Camus X Reader

By svtedge

27.2K 1.1K 124

You've been a secret fan of Camus since he first became an idol and once you were accepted into the Master Co... More

Chapter 1: Meeting
Chapter 2: Fragile Hearts
Chapter 3: Decisions
Chapter 4: Stubbornness
Chapter 5: Emotions
Chapter 6: Another One?
Chapter 8: Goodnight, My Dear
Chapter 9: Taking Chances
Chapter 10: Echoing Thoughts
Chapter 11: Anything
Chapter 12: Little Tune

Chapter 7: Sweet Things

1.9K 95 13
By svtedge

|Your P.O.V|

"There's going to be a-whole-nother person living in the room?!" I thought. "(N/N) - (N/N)? Are you alright?" Reiji asked. "What, oh yeah I'm fine. I'm gonna go move around my stuff, again. See ya." I said walking away. He nodded and went back to watching President Shining explain the details of Aijima Cecil's arrival, which I didn't care about since he might tell me later on anyway.

I opened the door to the room to see that all of the stuff had been moved around, well, at least Camus' stuff. There wasn't a lot to begin with, but, I guess he moved everything in that short amount of time.

"It's cool that he arranged the room perfectly without having to touch my stuff. If he did, he would be dead right now."

Then, the door opened. It was the infamous so-called prince of, whatever country he's from. "I'm guessing this is my room?" he asked. "Yea, it is." I answered. He suddenly became flustered. "WAIT! WHAT ARE. YOU DOING IN THE BOYS DORMS!?" he yelled. I mentally face palmed and  sighed. "Weren't you listening dummy? I'm also Camus' kohai, which means I live in here to." I explained. He seemed a bit confused, but let it go rather quickly because the second after, he smiled. "Great! Now I know for sure it won't be smelly!" he exclaimed, trying to be funny as a first impression. I giggled a little at his idiotic remark. "Just put your stuff on the empty bed. Camus should be here soon to discuss your lesson plan." I said. I grabbed my coat and walked out of the room.

"I know I shouldn't keep the fact that Camus is going to be brutal toward him, but then again, it would be boring if I did tell him. I think I'll go buy some chocolate. That always takes my mind off of things."

Before I went downstairs, a hand firmly grabbed my wrist. I jerked my head back to see Camus. "O-Oh, hey Camus." I said nervously. I could already feel my face warming up. "Hey (Y/N). Are you going somewhere?"  he asked quickly. "Un, I'm just going out to buy some, uh, chocolate..."  I said trying to be quiet. However, he heard me and his face lit up as if he was receiving food before he starved to death. "Can I join you?" he asked. I giggled and nodded. He went to go grab his coat while I headed outside to wait.

"Okay, so a couple of days ago, it was hot and sunny, now, it's freezing and cloudy. Stupid bi-polar weather!"

|3rd Person P.O.V|

(Y/N) was calmly shivering outside while Camus was mentally freaking out. "Why did I do that? I'm mean sure, I might have blanked out after she said chocolate, but still...!" he yelled at himself. He bursted into his room to hear foreign music and his new kohai spinning at an, oddly, slow speed. "Oi! Turn that off! As your senpai, I'm going to be giving lessons to become a true idol! Now, I want you to know how to act like a real idol. You will watch the performances of idols who what they're doing until I return." he commanded. The Prince wasn't too happy with this lesson, but reluctantly agreed and turned on the TV.

~Mini Time Skip~

(Y/N) heard footsteps and turned to see Camus pacing toward her. "You ready Elsa?" she asked while laughing. "What? Yeah I'm ready. Let's get going before the stores close." he said.

The two walked side by side while entering the town. It wasn't as crowed, but then again, they were in another part of town. Camus didn't want (Y/N) to be stalked by the perverted man again.

As they walked along the sidewalk, there were many different shops that interested the both of them. However, (Y/N) noticed a little coffee shop sign not too far ahead of them. It was called "Petit Café" which she knew immediately meant "Little Coffee Shop" in French. Her friend had told her about it and she thought it would be a good idea to try it out. "Ne, Camus. Let's go in there!" she said excitedly while gently tugging on his arm like a little kid. Camus smiled and matched his pace with her's.

When they walked in, the smell of cake and coffee filled their noses. There were various amounts of sweets to choose from. After many minutes of browsing, they decided what they wanted. Camus ordered first. He wanted a small strawberry shortcake with some hot chocolate. "Alrighty." the lady cashier said. "And what would your girlfriend like to have?" she asked. The two looked at each other and blushed madly. "Sh-she's not my girlfriend." Camus answered softly with a bit of disappointment in his voice. "Oh my, I'm sorry. It's just that I have seen a young couple here in a while so I just assumed." she explained. "It's okay. I would like some of your chocolate fudge and a bottled water please." (Y/N) politely said. Just as she was about to reach for her wallet, Camus stopped her. "It's alright, I'll pay for it." he offered already giving the money to the cashier. (Y/N) blushed even deeper. "A-arigato." she said. He smiled and gave her her treats.

"Ne, Camus, do you wanna sit by the window? The view is pretty and your hot chocolate won't go cold. It's better than going outside." (Y/N) practically insisted. He smiled. "Alright. Lead the way." he said gesturing toward the vacant table. They both sat and began to eat their treats. It was silent for a moment, until Camus spoke up. "Ano, (Y/N), I've been wondering, how come you've been avoiding me lately?" he asked. You almost choked on your water.

"Wh-what!? Oh my!! Did he really ask that?! At a peaceful time like this!? Oh man, I didn't expect this!"

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