Sanity {H•S}

By angelicdirection

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"fuck me you're stupid"he says agitated "thats not in the contract" i mutter. he smirks and shakes his head. ... More



122 7 63
By angelicdirection

The Next day

Nina urgently packed my case and Debby helped me fill out my forms.

"Can't believe my little Alex is off to tour the world as Euphorias PA"Debby frowns as she wraps her arms around me. Debby had been like a mother to me these past 12 years. I had known her and Nina since i was 6. Grandad always took me around to Ninas when i needed some girl time.

When I got my first period,Debby and Nina were the ones Grandad sent me to awkwardly asking for them to help me.

I giggled at the memories.

"What you laughing at?" Nina chuckles

"The memories. Thank you for everything you two have given me these past 12 years. Your like my family" i smile softly.

"Its no problem Alex, you are family. I hope you have the best time touring the world, don't forget to facetime when your not busy making out with the band, or do they say snogging?" Debby smirks and i shake my head laughing.

Debby and Nina drove me to the hotel in San Francisco where we had an emotional goodbye. There was a-lot of tears. I blotted my makeup to make sure it looked okay for the crew and put on a brave face as i wonder what i would say to grandad and if he already knew.

"Hello Love Can I Help you?"

"Hiya Uh, i have a room booked under the Name P.Radcliffe? My names Alexandra Patterson"

"Oh yes! Euphorias PA! Mr Radcliffe has your room key, he's actually in the vip lounge just over there." She smiles pointing to a room with security guards.

I nod my head and she hands me a lanyard with Euphoria written on it.

"Keep this, it will get you around and keep you out of trouble" she says gently

"Thank you" i smile

"No problem"

I walk over to the V.I.P lounge to see a man known as Reade.

"Hey Reade! Im Alex Patterson, the bands PA and Johns grandaughter"

"Alex! How are you?"

"Im good! Do you know if my grandad is-"

"Alexandra" a voice behind me began and i knew it was him straight away.

"Grandad im sorry its just -"

"Cut the shit Alex. You knew i didn't want you involved here yet here you are" he says in a harsh tone.

"I know.. i-im sorry"

He rolls his eyes.

"PA Alex! Could you genuinely not get any closer to the band"

I shake my head and frown. I felt guilty.

He sighs and takes a deep breath.

"Im really disappointed Alexandra but, your an adult now. I trust you'll make the right decisions when it comes to your safety"

I nod. "I will don't worry."

"Good. Now hurry into Rad, he's looking forward to seeing you" Grandad says quickly as he walks off leaving me and Reade together as he slowly opens the door for me.

"Alex Patterson!" Rad says amongst all the chatter.

"Hello Rad" i smile softly.

He smiles

"Boys quiet down, Euphoria and the rest of the crew this is Euphorias Personal Assistant, Alex Patterson"

The crew smile a welcome and a few waves as Rad leads me over to Euphoria and another female.

"Boys, Jolie, meet Alex"

"Hiya Alex im Jolie" smiles a slim-thick dark haired woman. She was tanned and it was visible she had some sort of foreign heritage.

"Hey, lovely to meet you" i smile as she hugs me.

"do i not get a hug blondie?" Says a familiar irish accent.

I smile and shake my head.

"Ooh bold. Still feisty after a week gorgeous!" Niall smirks.

"Shut up Niall and leave her alone" Jolie says

"You shut up Loony" Niall says smirking at the girl. She flips him off.

"Wheres Harry?"Liam asks as i hand my contracts over to Rad and he hands me a room key.

"He's taking a piss then he's off for a joint"

"Perfect cause i need him to take Alex up to her hotel room "

"I can go myself.."i offer

"Nonsense,Harry will take you."

I nod slowly.

"Right Lads so you's understand Alex is at your beck and call at anytime you need between 7am and 11pm.. understand? Don't contact her between her hours off. She needs a break from work and you head melters"

"Ill be contacting her for other things, not work related at 1am" Zayn smirks and Niall agrees.

"Oh keep it in your pants big guy. Look heres Harry!"

"What's she doing here" he says pointing at me.

"Come to visit grandad?" He smirks

"Nope. Im your new assistant " i smirk back.

"Rad you've got to be fucking joking? Her!" he spat, pulling the cigarette from his mouth.

"Theres nothing wrong with her Harry. You guys haven't had a PA thats lasted longer than a week hopefully with Alex being a female you guys wont harm her"

I gasp.

"Harrys gonna hurt her in other ways" Liam smirks. Louis was awfully quiet.

"Shove it Liam" Jolie says

"Up your arse?" Liam offers excitedly and she shakes her head. I smiled. I appreciated her helping me out.

"Harry take Alex to her room" Rad says pushing the two of us out of the lounge.

I struggle as i wheel my large suitcase as well as carrying my hand bag towards the elevator. Harry was silent.

"Here let me take something" Harry mutters tilting his head towards the suitcase as he saw me struggle. I hand it over.

"Surprised at that offer" i smirk as we step into the elevator.

"Relax, im offering to wheel your suitcase, im not dedicating a performance to you. But you'd like that wouldn't you" he smirks shaking his head

"Who wouldn't?" I say softly, hoping he would warm up to me.

"Alot of people. Come on" he says tugging the suitcase out aggressively.

"Whats your room number" he asks

"Err.. 525.."

"Right next to Niall" he mumbles

"You guys are on this floor?" I say shocked.

"Yes Einstein your our assistant." He says shaking his head.

"Oh.. yeah" i say embarrassed.

"Im room 527 right across from you,Niall is 526  to your left, Liam is 524 to your right, Louis is 528 and Zayn is 529"

"Wheres Jolies room?"

" 600. Floor above us"

"Perfect" i mumble.

"Right well ill let you go in. Rad gave us your number so the boys will text if they need anything"

"Will you not text?" I ask curiously.

He shakes his head to signal No.

"Why? Its my job"

"Story for another day" he mutters.

I nod. Mysterious character that Mr Styles.

"Have a good afternoon Alexandra"he says as he walks down the halls.

"Its Alex!" I shout back at him

"Yeah whatever" he mumbles

I roll my eyes and walk into the hotel room and begin to settle in.

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