draco malfoy imagines.

By ambi_doo12

129K 2.2K 458

eternity, (n.) et-ern-ity. infinite or unending time. โwriting sce... More

โ›welcome, requests.โœ
โ›favourite colour.โœ
โ›scorpius hyperion malfoy.โœ
โ›his photo.โœ
โ›secret sketches.โœ
โ›neglected dark mark.โœ
โ›dinner habits.โœ
โ›tying tie.โœ
โ›getting high.โœ
โ›sneaking out.โœ
โ›sorting ceremony.โœ
โ›bad day.โœ
โ›his angel.โœ
โ›yule ball.โœ
โ›a/n #2.โœ
โ›a/n #3.โœ


3.2K 75 31
By ambi_doo12

warnings: mentions of abuse and violence, harry doesn't get to see his boggart like the plot, swearing, throwing up.

run boy run, woodkid.


y/n's pov:

standing in the crowd of third years, i shuffle from foot to foot. i hate defence against the dark arts. with an absolute passion. everyone surrounding me has excited energy lacing through their voices. i adjust my red and gold tie nervously, making sure my top button on my shirt is done up.

my eyes dart from side to side, glancing from person to person, while i play with the hem of the sleeve of my robe. the cupboard presented at the front of the classroom moving. there's something in there. i shudder at what could be behind those doors. the door creaks open behind us, making me jump from my thoughts.

our new teacher, professor remus lupin. the man of a tall size, with sandy brown hair - bits of grey running through it, despite being quite young. his robes reaching his ankles, whilst on his face, faded pink scars. almost slashes across the seemingly pale skin. his blue eyes held a type of kindness that i'd never seen before in a teacher. almost as if he cares.

scanning around the area of children, his eyes land on harry, a small smile plays across his lips. he then notices me, a shy, timid girl, who fiddles with her sleeves or shuffles her feet nervously. his smile drops slightly, unnoticeable to the others. but as quickly as it dropped, his smile came back - not wanting to alarm anyone of his observations.

"welcome!" he started, ordinarily, "i'm remus lupin, your new defence against the dark arts teacher, questions?" everybody shakes their head, whilst i just stand rooted to my spot, unable to move. the cupboard shakes again. he subtly sighs and nods his head curtly. he begins to circle the back of the crowd. "anybody like to venture a guess as to what is inside?"

"that's a boggart, that is!" dean thomas, my fellow gryffindor, answered confidently. a smile of amusement was still spread across lupin's features, "very good, mr thomas," he says, "now can anybody tell me what a boggart looks like?"

"no one knows," hermione pipes up, out of nowhere, "boggarts are shapeshifters, they take the shape of whatever a person fears the most." i audibly gulped, terrified. "that's what makes them so-"

"so terrifying, yes, yes, yes," he cuts hermione off, walking up to the cupboard, "luckily, a very simple charm exists to repel a boggart. let's practice it now, without wands please." i sigh quietly and glance my eyes to the side. draco malfoy is leant against the side of the wall, his arm in a sling, face contorted with an annoyed expression. he's simply bored.

he looks up at me and smirks, catching me staring. i cast my eyes to my shoes, finding them more interesting, blood rushing up my neck to my cheeks. he's always had a weird thing for me, a slytherin liking a gryffindor. it's crazy. and he shamelessly does it, time after time. but i'm shy, and i have trust issues laced throughout my hesitant actions. hence being alone lots of the time.

i push away the thoughts, closing my eyes briefly. he doesn't like me, father said nobody would like someone as weak as me. i huff and open my eyes, lupin's eyes trained on me silently. he smiles, his eyes full of unsaid concern and worry, and i weakly return it. i'd missed everybody saying the charm, i nervously huddled into myself. he repeated it and everybody says it louder. however, i don't say anything.

"this class is ridiculous," draco spits out, his goon friends laughing at his antics. lupin began to talk, but i zoned out. hearing bits and bobs like "laughter," and "something you find truly amusing." he picks on neville to go first. i close my hands into fists, hitting my sides slightly. "now, neville, could you join me please."

"i- uh," neville stutters, a nervous look spread across his face. "don't be shy, come on," lupin gestured neville forward. he shyly looked around then shuffled forward. "what frightens you most of all?" lupin asked, kindness laced in his voice. "p-professor snape." the class erupted into quiet laughter, including lupin. "frightens all," he chuckled. zoning out, i stare at the stone wall, rooted to my spot and swaying side to side.

sooner or later, i hear lupin, "wand at the ready!" neville in a shaky stance. lupin flicks his wand and the handle of the door flicks to the left, opening the hatch. a replica of snape struts out of the cupboard, door slamming behind neville's fear. "think neville, think," lupin reassures. "riddikulus!"

snape's robes turn into a green blouse and skirt, red handbag, a cat scarf and a hat with something attached to the top. everyone burst out laughing, excluding me, and a smile emerged on neville's face. "brilliant neville, now to the back. everyone, i want you to form a line!"

the people with silver and green ties make their way to the back, shoving everyone else to the front. the crowd of children going backwards and forwards from pushing, whilst i'm rooted to the spot. a slytherin laughs loudly and shoves me forward by my shoulders, making me stumble over my feet. being dangerously close to the front of the line.

remus walked over to the side, where a vinyl sat on the desk. he placed the stick on the record and some fun music began to play. "next, ron!" the ginger-haired boy hesitantly stepped forward. "concentrate." the boggart that is still snape stands fully up and spins, transforming through possibilities of fears. eventually, it decides it's form as a giant spider, looming over ron.

he reaches into his robe to grab his wand and points it at the spider, who's now inching closer. "wand at the ready, ron, wand at the ready," lupin encourages.

"riddikulus." roller skates transform onto the spider's feet, making it slip all over the floor. i take a deep breath, preparing myself for whatever my fear may be. i know what it'll be, i don't know why i'm thinking i don't. ron makes his way to the back, slapping harry's hand as he goes.

one of the patil twins steps up and the spider spins. she gasps as a snake hisses right in front of her. her soft voice echoes around the room, speaking the charm. the snake bounces into a jack in the box, with a clown bobbing up and down.

"and next!" i stood rooted to the spot. the professor smiled warmly and gestured his hand forward. someone behind me shoved me forward and a high pitched giggle was heard. "yo, pansy, stop. leave her alone," draco's voice spun around in my brain. i gathered all my bravery and stepped forward a few steps.

the boggart began to shift. everyone stared with wide eyes as the room became dark, the life and laughter drained out of the room. whilst it was still spinning, i looked at lupin and he just nodded his head forward. i sighed and faced back forward. a thud smacked against the floor and my breath hitched in my throat.

a man stood tall and proud, smirking. his cane held in his left hand; wand in the right. his eyes scanned the room at the witnesses and his smirk increased, reaching his eyes. i unconsciously took a step back.

eyes narrowed, a scowl set on his face. my father, in all his glory, stood towering over me, making me shiver. "wand, y/n," lupin's voice cut through my fear. my father scoffed, "you gonna raise your wand at me?" he asked, then raising his voice slightly, "huh?!" i flinched without knowing, genuinely terrified. i didn't notice the other third years all taking steps back, reaching the back of the room.

he starts slowly taking his steps as i reach my wand into my robe, fumbling for the wood. he laughs. his laugh echoing the room. i grip firmly onto my wand and pull it out, holding it at my side. "when you come home, oh you're gonna get it!" he barked out, "should i use my wand? or my fists?" i stumbled backwards, pointing my wand straight at his chest.

my voice trembling, "shut up." he cocked his head to the side, amused, "sorry, i didn't hear you, bitch!"

"i said, shut up," i gritted my teeth. he laughed again, "i don't think so, bitch," i flinched at the name, "i'm gonna tell all your friends who you actually are. you were meant to be in slytherin! jesus, you just had to go and end up in gryffindor, with fucking harry potter!" my breathing became erratic as i bowed my head, embarrassed.

"i mean, i could just punch you or choke you and hope for the best," he chuckled at his joke, "or, i could flick my wand and dive straight into your head, twisting and turning until you're screaming at me to stop. making me stop reading your mind." i whimpered, knowing how much pain i endured. i nodded at him and became submissive, completely forgetting that this was not my father and just a boggart, not real.

"i mean, i feel like doing both. oh! and chuck a couple of cruciatus curses, get you in check," he said, oddly calm. my eyes widened, my heart thumped, my hands shook - my fingers grip on the wand loosening. "no," i mumbled. "no? are you kidding? you never say no to me sweetheart." i shivered uncomfortably. "i bet you're such a whore and fucked most of the guys in the room, i bet," he laughed, "such a slut." my whimpers became louder, tears streamed down my flushed cheeks, sweat layered on my forehead, my knees close to buckling under me.

i gather my gryffindor courage and raise my shaky right hand again, my wand trembling. "shut up!" i yelled. he shook his head, laughing quietly and raised his wand at me. my eyes filled with tears as i stumbled backwards. dropping my wand, i raise my hands in a surrender way and drop to my knees. i looked up at him under my eyelashes, my tears dripping off my chin - soaking my lap.

"i hate you," he whispered before raising his wand. i bow my head and began to shake violently. he laughed, "cru-"

"riddikulus!" the voice echoed through the silent room, however it did not reach my head. i scrunched my eyes tightly closed, bringing my hands up to my ears that seemed to be ringing. i rock back and forth on my legs, which are still in a kneeling position.

the whole room is silent, filled with the shock of the situation. lupin had stopped playing the music a while ago, unknown to me, as i'm still rocking back and forth, hyperventilating. i hope he doesn't hurt me, god, is he not gonna do anything? "hey, hey, hey," a voice quietly says, piercing my ears, making me flinch and curl into myself. i hear the door bang open and shut and i jump again. "shhh, it's okay, you're okay." i violently shake my head from side to side and sob. i hear a few muffled whispers and a couple of sighs.

"it wasn't real, he's gone." i stop rocking back and forth abruptly, perking my head up slightly. "hey, okay, that's good. can you breathe for me? in through your nose, out through your mouth." i try to follow the directions that i was given but i can't so my breathing speeds up again. "okay, right, you wanna listen to my heartbeat? i don't know..." the person hopelessly asked. i nodded subtly and they hesitantly wrapped their arms behind me; i jumped. they loosened a little but i scooted back, scared but happy that someone wants to comfort me. they wrap their arms around my waist, tugging my head to their chest. thump thump. thump thump. i relaxed in the mystery person's arms and tried to follow their breathing.

"there we go, you're okay. wanna stretch your legs for me?" i pulled my legs from underneath and put them forward, the person's legs coming around me on the outside of my legs. they rocked us from side to side slowly. voices became a bit more clearer as i exited my hysterical state. "she breathing properly now?"

"yeah, just hiccuping slightly. what the hell was all that about, professor?"

"i had a feeling when i walked in something might happen, and it did. her father isn't the kindest when it comes to people."

"yeah, well he hurt y/n, that's enough to make me angry," the person breathed out, lips ghosting the side of my head. "you okay?" i recognised this as a boy's voice, very oddly familiar. i nodded slightly and leaned back into his warm touch, feeling safe and content.

he chuckled at my tactics, "do you know who i am? professor lupin is here as well." i shook my head and took a shaky breath, my throat hoarse, "i kinda know you but my brain is f-foggy." he put his cheek against my head and nodded, "it's draco." i silently gasped but didn't tense up in his arms.

"you okay with that?" i frantically nodded at his question and leaned into his touch more. laughing, he asked, "can i grab your hand?"

"yeah," i quietly responded. he softly grabbed my hand, lacing our fingers together, rubbing his thumb on my knuckle. "thank you," i whispered, "you're amazing." i felt him smile against my head and he kissed the crown of my head, "anything for you, flower." butterflies fluttered in my stomach, my heart stuttering. but a feeling of sickness overcame, suddenly. "i'm gonna be sick," i brought my hand to my mouth, "oh, god, i'm gonna be sick!" a trash can was conjured next to me right as i leant over and emptied my stomach. draco rubbed his hand up and down my back, "that's it, let it out."

once i finished, i noticed lupin crouched down near me, hesitant. "i'm sorry, lupi-"

"call me remus, y/n. please," he smiled softly, "don't be sorry, it's not your fault. you know, i knew your mother." i snapped my head to meet his eyes, "r-really?"

"yeah, a real charmer. she just had to go and meet your father, but she loved you. sent me letters of how your first word was 'remmy' because she always told you stories about me," he chuckled, "she was like a sister to me." i smiled brightly. draco's arms were rubbing my sides lightly, trailing up and down my waist in a comforting manner. "well," he quietly clapped his hands, "you best be off, the both of you. if you need something, you know where to find me."

i nodded and draco stood up, smirking his infamous smirk. "what?" i pouted, "i need a little help." he laughed and hooked his arms under my armpits, bringing me to my feet. i wobbled slightly and he gripped onto me.

as we walked out, i swayed a little but spun to face him. standing on my tiptoes, i kissed his cheek and his usually pale skin flushed at the contact. "my thank you." he smiled brightly, his lips tugging with happiness. "so does this mean..." he trailed off, unsure. my lips twitched excitedly, "i mean..."

"y/n y/l/n, even though you are a gryffindor, will you be my girlfriend?" i nodded, the butterflies fluttering with every second. "yes, i will." his gaze lingered from my eyes to my lips. he licked his lips slightly and looked back up to my eyes. i wordlessly cast a spell to clean my mouth, he chuckled at my hand movement. closing my eyes, i crashed my lips to his cold, soft lips. he smiled into the kiss and mustered all his passion into moving his lips against mine. his arms going around my waist, mine going around his neck - tugging on the hair at the nape of his neck. he groaned quietly and moved his hands up to my hair, also tugging lightly. i gasped and he slid his tongue into my mouth with ease.

exploring every part of my mouth, his tongue ran across the roof of my mouth, to the inside of my cheeks and across my smooth teeth. we both pulled away at the same time, leaning his head against mine. cheeks flushed. smiles dancing across lips. bodies entangled with one another swaying slightly. he pecked my lips again and fumbled to grab my hand, "wanna take the day off? go to my dorm?" i nodded and squeezed his hand. he grinned a toothy smile and softly dragged me towards the slytherin common room.


edit (16/08), i changed the bit about the kiss after throwing up :), vote, comment!

amber, <3.

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