Young Love

By beachgirl12

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Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16 - Final Chapter

Chapter 6

4 0 0
By beachgirl12

“Penny for your thoughts,” Sam says.

“What does that mean?”

“It means that you have to tell me exactly what’s on your mind right now.”

“This’ll sound really stupid, but I was wondering what I look like in your eyes,” I say slowly and almost inaudible.

“Low self-esteem, closed off, oblivious, quiet.” I’m not off to a good start, am I? After ‘quiet’, things start to look up. “Strong-willed, muscular, emerald green eyes, long wavy light blond hair, tall, thin, freckled nose, big hands and feet, stunning, and beautiful.” I don’t think he realizes how good that makes me feel, I think as I blush. “So, what do I look like in your eyes?” He asks.

“Short-cut light brown hair, deep blue eyes, muscular,” he smiles at that, “nice, funny, sensitive,” he tenses up a bit when I say sensitive. “Which is a good thing,” I spurt out quickly, “because it means that you’re not like other guys. You’re honest, approachable, attractive, and you always know what to say.” I pause. “So, what do you think?” He grabs my shoulders and pushes me onto my back carefully. He leans over me and lies on top of me. He puts his head close to my ear and whispers, “Since when did you start to like me?” His lips tickle my ear, which makes me shiver as he speaks. “How can you tell?”

“If you didn’t like me, you would’ve shoved me off by now.” He shifts his weight lower so his lips are at my jawline. His breath feels warm on my skin. He stays there frozen for a second as if rethinking what he is planning to do. He shifts even lower and presses his lips on my collarbone. A tingling sensation spreads through my body. He kisses me all the way up my neck. “You’ve done this before,” I say. He takes his lips off my skin to say, “I haven’t. It just feels right with you.” My skin is aching for his lips again. His kisses trail across my face to my cheek. I feel it’s time for me to return the favour. I shove him and we roll to the side. Now I am on top of him and able to move more freely. I put one leg over him, so I am straddling him. Instead of going across his face like he did to me, I go down. Placing my first kiss just below his bottom lip and the second on his chin. A moan escapes his lips giving me the encouragement that I am doing something right. I keep going down until I reach his chest. He starts to breathe heavily. I remember my friend telling me once that a really pleasurable spot for a guy is just under his jawbone where it meets his neck, so I try. He moans really loudly; I guess my friend is right. As he moans a second time, he grabs my wrist in one hand and squeezes it really hard. I remember my friend also telling me, that this is a sign of enjoyment. Thank goodness for her. It feels weird to be thinking about my friend when I’m doing this. As he loosens his grip, he guides my hands to his stomach. I’m glad he does this, because I had no idea where to put my hands. I move my hands all around his abdomen feeling up all his muscles. I move from his jaw, to his lips. He pushes me off him the same way I pushed him. We roll again, and land on the floor with a loud thud. We both let out a noise. I’m surprised how crazed I am. I wanted to murder the kid at the beginning of the night, and now I’m on the floor making out with him…stranger things have happened, I hope. Anyways, he gets bored with my lips pretty quickly and starts moving down the front of my neck until he got to the shirt. He starts to unbutton the shirt. I’m not comfortable with this, but I am wearing a sports bra and he’s seen me in a sports bra before, so how bad could it be? I allow for him to unbutton the shirt as his kisses go lower and lower and lower. He stops and sits up. He is staring at my stomach while feeling it with his hands. “Your abs are amazing,” he says as if he is in a trance. With that, he continues trailing the kisses. I’m surprised his mouth isn’t tired yet. I shiver as he reaches my belly button. I try to contain the moan with every ounce of self-control I have left, but somehow it escapes my lips. “I think I found your spot,” he teases.

After a while, I feel like it is my turn to do the work. I stand up and he falls off me. “Where are you going?” He asks. I grab him from under his armpits and stand him up against the wall. I do to him, what he did to me. But he moans four or five times. I put my hand under his bum and lift him up onto me with one arm and with the other I wrap his legs around my waist so it’s like I’m giving him a piggyback but on the wrong side. “Told you you’re strong.”

“I’m only strong when I want to be.” That is so not true and he knows that so he calls me a liar. One of his hands is around the back of my head, while the other is on my lower back. We have absolutely no space left between our bodies, but I still feel like I need to be closer to him so I squeeze from around his back forcing him into me. I think he feels the same way, so as we are kissing he pushes my head into his so we are practically eating each other’s lips. He bites my bottom lip hard and it starts to bleed. He tastes the blood and stops kissing me. “You’re bleeding,” he points out.
“A little blood never hurt anyone.” We continue kissing. Carrying him while we make out is really tiring, so I throw him on the bed. I’m exhausted and so is he so we lie there on the bed together side by side as we settle. “Wow,” we both say at the same time. “That was amazing! Let’s do it again!” He says as he starts to climb on top of me.

“Easy there tiger,” I say with a bit of a laugh as he lies back down beside me. He holds out his hand and I lace my fingers between his. “It felt so good when you kissed my jaw,” he says.

I smile as I say, “I heard.” He blushes. “Hey, I moaned too! You’re not the only one,” I say with a bit of a giggle and he smiles.

“I was so nervous I was going to mess up and I was going to get slapped again.” I don’t remember ever detecting his nervousness.

“I promise you that I won’t ever slap you again.”

“Pinkie promise?”

“Pinkie promise,” I repeat.

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