Camp Evergreen || Sanders Sid...

By Lamira_GATCHA

174 4 2

Summer camp, a beautiful place where nothing goes wrong, right? Well, maybe not for Camp Evergreen. Lots of t... More

Information || Welcome
Welcome To Camp 1/3
Welcome To Camp 2/3
Welcome To Camp 3/3
One Crazy Morning 2/3
One Crazy Morning 3/3
the show will never get started lol

One Crazy Morning 1/3

16 0 0
By Lamira_GATCHA

The morning sun started creeping in when Logan was awoken with a slight buzzing on his wrist. It was his watch, letting him know that it was time to wake up. It was exactly seven am, and he had been the first one up. Logan slowly creeped out of bed, making sure not to wake the others, and took out a mini bag from under his bed. He walked over to the bathroom sink and opened the bag. Strangely, the first thing he pulled out wasn't a comb or a toothbrush, instead it was a mini bottle of foundation. Logan usually never wore makeup. He always felt like it took a huge chunk of time and effort out of his morning, but for camp he had made an exception. He had quite prominent freckles, and he had always felt like it contrasted negatively with his professional appearance. He took the wand out of the bottle, now covered in the foundation, and started to apply. He had almost finished when he heard a drowsy voice call out to him.

"Hey, Logan. Do you still have that cut medicine thing you gave me yesterday? My lips starting to hurt aga-"

Roman was now making eye contact with Logan in the mirror, foundation bottle in hand. He scrambled quickly to try to put it away before Roman could get any ideas of what it could have been.

"Roman!" Logan exclaimed, still rummaging through the mini bag, "I believe yesterday you stated that you usually don't find fondness in arising until much later into the morning! What has you up so early?"

Roman just stared back in confusion until he finally gave an answer, "Just because I said I wake up around nine, it doesn't mean I'm a deep sleeper. What were you even doing anyway?" Roman asked, now walking over to Logan after he had put the bottle away.

Logan hesitantly let Roman take the bottle, there wasn't a point of hiding it anymore. It took the younger of the two a bit to finally realize what the bottle had been used for.

"Oh my goodness! Why didn't you tell me that you wore makeup? We could have been makeup buddies! Although, I definitely would have done it for you. With that application you can tell that you have fr- wait you have freckles!?!" Roman asked, staring at the spot that Logan didn't have enough time to cover.

"If you are referring to the ephiles spots that appear quite vividly on my face, then yes, I do have freckles. I don't quite understand why you would view the miniature dark spots as such a life changing discovery. It's only as if they're figuratively, 'there for show," Logan responded.

"They make you look nice! I don't get why you would cover them up,"

They were just staring at each other for about a minute. They were about the same height, despite being two, almost three years apart in age.

"Although I'm rather flattered that you had complimented me, I do believe you came in here for medical assistance; specifically for your bottom lip,"

Roman simply nodded as Logan started digging around for the medicine. It took a while, but he finally found it and started applying. He was honestly amazed by how unfazed Roman was about it. He didn't flinch, wince, or even complain about it.

"It's rather astonishing how comfortable you seem to be with this. Are you rather used to it?" Logan asked.

"Yeah. Remus tends to be...a little rough when it comes to our fights. Our mom has to get new supplies for our first aid kit around once or twice a week,"

"Well, considering that, I believe that is a little bit of an understatement. I don't think anyone should be having to buy that much medical supplies because of what their child causes," Logan replied, screwing the lid back on the bottle.

"Well that's Remus for you. Always causing pure havoc wherever he goes!" Roman gave a slight chuckle at his wording, "But in all seriousness, I am used to getting little cuts and bruises from him. He's used to me giving them too, believe it or not. He wasn't even bothered by the fact that I gave him a black eye,"

They talked for a little while longer; until about 7:15, when Patton walked in, still half asleep.

"Hey guys!" Patton said, yawning in between his sentences, "What are you doing? It's pretty early in the morning,"

"Nothing too interesting. We are simply discussing some sort of topic that I don't quite understand-"

"You'll never understand the true beauty of theater!!!" Roman yelled, cutting Logan off as he had been trying to finish.

Patton just stood there, staring at Roman; who was now pointing at Logan. There was a bit of silence before Roman had spoken up again.

"Sorry. I'm really passionate about theatrics,"

"Oh...that's fine,"

Patton sat down on the floor with Logan and Roman. Now that Patton joined the conversation, they had all lost an idea on what to talk about.

"Are we just going to sit in silence? Cause if we are I can just go-"

"Wait, Patton, before you go I want to ask you something," Logan stated, cutting Patton off. "Correct me if I am wrong, but I do believe that yesterday you said that you were from a different state. If that is indeed correct recalled information, then where are you from?"

Patton sat back down before answering, "Oh, yeah! I'm actually from North Carolina,"

"Wait a minute! You're meaning to tell me that you drove all the way down here from North freaking Carolina!?!" Patton simply nodded to Roman's question. "Geez! At that point I would have taken a plane! Isn't that like ten hours away?!?"

"Yeah, it was a long ride for sure," Patton chuckled back.

"You got here at two pm, that would mean you left somewhere around one or two am just to arrive here," Once again, Patton nodded to Logan's statement. "Did you atleast get sleep on your way here?"

"Not a lot," Patton replied, "I got somewhere around 30 minutes right before we got here,"

"So you went to bed at ten last night, meaning you were up for around 20 hours yesterday, and yet you still wake up this early!?!" Logan asked, pretty much amused at this point.

"Yeah, little fact about me! No matter how late I stay up or how tired I am, I still somehow manage to wake up around this time,"

Logan checked his watch again. It was now 7:22, and the sun was way up by now. He remembered about the pile of damp towels outside from yesterday. Right before everyone headed out to dinner in the mess hall, they all needed to decide who was going to do the laundry. Logan, of course, graciously volunteered, not knowing that he was the only one that actually knew how to use a washing machine. He stood up from his spot and headed to his bunk to put on his shoes.

"As much as I would love to continue this conversation, I need to go take the towels out to the washers. Be sure to wake everyone up when the morning bell rings. I'll be back in a little bit,"

And just like that, Logan was out the door.

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