Coffee || Eren x Reader ||

By Crying666

12.5K 319 254

Three words: College, Roommate, Friends. After moving to a different country for college, you started a whole... More

Coffee Breath
Christmas Break|| Part 1
Christmas Break|| Part 2
Christmas Break|| Part 3
Christmas Break|| Part 4
Untold feelings
"One cream, two sugar"
Next Story?


2.1K 30 45
By Crying666

Tw: Small mention of self harm

September 10th, 14:49

It's Saturday afternoon. You are in the boy's room. The boy's room ( Marco, Jean and Connie) had a bunk bed and two single beds. Sasha was eating and watching tv, Mikasa was doing homework, Marco was on his phone and Jean was trying to get Mikasa's attention, as usual. You were peacefully reading something on your phone but a strange noise interrupted you.

" Heyoo, Jean!" You heard Connie scream in the bathroom. " Can you stop simping for Mikasa for a sec, and help me in here?" You chuckled at Jean rolling his eyes and getting up. You watched the man walk towards the bathroom. His face dropped in fear when he opened the door. 

" AHHHHHH! WHAT THE FUCK! CONNIE!" Jean screamed in disgust before slamming the door. You could hear Connie dying of laugher on the other side of the door.

" What did he do, again?" Sasha asked Jean, her hand in her sac of chips. 

" Dude straight up flashed me!?! What did I do to deserve that?! It's so small!" He whimpered as he sat back down on his bed, next to Mikasa.

Connie got out of the bathroom, still laughing and dressed. He highfived Marco on the way out and sat next to Sasha. 

" Hey bestie." Connie told Sasha as if nothing had hapened. Sasha handed him a bag of chips.

" Armin said he should be here in ten, with Eren. He's done with his photoshoot." Mikasa said closing her books. You got up of Marco's bed and stretched with a loud groan. 

" Finally. Feel like it's been 10 hours since they left." You said laughing. Everyone looked at you with a cheesy smile in their face. " What again?" 

" I can't wait to see Eren!" Jean said mimicking you.

" Omg, Eren!" Marco followed.

" I missed you Eren..." Connie added.

" Eren is so handsome." Then mikasa.

" When will Eren arrive." Then Sasha.

" OH gosh I LOVE Eren." Connie finished, with a moan-ish voice. You rolled your eyes and sighed.

" Geez guys. You sounded like me one year ago." You laughed.

" You were so obsessed with my brother, it was hilarious." Mikasa said while finishing her bag.

" Eren this..." Sasha said at your right.

" Eren that..." Connie added, at your left.

" Ok! OK! I get it. But that was a year ago, get over it now." They all laughed while getting out of the dorm. 

You guys met Armin and Eren at the entrance. You asked Eren about his photoshoot and chatted a little bit with the blondie. After that, you divided in two teams for the ride. You guys were having a Laser-Tag friend date. You jumped in Jean's car, with Sasha and Connie. You sat passenger seat, leaving the besties in the back.

" I'm surprise you didn't choose Eren's car." Jean told you, starting the car. You glared at him and he responded with a smirk.

" Start driving before I break your two arms." Connie and Sasha laughed in the back, Jean just rolled his eyes.

" Anyway, I could've said the same for Mika... Why didn't you invite her to take my place?" He stayed silent. " Anyway, what do I play?" You said looking in the back.

" Our jam, duh." Connie said, as if it was obvious.

" Sure." You smiled and turned back facing the front. You went on your Spotify and clicked on Oreo by Shotgun Willy.


You sat next to Mikasa at the dinning table. Connie in front of Sasha and next to Jean. Marco was at the extremity of the table, in front of Armin and on the other side of Mikasa. Not really important, what was more important was that you had a beautiful view on Eren, sitting in front of you.

" You guys are weak, our team won without trying." Mikasa bragged looking at Jean. 

" Ok, well you had Eren, Y/n and Armin in your team. It's not like the split was really fair." Jean said defending himself and his team. 

" Yeah, yeah. Sure, Jean." Eren added to Jean's commentary before looking back at his menu.

" Anyway, I'm happy that I'm eating for free tonight." You said then winked at Connie and Jean. Jean, Sasha , Connie and Marco's face all dropped remembering the bet they did earlier. 

" What can I serv- Hey, uhm sorry." The waiter froze. He seemed to be staring at Sasha. 

" Everything ok?" Marco asked the blond boy. 

" Yeah, yeah sorry, uhm... I'm Nicolo and I'll be the one in charge of you guys." He smiled at Sasha. Mikasa looked at you and smirked.

" I think blond boy here finds Sasha cute... But wait till he sees her eat." She whispered in your ear. You both laughed. 

The waiter took all your order and came back with them 15 minutes later. You guys talked about Sasha's "future husband" and some school project while eating. You couldn't help but stare at Eren's food, which looked delicious. You waited until he looked away and took a bit of his sandwich. 

" Hey!" You wiped your mouth as Eren was glancing at you. " That's mine." He laughed.

"Oops? It looked tasty." You said with a chuckle.

" Geez, you guys get a room." Connie joked. Everyone was looking at you. You felt your cheeks heating up. 

" I'm done with this." You rolled your eyes and stormed off to the dinner's restroom. In there, you looked at yourself in the mirror. You cheeks were as red as tomatoes. ' What the fuck.'

" Hey Y/n, are you alright?" You heard Mikasa come in the restroom. You sighed and nodded. " You still have feelings for my brother, do you?" She paused waiting for an answer, but you stayed silent. " That's why you get so easily irritated when we joke about in, recently?" 

" I guess you're right, I might still have a small interest in him. But don't tell anyone." She nodded and walked out of the restroom. You followed her back to the table and sat down.

" Every thing ok?" Eren asked you concerned. You quietly nodded and finished your dish.

The losers paid for the food and you guys drove back to the boy's dorm. You guys talked for an hour or two, before leaving with Armin, Eren and Mikasa. You said "goodnight" to Eren and Armin before getting in your room. You showered and went to bed. You looked at the time on your phone, it was almost 23h. 

' Why can't I move on. It's been a year, crushes don't last THAT long. I remember how we met, it was like in a movie.'  You chuckled. ' Oh and I'm so glad to have all these amazing friends... They make life seems a lot less boring and hard. They bring lights to my dark times... I've not...' You looked at you wrist. ' I've been clear since I met them. Thank you guys...'

You soon drifted to sleep.


Heyo! Hope you liked this first chapter. 

See yall next chapter

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