Deku: The Sharingan Hero

By MrAuthor18

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In a world where 80% of the society have super powers dubbed "Quirks", Izuku Midoriya aka "Deku" a Quirkless... More

Chapter 1: The Awakening
Chapter 2: Training For The Entrance Exam Part 1
Chapter 3: Training For The Entrance Exam Part 2
Chapter 4: The True Meaning Of A Hero
Chapter 5: The Aftermath
Chapter 6: The Quirk Assessment Test
Chapter 7: Izuku's Resolve
Chapter 8: The Fated Battle
Chapter 9: Izuku and Katsuki, A New Start?
Chapter 10: The USJ Attack
Chapter 11: Izuku Vs The Nomus
Chapter 12: Izuku and All Might
Chapter 13: The Uchihas?
Chapter 14: Himiko Toga
Chapter 15: The Sports Festival
Chapter 16: Midoriya The Powerhouse
Chapter 17: Capture The Flag
Chapter 18: The Lightning Cutter
Chapter 19: Izuku's Eternal Rivals
Chapter 20: The Battle Of Hypnotists
Chapter 21: Envy vs Pride
Chapter 23: The Boy Born With Nothing Versus The Boy Born With Everything
Chapter 24: The End Of The Beginning
Chapter 25: A New Threat
Chapter 26: Bonds
Chapter 27: The Promise
Chapter 28: Truth And More
Chapter 29: First Step Into Darkness
Chapter 30: Blood Ties

Chapter 22: A Failure Stands Tall!

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By MrAuthor18

"DEKUU!" Bakugo yelled as he saw Izuku coming closer with the Chidori.

"KACCHAAN!" Izuku yelled.

"HOWTIZER IMPACT!" Bakugo shouted as he fired a massive blast.


"EVERYONE TAKE COVER!" Present Mic cried out as he and Aizawa quickly hid under the desk to brace for impact.

"I SAID THAT THESE TWO ARE CRAZY AND SHOULDN'T FIGHT EACH OTHER! PLEASE I DON'T WANT TO DIE!" Denki screamed as he and Mineta held each other and prepared for the worse.

The two attacks finally collided causing a terrific explosion with a loud BOOM that shook the whole stadium as if there was an earthquake. Even people who were outside the stadium were able to see and feel the blast. As for Midnight and Cementos, they were blown to God only knows where.

The smoke and dust took a long time to clear. The crowd slowly started to physically recover from the explosion, but not mentally. They were too shocked by the sheer power of two first-year students. Once the dust and smoke finally settled down, their jaws dropped to the floor. The arena was gone, there was just a massive crater in the middle of the stadium where the ring once stood. Finally, two figures were visible, one was kneeling and the other was standing. Izuku was kneeling and covered with burns and blood as if he took a dive into a minefield, while Bakugo was still standing, his shirt nowhere to be found.

"I won't lose to... D-Deku..." He muttered before he fell down, he collapsed to the floor. He was completely rendered unconscious. Everyone was silent, only the sound of the wind could be heard.

Present Mic finally took back his seat again as he rubbed a bump on his head. His eyes widened as he observed the conclusion of this epic battle. "THE LAST MAN STANDING IS THE GREEN POWERHOUSE, IZUKU MIDORIYA! HE IS THE WINNER!" Present Mic cried out.

Izuku was stunned but he slowly stood up, his whole body was screaming and aching from the pain but he stood up. He looked around, searching for his mentor until his eyes met his. He smiled. Tears threaten to come out of his eyes, but he knew he couldn't cry now. It was really hard not to, but he knew better. He raised his arm in victory. He did it! He won!

It took a moment for everybody else to process what just happened, but then the crowd erupted into uproarious applause and cheers!

Finally! He thought. He won and surpassed Bakugo!

Izuku then lowered his arm before staring at his hand, it was injured. In fact, parts of his hand's skin were peeled and smoldered lightly. Going over 8% with the Chidori was a really bad idea, but anything less than that wouldn't have taken down Kacchan. I swear to God his tenacity must be out of this world for him to be able to stay conscious after that. Izuku thought as he remembered their final clash.

Damn, we really went overboard... He thought to himself as he observed the destruction around him. I hope we're not charged for the collateral damage. He said in his mind as he stepped closer towards Bakugo. "Let's go Kacchan, it's time for you and me to get yet another lecture from Recovery Girl about self-restraint. I know this is your first time so welcome to the club, I guess." Izuku sarcastically murmured to the unconscious Bakugo and himself, before he lifted the other teen over his shoulder and walked towards the exit. He got him out of the massive crater and quickly followed before he put him on the stretcher.

Everyone was still cheering and giving applause, now for the sportsmanship gesture more than the battle. He watched the two robots carry his foe away before he lain down on his own stretcher and gave the robots a thumbs up, meaning that he was ready to go. "Finally, some rest." He weakly murmured as he closed his eyes to rest a little bit. He wanted to enjoy that sweet little moment he had before getting scolded by Recovery Girl.


Staff Room:


The room was filled with utter silence. One would expect to see Kamui Woods performing his victory dance and celebrating the fact that he's not losing his savings while DeathArms would be sulking in a corner, but no... Everyone was so shocked by the powers of the two combatants that they forgot about their bets and gambling.

"Well, that was something..." The Pro Hero Backdraft was the first one to break the silence. (In case you don't know who I'm talking about, he's the Pro who dresses like a firefighter and has a water Quirk. He's usually seen with Kamui, DeathArms and Mt Lady.)

"Uh-huh" Mt Lady nodded with her jaw almost reaching the floor and her eyes comically bulging.

"Ahem, I think it would be fair to say that these two will make it to the Top 10 Heroes one day." DeathArms exclaimed after finally regaining his composure.

"Top 10, more like Top 5." Kamui added.

"No doubt." Backdraft said. "By the way, I think it's your turns now to be on patrol." He pointed at the other three.

"Oh sorry, I completely forgot. Come on you two let's go back to our job, brake time is over." DeathArms said as he dragged the other two with him.

"Eh?! But I want to watch the other matches." Mt Lady protested.

"Yes, we want to watch the rest of the Sports Festival." Kamui agreed with his colleague.

"Stop acting like little kids and let's go back to our posts." DeathArms replied as he put in more effort to drag the other two. "Besides, it will take them some time to repair the arena and find Cementos and Midnight, so let's go!"

Backdraft just watched this whole situation with a sweat drop.


Aizawa groaned as he was clearly unhappy, not only did Izuku and Bakugo destroyed the arena, blew his colleagues away but also made him lose his popcorn. "Stupid problem child and his moody friend." He said with another groan.


"Um... I'm here." Both Aizawa and Present Mic heard Midnight's voice but they had no idea where it came from, until they saw a hand waving at them through the shattered window. She was on top of the commentator's booth.

"Oh, and Cementos?" Aizawa asked.

"Right here." Cementos' voice came in showing that he was next to Midnight.

"Okay, then do you mind rebuilding the arena, Cementos?" Present Mic asked.

"Absolutely not! I'm not going back there as long as this little monster called Izuku Midoriya is still participating in the Sports Festival." Cementos objected as he crossed his arms.

Aizawa sighed, not in the mood for this after losing his precious popcorn. "Look I'm not happy with my post either bu-" He stopped as he heard the sound of someone chewing something crunchy. "Nemuri what are you eating?"

"Nothing..." She lied as she quickly swallowed what she was eating.

"First you guys interrupt my precious nap with this stupid festival and now you take away my popcorn! That's it!" Aizawa lashed as he used his capture weapon and threw it upwards from the shattered window before capturing both Cementos and Midnight who was surprisingly still holding his popcorn. He glared at them with his red eyes while his hair was floated upwards, showing that he was using his Quirk. "You two will go back to the arena, and you, you will fix the arena, understood?" Aizawa said as he glared at the both of them.

Both adults nodded, too afraid of Aizawa's wrath. "Good" Aizawa said as he let them free and took back his popcorn from Midnight. Both Pro Heroes groaned as they prepared to head back to their posts. "Cementos" Aizawa called the other Pro Hero, grabbing his attention. "Dinner is on me today and before you two ask yes you two are also invited."

"Should've started with that." Cementos replied while the other two cheered.


Two Weeks Ago In Ground Omega:

Bakugo just managed to decimate six Three Pointers with a single explosion. His forearms were covered in bandages and it was clear that his hands were injured. He has been training non-stop for the past two weeks to surpass Izuku and defeat him in the upcoming Sports Festival.

"Amazing Bakugo! You managed to destroy these Three Pointers like they were nothing!" Kirishima cheered for his explosive friend. He has seen how far Bakugo improved over the last two weeks and was clearly astonished by that said improvement. "Let's call it a day now and go back to the dorm."

"Not yet... This isn't enough... I need to become even STRONGER!" Bakugo replied with his usual tenacity as he panted. He wiped the sweat on his forehead before speaking again. "If I have to defeat Deku..." He said as memories of Izuku during the Battle Trials and the USJ came to his mind. "If I have to surpass him, I need to be much stronger than that. Call the Zero Pointers!" Bakugo clenched his bloody fists as he ordered Kirishima.

"But Bakugo, the training program Aizawa-sensei gave us doesn't include fighting Zero Pointers, and look at you, your arms are terribly injured and you're seeing Recovery Girl every day." Kirishima exclaimed, clearly worried about his friend.

"If I can't surpass my limits... if I can't achieve my goal... IF I CAN'T BE THE NUMBER ONE HERO AND PROVE THAT I'M THE STRONGEST THEN IT'LL BE BETTER IF I'M DEAD!" Bakugo shouted with a burning determination that Kirishima could no longer refuse his request.

"So manly..." Kirishima said with his manly tears running down his cheeks. "Alright, I'll call them. I just hope you know what you're doing."

"Thanks, Weird Hair." Bakugo replied before the ground began to shake, which meant that the Zero Pointers have been activated.

"Target found. Must eliminate." The giant robots said with a monotone and artificial voice as they approached Bakugo.

"COME AND GET ME YOU FUCKING SCRAPS OF METAL!" Bakugo shouted before he took off and propelled himself high in the air with his explosions. "DIE!" He yelled as he fired an explosion at one of the two Zero Pointers. However, due to his extreme training and injuries Bakugo's explosion only managed to scratch the paint on the robot.

"Bakugo watch out!" Kirishima yelled as the other robot was approaching Bakugo who was previously distracted by the other robot.

Unfortunately for Bakugo, the other robot sized this opportunity to imprison the explosive boy in his metallic hands. Bakugo tried to fire an explosion to break the robot's hands and free himself, but his hands could only ignite small sparkles as they screamed at him to stop. Bakugo was getting frustrated. For the past two weeks he tried to force his arms to deal with the recoil of his bigger explosions, so he could use them without support gears in the Sports Festival and improve his endurance and stamina but to no avail. For a moment there he was going to give up, but then he remembered when Izuku used that ferocious kick in the USJ and how he kept going and pushing himself despite his injuries.

"If Deku can push himself further... THEN I CAN DO THE SAME!" He yelled as he raised his hands with his palms open ready to fire an explosion. "DON'T LOOK DOWN ON ME YOU BASTARDS! " He shouted before firing a massive explosion that destroyed the robot's hands into multiple pieces. The dust caused by the explosion was clouding the two Zero Pointers' visions, but suddenly out of the dust came Bakugo who raised an arm towards each robot before firing two massive explosions that obliterated both of their heads. Bakugo smirked at this sight, his resistance to his explosions reached a new scale. He was getting stronger. 'Just wait for me Deku.' He thought.


The Infirmary:

Bakugo finally opened his eyes. Everything was blurry for a moment until he could finally see a white ceiling. He immediately sat up, wondering where he was, until he deduced that he was at the infirmary.

"Kacchan, you finally woke up. Phew, for a moment there I thought I went overboard and knocked you out for good." Izuku said, clearly relieved that nothing bad happened to Bakugo.

"Ugh, what the fuck happened?" Bakugo asked as he rubbed the back of his head before the memories of his final clash with Izuku came in. "I lost the match, right?" He calmly asked, which really managed to surprise Izuku.

"Yeah..." He replied, a little bit hesitant because of how Bakugo was acting. Did I break his fighting spirit? No that's not possible, right? Izuku nervously thought.

Once he heard the confirmation, the gravity of the situation got registered in his head. He had lost to Izuku, not once but twice. The one who he always called Deku managed to prove to everyone that he's superior to him.

"So you did it, huh? You proved to everyone that you're the better Hero. That's what you want to say to me right now, am I right?" Bakugo angrily questioned as he gritted his teeth. "You want to get back at me for everything I did to you!"

"Wh-What? No, I already told you that I don't care about the past, and why would I say that I'm superior to you? Did you already forget the vow we made after the Battle Trials? We're equals, we're rivals! Why can't you just understand that? Look how far we pushed each other to get this strong, and we could still push each other more until we become the greatest Heroes we can be." Izuku replied before letting out a sigh. He hoped that Bakugo was finally able to understand his point.

Bakugo had a puzzled look on his face as he thought about everything Izuku just said. Everything that he just heard somehow made sense to him. He is so much stronger today then what he could've been if Izuku hadn't joined UA. It was thanks to Izuku that he was able to reach this level. Also, today's battle was more than enough to prove that Izuku wasn't following behind Bakugo, nor was he extremely ahead of him. However, what it really did prove is that both of them were pushing each other forward to a legendary path and right now Izuku is pushing him down that path, trying not to let him stir of that path which unbeknown to him, they both created it. All he had to do is grab Izuku's hand and move forward.

"Of course, I didn't forget. I was just checking you didn't, Deku. After all, you're my rival and you always need to remember this." He pointed out.

Baby steps, I guess. Izuku mentally thought as he scratched his cheek with his index. "You're right Kacchan, and I'll be waiting for the next time we fight each other again." Izuku said as he held his fist towards Bakugo.

Bakugo looked for a moment at Izuku's arm that was covered in bandages before he returned the fist bump. "Of course, I'm right. You better prepare to lose next time Deku!" Bakugo snickered.

"I'll leave this task to you and prepare to win." Izuku replied with a smirk.


"NO! I'M THE ONE WHO'LL DEFEAT YOU NEXT TIME!" Izuku shouted too, imitating his rival as his head bumped into Bakugo's. They pulled back and stared at each other before Izuku laughed while Bakugo just smirked.

"So, can you really see the future?" Bakugo said without looking at Izuku. He was embarrassed by the fact that he still couldn't figure out Izuku's trick.

"Of course not." Izuku said with a chuckle. "Do you remember how I managed to control the Nomu in the USJ?" Izuku asked to which Bakugo gave a nod. "When I was testing my new illusion ability or as I like to call it, Genjutsu-"

"Pfft Genjutsu? What? Are you some kind of ninja now?" Bakugo sarcastically said.

"Funny thing to hear this from the one who named his ultimate move Howitzer Impact and Howitzer was actually taken from the german word Haubitze, which used to mean sling. Or maybe you already knew that and that's why your arm is in a sling right now." Izuku sarcastically replied.

"Tsk, fucking nerd." Bakugo groaned as he frowned.

"Anyways, I tried to use a Genjutsu on a friend who was helping me with Genjutsu training and control her mind like the Nomu but it failed. I don't really know why, but maybe it's because Nomus are practically brainless or something. However, one day I learned that I could force my opponent to do something without realizing that they're doing it. It's pretty hard to maintain control though because it needs a lot of focus." Izuku explained.

"So, you forced me to attack you while you already knew what I was up to and then you made me believe that you could see the future. Just what I expect from a nerd like you. I assume you did the same thing whenever we talked, right?" Bakugo deduced.

"Oh, that was different. The speech thing was based on pure luck. I took this idea from one of my favorite animes, JoJo's Bizarre Adventure." Izuku replied as he rubbed the back of his head and smiled sheepishly.

"I can't believe I fell for that." Bakugo facepalmed.

"Well, it was to best strategy I had to wear you out as well as land some hits, so I had to bet everything on it." Izuku said with his smile still present.

Bakugo stared at him for a moment, he had something on his mind and was debating whether to say it now or not. However, his thoughts were quickly interrupted by the sound of the infirmary door opening, revealing Recovery Girl.

Both students flinched at the sight of the angry old lady. They knew that there was no escape from her wrath.

"Recov-" Izuku began but Recovery Girl hit him with her cane on his head, before hitting Bakugo too.

"OI OLD HA-" Bakugo began but seeing how terrifying her gaze was, he decided to keep quiet, not to mention he didn't want to get hit again by her cane.

"How many times do I have to tell the both of you to hold back before my words could finally enter those thick skull heads of yours?!" Recovery Girl sternly scolded both boys.

"Wait, this isn't your fist time?" Izuku asked the other teenager.

"Nope." He replied before both he and Izuku got another SMACK.


"We're deeply sorry..." Izuku muttered but loud enough for everyone to hear.

"Sorry isn't going to cut it this time mister." She exclaimed before turning on the monitor. "Look at what the both of you did, you destroyed the entire arena! We're lucky that no one got injured. If that last explosion was just a little bit more powerful it would've been the case! This isn't how two Heroes in training are supposed to act..." She further scolded them as the weight of their actions was sinking in. They really overdid it. "And that was only the collateral damage and public safety, now let's take a look at Bakugo."

Bakugo looked like a mummy from the pharaoh times that just came out of its tomb. His forehead, jaw, arms, chest and torso were covered with multiple bandages and his right arm was in a sling. Recovery Girl then took out some X-Rays to show them how severe Bakugo's injuries were. Izuku gasped in shock, and Bakugo's eyes widened. Each X-Ray showed that Bakugo had multiple bone fractures with different types. That was the case for his jaw, left arm and ribs in his left side, but this was nothing compared to Bakugo's right side. His ribs were broken, there was a hole in his thoracic cage! "This is because of that final clash! You hit him with that stupid lightning attack, right?" She angrily glared at Izuku who gave a hesitant nod, before undoing the bandages and revealing a bluish circle on Bakugo's chest. "He also had internal bleeding, if you had hit him right here..." She exclaimed as she pointed her finger around ten centimeters (4 inch) away from the center of the bruise. "The blow would've affected his heart and he could've been dead." Both Izuku and Bakugo gulped after hearing this.

I can't believe it... I almost killed Kacchan with this 25% Chidori... I'm glad I punched him instead of stabbing him, else things would've been much worse. Izuku said in his mind. The situation was far worse than he initially thought.

"Pfft, you're kidding! As if Deku could ever kill me!" Bakugo mockingly said, in an attempt to make Izuku feel better.

Recovery Girl then looked at Bakugo, ready to give him a piece of her mind. "Now Midoriya here isn't the only one to blame for your injuries." She said as she showed him the X-Ray of his right arm. His forearm bone had an oblique fracture, it was broken. "Despite telling you so many times not overuse your Quirk and damage your arms for the past month, you did it and broke your right arm and that's why it's in a sling!" She explained as she hit the ground with her cane furiously. "Honestly, you're lucky that you got out of this match with no permanent damage..."

Recovery Girl then looked at Izuku, he was covered with much less bandages than Bakugo. "Unlike Bakugo, who most of his injuries were broken bones, you mainly suffered both first-degree and second-degree burns. And again, because you went overboard with that stupid lightning attack you seem to enjoy, parts of your right arm's skin were either burnt or ripped off... Now take this." She said as she handed him an oxygen mask. "This for your lungs that suffered some damage after inhaling the amount of smoke you did." Honestly, it's thanks to Kurogane being here that we avoided any catastrophe. His healing ability works really well with mine. But that Nezu! What was he thinking allowing the boys to go this far? I know he and the others wanted to see Midoriya's full power but this was too much. She thought before letting out a sigh and sitting on her chair.

"We're sorry, we promise not to go this far again..." Both Izuku and Bakugo apologized before lying down in their beds.

"I hope so." She replied. "Midoriya" She called the Sharingan user.

"Yes" He answered while breathing behind his mask.

"Never use that lightning attack on a classmate. Heck, think carefully before using it on a Villain. Either find another way to use it or just like I said never use it again. This is a lethal attack that could easily kill someone."

"I promise to use it carefully and double make sure to hold back the power output from now on." Izuku replied.

Recovery Girl finally smiled. I'm sure they're both exhausted and it seems like they learned their lesson. Well, no more scolding then.



"Come in." Recovery Girl said, but little did she expect to see Aizawa entering the infirmary.

"Judging from your expressions it seems like Recovery Girl already scolded you." Aizawa exclaimed to which Bakugo frowned and Izuku looked away. "Well, I guess that's one less thing to do. Recover Girl, can Midoriya participate in the final round of the Sports Festival?" Aizawa asked which grabbed both Izuku's and Bakugo's attentions, the former looking a bit worried.

Recovery Girl hummed and thought about the question. "Honestly, right now, he can't. His injuries aren't fully healed and I think it would be better if he rests."

"I see..." Aizawa said while staring at Izuku. "How long does he need to rest? Cementos is still working on the arena and I'm pretty sure the next match won't be a short one." Aizawa explained, as Izuku nervously looked between the two adults.

Recovery Girl put a hand on her chin and gave it a thought. "I'll do some tests in an hour and see if it's okay for him to fight in the final round."

"Fair enough, Midoriya just so you know, Ojiro and Todoroki asked to change the rules for the remaining two rounds. There won't be ring outs as the new ring will cover the whole arena. Are you okay with that?" Aizawa asked.

"That's fine with me, Aizawa-sensei." Izuku replied.

"Good, I'll be going now." Aizawa said as he left the infirmary.

The room was soon filled with silence. Recovery Girl was working on her computer while Izuku and Bakugo were both resting. Izuku fidgeted in his bed and looked at the clock, it was 2:25 pm right now.

Only thirty-five minutes left, huh? This really has been a long day. Ever since this morning it was just one battle after another. Will I be able to participate in the final round? I'm not even sure if I can activate the Sharingan for ten more minutes. No matter how much I train, I just can't find a more effective way to increase my time limit. Izuku carefully thought about his situation and to be honest he was frustrated. I wonder if Shisui can help me with this issue after the Sports Festival...

"Hey Deku." Bakugo called Izuku.

"What's up?"

"You better get well soon and beat the shit out of Half And Half Bastard, because when I lose I only lose to the best. If you lose, I'll kill you, you hear that?" Bakugo exclaimed much to Recovery Girl's annoyance by his vocabulary.

"What makes you think that Todoroki will defeat Ojiro?" Izuku asked the explosive boy with a raised eyebrow.

"You've seen his capabilities, he's way stronger than Tails." Bakugo replied.

"You're underestimating Ojiro." Izuku pointed out while Bakugo looked at him with a puzzled look.

"Come again?" Bakugo questioned.

"You'll see... In fact, look the match is about to start." Izuku replied as he looked at the monitor.


"SORRY FOR THE DELAY EVERYONE BUT NOW THAT THE ARENA IS FIXED IT'S TIME FOR THE SECOND MATCH OF THE SEMI-FINALS TO BEGIN!" Present Mic announced as the crowd began to cheer for the first time in a while.

The new ring was much bigger than the first one as it covered the entire arena. Cementos also added the word UA that was located on the other side of the commentator's booth. (Basically, Boruto's chunin exam arena style)

"Huh? Where is Iida?" Kirishima asked Ochaco.

"He got a phone call earlier and told me that he had to leave because there was a family issue." Ochaco replied. She was a little bit worried about the expression Tenya had when he left.

"It's a shame he won't be able to see the rest of the matches. Anyways, it's time for Todoroki's and Ojiro's match so let's cheer for them." Kirishima replied to which Ochaco gave a nod and smiled.

"But man, Todoroki is so intimidating! He effortlessly defeated all of his opponents in one shot without even flinching. How can someone have so much power like that?! And Ojiro is going to have to face that?! I feel sorry for him." Denki exclaimed as he thought that there was no way in hell that Todoroki could lose.

Monoma for once nodded in agreement. "He's a true prodigy and to think that up until now he's only been using his right side of his Quirk. Just imagine how powerful he is at full power..." Everyone shuddered at the thought.

"Just what you would expect from the son of the Number Two Hero." Awase added.

"It ended up being a Class A paradise, huh? Damn it! Why do they have students with such overpowered Quirks?! Did you see the fight between Midoriya and Bakugo? That shit was crazy, man! They blew up the entire ring! I'm telling you, Todoroki, Midoriya and Bakugo, these guys are monsters! It's so unfair!" Tetsutetsu cried out in frustration as everyone nodded in agreement. They all thought that compared to those three they were nothing. Their Quirks were just far above.

On the top of a building, Stain was staring at the police men who were investigating the alleyway where Tensei has been attacked, while the medics left with his body in the ambulance. "You guys haven't even noticed, this warped society covered with hypocrisy and vanity. To all who are called Heroes... I will make you notice." Stain said to no one but himself, before he sensed an ominous presence behind him and without hesitation pointed his sword at it. It was none other than the warp gate villain Kurogiri.

Kurogiri was about to say something but was taken by surprise once he saw Stain's eyes. His eyes... They're the same as that Midoriya kid we fought at the USJ.

"Are you going to speak or should I just kill you?" Stain asked as his Sharingan was filled with hatred and coldness.

Realizing that it would definitely be better not to anger this Villain, Kurogiri decided to speak. "Please stay calm, we are of the same mind. I have been looking for you, Hero Killer Stain. I have heard of your notoriety and wanted to meet you. May I have a moment of your time?" The Warp Villain asked before Stain moved his sword away, he was a bit interested by Kurogiri's offer. However, this didn't mean that he'll drop his guard down.

"Lead the way." He ordered.



Shoto will fight Kendo-sensei's student, huh? This could be an interesting match. Endeavor thought as he watched the two boys from the stands.

"You two already are familiar with the rules, right?" Midnight asked to which the boys gave a nod. She then cracked her whip, "Start!"

"I knew that sooner or later we would've to meet and I'm glad to know that this time is now." Ojiro said while Shoto looked at him with his indifferent look, before he launched an ice glacier towards Ojiro.

Thankfully, Ojiro quickly dodged Shoto's signature move with a sidestep, before destroying any ice pieces coming towards him with numerous punches and kicks. "Why are you in such a hurry?" He sarcastically asked. "Because if you think that you're the one who'll get to fight Midoriya in the finals, then you're deadly wrong!" He shouted before attempting to hit Shoto with a roundhouse kick, which was easily blocked by his opponent's ice wall, forcing Ojiro to take a step back.

"Stay on your toes, Ojiro..." Daisuke muttered to himself.

So, he can shape and use his ice to defend too, huh? It will not be easy getting through that, but nothing ventured nothing gained! Ojiro said in his head as he dashed over his opponent and tried to deliver another kick, which was once again blocked by the ice. However, this time Ojiro didn't wait for another second before hitting the ice wall with his tail and breaking it.

Shoto was taken back by surprise. He didn't expect Ojiro to break his ice wall like that and unluckily for him Ojiro wasn't giving him a moment to think as his earlier attack was followed by a kick. However, at the last second Shoto managed to rebuild his ice wall and protected himself from the devastating kick.

Although, Ojiro wasn't so nice to give Shoto a moment of rest, as he started to hit the ice wall with numerous punches. Unfortunately for him, it was a trap. Once he destroyed the ice wall, he was met by an ice glacier, directed at him, but much smaller than the first one. So, Ojiro had no option but to jump backwards and fall back. Something he didn't like considering he was much better when it came to close-range fights.

"Even as fast as he is, Ojiro can't get close to Todoroki." Itsuka voiced everyone's thoughts.

"He's doing much better than we thought though, Ribbit." Tsuyu commented.

"I'm sorry but if that's all you've got then it's obvious that I'm the one who'll meet Midoriya in the final round." Shoto pointed out with his usual monotone voice. He then launched another ice attack much faster than any attack he launched earlier, before it hit Ojiro and knocked him away. He was sent flying over the arena before he slammed into the wall. However, this wasn't the end, as Shoto launched yet another ice attack to immobilize Ojiro and win the match.

Luckily for Ojiro, he managed to get up again and dodge the attack with a sidestep, before running at top speed towards Shoto with an attempt to punch him. But he was met with the same results as another ice wall popped out. However, he expected this so he quickly moved around Shoto and faced his left side. Shoto was shocked for a moment as he saw the incoming punch, so this time he had to take a step back and launch an ice glacier and once again, Ojiro was knocked away.

"Man, he almost had him!" Kirishima commented.

Ojiro tried to get up again, only to find his legs frozen to the ground.

"It was a good fight, but I think that now is a good time to end this." Shoto said as he decided to finish this off with one last ice glacier.

Everyone thought that this was the end for the blonde martial artist, as this match easily showed the difference between their Quirks' powers. Compared to someone who was blessed with a combined Quirk like Shoto, Ojiro had nothing. However, everyone was soon surprised as Ojiro managed to free himself and jumped high in the air, landing on the letter A of UA.

You know Ojiro, they're not wrong when they say that you have no talent whatsoever, but we both know that you're not that hopeless kid I found years ago, don't we? Daisuke mentally thought with a smirk.

I didn't want to take these off until my fight with Midoriya but I guess I have no choice now. Ojiro though. "Todoroki, just wait a second. I have something to do." Ojiro said as he began to take off something. Shoto looked rather curiously at his opponent as he had no idea what he was doing. Well, he wasn't the only one, considering that the whole crowd were equally confused.

"What is Tails doing?" Bakugo asked Izuku in the infirmary.

"He's revealing his trump card." Izuku simply replied with a smirk, while Bakugo looked confused.

"Wait a second? Are those..." Denki tried to figure out what was Ojiro taking off.

"Legs and hands weights!" Momo shouted as everyone looked at her with wide eyes.

"SO MANLY!" Both Kirishima and Tetsutetsu yelled.

"Ah, that is better. Now I'll be able to move freely!" Ojiro happily exclaimed as he finally got rid of the extra weight he had.

"OJIRO IS TAKING OFF SOME... TRAINING WEIGHTS, I THINK. LET'S S-" Present Mic began but was quickly interrupted.

Once the weights hit the ground, there was a loud BOOM, before dust filled the area, leaving a very shocked crowd including Shoto who's eyes widened.

"WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT? OI, OI, OI, WHAT WERE YOU WEARING KID?!" Present Mic cried out. He was so shocked that his glasses were only hanging on one of his ears.

How heavy are these training weights? Shoto mentally asked.

Those geezers never fail to amaze me with their training methods. Endeavor said in his mind.

"I knew he was wearing his training weights but never did I imagine them to be this heavy!" Aizawa exclaimed with visible shock too.

Hmph, and they call me the sadistic teacher. Kurogane sarcastically thought.

"ALRIGHT, NOW GO OJIRO!" Daisuke cheered for his student.

*Music: Beautiful Green Wild Beast -Naruto OST 3*

Upon hearing the voice of his sensei, Ojiro became more fired up. "YES SIR!" He yelled, before he vanished in thin air. The next time he appeared he was behind Shoto, who tried to quickly defend himself with an ice shield, but Ojiro's punch was fast and strong enough to shatter it. The next thing Shoto knew, was a fist hitting him right in the face and knocking him away. His body kept skidding and rolling on the ground until he cushioned himself with his ice.

Shoto managed to stand up again only to see Ojiro closing up on him. He quickly created ice spikes in front of himself to slow down Ojiro but the latter was already behind Shoto. He swung his tail before smacking Shoto away.

"When I first started to train Ojiro, I knew that his Quirk didn't have so much potential. So, we decided to focus on something else. We decided to focus on developing his martial arts skills and implement the use of his tail in it, to serve as an extra limb. That way, we turned his disadvantage into a blessing. And with the new training method we worked on for three months now, Ojiro transformed himself into one of the greatest martial artists." Daisuke explained to his two friends who were quite surprised by Ojiro's performance.

"Amazing, he's so fast!" Sero commented and voiced everyone's thoughts.

"He's even faster than Iida and Deku!" Ochaco added.

"Todoroki can't even defend himself!" Kaminari exclaimed in awe.

"WOW! THAT'S AMAZING! SO, THIS IS MASHIRAO OJIRO'S FULL POWER! UNBELIEVABLE, HE'S MOVING TOO FAST THAT ONE COULD SAY HE HAS A SPEED QUIRK! IS THIS THE END FOR TODOROKI?!" Present Mic cried out as the crowd cheered loudly for Ojiro, who just delivered a devastating kick, sending Shoto to the other side of the arena.

Ojiro smirked and kept his fighting stance as he knew that the match wasn't over yet. True to his thoughts, Shoto managed to get up launch one of his giant ice glaciers, but Ojiro ran towards it. Shoto looked as the ice glacier was about to hit Ojiro, but the latter disappeared thanks to his blinding speed.

"Over here!" Ojiro said as Shoto looked behind him only to find nothing. "No here!" He added and once again Shoto had to look elsewhere only to be hit by a solid punch from Ojiro right in the face, knocking him away.

"That's fucking awesome! I've never seen anyone move that fast!" Tetsutetsu pointed out. He was more than amazed by Ojiro's performance.

"It seems like we underestimated him." Monoma stated the obvious as everyone nodded in agreement. I guess I should've expected this from someone who Midoriya respects and acknowledges as his rival. He mentally told himself.

I wonder what kind of training he did with Grandpa? Itsuka mentally asked, as she couldn't even imagine the amount of effort Ojiro had to put in his training to get this strong.

"Man, it really makes me dizzy trying to keep track of him." Denki commented.

"Can't say you're a dumbass for this one." Jiro replied.

"HAHAHA, CAN YOU SEE THIS DEKU? HE'S BEATING THE SHIT OUT OF HALF AND HALF BASTARD!" Bakugo said as he was laughing like a maniac, clearly enjoying what he was watching from the monitor.

"See, I told you that Ojiro wasn't the kind of person who would make it this far only to lose." Izuku replied.

"If you want to defeat me then you better use your fire and fight me at full power." Ojiro said as he didn't like the fact that he was giving it his all while Shoto was holding back.

Shoto began to slowly stand up again with a scowl on his face. The idea of using his left side made his blood boil with anger. "I will never use my left side in battle, you hear this? I will never use that bastard's power!"

"Very well, then it's time to end this. So, get ready." Ojiro said as he ran at top speed around Shoto, making it hard for the latter to track his movements.

"What are you waiting for?" Shoto asked in frustration. He was waiting for the moment when Ojiro would stop to freeze the area around him and trap him.

"Okay you asked for it!" Ojiro replied as he appeared out of nowhere and kicked Shoto right in the chin, sending him high in the air. I wanted to use this move against you Midoriya, but it seems that just like you I'll have to reveal all my cards. He thought as he jumped and started to hit Shoto right in the guts with multiple kicks and smacks from his tail, sending the bi color hair teen even higher.

"What an incredible series of attacks." Aizawa commented as he watched his student.

Ojiro then adjusted himself in the air and wrapped his tail around Shoto, restraining him as they started to go down in a spin motion.

"Shadow Of The Dancing Leaf!"

Ojiro shouted before they hit the ground with a destructive force. Ojiro managed to back off with a backflip and land safely on the ground, while Shoto's body was lying in a small crater.


"I can't believe this... Ojiro defeated Todoroki..." Kirishima exclaimed with visible shock.

"Come on Shoto, you can't lose like that." Endeavor murmured to himself and clenched the fence he was holding with his hands.

Normally, the Shadow Of The Dancing Leaf is a move that puts a great strain on a person's body, but since Ojiro is blessed with an extra limb to help him perform the move, the strain on his body is far less than normal. Daisuke thought as he stared at his pupil who was panting. Well, it was normal to be tired after a match like that.

Midnight approached Shoto's body to check on him only to see his body crumbling, no it was shattering like... ice. Everyone was confused, some were even panicking. No one understood what was happening including Endeavor. Not until Shoto landed safely on the ground using his ice.

"What? What is this?" Ojiro asked with a frown.

"This is simply an ice clone... You thought that I am at my best when I use both my ice and fire, but you're wrong. The power of my right side is much stronger than you think, than he thinks! As expected of the son of Endeavor. Look it's the son of Endeavor, he must be powerful like him. He has the blood of the Number Two Hero in him. I'm sick and tired of hearing this bullshit since this morning. However, now it's the time to show you, to show them all, that I have already surpassed my shitty old man with my right side, not his weak and useless left side! You wanted to see my full power, right? Very well, prepare yourself then." Shoto replied as Ojiro stared at him in shock. He thought he knew everything he needed about Shoto's Quirk but now the bi color hair teen was saying that he has other abilities.

"But how? When did you switch your body with the clone?" Ojiro questioned.

"When you readjusted yourself to bind me with your tail. You turned your back on me for a second and that mistake will cost you dearly." Shoto simply answered as he focused into the power of his Quirk and summoned three more ice clones. Everyone gasped in shock as they saw four Shotos full of life. They couldn't understand or comprehend how such thing was even possible.


"I don't know. I don't understand anything either." Aizawa simply replied. What is wrong with Midoriya's and Todoroki's Quirks? They're both manifesting abilities that should not be normal for their Quirks.

This is weird. I never saw him use these abilities when we trained at home. Yet again, it's not like he doesn't keep secrets away from me, but still, I never knew he could do that with his ice. Endeavor mentally told himself as he observed his son, realizing how far he went so that he could never rely on his fire side.

"Poor Ojiro, not only is he facing four opponents but they're all Todorokis." Tsuyu commented as everyone nodded in agreement.

The four Shotos let out a breath as they stared at their opponents for a moment. The four of them launched multiple ice glaciers at Ojiro, who had no option but to jump high in the air. However, the four Shotos quickly followed him as two of them shot some ice spikes at Ojiro, while the other two launched ice attacks. The four of them then looked at Ojiro whose body was forced to go back to the arena with a loud thud, making everyone cringe as he screamed in agony from both the pain and frostbites.

The four Shotos landed back safely using their ice before they got closer to Ojiro. "You've done well Ojiro. You proved yourself to be a strong opponent, but you better give up now. I don't want to resort to brutal methods to knock you unconscious, but I will if I have to win." The four Shotos said in unison.

"Ojiro" Daisuke looked at his poor pupil who was shivering from the frostbites and in pain. He was helpless.

"I-I..." Ojiro began, but his thoughts drifted to his past memories.

Flashback To Three Years Ago:

"Alright kids you can introduce yourselves, tell us about your Quirk and your future dream." A female teacher said as this was the first day of middle school.

Many students started to introduce themselves, some of them stated their hobbies and what they like, some of them focused on their dreams. This went on and on until the last blonde student who had to introduce himself.

"I'm Mashirao Ojiro, it's nice to meet you all." He greeted them with a bow. "Let's see, my Quirk is my tail... and I want to become a Hero!" He exclaimed with enthusiasm as he raised his fist as high as he can, only to be met with silence and soon after, laughter.

"-Hahaha Seriously?! A Hero with just a tail!" One of the kids shouted.

"-What are you gonna do?! Bounce on it!" Another kid shouted.

"-You're just as good as a Quirkless person!"

And the comments went on as multiple kids made fun of Kid Ojiro and his Quirk. Ojiro looked down in embarrassment before he went back to his seat. He didn't understand why the kids were making fun of him and it made him really sad. However, things got worse in PE class.

The students were running around the soccer field to warm up. That's when the comments started again.

"-Hahaha dummy, say again that you want to be a Hero." One of the kids said.

"Will do!" Kid Ojiro replied as everyone laughed.

"-There's no way a kid with a pathetic Quirk like yours could become a Hero." The same kid pointed out.

"Yes, I can!" Kid Ojiro replied.

"-Hey, do you know what everyone here is calling you?" Another kid said as Ojiro put his hands on his ears.

"Little Monkey!"

"Little Monkey!"

"Little Monkey!"

Multiple students repeated and it was evident that Ojiro was able to hear them by the frown on his face.

Once the day was done, Ojiro quickly left and went to the park where he loved to sit by the lake and enjoy the view. However, this time he was crying until a certain old man heard him.

"Mhm, what's wrong young boy? Why are you crying?" Daisuke said as he sat beside Kid Ojiro.

"People at school are making fun of me. They say I have a useless Quirk and that I can't become a Hero." He explained as he sniffed.

"I see, and what do you think?" Daisuke asked.

"I think that even if you don't have a flashy Quirk, you could still become a Hero through hard work." He replied and even though he was crying, Daisuke was able to see the determination the kid held in his eyes. Something that reminded him of himself.

"I agree, but let me say that it needs more than hard work. It needs extra hard work." He said as he looked at the kid with a smile. He then stood up and said one last thing before going away. "If you want a head start then meet me here tomorrow at the same time."

In the end, Kid Ojiro accepted Daisuke's offer and started to learn Muay Thai in the Kendo Dojo. But Ojiro was really talentless and wasn't really making the progress one would expect of him, as different memories with Ojiro getting beaten were shown.

"You were the worst student I ever had, but you're also the best and that's because you never gave up." Daisuke murmured to himself as memories came to his mind.






"Fifty-aaghh" Ojiro fell on the ground from exhaustion. "If I can't do a hundred pushups then I have to do two hundred sit ups." He said before he rolled on his back and began to count.




Ojiro continued his training as Daisuke kept an eye on him. 'Well, it's time to tutor the other students but I'll come back and see how he's doing later.' He thought.

After a while later, Daisuke came back only to see Ojiro still training. 'He's still at it!'

"One hundred and twenty-one"

"One hundred and twenty-two"

"One hundred and twenty-three"

"One hundred and twenty-four"

"One hundred and twenty-five"

"One hundred and twenty-six"

"One hundred and twenty-aaghh" Kid Ojiro couldn't do anymore sit ups. "If I can't do two hundred sit ups then I have to do one hundred and fifty kicks." He said to himself as he began to throw some kicks and count again as Daisuke watched him from a distance.

However, with all the hard work Ojiro put in his training it was no use. He was still losing to the other kids. He truly had no talent or so he thought.

A Year Later:

One day in the park, as Daisuke was going home, he heard a familiar voice and decided to check it out, only to see Ojiro doing squats.

"Four hundred and thirty-one"

"Four hundred and thirty-two"

"Four hundred and thirty-three"

"Four hundred and thirty-four"

"Four hundred and thirty-five" Ojiro counted but this was his last count as he fell on his back from exhaustion and for the second time in his life Daisuke saw Ojiro crying.

"Ojiro" Daisuke called his pupil's name as he approached him. "Taking a break already?"

"What is it, Kendo-sensei?" Ojiro asked as he got up and tried to hide his tears, before he started to throw some punches.

"Ojiro, it's true that you're different from the others. You don't have a flashy Quirk and your martial arts skills need work. But then again, you have a gift that only you have, not as flashy but perhaps even more important." The older man exclaimed.

"You do not have to make me feel better." Ojiro replied.

"You idiot, you think I'll waste my time with that. No, all I'm saying is that you have the gift of perseverance. A gift that no one has except for you and it's the same one that makes you a prodigy." Daisuke said as he knew better than anyone where hard work could lead you.

"But is that true sensei? I wonder... I used to think so, I used to believe that if I trained harder, I would make myself strong enough. But now I'm not so sure, I don't know if I will ever be able to work hard enough to beat real talent, to be a Hero. I don't know if I can take it anymore. Sometimes I feel like the whole thing is pointless, like I'm a loser and will always be a loser!" Ojiro cried as he could no longer hold back his tears. "I do not know what to do."

"You're right. All the effort is pointless, if you don't believe in yourself..." Daisuke sternly said to a shocked Kid Ojiro. "And remember that when there's a will, there will always be a way."

Later on, Daisuke and Ojiro sat together by the lake under the bright stars that shone in the dark sky.

"You know Ojiro, we're a lot alike you and I." Daisuke pointed out.

"What do you mean?" The younger kid asked.

"Well, you see, I was a loser too once."

"What?!" Ojiro was taken back by surprise. "You? A loser?!"

"Oh yes indeed. After all, I only have my big fists and big feet. And just like they called you Little Monkey, they called me Big Foot. However, I didn't let this stop me and worked hard enough to find a way for me to use my Quirk effectively and became one of the firsts Top Heroes Japan has ever seen. That way was through Muay Thai."

"Wow, you were one of the Top Heroes. Amazing! You must be so strong Kendo-sensei!"

"Well, I'm an old man now, so I'm not as strong as before, but I became a Top Hero through effort. You say you want to show the world that you can become a splendid Hero without a flashy Quirk. Well, I think that's a fine goal. As fine a goal as I ever heard and one worth sticking too. Don't let anything stir you off the path you've drawn for yourself. Forge ahead to the end. Stick to it Ojiro, make me proud. Be anything you could be. Will you do that for me, Ojiro?" Daisuke asked as he patted Ojiro's head.

"Yes Sir!" Ojiro replied as he sobbed.

Back To The Present:

Ojiro stood up again before his eyes met Daisuke's. Thank you, Kendo-sensei! Ojiro though as he teared up. I will forge ahead, follow my path to the end and become the Hero I know I can be.

"Go, Ojiro! You could win! Keep it up!" Ojiro heard the voice of none other than Shinso.

"Show him how manly you are!" Kirishima shouted.

"Yeah, show him what you're made of!" Awase yelled.

Many students from Class A and B began to cheer for Ojiro, telling him not to give up and to give everything he has in this battle. This encouragement only helped to steel his resolve.

*Music: Naruto OST -The Raising Fighting Spirit*

"I won't give up because today I'll show the world that even if you don't have a flashy Quirk, even if you don't have any talent, that with enough hard work, you could still become a Hero! Because that is my Hero Way!" Ojiro shouted as he moved at top speed and hit the four Shotos with blinding speed, only leaving the real one to deal with as the other ones shattered. "Even if they are your clones, they're weaker than the original." He stated. "So, hurry up and use your fire!"

Everyone gasped in shock once again and Shoto's eyes widened, before rage started to consume him. He launched an ice glacier towards Ojiro, but the latter swiftly dodged it.

"That last attack was weaker than before. Your Quirk is backfiring. You're getting frostbites all over your body, so use your flames and fight me at full power!" Ojiro shouted as he ran towards Shoto and delivered a powerful kick, sending the boy flying away.

Shoto gritted his teeth and used his ice to maneuver and move around the arena.

He kept launching one ice attack after the other while sliding on his ice, but Ojiro dodged every one of them easily. Then, Ojiro suddenly appeared in front of Shoto and punched him in the guts.

"Muay Thai first stance: White Tiger!"

Ojiro then landed a devastating roundhouse kick to Shoto's ribs.

"Muay Thai second stance: Dark Snake!"

Not giving Shoto a moment to rest, Ojiro jumped forward and punched him with a solid fist, right in the face.

"Muay Thai third stance: Yellow Dragon!"

Finally, Ojiro grabbed Shoto's neck with his tail before he could hit the ground and began to perform a front flip.

"And finally, Ojiro's original Muay Thai stance: White Monkey's-

He yelled as he lifted Shoto upwards and slammed him into the ground with a destructive force.


Shoto slammed into the ground with a loud thud as a crater formed underneath him. The dust filled the area but quickly settled, before revealing Ojiro, who was kneeling on one knee as he panted heavily beside the limp body of Shoto.

Silence filled the air for a moment as everyone were anxious to see the result. Did Ojiro win? Is it finally over? These were the common thoughts everyone had.

"I-Is it over?" Ojiro asked himself before he felt the sudden drop in temperature. He then looked around him and saw what looked like multiple ice mirrors forming around him and trapping him. Knowing with every fiber in his body that this couldn't be something good, he turned around to look at Shoto, who apparently was crawling to one of the mirrors. The frostbites and the injuries he sustained made it really hard for him to move.

"I already told you, I'll win without using my left side!" Shoto growled as his hand entered the mirror.

"I won't let you!" Ojiro shouted. He knew that whatever Shoto was planning couldn't be good for him. He stood up again and began to run towards Shoto to prevent him from entering the ice mirror. However, before he could grab his leg, Shoto was already in the mirror.

"It's over Ojiro..." Shoto coldly said as each mirror showed a reflection of him. The next moment was the worst thing that happened to Ojiro today, as he saw the multiple reflections of Shoto throwing ice spikes at him, before they pierced his body. He didn't know where they came from and couldn't move as fast as before to dodge the attack.

"Aaghh" Ojiro spat some blood. His legs were shaking and couldn't hold his weight any longer as each one was pierced with an ice spike. I have to escape! He said in his mind. He tried to run and punch one of the ice mirrors but it didn't break. He followed with multiple punches and kicks but to no avail.

"Give up Ojiro, you've lost." Shoto pointed out and honestly, looking at Ojiro's state anyone would say the same. He was covered in blood and was injured all over his body. It didn't it make it any better that he was covered with more frostbites than before.

"I can still go on... I will never give up..." He replied as he hit the ice mirror with a smack from his tail, but proved to be pointless. "I'm going to make you use your full power... and then I'll beat you... Then... then I'll finally prove to everyone that... that you don't need a flashy Quirk to be a Hero! Because that's my goal! My Hero Way!" He yelled.

Unfortunately for Ojiro, this only made Shoto angrier than before. "And how are you going to do that, when you can't even beat me when I'm using my ice!" He shouted as the reflections showed Shoto launching an ice attack towards Ojiro, who took the heavy impact and got slammed into one of the mirrors with a loud thud, before he fell on the ground.

Shoto then got out of the ice mirror, looking awful as the frostbites were really doing a number on his body. Although, it didn't stop him from undoing the ice mirrors technique. He then collapsed on the floor and panted for a moment, while looking at Ojiro's unconscious body. However, he never expected to see Ojiro getting up again, shocking the entire crowd.

"After all that he shouldn't be able to move, let alone stand up." Aizawa pointed out as his eyes widened.


"No wait a second..." Aizawa said.

Midnight got closer to the two boys and was surprised to see Ojiro out cold. "Ojiro is unconscious, Todoroki wins and advances to the final round!" Midnight announced, but silence filled the arena.

This sight was enough for Daisuke to tear up. "He's out cold, nothing keeping him up but sheer will power. Ojiro, you fought to the last moment, determined to show the world what you can do." Daisuke exclaimed, before people started to stand up and clap their hands and cheer for Ojiro.

"You're so manly Ojiro!" Both Kirishima and Tetsutetsu shouted as their manly tears ran down their cheeks.

"Mashirao Ojiro, you're definitely something else and I can openly admit that I'm nothing compared to you. Today, you and Midoriya showed me the errors of my way." Shinso commented as he looked at the other teenager.

"-Although his opponent has a much stronger Quirk than his, he put out a great fight. He was simply amazing." One of the Pro Heroes said.

"-Yeah, I have no doubt that this kid will be a great Hero someday." Another added.

"-I'm definitely going to send him an internship." Another exclaimed.

Daisuke was taken back by surprise by this as he watched everyone including the teachers, students and Pro Heroes cheer for Ojiro. The boy with a tail for a Quirk managed to gain the respect of everyone. No one can dare say that Ojiro isn't strong. The old sensei wasn't sad anymore, the tears that fell from his eyes were tears of happiness. "You see this Ojiro, you did it. You proved to the world your point, you showed them your Hero Way. I'm so proud of you."

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