The Society of Spies (PJO/HOO)

By electricityz

2.9K 18 11

Percy Jackson works in a secret society called TSOS (The Society of Spies), he came to San Fransisco with his... More

Chapter 1: The mission
Chapter 2: First day part 1
Chapter 3: First day part 2
Chapter 4: First day part 3
Chapter 5: Little Clues
Chapter 6: Katie's backstory
Chapter 7: Hanging Out
Chapter 8: One Call Away
Chapter 9: Sunshine
Chapter 10: Dates
Chapter 11: Being Chased by Lightning
Chapter 12: Happenings of That Night
Chapter 13: Movie With My Sunshine
Chapter 14: Plan B Failed As Well
Chapter 16: Just In Case, We Have A Plan.
Chapter 17: Projects and Plans
Chapter 18: An Eventful Sleepover
Chapter 19: Katie's Strange Behavior
Chapter 20: Keys
Chapter 21: Not How I Plan My Sunday Will Go
Chapter 22: The Destruction Gem
Chapter 23: Rescue
Chapter 24: Trustworthy? Not Sure
Chapter 25: Free at Last

Chapter 15: A Hidden Camera Was Found

97 1 0
By electricityz

Author's note: I think this will be a short one. Well, my definition of short is your definition of kind of long. Well, maybe. And sorry for not updating the story, I got a Mid term Test this week.

Hazel's POV

The bell rang meaning it's the end of school. It's Thursday, my best friends will be coming over to my house today. I'm excited. Piper, Annabeth and I walked to my house. Luckily, it's not so far from the school. I knocked on the door and got introduced by Nico holding a frying pan. Again.

"Oh it's you," Nico said as he lowered the frying pan.

"Really Nico?" I said. "You got to stop doing that!"

"Well sorry for being an overprotective brother," he said.

"Are you okay Nico?" Annabeth asked. "Or do you have an obsession with Rapunzel lately."

"Or someone who reminds you of Rapunzel?" Piper said as she wink at Nico. Nico turned red.

"Just come in," Nico said.

We came in and went to my room. Then, I looked at a black thing on my bed. The thing Frank left, why do I keep on forgetting about this. I groaned and grab the 'Spy Finder'.

"What's that?" asked Nico noticing the 'Spy Finder'.

"Oh this?" I asked. He nodded. "Frank left it. I keep on forgetting to give it back to him."

"Woah, this looks so cool!" Piper said looking at it. "What can it do?"

"I don't know," I said truthfully. "I never tried."

"Let me see that," Annabeth said. I gave her the Spy Finder. She quickly found a button and press it. The red LED lights appear.

"Cool!" Piper said.

"That's it?" Nico asked. "What is it for?"

Then, Annabeth looked into the Spy Finder. She gave a gasp. She quickly smashed a vase I got from my dad.

"Hey!" I said. "What did you do that for?"

She grabbed this weird broken black piece I haven't notice before. Piper, Nico and I looked at it carefully. Then, I let out a gasp.

"Guys, someone had been watching you Hazel," Annabeth said. "The gadget Frank accidentally left was something that you could find hidden camera's with."

"I knew it!" Nico said. "You think there's more?"

We exchanged worried glances. Annabeth used the Spy Finder to search around my room. She sighed in relief. "There's no more here," she said. "This room is safe, not sure about the others though."

"Who do you think put it there?" Piper asked. 

We fell silent for a moment. "Luke," Annabeth said. She then pointed to the broken camera. I narrowed my eyes, then I notice there is a symbol there. "I've seen that symbol before. It's Luke."

"But he couldn't be targeting Hazel," Piper said. "He had nothing to do with her. Unless...." She kept that hanging.

"Unless he's targeting all three of you," Nico said quietly. "Your parents are the ones that got kidnapped. It's got to be you three, and maybe even Leo, since he saw what happened."

"Then, maybe," Annabeth said. "Maybe, there is hidden camera's in our houses too."

"Maybe...," Piper said. "Maybe, we're the next targets."

"I hope not," I said.

"But just to be sure," Annabeth said. "We need a plan."

"And am I involve in this plan?" Nico asked.

"Nico, I don't think it's best," I said.

"I know," he said glumly. "I just don't want to lose a sister again."

"Trust me Nico, I'll be fine," I said.

"Tomorrow," Annabeth said. "We'll think of a plan tomorrow."

"My house, 5 at noon," Piper said. Annabeth and I nodded. And that's that.

Luke's POV

Thursday, two more days left. Those three are not budging. Oh well, they're mistake. I went inside my boss's office. I was about to knock when someone said. "Come in."

I came into the room and bowed. "Sir," I said.

"Yes Castellan," my boss said. "Any progress on the Plan 3 Takeover?"

"The vitals still doesn't want to work with us," I said.

The boss laughed evilly. "How foolish of them," he said. "They'll suffer if they don't agree."

"Sir, if they don't agree we can't proceed the plan," I reasoned. "But I have an idea to make them work with us."

"Really?" ask the Boss. "Tell me, your plan and I'll see if it's worth it."

"They seemed to care about their kids more than themselves," I said. "If we threaten the lives of their kids, there is a huge chance for them to agree."

"That's a pretty good idea," the Boss said. "Annabeth Chase, Piper Mclean, and Hazel Levesque?"

I nodded. I showed him a picture of them. He pointed to an boy that looks like a Latino elf. "Whose that one?"

"Leo Valdez, Sir," I said. "Tristan Mclean's foster son."

"Valdez?" The Boss asked. I nodded. "Isn't he, Esperanza's son?"

I nodded. "Does he have skills like Esperanza?" he asked.

"Yes, in fact he has a little more talent than his mother," I said. This is the truth, I've seen the boy in action.

"Maybe the boy can proceed on what his mother had left on," the Boss said. "Before we eliminate her that is."

"Yes Sir," I said. "Here is what I think we should do." I told the Boss my plan and at the end he smiled evilly.

"Clever plan," he said. "While we're at it, we can eliminate the TSOS Agents as well. Those so called Big Three will end horribly."

"Yes Sir," I said. "Maybe while we pick up the vitals children, we can grab one of the children of the big three."

He looked at me with interest. "You figure out that they have other family members?" he asked.

I nodded. "Nico Di'Angelo, son of Hades. We once had his sister. That Levesque is their family."

"Good," he said. "Bring the Di'Angelo boy while you're at it. He'll do great for questioning. You may go now Castellan."

"Yes Sir," I said. I left the office and headed to my office. That's right, I got an office since I'm like the General in this Organization. I walk to my desk and made a call.

"Hello Sir?" asked the voice from the call.

"Hello there my trusted spy," I said. "Any news?"

"Yes Sir," says the Spy. "I have infiltrated on the TSOS mission and made it difficult."

"So there is spies there," I said.

"Yes Boss," says the spy.

"Do you know their identities?" I asked the spy.

"No, Sir," the spy said. "They were trying to spy on the girls with a gadget I know well."

"Alright, that's good enough," I said. "Keep tabs on them, I have a plan."

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