you can" i smiled. we ate and talked about so many things. what im doing went i get to uni, im going to the local one in donny as well.

we wouldve been in some fancy restaurant if he didnt have group therapy in an hour in a half. "were you that nervous during your grad?"

"very, but you didnt have to give a speech." he placed his hand on top of mine. "still lou! im officially done with prison"

"thats what i said" he smiled.

"youre perfect" i spoke.

"no im not" he shook his head "before you say anything haz, im not. im flawed, but you make perfect angel make me the best person i can be"


"harry if anything youre perfect. youre flaws make you perfect. the way your stupidly long legs make you trip over nothing to the way you can never style yoyr hair 'right' youre perfect. i love every single thing you do. you have pushed me into a uni course i didnt think id ever take, you open my eyes to nee opportunities everyday. i didnt ever think i could love someone so much before. your curls, stupidly long legs, your emrald green eyes, your perfect lips, the way your freckles become so prominent in the summer, the way you push people to be the best they can be, how incredibly caring you are, the kindness you give away. you just being you, from the childish sixteen year old i started dating to the still childish nineteen year old im currently dating. even after two fucking years you havent taken that promise ring off once, not even to shower or swim... youre insane but you are also perfect inside and our harold."

before i knew he stood up, taking mg hands to also stand me up. "you have shown me what is means to be truly happy again and i really hope i can return the favour"

he took a shaky deep breath. "the day i graduated i knew it was only two more years till i could ask this"

his breathing steadied out a little as he got down on one knee. "harry edward styles, will you marry me?"

oh my god... oh my god- holy shit... fuck i havent responded.

"yes yes yes, holy shit a million times yes" tears overwhelmed my eyes, along with his.

he smiled, laughing out his nerves. he got up sliding the promise ring off my finger and placing the nee band on. we made it, was engraved on the inside of this one.

i crashed my lips on his, our tears -happy tears- mixed on our cheeks. when he pulled away he dug around in his pocket taking out a silver chain.

he took the promise ring and drew it through the chain. "i know how much of a sucker you are for this thing so you can wear it as a necklace"

i couldnt even speak. he walked behind me putting the chain on my neck. i looked down at my new ring and the old one... he really is perfect isnt he?

he kissed the back of my neck, sending shivers down my spine. im not sure where time went but we were just about naked, under the covers of the bed, tangling our sweat together.

louis said earlier no one was occupying this room as they had just had someone released here. my hands tangled in his hair as he sucked a love bite into my neck.

when he finished he starting kissing down from my neck to my chest to right above the elastic waist of my pants. he tugged them off after i silently gave me the go ahead.

he turned down to the floor rummaging for something in his jeans. he showed me a condom and a packet of lube, i very quickly nodded my head.

i still remember the first time we had sex. out of all places it was the fucking beach. it was about three in the morning, the summer after lou had graduated. i had trusted him enough for me to give myself to him.

its not like it was my virginity that was taken along with my childhood. but it felt like all that was taken back that night by louis, i gave myself to him and he didnt break me or hurt me.

"no condom" i croaked, my voice already raw.

"as much as id love to baby-"

"dont care" i shut him up, he let out a low growl throwing the condom onto the floor. he wrapped his hand around my cock pumping it as his hard cock thrusting on my thigh.

after a but he grabbed the lube packet, ripping it open with his teeth. which turned me on even more, my cock dripping with pre cum. "god youre beautiful princess" he whispered in my ears.

he coated his fingers in lube, gently pushing one in. his fingers felt like fire, a rush of adrenaline, they were addictive... but so was him entirely.

he added another, crooked his finger to make them graze my prostate. i let out a moan which led to him shushing me. "as much as i love hearing your moans, these walls arent sound proof" his hot breath escaping his lips and huts my jawline.

he entered a third then a fourth. he keeps grazing my prostate as he crooked his fingers and worked his way through me.

he pulled out when he realized how close i actually was to releasing. "untouched" he groaned.



"untouched" he groaned again.

he used the remaining lube to prep his cock. he aligned with my hole, pushing in. i clenched around him making him moan. my eyes burned from the pain, but it only turn me on more.

he gave me time to adjust while tugging on my hair. "so tight" he moaned into my mouth.

hes so addictive its insane, his fingertips lingered which would burn my skin even more. when his touch left me and the air would get to the area it would sting. he has hypnotized me and im never gonna break out of his spell.

he had hit my prostate, making me grip his hair even more as he sucked another love bute into my neck.

he kept thrusting hit the right spot every time, my cock felt so sore, pre cum leaking from my tip. "lou... i- fuck"

"close princess?" he asked thrusting into me.

i held back my moan. "please lemme t...touch"

"already said untouched" he whispered in my ear, thrusting again. "cum whenever you need to"

he thrusted a few more times, until the last time when he slammed into my prostate full speed. i came with a cry, he came not too long after i did.

the room was silent. our breathing heavy, our sweaty bodies intertwined as we collected our thoughts. i was tracing over louis' compass and he traced my ship tattoo.

"my beautiful angel" he whispered over and over.

september 28th 2013

"EMMA NO!" maya cried. i looked down to see emma sticking her hands into the outlet on the wall. i swiftly picked the two year old up.

"uncwel hawy" she cried pinching my nose.

"remember how mummy told you to stay away from dangerous things?" i asked her. she frantically nodded in return. "those white thingys in the walls are one of them"

"oh" she pouted in understanding. "fwowers?" she changed her mood in an instant.

"yeah you throw them onto the floor in-" i lookef at the clock on the wall. "thirty minutes... oh my god thirty minutes" i broke into panic lacing around my dressing room.

maya took emma from me and sat her down in a chair with some book. "h! theres nothing to be anxious about, look at you!" she turned me so i was face to face with myself in the mirror.

i was wearing a black suit with a blue tie. a small corsage of a white rose was in the pocket of my jacket.

i saw my mum enter in behind me. she took in the dark red room and brown wood flooring before she looked at me through the mirror. "its not too late to jump out the window right?" i asked.

"dont be daft son" she spoke. she looked so beautiful in her dress. it was purple, u-neck and it cut off just above her knees.

her hair was curled and half of if was tied up in a ponytail. her makeup was simple, just some mascara and lipgloss. "you look stunning mum" i smiled.

"oh look at you! my babys getting married" tears formed in her eyes.

"dont cry! please, i dont want to cry more than i need too" i laughed lightening the mood. gemma entered the room just after.

her hair was all tied back in some sort of bun, her dress was the same length as mums, but a different style. hers was more flowy while mums reminded me of a pencil.

her dress was a lighter purple than mums, with a v-neck instead of a u-neck. her makeup was the same as mums just she had some natural eyeshadow with a hint of purple in the corner of her eye.

she looked the exact same as maya actually.

"you little shi- theres a child here... hi emma" we all laughed at her comment. "you- i dont know what to say anymore more... christ youre getting married"

"everythings running smoothly right? this was out together in a span of three months..." i asked nervously.

"baby bro... mum, mark and i took care of everything so you and louis could relax! its going okay" she reassured me.

come on harry get it together!

they soon left, i looked back to the clock- five minutes to go. maya left emma behind, she said something about how enmas words calm you.

"right em, you ready to throw flowers!" i asked her making her face the mirror with me.

"yeah!" she held out her basket with the petals in them. " 'ou wook pwetty" she commented.

"so do you darling" she had the same coloured dress as gem and maya, along with a white bow in her hair to match her white shoes.

"fank yew" she smiled.

there was a knock at the door. i turned around to see niall in a black suit with the same coloured tie as the girls dresses.


it was kinda out theme i guess. lou and i just had different ties. "you ready mate?"

"no" my breaths were shaky.

"good, time to go" he gave me a hug telling me everything was running smoothly. "right miss payne are you ready!"

"yes yes yes yes yes yes yes" she jumped up and down all excited, more than before.

niall clearly still her favourite, she gets even more excited and happy when she sees him. i told liam how its cute she has a crush on the blond lad but he told me "shut up, shes not dating till shes seventy-four"

i met my mother just outside the door that entered the church. we stood in the hallway, my nervously waiting for me and mum to walk.

first was emma, she through the flower petals around all happily. she was followed by maya, then gemma, then niall.

when they got to where they were supposed to stand, emma made a little fuss about wanting to be held by niall instead of her mother, it was my turn.

mum took her arm and wrapped it through mine, the melody of a song niall wrote just for us started to play after the traditional wedding song.

the songs called still its a beautiful song. we couldnt thank niall enough for the song.

everyone got to their feet, i walked doen the isle next to mum. i looked up to see louis standing there, a wide smile spread across his face. he had tears in his eyes but so did i.

he was wearing a black suit with a green tie and the same white corsage i was wearing.

my eyes flickered over zayn and liam who were wearing the same thing niall was. lottie and fizzy also stood up there wearing the same dresses as maya and gem.

daisy and pheebs also wore the same thing, they were just seated next to the photographer in the front row.

we finally made our way to the from. mum handed me off to louis... "hi" he whispered so only i could hear. "hi" i whispered back.

the officiator spoke out. "we are gathered here today to celebrate..." his voice died out, all i could focus on was louis.

holy shit.. this is actually happening.. we are marrying louis fucking tomlinson.

"... speak now or forever hold your peace" the ministers voice came back to me. "right, the boys have written their own vows. louis, take it away"

he took a deep breath "ive giving you many speeches about how much i love you, whats one more?" this earned a laugh and an awe from everyone.

"harry, harold, hazza, curly... where do i even start? you are one of the most beautiful, most talented, most mesmerizing, most selfless, most childish, most kindness people i have ever met. you have never gone a day without making me smile and i dont think you will ever fail at that. you know me inside and out haz... i dont know what i wouldve or would do without you. from the day we had our first actual conversation i knew you were something... i always regretted kicking you and beating you everyday... im i will apologize for it no matter how many times you tell me to let it go. i was a mess then, thinking id never get fixed. yet we got paired for a stupid project and cleaned me up... quite literally. but in the words you once told me 'messes always get cleaned up one day' and i guess that day was my day. you make me want to do so many crazy things, make me wan to scream your name at the top of the world, make me wanna scream out how much i love you. i want everyone to know, well i guess our entire school knew from my essay. which im still mad you read, those words were actually going to he my vows, i know that was two years ago and we had only started dating. but i knew i was going to marry you one day styles, and look who was right... im always going to love you and cherish you.  youre always in my heart harry styles forever and for always."

he had some tears going down his face, along with me and i noticed many other people did to. "harry? your vows" the officiant spoke to me with a soft smile.

"right" i lightly laughed wiping my tears away. "in my defence i was only reading your essay because i was lost in what had happened that week and didnt know what to write."

"ive already let it slide styles" he teased.

i laughed a little again "lou, youve grown so much. not in height-" he stared me down while the crowd laughed.

"-but as a person, as a character. to be honest i was terrified when they put us together for the stupid project but im so glad they did. within the first day i witnessed you letting your guard down for me. ive watched you tear it down and build it back up around certain people. you still do that, but i understand the reasons why because you trusted me enough that day. you dont trust easily, but you trusted me and ive always wondered why. you dont need to answer it for me, ive liked not having the answer. needless to say im so glad you trusted me right away, we grew a friendship that was so complex that people who didnt know us then wouldve thought we were dating... ive never felt this way about anyone before. you make me want to do crazy things to. lou you have made me so incredibly proud over the past few years, one of the many reasons i fell and still am falling in love with you. you pushed through so many obstacles and you made it out on top. you didnt give up, you dont give up. i know for a fact your mum is so incredibly proud of you. i have never met her physically but you and her and exactly a like. from all the stories you, mark and the girls have told me ive pieced her together in my mind. shes proud of you lou, she always has been. ive always been proud of you. i love you more than words can explain and im never going to stop. because i dont think i can"

i finished, tears once again gathering in my eyes, as well as everyone elses. louis kissed two of his fingers and held them to the sky for a moment before whispering "wish you were here"

"she is here" i whispered back "she never left you"

he nodded before i wiped away his tears. we were handed our rings. this is it, this is fucking it!!!

"do you louis william tomlinson take harry edward styles to be your husband through sickness and in health, for richer or poorer?"

"i do" he smiled wide

"and do you harry edward styles take louis william tomlinson to be your husband through sickness and in health, for richer or poorer?"

"i do" i smiled back.

"with the power invested in me, as well as that five minute minister test i did the other week... i now pronounce you husband and husband" the crowd cheered. "you man now kiss your husband"

we did just that. the felt like the kiss we shared when he first proposed to me months back. our tears mixed as our bodies filled with each others love snd devotion.

i now have both the promise and engagement ring on the chain around my neck. im still never taking it off, not ever.

"you and me forever?" i asked him softly breaking the kiss.

"you and me forever" he replied.




THIS WAS 4k words!!!

not gonna lie cried while written this, final chapter comes out later this week:(

i hope you enjoyed this chapter tho! i loved writing it:)

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