Lady (Y/N) of Valor Tower~SGE...

By GhostOfJackLondon

83.6K 2.4K 331

In the towers of the School for Good it has always been Evergirl's dorms in the Purity and Charity Towers and... More

The Day of the Kidnapping
Arriving and Settling In
The Theater of Tales Pt. 1
The Theater of Tales Pt. 2
The Theater of Tales Pt. 3
Conversations in the Garden
Sophie's Confrontation
The School Master's Tower
Good or Evil?
On My Own
Go Time
Trial By Tale
I Can't Dance
New Kid
The Snow Ball
2k Special!- Nightmare
The Circus of Talents
Battle of the Schools

A New Strategy

2.8K 98 4
By GhostOfJackLondon

A/N: Hiiii! I'm back with another chapter! Sorry my updating schedule is really erratic. Also, this one has very little mention of romance because I didn't think this part needed it!!!
((Y/N) POV)
    A pebble smacked against my window, waking me up. I looked outside and it was clearly very early in the morning- I cursed my stupid best friend for making me get out of bed. Without bothering to change, or look in a mirror- I stuck my head off the balcony and glared at Tedros, who was smiling widely.
    "What is so important that you decided you had to wake me up- it's practically still dark out!" I whined, being considerably more dramatic than necessary.
    "I— uh— have something important to ask you later," I would have sworn I saw him blush, "and today is the day we find out who's participating in the Trial by Tale."
    "Only one of us can compete, right? It's the top Ever and the top Never from each forest group."
    "Yeah," I responded, trying to sound nonchalant, "Only one of us will go in." I knew it would be (Y/N)- she had the best marks out of the entire school- Nevers included. I hated myself for it, because I knew she could handle herself, but I was nervous for her. Ever since I kissed (Y/N) to snap her out of her magic trance, I had admitted to myself that I had just a little bit of a crush on her- one that would never come to anything, because (Y/N) is so independent, and would never date me, a prince. It would make her feel too 'princessy'.
    Later today, in the haze of her excitement for getting into the Trial, I hoped to ask (Y/N) to the Snow Ball- which takes place the day after the Trial by Tale- as friends, of course, she wouldn't accept if she thought it was anything else.
    "Hey, get dressed and meet me downstairs- we can go find out who got in!" I called up to (Y/N), trying to snap out of my thoughts.
    "Ok, sure- see you in ten minutes tops." She retreated her head back into her room.
((Y/N) POV)
    I went back into my room, and pulled out one of the several sets of blue uniforms out of the closet. What does Tedros need to ask me? I wondered. I lit my finger glow and summoned my hairbrush over to me, attempting to calm the lion's mane of bedhead. Magic had started to come much easier to me, I had almost mastered conjuring out of books- I couldn't control it for very long though, I would still go into a sort of trance and then pass out once I couldn't handle it anymore. Lately, Tedros and I had been practicing with much safer books- ever since the first night, when I almost released a swirling doom into the castle. I still wasn't quite sure how I woke up from that one, I don't think I passed out, seeing as I was still standing up when I snapped out of it.
    Brushing my curiosities off, I paused to think about the Trial by Tale- I knew I'd be allowed my sword, but lately magic via reading aloud has been almost more powerful. How would I use that huge advantage if I couldn't tote around books for hours. I must have been zoned out for longer than I anticipated, because sharp knocks on my door caught my attention.
    I immediately recognized the whining voice as my best friend, "Come on, (Y/N)! You said ten minutes! We're going to be late- well not really, but you get what I mean! We have to go see the list for the Trial." 
    I opened the door, "Sorry Ted, guess I lost track of time- oops?" I tried, knowing Tedros wasn't really upset with me, he was just being dramatic as usual. 
    He heaved a sigh, "Whatever, it's fine (N/N)- let's just go now." He jokingly put out his arm like he was to escort me, rolling my eyes at the overdramatic chivalry, I looped my arm around his. "Onward, m'lady." Tedros joked.
    "Why thank you, kind sir." I replied sarcastically. We set off to find the list, not failing to notice the glares literally every princess was giving me, and strangely enough- most of the princes were giving Tedros. Welp, guess I'll beat whatever that is out of them during swordplay today.
    Finally coming into the courtyard that both Evers and Nevers could access, we saw the list. Locating where our Forest Group was on the page, we saw Ever: (Y/N) of Woods Beyond — Never: Sophie of Woods Beyond. I got in. I GOT IN!!! Oh wait- that means Tedros can't compete. I was beginning to mentally spiral into a place I really didn't want to go, when I felt Tedros spin me around and went to hug me- but apparently, he felt awkward about that, because he pulled his arms back and opted for a high-five. Strange, we've hugged before- what made him chicken out? 
    I shrugged it off, and looked over the rest of the list, "Oh joy," I groaned, "All of the Nevers— and most of the Evers competing hate me. That's gonna be real fun when I have to fight them."
    "You'll be fine- the princesses are pushovers, the princes are mostly stupid, and the Nevers won't know what hit them!" Tedros grinned.
    "But I can't use my magic- at least, not as powerfully as I could if I was able to carry around books- but that's not practical! What should I do?" I whined, probably being really annoying, but not caring.
    "I'm not sure what we're going to do about that- but we will figure it out. I promise."
    I smiled and started to reply, but the bell rang- cutting me off. Beautification, fantastic. I ran to the classroom, the only flash of blue in a sea of pink. I could feel all eyes on me, everyone here hated me to some extent, purely because I was friends with Tedros. I had a feeling that the girls that had made the Trial would fight extra hard to make me lose. We really needed to find a way to use my power.
(Small Time Skip)
    "I did it! I did it!" Tedros screeched, coming back into the courtyard for lunch. "I figured it out!" 
    I waved him over, "Do you want the entire school to know our strategy?" I hissed, effectively shutting him up.  "What did you learn?"
    "I'm not sure if it will work, but what if you wrote words on your arms? Only small sentences- enough to trap or attack an opponent before they know what's going on. You would be able to read, but wouldn't have to tote around books!" Tedros finished with a grin, clearly proud of himself.
    I thought the idea over for a minute, then practically tackled Tedros with a hug, "Oh my God, Ted! You're a genius!" I could feel him tense momentarily, but then he hugged back. "I might win this!"
     "Assuming it works."
    "You're right- let's go test it." We sprinted out of the courtyard- well... more like I grabbed Tedros by the hand and started dragging him. We found an empty classroom, and I grabbed a quill. Quickly scribbling a few legible words, I looked at the sentence, nothing potentially harmful.
    I glanced at Tedros and he nodded, signalling that I should try reading it out loud. "A small blue flower grew out of the ground in front of Tedros." I specified the name so the spell would have direction. Surely enough, there was the flower. I squealed, not caring how princessy I sounded. I was going to win.
  I was jumping around with excitement and out of nowhere I heard Tedros ask, "Will you go to the ball with me?"
  "I'm sorry what?"
A/N: Cliffhanger! Once again sorry this took so long! Vote, comment, tell me what you think!!!! Thanks soo much for nearly 5000 reads!!!

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