Star Wars: Heir of the Menace...

By 16wsd17178

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Episode 1 Heir of the Menace The Galaxy's at its pivotal point, many systems are planning on defecting from t... More

Chapter 1: A Surprise
Chapter 2: The Lightsaber
Chapter 3: Tracking
Chapter 4: Smuggling
Chapter 5: Prisoners
Chapter 6: A Connection
Chapter 7: The Clone Wars
Chapter 8: Stratagy and Battle
Chapter 9: The Duel
Chater 10: The Contract
Chapter 11: The Jedi Council
Chapter 12: Coruscant's Lower Shops
Chapter 14: The Challenge

Chapter 13: Flying Again

13 1 0
By 16wsd17178

Marquikise's POV

Back at the Jedi Temple, Dalka and I are able to load ourselves back into the Eta-Class Shuttle. Dalka makes the final preparations while I change back into me Jedi robes, carefully hiding my blaster underneath my clothing for safe keeping. Leaving it on the ship or in my room at the temple could be disastrous. A Jedi possessing a potentially illegal weapon might mean my last day as a Jedi. My plan is to toss it once we get to an ideal spot.

"Strap in, we're taking off." I hear Dalka call from the cockpit. Quickly making my way to the front and strapping myself in, we lift off the hanger floor, exit and begin our climb through the atmosphere.

We made contact with my master and are meeting him to join an ongoing battle with a CIS force. Our mission is to aid in the areal combat and hopefully make it planet-side after gaining control of the air. While in the mess, we might be able to locate the commander whom the Jedi Council wants me to find.

After breaking free from the atmosphere, Dalka starts the computers on hyperspace calculations.

"After we make the jump, we are training." Dalka tells me.

"Is that a request?" I laugh. She gives me a look.

"Come on, you owe me." She debates.

"That's fine with me."

"Here we go." She redirects the ship and we make the jump. As the streaks from stars begin to start across the glass in the cockpit, she is already up moving to the cabin.

I unlatch the straps to my seat and follow her to the main cabin. She stands across from me, holding her sword up in a ready position. My lightsaber jumps to my hand and ignites. Before swinging my lightsaber, I test it against the sword. My pressure on her blade is met with resistance from her tight grip. Stepping back, I extinguish my blade.

"First, lessen your grip on the grip." I pause to push on the side of her blade. "You want a little give and take. This is an extension of your arm, not a club."

She nods, adjusting her grip accordingly.

"First, the basic swing." I demonstrate a swing from the point of the blade pointing up through a downward slash, stoping before I swing too far.

She replicates the swing with some accuracy, trying it several times before mastering it. We work on a few defensive stances and swings before trying to lock our blades together in a predetermined strike pattern. She in this short time has shown a proficiency in the first form of lightsaber combat. While not proficient in it, she could challenge a Youngling in single combat. A rapid beeping rings out from the cockpit.

"Our mission." Dalka breaths, taking a deep breaths. I too am breathing more deeply, while not tired, I am feeling my lightsaber's weight more than I did before. A sign of exercise.

I join her at the cockpit, just as we start to drop out of hyperspace. The four Republic cruisers hover above the battle that is raging below on the planet's surface. A few troop transports make their way to and from the planet's surface. Dalka guides our shuttle to the closest cruiser.

"Padawan, it's good to see that your back from Coruscant in one piece." He must have known about our adventure. "We need you and your pilot to take a clone fighter ship to intercept the CIS bombers. Our clones are holding out but we are deploying another team to face them. You will be a part of this team."

"Yes Master."

"May the force be with you." The communication ends quickly.

"Must be rough down there." Dalka comments. "I agree with your master, let me do the flying."

"I know."

We arrive on the cruiser shortly before the next team is scheduled to depart. Rushing to leave our shuttle and find our next ship, I grab the few items that are mine and place them on my belt. Dalka and I sprint out of the shuttle and toward the awaiting clone fighter. It's a two seat fighter starship designed to have a pilot and a designated rear gunner. I climb into the gunner's position while Dalka settles into the pilot's seat. Taking a moment to familiarize the controls, I note the few armaments at my disposal as well as additional targeting systems, emergency systems and other oddities. My eyes scan over the equipment again before I notice the headset meant to connect the pilot and gunner. Picking it up, I place it on my head.

"Blue three, checking in." A voice comes through the headset.

"Blue four, checking in." The same voice came though.

"Blue five, checking in."

"Blue six, checking in."

"Blue seven, checking in." I hear Dalka over the earpiece.

"All accounted for, prepare to launch." There is a pause. "Three... two... one... all blue call signs go, go go."

Dalka takes off, flying through the hanger and towards the planet below. All blue call signs form into a v formation, flying only several wing widths away. This tight formation loosens as we plummet through the atmosphere. Each subtle shake and bump in a tight formation might mean certain doom for the squad.

"Blue call signs one, two three and four split off into groups of two and take care of those clankers."

The ships take off from our pack and start their attack runs on the droid bombers.

"Blue call signs five, six, and seven follow me. We're providing cover fire for the ground units. Aim for the armored targets."

As we descend, my targeting computer lights up and begins showing the ground below.

"Marquikise, keep the droids of my tail. I can take care of the ground targets." Switching on the laser cannons, I form a reply.

"Armed and ready."

"Good." I hear her reply.

The targeting system boots up and shows the closest target. None are in range of my cannons right now, so I focus on the ground units. A few armored units are visible on our twelve o-clock. Dalka let's out a series of controlled blasts and a burning wreck of an armored vehicle remains on the surface. As we near the surface, Dalka pulls the ship into a climb. As we rise, several droid ship show up on my sensors. They're in range.

I swivel the cannon to face the closest target, watching the targeting system, I wait to fire. When the cannons line up with the fighter craft, I fire a barrage. This instantly delivers a crippling blow to the enemy ship, causing it to spiral out of control and impact with the ground. Lining up the next shot take a few adjustments and readjustments as Dalka turns the ship to begin another dive on the enemy emplacements. Before I fire again, the enemy fighter delivers a few blaster bolts to our ship, causing it to shake as the shields absorbed the force. I unleash another barrage of fire and cause this fighter to explore in midair. A final fighter takes its former pursuer's position. Still lined up, I unleash another volley of shots. This fighter rolls away before they impact. Readjusting the cannons, I line up another shot. Before the computer could tell me that I am lined up, I send a single shot towards the doomed craft. It impacts the fighter, causing it to veer to the side and crash into the enemy line on the ground. This wipes out an entire squad of ground droids.

"Good work." I hear Dalka call over the intercom.

"Nice flying." I reply.

"Blue call signs five, six, seven. Return to the cruisers for defensive positions." I head over the radio.

"Surely that can't be right." I hear Dalka state.

"Repeat, blue call signs five, six, seven. Return to the cruisers for defensive positions."

"Dalka." I warn, sensing that the feeling in my gut means this is either a trap or a ploy to reduce numbers. "Drop me off."

"I'll follow the command but you will need to make this look clean." She warns.

"Fly in low and upside down." I instruct. Planning to drop to the battle below from my seat.

"Careful, don't want to find out that your sprained an ankle or something."

Pulling off the headset, I begin to mentally and physically prepare myself to drop from the ship. I know it will be close but there is no telling how close Dalka can get before needing to gain some altitude. I feel the ship roll upside down as I am preparing. Focusing on the ground that is now above, we are still a couple hundred meters above the surface. Pushing the hatch open, I begin the unlatch myself from the seat. As soon as the last latch opened, I could feel the gravity take my body from the ship.

Still several hundred meters above the surface could allow me to reach terminal velocity so I spread my arms and legs to slow that process down. In my decent, I take note of the Republic line of troops and the armored vehicles on our side. I'll be landing only a kilometer away from that line of defense. Accelerating as I fall, the ground moves quickly toward me. Focusing, I reach out in the force to slow my fall. I can slow my velocity but the landing will still be difficult to make. Focusing my force power, I attempt to slow myself more. Meters before impacting the ground, I bend my knees into a sharp angle. As I impact the ground, I roll to the side causing the force to distribute throughout my body. An immediate soreness fills my body as I roll to a stop. Groaning, I roll to my stomach to punch myself up.

"Never going to try that again." I tell myself.

Pushing myself up, I am able to balance. Taking a few minutes to regain some mobility.

"Alright." I say, feeling strong enough to rush to the front line. "Let's go."

Running for only a few minutes takes me close to the front line. The booms and clangs of charges impacting armored vehicles and the ground around them can be heard very clearly now. Marching the rest of the distance, I meet with the nearest clone.

"Master Jedi." He states, looking surprised. "The Captain wishes to speak with you."

He pulls out a holo-communicator. The clone captain appears.

"Jedi, it seems the CIS leader that you have met before is on the battlefield today. He is messing with our communications. Giving commands by holo is the only way to ensure good commands are issued." The Captain pauses. "Sir, he has called you out and wishes to challenge you to single combat. Not sure what pleasure he wishes to gain by this."

"Let him know that I am ready to accept."

"Yes, sir."


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