Would You Escort Me Down The...

By anonymous_1546

1.2K 65 79

Shelby and Katrina met under... unusual circumstances, but ended up falling in love. Now, they've agreed to e... More

Cast List
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Authors Note

Chapter 6

93 4 7
By anonymous_1546

The next morning, Katrina, Luna, Julia and I sat around the kitchen table to plan the bachelorette party. A couple of Katrina's cousins and her mom joined us while Daisy stood off to the side, arms folded over her chest.

"We have to get a stripper." One of her cousins said.

"Sign me up, I haven't had a good lap dance in years." Luna said.

"I don't know if I really want any naked people at our home, you know?" Her mom cut in.

"Who says we're having it here?" Her cousin replied.

Katrina glanced at me as the bickering continued. "You sure you wanna marry into this?"

I smiled a little, taking her hand in mine under the table. "Are you kidding? This is the most fun I've had in a while."

Katrina's mom suddenly stood. "I'm just saying, I don't need any dangling bits anywhere near my furniture."

Katrina started to laugh. "Ok, mom, relax. We're not getting a stripper and we're not having it here."

"What are we doing then?" Daisy asked.

Katrina avoided her gaze. "Um... I don't know yet."

An awkward silence started to settle in before Julia spoke up. "There's a cool little karaoke bar not far from here." She said, glancing up from her phone.

"That could be fun." I said.

Luna stood then. "But, I wanna see dangling bits."

We all looked at her, Katrina letting out a slight chuckle. "Well, when you get married, you can look at all the dangling bits you want." She said.

I raised my hand. "Can we stop saying 'dangling bits?'"

Katrina took my hand in hers as she stood, leading me up with her. "Yes, now everyone get changed, we're going to the karaoke bar."

As everyone split off to get ready for the party, Katrina and I headed up to her room.

   "Is it just me or has Luna seemed a little more..?" Katrina started.

   "Strange then usual?" I finished.

   She laughed a little. "Yes."

   I looked through my bag of clothes as I responded. "Maybe a little. I'm sure she's just excited for the big day."

   Katrina let out a slight sigh then, sitting down on the edge of the bed.

   "Everything ok?" I asked as I sat down next to her.

   She looked down at the floor, nervously fiddling with the hem of her shirt. "Yeah... It's just... There's something I wanna tell you, but I'm-"

   She was cut off by the sound of the door opening.

   We both looked over, seeing her mom poking her head in. "Sorry to interrupt, but can I borrow Shelby for a second?"

   I glanced at Katrina, who nodded. "Sure thing, Sonny."

   She led me out into the hallway, where her dad stood as well.

   "Is everything ok?" I asked.

   They shared a look before her dad spoke. "Yes, we just wanted to give you a little something before the wedding."

   Sonny held her hand out, a little box resting in her palm.

   I hesitantly took it before slowly opening it. Inside was a beautiful, old necklace. "Wow, it's gorgeous."

   "It was my grandmothers and it's been handed down through the family for generations. A little way of saying: 'welcome to the family.'" Her dad replied.

   "Wow... I don't know if I can accept this." I said.

   Her mom took it out of the box and walked behind me. "It's ok, sweetie. We insist."

   I lifted my hair as she clasped it around my neck. "I don't know what to say... Thank you."

   They smiled at me. "Just, take good care of it, please." Her dad said.

   "I will, sir, I promise." I replied.

   He shook my hand and her mom pulled me into a quick hug before they walked off.

   I looked down at the necklace before heading back into Katrina's room.

   "They gave you the necklace already?" She asked.

   "Yeah..." I replied, taking the small gem in my hand.

   She stood then, pressing a soft kiss to my lips. "That means they like you."

   I smiled up at her. "I'm glad."

   She smiled back before starting to pull her clothes off. "Alright, let's finish up so we can get going."

   I started to follow her before a thought crossed my mind. "Wait, what was it you wanted to tell me?"

   She looked at the floor for a second before replying. "It's not important right now... Now, c'mon, we don't wanna keep everyone waiting..."

   After everyone was ready, we said goodbye to her parents and headed off towards the karaoke bar...

   Country music blared throughout the bar as we found a table near the back.

   "Where's all the real music?" Luna asked.

   Katrina chuckled. "This is real music."

   "I'm inclined to agree with Luna on this one." I added.

   Katrina rolled her eyes and smiled. "No class."

   Julia stood up then. "I'm gonna go sing, anyone wanna join me?"

   Katrina's cousins nodded and followed Julia to the back of the bar, leaving Katrina, Luna, Daisy and I at the table.

   A bit of an awkward silence started to settle between us again before Daisy spoke up this time. "So, how'd you two lovebirds meet?" She asked.

   Katrina and I shared a nervous glance. "Well, I met her while I was working." She said.

   Daisy flashed us a smirk. "I wouldn't have pegged you for the type." She said to me.

   "It was a work dinner, nothing more." I replied defensively.

   She raised any eyebrow at me. "Mhm... And, where do you fit into all this?" She asked Luna.

   Luna just glared at her, arms folded over her chest, a suspicious look behind her eyes.

   "She was my assistant." I replied for her.

   Daisy took a quick glance at me before returning a glare of her own to Luna. "Sounds kinky."

   "Enough, Daisy." Katrina cut in.

   Daisy looked shocked for a second. "I'm just joking around."

   Katrina shook her head. "I'm gonna go grab a beer."

   She stood up then and headed for the bar, Daisy following close behind. "I'll join you."

   I looked at Luna then. "What was all that about?"

   She was about to respond when we heard Julia's voice over the speakers. "I'd like to dedicate this song to my two closest friends. They're getting married soon and I wish them the best."

   Katrina and I locked eyes from across the bar when a beautiful ballot started ringing out from Julia's lips.

   "Holy shit." I said, turning my attention to Julia on the stage.

   Luna smirked. "That's my girl."

   Katrina and Daisy joined us, Katrina leaning close to my ear. "I didn't know she could sing?" She whispered.

   "Me neither." I replied.

   Daisy stuck her hand towards Katrina, opening her mouth to ask her a question.

   Katrina suddenly took my hand then, cutting Daisy off. "Care to join me in a dance?"

   I smiled at her, face flushing a little. "I'd love to."

   She returned my smile as she led me out onto the dance floor. I took a quick glance back at Daisy, who had her arms folded and a look on her face I didn't quite like.

   I rested my head against Katrina's then, swaying slightly to the music. "Are you sure everything is ok?"

   She hesitated for a second before nodding. "It will be... I promise..."

   And, with that, we danced the rest of the night away...

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