Young Love

By beachgirl12

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Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 15
Chapter 16 - Final Chapter

Chapter 14

3 0 0
By beachgirl12

Chloe’s Point of View

We sit on the couch for a while talking about random things. Until we hear Grandma calling us for lunch. We sit down at the table and immediately get our grilled cheese served to us. It looks so good! “If you ever need help cooking or need a break from it, you can ask me and I’ll cook,” I offer. “I’m sorry, I sound like a suck-up.”

“No Chloe, not a suck-up... a nice girl trying to be helpful,” Grandma says. I smile not knowing how to respond.

When we finish eating, I clean up the dishes while Sam goes to the bathroom. He comes back with a small piece of paper behind his back. “Whatcha got there?”

“I’ll show you later.” I nod.

“So whatcha wanna do?”

“We could go for a walk around the neighbourhood?” He suggests.

“Sounds like fun,” I say smiling.

About twenty minutes into the walk, after holding hands for the whole time, Sam lets go. “Why’d you let go?”

“Because I know that guy,” he says referring to the boy who just walked passed us.

“So? Are you ashamed to be seen with me?” I’m kind of hurt.

“No, not at all! You should be ashamed to be seen with me!”

“Why is that?”

“Because everyone thinks I’m a loser.”

“Let them think what they want to think. We know the truth.”

“No one likes me.”


“Ouch, I was expecting a little pick-me-up.”

“And you’re gonna get one.” I hold both his hands in mine, and forcefully press my lips on his. “Whooo go Sam!” The guy we just passed yells with his hands cupped around his mouth. I look at the boy and giggle. He then waves to me so I just smile. “I think that guy likes you,” I say.

         After our hour-long walk, we get back to the house and watch movie after movie after movie. By this time, it is eleven o’clock. Sam and I say our goodnights to Grandma and Grandpa then we head up to bed. Once we’re upstairs, Sam says, “You don’t have any pajamas! I’m gonna go get you some.”

“Nah, it’s fine.”

“You’re gonna sleep in your day clothes?”

“No,” I say as we walk into the room.

“Then what’re you gonna wear?” He says as I start taking all my clothes off except for my underwear. His jaw drops as my sports bra hits the floor. He doesn’t stare or anything, but his eyes scan my body from head to toe not stopping anywhere in particular. “Why do you look so surprised?” I ask as I jump onto the bed and get under the covers.

“It’s just weird to think that just a couple days ago, you were uncomfortable about wearing leggings and now you’re practically naked and you don’t seem nervous or self conscious at all.”

“Take it as a compliment. Means I can trust you.” He unbuckles his belt and pulls his jeans off. The sight of the belt makes me tense up a bit, as it reminds me of my father. All thoughts of my father vanish when he pulls his shirt over his head and I can’t help but stare. He gets into bed beside me. He puts his arm under my neck and I put my head on his chest and I can feel his other hand travelling around my chest, not touching it, and ending up around my waist. “It feels good when I’m in your arms,” he smiles down at me. The lamp is still on, but I try to sleep anyways so I tuck my head into his chest. He takes his arm from around my waist and moves it so he can caress my hair. I lie perfectly still attempting to fall asleep even with the bright light shining directly into my eyes. About fifteen minutes later, I hear Sam shuffling through something. When he lies back down, I open my eyes a crack to see what he has. In his hands he’s holding a picture of us together. It looks like I’m sleeping. In the picture, Sam has his head on my chest but the expression on his face, though his eyes were closed, shows that he was awake and was feeling quite uncomfortable. Sam studies the image of us in the light of the lamp. He stares at it until I say, “That’s a cute picture.” Sam jumps in the bed seeming startled. “I thought you were sleeping!”

“Well it’s kinda hard to sleep with the lamp still on.” He starts to put the picture away but I say, “Can I see it?” He hands it to me. “Who took the picture?”

“Grandma,” he answers sounding embarrassed.

“Was it taken when we slept in the living room?”

“Yeah, it was.”

“It’s a good memory to have,” I smile looking into Sam’s eyes with my head still on his chest.

“It is,” he says smiling back at me.

“You’re lip is still bruised,” I point out.

“From when?”

“Will punching you in the mouth bring back your memory?”

“Oh right… Nathan.”

“Does it hurt?”

“A little. I’m gonna go to bed now ‘cause I’m really tired.” He says as he leans down and kisses me. I feel him wince. “I’m sorry.”

“For what?” He asks.

“I’ve been kissing you so much and hurting you.”

“I don’t see anything wrong with that. You’re kissing me to make me feel better.”

“But I also hurt you when I try to make you feel better.”

“A little pain never hurt anyone.” A couple seconds later, Sam realizes what he said. “That makes no sense,” he says laughing. “Of course being in pain hurts, that’s the whole point of pain.”

“So, can I kiss you?” I ask quietly. He answered me without words. He pulls me up so I’m face to face with him and my chest is on his chest. He presses his lips into mine hard obviously not paying any attention to the pain I’m causing him. “I guess that answers my question,” I say when we pull apart. I snuggle down and curl up in a ball. “You’re so cute,” he tells me. I smile. “Good night handsome.”

“Good night beautiful.” I fall asleep with a smile on my face.

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