Queen of Night

By LeeraIvy

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All of her life, Iyan Vesper was told, "Do not enter the Vetiti. Faeries will steal you away." She didn't bel... More

1. The Witch's Vision
2. A Thief in the Night
3. Make A Wish
4. Tricky Rules
5. The Wolf Hunts
7. Hidden Demons
8. Fearful Perspective
9. Trust Exercises
10. The Prince's Interference
11. Dwindling Defenses
12. Long Awaited Explanation
13. Chocolate Breeds Boldness
14. Mischievious Deeds
15. A Prosperous Occupation
16. Home at Last
17. New and Uncertain
18. The Queen's Demise
19. Her Confused Heart
20. For You
21. Vague Conclusions
22. A Solstice Gift
23. His Only Wish
24. A State of Nervousness
25. Golden Betrayal
26. The Weight of Sound
27. Flames of the Hunt
28. Tethers and Blinding Lights
29. Adjustments
30. You Own My Heart
31. Candlelit Vows
32. Uncertain Resolve
33. The Governor's Allegiance
34. The Wolf's Courage
35. Half a Chance
36. Crimson Stained Snow
37. Failure or Motivation
38. The Queen's Discarded Dream
39. Obsidian and Iron
40. The Sovereign's Sacrifce
41. Golden Promises
Thank You
Wings of Fate

6. Brooding Bewilderment

1K 48 11
By LeeraIvy

    Iyan stared out the window vacantly. Frost covered the glass panes and she traced her finger over it, forming simple patterns. Nearly a week had gone by since she and Asena had been brought to Noctis. Iyan had spent most of her time shut up within her room. Every now and then, Asena and Esen would disturb her peace, but for the most part, she was left alone.

    I've got to think of a way to trap Arius, she thought once more. We can't stay here forever. She drummed her fingers on the windowsill. And there must be someone here who can tell me what happened to Lucille. I'm not leaving without her.

    She jumped as the door creaked open. Esen poked her head into the room. "Still brooding? You could almost rival Gabriel," she joked. She stepped inside and leaned against the doorframe.

    "What do you want?" Iyan went back to tracing shapes in the frost.

    "I wanted to take you and Asena into town. I thought you might like to get something to eat." She turned a pointed gaze towards a tray of untouched food sitting near Iyan.

    "I can't eat very much. I'm not used to it."

    "You could eat more than you have been. Even Asena has regained her appetite."

    "Good for her. I can't believe she actually trusts you somewhat."

    "Why don't you?" Esen pushed. "Have we done anything to suggest that we mean you harm?"

    Iyan gave her an incredulous look. "Arius tricked me into being stuck here. I saw a Faerie kidnap my best friend. I..."

    "None of those insinuate that we mean you harm," Esen interrupted. Her usually smiling face turned serious. "You don't know the whole story. Arius tricked you for a reason. When the time is right, he'll tell you why. As to your friend, I don't know who took her, but it was no one within this city." She turned towards the door, then paused. "Maybe you should stop judging us based on the stories you've been told and see who we are for yourself." The door closed behind her.

    Iyan sighed and tucked her legs up against her chest. She bit her lip, thinking. Despite herself, she was becoming rather curious about the Faeries who now surrounded her. If Asena is going, then I suppose I will too, she decided at last. Iyan grabbed her fur lined cloak off a hook and fastened it around her shoulders.

    Esen was standing in the hallway with a grin. "I knew you'd come. Asena is already waiting outside."

    "I don't understand how you got her to trust you so quickly," Iyan said, following her down the stairs. "She hates Faeries as much as I do."

    "I don't have an answer for you." They reached the front door and headed out into the mansion's courtyard. Sure enough, Asena was waiting for them.

    Her eyes brightened, spying Iyan. "Finally. I was worried I'd have to drag you out of that room."

    "You're in a surprisingly good mood." They began walking towards the main gates. Esen remained silent, letting them speak.

    "You've been in a surprisingly bad one." Asena elbowed her side. "It's your own fault, you know."

    "Not entirely," Iyan replied. "The last part of the spell was blotted out, so I didn't know about it. Arius didn't tell me until after I freed him." Her gaze flickered to Esen. The Prince's cousin revealed nothing with her own expression.

    Asena inclined her head. "That might be true, but still. Regardless..." she pursed her lips for a moment. "I suppose I'm somewhat grateful that this happened."

    That caught Esen's attention. "Really?" Her wings fluttered a bit, displaying her excitement.

    Asena nodded. "We've been treated better here than we have anywhere else in years. We have nice rooms, clothes, food, freedom..." She smiled once more. Iyan smiled as well. It was nice to see her sister so happy for once. "We do owe Arius some thanks."

    "Don't let him hear that," Esen laughed. "His ego doesn't need to get any bigger."

    "I already heard it." Iyan stifled a groan as he landed beside them. Arius tucked his wings close to his back and began walking alongside Esen. "And my ego is not that big."

    "Mmhm." Esen simply smirked at him.

    "Does he have to come with us?" Iyan butted in. Asena shot her a warning look, but she ignored it.

    Arius glanced at her, amusement written across his face. "I suppose not, but you'll have to get used to my presence eventually. You live in my house." He spread his wings once more and lifted off the ground.

    "Don't worry." Esen looped her arm through Iyan's. "I find him insufferable too."

    "Still, you should treat him with a little more respect," Asena pointed out. "He may be a..." she paused with a glance at Esen, then rephrased herself. "He may have tricked you, but we are his guests and we don't need to get on his bad side."

    Esen grimaced with a nod. "I've been there before. A word of advice, don't make him angry." Iyan lowered her gaze as they continued walking past the mansion gates and into the city streets.


    Esen led them through several bustling streets. A few Faeries gave them curious looks. They never stared for too long, though. The three of them reached another street and Esen turned to them.

    "What do you want to do first? Food or shopping?" She asked. Iyan's stomach growled, revealing her answer. Esen chuckled and pointed to a restaurant across the street. "Orna's has the best food in Noctis."

    They crossed the street and entered the restaurant. Iyan swallowed, realizing how crowded the restaurant was. She slipped her hand into Asena's and squeezed it tightly. A waitress led them towards a table near the back of the room.

    They sat down and Esen settled her wings over the low back of her chair. The waitress brought them each a glass of water. When the time came to order, Iyan let Esen choose something for her. After a few moments of silence, Esen excused herself.

    "Iyan, no one here is going to hurt us," Asena said, once she was gone.

    "You don't know that. How can you forget everything we've been told?" Iyan's hand drifted towards her face. She looked better than she had a week ago, but several bruises still marred her body.

    Asena took her hand and gently pressed it down to her lap. "Think, Iyan. We've been treated better here than we ever were in Sparrowhaven. No one has laid a hand on us since we arrived. Like I said earlier, we have..."

    "I know what they've given us," Iyan snapped. She lowered her voice as a few patrons glanced at them. "But I also remember what they've taken away. Faeries are not our friends; the Night Faeries least of all."

    "Maybe you should ask King Torin about Lucille," Asena suggested. "Or Arius."

    "I asked him when we first met," Iyan spat. "He told me he knew nothing and tricked me."

    Asena heaved a sigh and rolled her eyes. "Fine. Be difficult then."

    Esen returned just as their food arrived. Iyan eyed her platter warily. Asena dug into her own food with delight. Finally, she gave in and picked up her fork. Iyan cocked her head and eyed it briefly.

    "It's not iron, if that's what you're thinking," Esen said. "There is no iron beyond the Vetiti."

    "How am I supposed to capture Arius then?"

    "Did the spell ever specify that he has to be trapped in the same manner as the first time?" Asena asked.

    "Nope." Esen shoveled some food in her mouth.

    Iyan gritted her teeth and clenched her hand around her fork. "When was somebody going to tell me this?"

    Esen swallowed with a grin. "We weren't. Arius heard humans are clever. He wanted to see if you'd figure it out on your own. I suppose I ruined that little observation for him."

    Iyan stabbed her fork into her food. She scooted her chair back from the table with enough force to knock it over. She stomped out of the restaurant, ignoring the surprised stares that followed her.

    Several minutes passed before she heard Esen and Asena chasing after her. "Iyan, wait!" Asena shouted. Iyan only increased her pace.

    She gave a startled shout as her feet slipped out from beneath her. Silver magic hovered around her shoes once more. Iyan picked herself up, fuming as Arius strode towards her.

    "I think someone was calling for you," he drawled.

    "I don't care. Get out of my way."

    "Ooh, you're feistier than I thought." He crossed his arms and flared his wings up, blocking her path.

    Iyan attempted to step around him. He pushed her back with one wing. She glared at him. He smirked and received a firm kick in the shin. Arius' mouth dropped open in a silent shout. Iyan lifted her foot to kick him again, but silver magic yanked her to the ground.

    She heard a stifled snicker from behind her. Iyan glanced over her shoulder. Asena and Esen had reached them. Iyan picked herself up, struggling to keep herself from shaking with rage.

    "Should I tie you up or are you going to behave?" Arius taunted. Silver swirled around his fingers.

    "I am not something for you to toy with," Iyan snapped. She tried to push past him, but he blocked her once more. With a grunt of anger, Iyan shoved him backwards. Arius caught her wrists with a sneer and his wings surrounded them for an instant.

    When he lowered them, they were back at the mansion, standing in the courtyard. A sword appeared in Iyan's hands. Arius stepped back, gripping his own.

    "Let's work this out of your system, shall we?" He spread his arms in invitation, holding his sword loosely in one hand.

    With a roar, Iyan lifted her sword and struck at him. He blocked it with ease and slipped around her. His sword prodded her in the back. Iyan shrugged her cloak off and lunged at him again.

    "You've clearly never held a sword before." Her blow glanced off his sword once more. Arius struck at her, driving his sword down against her. Iyan pushed back against him, refusing to falter. "Determination is good."

    She pushed up with her heels, ramming her forehead into his nose. Arius stumbled back with a huff. He swiped some blood away from his nose with a grin.

    "Creative." He gave her a nod.

    "Is this an assessment?" She hissed.

    "More or less." He parried her next three blows and pushed her aside with ease. "You're dying to learn what happened to your friend, aren't you?"

    Iyan blocked his attack and attempted to knee him in the groin. He jumped back with an added push from his wings. "Cheap move, Daughter of Clay."

    "Stop calling me that. I have a name, you know."

    "You never bothered to introduce yourself to me." Magic surrounded her hands. Iyan tightened her grip as Arius tried to pull the sword away from her.

    "Why would I need to? Your cousin has told you everything you need to know, I'm sure."

    "It's only polite to introduce yourself when you first meet someone."

    "If I recall correctly," their swords clashed again. Iyan met his teasing midnight blue gaze. "You never introduced yourself to me either."

    "I suppose we should remedy that." He pushed her back once more and bowed, just as he had to Asena. "Prince Arius of the Night Faeries, at your service, Love."

    "Iyan, and don't call me that either." She swiped at him. He straightened and caught the blow, then twisted. He pinned her arm against his side and pried the sword from her fingers.

    Arius spun away from her, holding her sword as well as his own. "Well, you're not a hopelessly lost cause. I think you'll be able to handle a sword with ease after some help from my expert teaching."

    "What?" Iyan's anger gave way to a small amount of curiosity.

    "If you want to help me find out what happened to your friend, you'll need to know how to fight. Tomorrow, at dawn." Arius turned on his heel and walked away. Iyan stared after him, completely bewildered.

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