Bruises [L.S]

By laurenxtomlinson

162K 4.2K 11.2K

hes always smiling... TW// self harm, abuse, depression, eating disorders, suicidal thoughts This is my first... More

Punching bags
Big brother
I'm yours... i hope
I'm sorry
on my own
mark (again)
two of us
id love to
shots n tattoos
the move
ink n skin
coming out with blood
dancing queen
hammer to the head
little things
head over heels
the concert
a safe place
the sitters
the last day
you and me forever
shots n tattoos: ziam pov


2.1K 54 200
By laurenxtomlinson


2 more chapters left after this one:(

i will notify you when my new story comes out tho!!

TW// self harm, suicidal thoughts, eating disorders, abuse, depression


5 hours and 15 minutes to go.

"OI OII" i yelled running into liams house.


"fucking insane" i muttered into a hug.

we. fucking. graduate. its again, insane. i had gotten accepted into the local donny college, which was enough for me. its close to home and the drama department is really professional.

"ireland cant make it, his team wanted him for some project he is working on" he said as we entered his kitchen.

"thats alright, hes flying back for the summer" i shrugged off.

niall spends most of his time here, only goes to america for projects or album recordings/promotions. sinces hes only seventeen they want him with his parents majority of the time.

"louis darling! how are you" karen -liams mum- walked into the kitchen.

"im great misses payne, how are you" i gave her a hug and a kiss on the cheek.

"oh couldnt be better" she gave me that warming smile i always get when im over. she really is like another mum to me.

ive grown up with both liam and zayn since we were in just year two. so karen and trish have been like a second and third mum to me.

i checked the time, five hours till we walk. "you got your speech prepared?" liam asked.

some reason i was elected valedictorian. "yeah, took me only two weeks" the two weeks ive been back at school.

we were now headed to pick up zayn to hang out the three of us. we havent been the original trio since september.

i wont even have to worry about being a third wheel. well they arent even out to everyone. just their parents, our group and the team. although even if they were they wouldnt be all pda.

"hey tommo, hey babe" zayn popped his head through liams window kissing his cheek before getting into the backseat.

"you lot are so cute it's disgusting"

"shut it, you and harold are worse"

"dont drag my perfect boyfriend into this" i stared at zayn throw you rearview mirror. liam changed the subject back to graduation.

we ended up at a pub getting a few drinks, we knew not to get pissed as of graduation but also because i had to drive back.

"turning your phone off liam? who is this?" i was taken back a little, its something he never does.

"harry is with maya, theyll be okay" he responded ordering the first round of pints.

"right! heres to finally making it out of that hell hole, and to louis because he fucking made it" zayn lifted his pint.

"CHEERS" we shouted.

we only ordered the rounds of pints. enough to give liam a small headache, give zayn a small buzz and to still keep me sober.

"have any name ideas yet?" i asked picking at my small bowl of crisps. liam gave a big smile. "maya was thinking of ellie, i said i liked millie or poppy"

"i still think you should name her emma" zayn added finishing his last pint. we finished up at the pub, some how killing an hour and a half.

2 hours 14 minutes to go.

"wheres sir harold?" daisy pouted. after i dropped the boys back off at liams i headed to pick up my sisters from school.

"wowwww i see whose your favourite" i said sarcastically. i mean i dont blame her, harry is everyones favourite.

"right, we are going to get lottie" i looked to the three girls in the backseat.

"cant believe youre going on to uni" fiz spoke after handing her phone over to the girls for them to watch something. "im not going anywhere though" i replied.

we pulled up to lotties school. doncaster middle school- year seven to eight. written up on a huge sign.

"two more years and youll be here fizzy" i smiled at her. she rolled her eyes "dont remind me"

lottie was walking out of the building with gabby and some other friends. i plugged my phone into the aux and blasted gagnam style.

fizzy groaned, the twins laughed and lottie was in complete horror. everyone who was walking onto their buses or walking out of the school took out their phones.

lottie ran to the car, getting into the passengers seat and quickly shut off the music. "heyyy thats my favourite song" i laughed.

"i hate you i hate you i hate you" she muttered giving me the finger as she slouched in her seat. "we gone?" she asked when i pulled out of the car park.

"yes, now to make it up to you would you like mcdonalds"

"YES" pheebs screamed. "PLEASEEEEEE BOOBEAR PLEASE" daisy came in behind her.

we all started to laugh. "i could go for some food but i still hate you"

"you could never"

"youre right" she rolled her eyes.

we ordered our food from the drive through and ate in the car. "listen im going to drop you off at home then i have to head back to mine alright?"

"okayyyyyy" pheebs smiled finishing her happy meal.

we drove for what felt like two minutes, when it was more forty five minutes. time with the girls always goes by so fast. i remember just yesterday the twins were just new borns.

"theres the grad" mark smiled at the door frame, catching the twins in his arms as they ran up to him screaming daddy. "hey mark" i smiled back.

things have been going really will with mark. weve spent time together a lot recently. worked on our relationship.

he understand i will never forgive him for what he has done to me or the girls, but i can learn to move on and create new memories.

"listen i got to go, ill see you in a but yeah?"

"of course, good luck out there tommo" he hugged me. i said bue to the girls and left.

5 minutes to go.

i havent seen harry all day, my nerves were through the roof for this speech. harry always calms me down.

why do i have to give the speech? what did i do? why was i the one to talk to all the grads? and all the parents. fuck fuck fuck

"tommo mate, youre gonna be fine!" liam nudged me. the tassel from his cap hanging in front of his eyes. "i know but its still scar-"

"-nd now its time for our valedictorian! louis tomlinson" mr cowell- our principal -spoke.

everyone applauded, fee names thrown out. tommo, lewis, tomlinson, fag. well fag was only used by stan and everyone booed him.

i almost tripped over my gown but no one notice. "uhm hi" i spoke into the mic, the feedback very strong as i opened my paper and placed it on the podium.

"right, apparently im supposed to give a speech about how wonderful this graduating class is. truth is i dont know many of you that well and we arent that great" i lightly laughed. "we are all flawed, fucked up in our own way"

the principal looked at me for the swearing but i didnt give two shits.

"i mean look at me, i havent been here nine weeks. i beat myself up for so many reasons only few know. im not that great. i feel like so many obstacles have been thrown my way over the years. i lost my mum few years back, which everyone knows of. thats when my life hit an all time low and stayed there for a couple years. i was stuck raising my sisters, helping out my step dad. if i could go back in time for me to have died in that car crash i wouldve. she didnt deserve to pass. but as cheesy as this sounds: shit happens for a reason. i do believe that.

imma stop going on about my mum though. she was and still is an amazing woman and i know she would be proud of me and the girls as of today. moral of all that i guess was: be happy with what you got? god im shit at speeches" the crowd laughed.

"right, uhm i guess i should start naming the good parts of this year? i mean our footie team finished first in the finals. as we always do! so props to liam payne and zayn malik. they took over as co-captains for me when i was gone, all that work goes to them. i heard calum hood got a scholarship to manchester uni because of his winning goal. i couldnt be more proud of him.

listen, again im shit at these speeches i never know what to say. you know harry- my boyfriend- told me i should just say shit from the heart. hes always been a sap for many things. not like its bad, one of the many reasons i love him. hes actually very optimistic, another reason i love him. he always knows how to find the light in every situation, which is something ive learned this year. honestly if something doesnt go your way fight through it. its gonna get better, as fucked as we are one thing we are is strong. theres always the light at the end of the tunnel. for many of us we have made it and for the rest of us: keep fucking going your almost there. we are all cheering you on from the other side.

this year for most of you has been the best year yet, some of you its been shit. which ever its been for you its finally over. many of us are going off to uni, while others may take a gap year. which ever one you are doing i really hope you take the time to relax. we are finally free from this prison after what? five years? not counting primary school. listen we fucking did it you little shits! heres to us" i finished.

everyone was clapping for me. it was a shit speech but i mean i guess it was alright. i smiled walking off the stage. a few words by some teachers were spoken but then names were staring to be called.

the sun was going to be setting in a little less than an hour. we were around the letter N. everyone clapped and cheered as the people walked across the stage and got their diplomas.

"zayn malik" mr cowell called. zayn smiled walking across the stage. "YEAH GO BRADFORD" someone shouted. liam and i yelled as loud as we could.

he came back sitting next to liam. the next one out of the three of us was liam. we screamed as loud as we could for him aswell.

the sun was finally setting as i heard "louis tomlinson" be called.

this is it, its done. you made it, you did it. the bad voice is gone... we made it.

"YES TOMMO" liam called. i heard the girls screaming boobear along with harry. i heard marks cheers as well.

"exceptionally proud of who you have become" mr cowell commented shaking my hand and handing me my diploma.

the rest of my classmates were called up. the sun was almost gone. fairy lights and laterns lit up the outdoors. "cant believe we fucking graduated" liam whispered in awe.

"its nuts." zayn spoke out as well. i let out a laugh before saying "honestly didnt believe i would actually make it this far"

"believe it mate, youve got a long way to go" zayn replied. i leaned into liam who wrapped his arm around my shoulders.

"and as these bright pupils make their way out into the world, i wish them the best of luck. i know they will go far and reach their full potential. i will miss seeing you everyday, but i wont forget the memories ive made with you. even the bad ones" mr cowell laughed a little.

we all stood up. "please move you tassel to the other side of your head." we did just that.

"may i present to you: the class of twenty-eleven"




im so tired i didnt try very much:/

they graduated though:)

right i hope again you enjoyed!!!

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