Tattoos ➳ 𝓜𝓲𝓻𝓪𝓬𝓾𝓵𝓸𝓾�...

De Miraculously_bored

281K 8.5K 6.7K

[DISCLAIMER: Hints of mental illness.] In which the tattoo that appears on your wrist on your 16th birthday i... Mais

Sweet Sixteen
The tattoo
It's not her
A dark silhouette
Lost kitty
Rooftops and reignition
Wounded stray
It's you
Keep it hidden
Cunning little fox
Oasis of books
A starry night
Expedition for bathers
21 hours of hell
Flyday Chinatown
Epiphany at the ball
Epiphany at the ball II
Race against time
False calm before a storm
Another broken promise
Wash away the ink
Hallway of uncertainty
Sorrowful search
It's me, Marinette

Son petit minou

7.3K 293 326
De Miraculously_bored

I tossed my yo-yo between my hands impatiently, my feet dangling off the edge of a building. I let out a sigh and checked my messages once more. The sudden flash of artificial, white brightness sent my eyes into shock temporarily and after recovering, I let my eyes adapt to the darkness once more. Fifteen minutes late, I thought to myself while shaking my head in disapproval. As though the boy in question heard what was on my mind, he sprung up from overhead, clearly making his way over to me. 

"Took your time. Paris isn't going to save itself," I lectured, poking him repetitively in the chest. 

"Awh, why so snappy? Did ya miss me? Also, why should I take care of Paris when you do it all for me?" He vocalized, his brows suggestively raising a bit. 

Is Adrien really this cocky? I inwardly spoke, trying my best not to slip even a giggle. I just still can't believe they're the same person sometimes.

"Oh, yeah. You're right. I took care of Paris all by myself while you were 'busy,'" I said, using my fingers as quotations marks with full intent of sarcasm.

"Hey! I was 'busy,'" he replied, using quotations as well, just to mock me. He let out a sigh and put his hand to his messy hair, giving it a little ruffle. He is probably thinking of an excuse, I considered curiously, excited to see what he had to offer.

"I'm sure you were. Very busy, indeed," I stated in amusement, letting out a fake yawn. I could see Chat getting a tad annoyed, but he was aware I was just messing around. 

"It was just a short trip. You know that if something went wrong, I would be back in an instant," he said with a gracious bow, continuing this little game between the two of us. If only he knew I was over-seas with him, I snickered. 

"What? What do you think you're laughing at, bugaboo?" He pressed again. I wiped a false tear from my eye, still in a fit of giggles as the situation I got myself stuck in. After settling down, I re-gained my composure.

"Wait, did you say bugaboo? I thought you dropped the nicknames," I questioned, making fun of him in the process. Though I was genuinely interested as to why he suddenly did so. He didn't respond, but clearly not because he didn't want to. It seemed as though he was contemplating certain things, searching for an answer he was unable to give to himself. I pressed on. "Ah, I see~ I'm your favourite again, am I?"

"What? No- I mean," he cleared his throat and started over, clearly getting back into character. "You have always been my favourite, L.B," he said sincerely, but his words still had a mischievous tone to it. 

"Have been? Am I not your #1 anymore?" I pouted as I struck a dramatic pose, pretending to be so very offended. But deep down, I realised I was a little disheartened.

"N-no it's not like that. I just- you're very special to me. You always will be. But, well," he continued rambling hopelessly, gesturing all over the place with his hands. A part of me yearned to be fully sympathetic and understanding. The other part, felt deflated and crushed. Guess Adrien is no longer Ladybug's biggest fan, I sulked to myself. 

"Hey, hey. It's okay. Found someone special?" I said behind my gritted teeth. I felt content knowing he was happy, but discouraged knowing I was no longer his priority. 

"Ah, I don't know. I'm still figuring it out, but they also mean a lot to me. I just want to protect her," he responded meekly, playing with his tail a little in distraction. I felt my high-spirited attitude begin to dwindle and diminish, along with my confidence.

"I'm happy for you," I mentioned again, filling up the empty silence.  

"Thanks, Ladybug," he said looking up back to me, truly glad I was supporting him. His eyes looked tired, and his posture and shoulders were slouched. I've been with this boy long enough to know when he's trying to hide things, we are partners after all. Whatever was happening right now in his life, he was clearly fighting something.  

"Alrighty- no more sappy stuff. Less chatting, more working," I declared walking passed him. I put my hand on his shoulder and gave him an affirming smile. After all, he deserves only the best. Who ever it is he likes, they're one lucky person, I remorse. I leapt off the building with Chat temporarily by my side before parting opposite ways to start patrol. 

The patrol carried on a lot longer than I intended. Having it be so late, the two of us did not wish or bid each other good night. Instead, we simply texted good bye and decided to head home. I dropped down, falling between a narrow gap of two older buildings and un-transformed. It was so dark in the little alleyway, I had to feel my way around to get to the exit. At last, a single, flickering lamp post came into view, and I began guiding myself home. It was a rather cold night, but I rubbed my hands against my arms and pulled my jacket tighter around my chest.

It seemed not a lot of people lived around this area, and if they did they were awfully quiet. Bushes and other over-grown vegetation lined some of the aged, worn buildings. Vines could be vaguely seen traveling up the sides, entangling and intertwining with each other. Some would find the space eerie and unnerving, I however found it astonishingly beautiful. Something about its imperfections brought peace to my mind. 

I begin to pick up the pace, though I would have rather stayed and admired the beauty of my surroundings. If I don't get home in time, my parents are going to have suspicions. It was dumb of me to tell them I would be hanging out with Alya, I thought while checking the time of my phone. 

Being on a straight, open path, I close my eyes and focus on the sounds that the lovely night was offering me. It was fairly quiet, so I could only could hear the distant traffic, and the light wind whooshing past my ears that gave me goose bumps. I continued to pace forward, taking it all in contently. I was then instantaneously alerted when my footsteps and the distant sound of traffic were no longer the only things I could hear. Something else came into proximity, a familiar sound. I continued walking, but slowed down to focus on the heightened sound coming my direction. Wait, I know what it is. It sounds like Chat's baton?  I pondered, looking around for the source of the echoing sound. Upon realisation, a dark and speedy figure zoomed from directly above, exiting my view once he passed the building right of me. Without a doubt, it had to be Chat noir. 

He's probably heading home now, I considered. I continued walking for a few steps, the sounds of his baton no longer ringing out in the area. That's strange, he was above me a few seconds ago. I should still be able to hear him. Subsequently, and without warning, I get the fright of a lifetime as a dark, blurry shape jumps out in front of me.

"Boo! Did I scare you, Purrincess? he announced, leaning in to see my reaction. 

Purrincess? I thought to myself in disbelief. This boy can not be serious.

"Geez, don't do that, Chat Noir. You're a super hero, not a villain! That actually alarmed me,' I nagged, placing my hand on my anxious heart. As Marinette, I had had quite a few encounters with Chat Noir, majority of the experiences being unpleasant and bothersome. But, I have to admit, quite amusing. 

"I'm sorry, I just couldn't help myself. It's my duty to save damsels in distress from dark, empty and abandoned streets,' he said looking around, a little confused. "As a hero, of course,' he added.

"Hmph, I think I am capable of taking care of myself, thanks,' I poked fun at him, walking passed him and his offering hand. 

"But what kind of hero would they take me for? Leaving behind a lovely lady like yourself, I could never!"

"Whenever you offer to carry me, I feel like I'll fall.' I laughed honestly.

"Huh? Lies. I am completely dependable~ Have I ever dropped you, princess?" 

"I guess not. But you haven't picked me up enough times for me to fully support that statement," I ridicule, folding my arms and turning my head away from him. 

"Well, why don't we test it out again then?" he hypothesized, offering me his hand once more.

'I cant believe this man-" I thought, amazed and taken with surprise at his boldness. Why is he trying so hard? He hasn't spent that much time with me as Marinette when he is transformed. I bowed my head and looked down at my shoes, attempting to hide my heating face. What's with him?

"Fine, whatever. You win," I mumbled, fidgeting with my clothes and reaching my hand out to his. I wait shakily for him to grab it, but to my surprise he does not. I quickly glance up, a wide smile spread across his face. He took a few steps towards me and kneeled down to meet my eye level.

"And how would the princess like to be carried?" 

At that point, I figured my soul had left my body. It had ascended out into the universe, forever unable to return back to my body. With my head exploding, I could barely manage a sentence. 

"Wha- um. Just, normal. P-Piggyback? Shoulder, like over the shoulder even. I don't kn-" my stuttering breakdown was cut off by Chat, who simply brushed my hair out of the way of my face.

"No princess deserves to be carried like that. Hm, what do you say," he whispered to my ear, sending chills up my spine. Oh, this is dangerous, I thought nervously, my heart pounding so hard I was self-conscious he may hear it. Who knew Adrien Agreste could be like this- 

"It's fine! I can just walk, like I said earlier." I blurted out, quickly grabbing him by the shoulders and pushing him back a little. "I am capable of getting from here to my home. It's not far, really,"

"Then, bridal-style it is," he sighed, immediately knocking me from under my feet and catching me in one swoop, at once.

"I-I said I'm was okay with walking." But he only pulled me closer to his chest.

"And I'm not okay with you walking," replied the boy. Though intending to be playful, you could see the seriousness and concern seep through his mischievous face. He leapt upward, sending us soaring to the starry night sky. He landed safely on a nearby roof, as efficient as a cat would. Before running into a certain direction, he spoke up once more.

"Now, Miss Marinette. Where is your home again? I've only dropped you off there a few times before I believe," he said rather unconvincingly. I know for a fact you know exactly where my house is, you little...

"That way," I said pointing in a certain direction. "TheTom & Sabine Boulangerie Patisserie."

"Got it, hold on tight," he confirmed before jolting forward. I had no other choice, to my despair, but to wrap my arms desperately around his neck. I felt my own neck burn, my cheeks flush, and my entire body temperature rise. I held my breathe and leaning in to him more, whispered something into his ear.

"You better not drop me."

"That's my job, princess."

At this point, I accepted it and closed my eyes. With my full trust in him, I let him carry me back to my home. It felt different as to when I soared through the sky alone as ladybug. Just being held, being important to him, it all made me feel special. He held me delicately as though I was fragile, precious even. He placed me down on my balcony and lightly kissed my hand. All his actions, his words, all of it was giving me a complex. I felt almost bad for making another complaint, so I decided to just go with it.

"Thanks, Chat Noir. I appreciate it," I murmured in a gentle matter. 

"No problem, Marinette. But, out of curiosity, why were you walking out there all alone?" He pondered, scratching his chin.

"Oh! I just like to go on night walks every now and then. Uhm, you know- to clear my head," I made up. He seemed to go with it and take the excuse. There was a rumble coming from downstairs, instantly making me regret taking Chat Noir's kind offer. Then came a distant voice.

"Marinette? Are you back? We didn't hear you come in, is everything okay?" 

I whipped my head around to Chat, who sat unmoved on my balcony rail. And by the look on his face, he had no intention of going anywhere. I made a pleading face and tried to shoo him off, desperately waving him away as though he was a fly. The edge of his lips raised as he subtly smirked, simply pointing to me as he laughed in silence. What's with this mockery tonight? 

"Just a sec mom- don't come up just yet," I shouted back down through the trapdoor. "Go, go, go! You silly cat," I whisper-shouted hopelessly, still waving him away. At this point I would get on my hands and knees and beg for him to do so. He continued to sit there upon my railing and smile at me, clearly enjoying himself and being amused by the distressing situation. He did not utter a word, but I could practically read all of his thoughts.

"Marinette? You up here?" I heard mom say more clearly now. I suddenly turn away from Chat and frantically step in front of him, completely out of ideas. 

"There you are, darling! Come inside, it's too cold to be out here," she stated, popping her head up from the trapdoor.

"Sorry, uhm. I'm coming down soon, I'll be there in a sec," I blurted out. She shook her head in confusion before heading back down, most likely to bed. I briskly turn around, ready to agonize the boy who hid from behind me. But to my surprise, when I turned, he was no longer there. I leaned forward, gripping the handrail and looking ahead for any sign of the troublesome cat. 

"Hmph. Good riddance," I mumble, ignoring the redness I felt on my cheeks. I begin to make my way back to the trapdoor, seeking the warmth of my room. And yet, because things just never seem to go my way, I am stopped in the process by a sharp, clawed hand grabbing my ankle. Somehow, Chat Noir had managed to hang onto the bottom of the railing, completely out of sight from my mother. 

"You've got to be joking," I sigh exasperatedly. The persistent boy pulled himself back up and kneeled atop the railing once more.  

"Me, joke? Never," he admitted, completely sincere. "But anyway, you were thanking me-," he went on. I stepped forward towards the edge of the railing and hit him playfully, having enjoyed but also contemplated the time I spent with him.

"Woah, careful now. If you hit too hard, not only will you damage my face, but I won't be able to carry you home ever again," he chuckled, raising his hands in defeat. For a second, the sentence made my heart flutter, then I recalled what he said in the first half of it. So he knows he's stunning, hah. Real modest, I giggle to myself.

"Oh? What's got the princess feeling smiley all of a sudden?" He leant forward in curiosity. 

"Ad- Chat Noir, you are un-believable," I say, leaning over to put my hands on my knees, unable to hold myself up from laughing to hard. 

"Welp, looks like I've driven you mad this evening. I better get going." He walked over to me and gave me a brief hug, catching me by surprise. 

"Chat? Is something wrong?" I asked.

"Nothing. If you're ever alone like that again, I'll be happy to pick you up- it's my duty, after all," he replied, taking my by the hands. I didn't know how to reply, so I stood there and lived in the moment, focusing on my hands in his. It wasn't until a few seconds after, I realised he had then given me a peck on the cheek.

"H-huh? What was that for-" 

"It's just a temporary farewell. Au revoir, Princess," Chat said. He winked and gave me a little wave, before leaping off my balcony, his body being consumed by the darkness of the night. I simply stood there like an idiot, trying to comprehend everything that took place in the last few minutes.

"Marinette! Come on, you'll freeze," I briefly heard my mother say from my room. I made my way downstairs, thoughts racing. A stupid, dumbfounded expression probably portrayed across the entirety of my face. 

"Are you alright, dear?" Mom said again once I made it down. I glanced out my window, admiring the night sky, noticing the smile on my face in the reflection of the glass. 

"Yeah. Everything's just fine," I said contently, releasing a loud sigh. She waited for me continue, but realised that there was nothing else to be said. With that, she made her way out of my room. At the window, I leaned in close and stared out of it dreamily, my eyes probably sparkling as brightly as the stars. Me and my hopeless, hopeless mind were left alone for a moment, thinking of nothing at all, yet everything at once. 

"Bonne nuit, mon petit minou"

A/N: Sorry that took a while, having a shitty week. Lmao when a person u lowkey liked leaves school and gets a girlfriend within 2 days at their new school. cool cool cooool. COOL- OWCH THAT'S fUCkInG FINE. Totally haven't been crushing for like 3 years or anything.. anyway💔. Thanks for reading, more on its way- please gimmie a vote :')) or run me over, TOSS ME OFF A BUILDING.  

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