Right Infront Of Your Eyes

By Peachsk

757K 20.8K 7.5K

Everyone around Kayla has always thought she was the rebellious child. No one dared to open their eyes wide e... More

A/N- Introduction
Chapter 1- Imagine
Chapter 2- You see vandalism, I see art.
Chapter 3 - Your in my personal bubble
Chapter 4- Shooting Star
Chapter 5- Watch it
Chapter 6- Batteries
Chapter 7- New Girl
Chapter 8- Keep Your Mouth Closed
Chapter 9- One becomes four
Chapter 10- One sip turns into many
Chapter 11- Drunken mess
Chapter 12- Leverage
Chapter 13- Late night adventure
Chapter 14- Ditch
Chapter 15- You see me
Chapter 16- Two sides
Chapter 17- Carpooling
Chapter 18- Righting The Wrongs
Chapter 19- Coming over?
Chapter 20- Simular Lives
Chapter 21- Bathroom Problems
Chapter 22- Phone Calls
Chapter 24- Help
Chapter 25- Stuck up
Chapter 26- A Bump In The Road
Chapter 27- Getting it off my chest
Chapter 28- Thats What They All Say...
Chapter 29- Accused
Chapter 30- Worried
Chapter 31- Shopping
Chapter 32- Not forgotten
Chapter 33- Family Day Out
Chapter 34- Arguments
Chapter 35- Listening
Chapter 36- Mapping it out...
Chapter 37- Opening A New Door...
Chapter 38- Pulse
Chapter 39- Angry Beast
Chapter 40- Long and Lost
Chapter 41- Seeing The Lost

Chapter 23- Information

14.6K 462 140
By Peachsk

Third Person

1 Year ago...

Kayla watched as other familys sat around, laughing and smiling. Looking like a perfect family. Even though those familys were far from it. Especially if their child was also in Juvie.

The circle tables could fit five. One juvenile teen and four family members. It was the visitation room. It had only been the first two weeks of Kayla being here and the only thing supporting her was the bruises on her body.

She didn't want to see them. She didn't want questions to be asked. She didn't want to see the disappointment, she had gotten enough of that over the years. Kayla just wasn't in the mood to deal with the members of her family who barely even noticed her at home. But deep down in her gut she was dying to see them.

Lance drove Louise and Gavin with him to the visitation. They had been through the security and were following the officer into the visitation room.

When they walked in, their eyes scanned the room. Each table was either empty or was occupied by familys in the same position as them. Soon landing on the lonely table which Kayla occupied.

Her eyes down at her hands, as her finger drew patterns along the table.

"Hey Kayla." Lance smiled when they reached the table. Kayla eyes drifted to her dad, Louise and Gavin as they stood in front of the table.

"You have an hour." The officer spoke up before leaving.

Lance opened his arms hoping to get a hug off of Kayla. She looked at him like he had ten heads. Gavin cleared his throat when he noticed that Kayla wasn't going to hug their Dad and it was getting awkward.

"How about we sit down?" Gavin suggested.

Lance glanced at Gavin. Dropping his arms by his side when Kayla wasn't going to give him a hug. He nodded sitting down.

Louise sat inbetween the both of them. Her eyes studied Kayla noticing the bruises on her face that were now and awful green, yellow colour. "What happened to your face?" Louise gasped.

Kayla looked up at Louise shrugging. "The bathrooms here are very slippy. I fell into a wall."

"Kayla that is far from the truth and we know it." Lance added.

"Things happen. I'm a clumsy person and clearly can't keep an eye out. If I could I wouldn't of been put in here." Kayla sighed.

"Kayla you can tell us what happened?"

See the problem here was that the officers did try inform Lance about Kayla's entanglement. But he never answered the phone when they rang because he was busy.

"Nothing." Kayla wasn't going to say a word. Things happen and you just got to live with it in here. Adam and Faith were put in isolation for three days as their punishment.

Lance let out a sigh. He already had a clue to what happened and Kayla wasn't going to open her mouth so they might as well change the subject.

"So what do you get up to in here all day?" Lance asked. Kayla gave him a dead stare.

"Oh you know just paint each others nails, do each others hair, paint rainbows and butterflies, oh and let's not forget circle time, where we talk about our tramatic experiences." Kayla added a smile at the end.

Gavin rolled his eyes at her sarcasm. While Lance sighed. Louise held Lance's hand in hers for comfort she knew this was hard for him.

"Kayla I'm only trying to make conversation. I just want to know if your okay."

"Do I look okay?" Kayla raised her eyebrow.

"Have you made any friends?" Louise asked trying to change the subject.

Kayla scoffed. "What does this look like a summer camp? If so then I made my cell mate their very own friendship bracelet. An alliance for life."

"Kayla, Louise is only trying to be nice." Gavin butted in.

Kayla just rolled her eyes.


It had been at least five minutes. Nothing had been said, Kayla rested her head on hand, as she watched her finger draw patterns on the table. Gavin stared at his little sister. While Louise's eyes looked around the plain room, nothing special. There was only grey concrete walls and a vending machine which had an out of order sign on the window.

Lance cleared his throat trying to catch Kayla's attention but it didn't. "Have you talked to Wyatt?" Lance asked.

Kayla's eyes shot up to him. If Kayla remembers right, her Dad shouting at her, saying how he was a bad influence. Blah blah. But they were both as bad as each other maybe even worse then they thought.

"No. I haven't and I doubt I will anytime soon." Kayla eyes drifted to the clock on the wall. It wasn't even working the second hand was stuck in the same spot.

"The clock isn't going to move any faster. No matter how much you stare at it." Gavin commented. Kayla's attention snapped to her brother.

"Its worth a try." Kayla shrugged. She then let out a sigh. "Look you didn't have to come down here and waste your time. Your better off just leaving."

"Kayla we wanted to come down here. We missed you. We were worried." Louise reached her hand over the table placing it over Kayla's.

Kayla looked down at their hands. A part of her enjoyed the words Louise was feeding her and the comfort she was giving her. But the other part screamed at her. Telling her how they never even noticed when she walked into a room so her being in the house or not wouldn't matter.

Kayla pulled her hand away from Louise's. They would never show this affection and it was all an act.


After that they sat in silence. Lance and Louise tried to make conversation multiple times but Kayla had shut them down. Gavin didn't try because he knew Kayla didn't want to talk.

Over on the other side,
of the building...

They pushed him up against the wall making him slam his head on it.

"Did you fucking steal it?! You greedy fuck!" He got punched straight in the face, making his head turn to the side from the impact.

"I didn't fucking touch your stash!" He shouted at the three boys that stood in front of him.

One of the boys dug his arm into his throat. Pushing him even more up against the walls. The boy pushed up against the wall, hands came up trying to pull the other boys arm off his throat.

"It's always the newbies. They just can't keep their hands to themselves...wait who told you to do it? Whose loyalty are you trying to win?" His arm dug more into the boy up against the walls throat. Making him gasp for air. Then letting go so he could talk.

"I didn't...steal anything...from...your stash. I didn't even know you had a stash." The boy breathed out.

The three boys looked between each other. Shrugging.

"My bad dude." The boy removed his arm off his throat. "But if you ever do be expecting this." He threw another punch to the boy up against the wall. He wasn't ready for it making his head hit off the wall again.

The three boys that stood in front of him, walked off laughing. While the boy slumped down the wall. Blood dripped down his nose, his head pounded. But the thing that burned most was the drugs in the back of his pocket. The stash.

All of this for loyalty and this was only the start...

Harvey's POV

Present Time...


She was an amazing woman. Probably the only person who would encourage me to open up and speak. Whether the others saw it or not we were close. Just as close as her and Kayla.

She pushed me to have fun and express my emotions. Mom was the opposite to perfect in society. She lived her life but to me she was perfect. She didn't live up to people's expectations. She lived up to her own.

And no matter how much our family now trys to act perfect. We are far from it. We all have our issues.

Dad is trying to be perfect parent but doesn't know how to be. Louise is afraid she is not a good Mom. Tara only wants to boast about how her life is so great even though she knows deep down it's not. Gavin only party's hard because he doesn't want to be seen as a Golden boy. Ethan is failing classes but his sports is making up for it. Me, well I can't express my emotions. And then you have Kayla who can't move on and is neglected attention. Well Bobby I'm still yet to figure out.

After I had seen Kayla's tattoo, I don't know I just had to get out of the house. I knew exactly what that tattoo was for. Mom use to always take us out to watch the shooting stars. But there was another reason, bigger then that. The last night Mom was alive, me and Kayla were with her. There was an metor shower. Shooting stars.

That was the last time we spent with her. It was our goodbye. I had later found out that she knew that night that she would only make it till the morning.


' "Kayls. Harvey. Come look there is some shooting stars." Stella waved over Harvey who sat on the vistors chair swinging his legs back and forth. While Kayla hopped up off the ground to see what Stella was talking about.

"Harvey come over your going to miss it." Stella waved him over again. He shook his head. Stella let out a sigh turning her attention back to Kayla who let out a gasp.

Harvey watched his sister and Mom look out the window. At such a young age he didn't notice Stella's fraile body and her pale complexion.

"What did you wish for Mommy?" Kayla asked as a shooting star passed by still staring out of the hospital window.

"If I tell you it won't come true darling." Stella boopped Kayla's little nose.

Kayla looked back at Stella bring her small hand up to her mothers cheek. "Don't cry. It was only a shooting star."

Stella let out a little laugh giving Kayla a sad smile. "Come here."

Stella opened her arms, which Kayla gladly took. Stella looked over to her son waving him to come over. Harvey slowly got off the vistors chair making his way over to his Mom and sister.

Stella pulled them both into a hug. "Please promise me that you will keep your head up. Even on your darkest days when I'm not here to comfort you." Stella whispered. Planting a kiss on the two of their heads.

Harvey looked up at his Mom in confusion. "Just promise." She whispered.

Kayla and Harvey looked between eachother and then back up to Stella. "We promise."

Flashback over...

I went to Moms grave. The place I go to clear my head. It may seem stupid but when I do. I just talk to her as if she was actually here. I tell her everything that goes on because alive or dead she is the still the only person I can express my feelings to.

When Kayla came back from Juvie I noticed how she would disappear at night and come back late at night. I would stay up just hear her come back in safely. This all started when one night I learned something. It made me realise that I had to look out for my siblings. Even if I didn't show I did.

The only way I truly know how to express myself is anger. That's probably why I lash out to people all the time. That's why I keep my distance. I'm the dickhead of the family.

Kayla's POV

Harvey's words have been replaying in my head all night and all day. When he told me yesterday it's like I glitched. I stood on the stairs for at least two minutes. But my head still can't wrap around it.

Maybe I need to put Harvey in rice? He seems broken. Seriously though Harvey has always ever been mean to me and last night when he showed he cared it was surprising to me.

"Kayla are you okay?" India waved her hand in front of my face. I smacked it away.

"Yeah sorry. I keep zoning out today." I say as I pick up my banana.

"Your okay. Have you seen Gabby or Lee?" India asked.

"Gabby told me she would met us out here." I looked over my shoulder at the school door to come out to where we sit.

"Maybe they are getting handsy." I brought my attention back to India who was wiggling her eyebrows up and down.

I rolled my eyes. "Do all you think about is sex?"

"Hey I got to get my drama from somewhere and if it's not in real life it's on wattpad sooo..." India held her hands up in surrender. I rolled my eyes again, throwing one of her grapes at her.

"So have thought about the enemies to lo__" India started.

"Nope. Ask the au__." I was now interrupted.

"Hey little sis." Ethan came up from behind sitting down on the bench. I moved my lunch over closer to me.

Daniel, Ethans friend sat beside India.

"Ethan what are__"

"So this is where you go every lunch. It's pretty nice out here and quiet." Ethan smiled as he wrapped an arm around my shoulder.

"Yeah it's nice because you not here." I pushed his arm off my shoulder.

"Your India right?" Daniel asked.

She nodded her head.

"Well I heard your good at hacking. So could you be able to hack into my grades and change them?" Daniel asked with a raised eyebrow. Wow he must really have high hopes.

India narrowed her eyes at him. Not before elbowing his gut and sending him a smile. Daniel folded over gasping for air. "No dipshit."

Ethan let out a laugh as he watched Daniel catch his breath. "She'd do it for me because she is friends with my sister. Right?" Ethan wiggles his eyebrows.

India kicked him in the shin. "Keep wishing." She sent him a smile.

"India do you want to move. Our table has been infested." I say as I picked my bag up.

"I thought you would never ask." I India sighed in relief as she cleaned up her lunch.

We moved to walk around the halls leaving my brother and his friend.


After about five minutes of walking around the halls. We bumped into Lee and Gabby.

"Wait. Look there." India held out her hand in front of me stopping me from walking any further.

My eyes followed to where she was looking. Gabby leaned up against a locker as Lee stood in front of her. She bit her bottom lip as she looked him directly in the eye as he spoke. There was something about their relationship that I couldn't seem to read.

"So cute." India muttered. "Now let's go break their little moment up." India smirked.

"YO! KEEP FIVE FEET APART AT ALL TIMES!" India shouted down the hall at them.

Gabby slight jumped standing up straighter. While when Lee turned to look at us, his cheeks were all red.

"GABBY AND LEE SITTING IN A TREE.." I started to sing, India joined in. "K.I.S.S.I.N.G." We both laughed when we saw how red their cheeks were.

"Someone might hear you two. Shut up!" Gabby gritted out as we got closer.

"Good." I laughed.

There was a loud slam of a door hitting a wall.

Wyatt came rushing out of the classroom. His eyes searched the hall and then landed on me. His pace quicker as he started to approach me.

"Kayla I need to talk to you it's urgent." Wyatt said as he came up to me.

I looked at him and then back to my friends. "Wyatt I told you I didn't want to talk t___"

"Please Kayla its urgent." He only looked at me.

I bit my bottom lip. "Wyatt__"

He had already grabbed my arm dragging me into a random classroom and I let him.

There we go chapter 23...

I hope you enjoyed this chapter. We got to see what happened in Juvie well a small bit. We got to see Harvey's pov.

What do think of the whole Juvie part??

What did you think of Harvey's POV??

What do you think is so urgent with Wyatt??

Any suggestions??
Any theories??
Any questions??

Thank you for reading. Don't forget to vote and comment...

(Slightly edited)

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